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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 3

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

“Don’t be so surprised... You have to know how beautiful you are, how beautiful you’ve always been.” I take notice of how he changed his words.

  Earlier, he told me I looked beautiful, now he simply states that I am. My cheeks heat, feeling like they are on fire, and I’m pretty sure they match the color as well.

  The elevator door dings open, but Carter doesn’t make a move to get out. Instead, he just gazes at me. His eyes bleeding into mine as if he is trying to solve a puzzle, but beyond that, there is a sweetness in those green depths, an admiration of sorts. Like I’m somehow important to him. But in my eyes, there is no way that can be true. He didn’t want me then, so why does he want me now?

  Pushing my feelings for him to the side, I know what I have to do.

  Chapter Six


  I’m completely enthralled by her, drawn to her in every way. She is the moon, and I am the Earth, together we belong in the same space moving in synchrony.

  I want to tell her how I feel about her, how I always felt, but not now. Right now, I need Daisy naked and sprawled out in my bed. My wildest wet teenage dreams are about to come true. Realizing that we are still standing in the elevator, I spring into action and pull her out into the hall. Tugging her down the hall, I stop once we reach my room. With sweaty palms, I slide the key card through the reader and push the door open, stepping into the large luxury suite.

  Looking at her over my shoulder, I can see a trickle of worry in her blue eyes, and I need to make sure she’s okay, make sure this is really what she wants.

  “Are you sure about this? We don’t have to—”

  “I want to...” She interrupts me.

  “Want to?” I urge her to say it out loud. Need her to say it out loud.

  “Sleep with you,” she bats her eyes, the words falling from her lips on a whisper, and that’s all the fucking invitation I need.

  Walking further inside, I watch as she enters the suite. She walks past me, and my eyes drift down to her perfect ass, my mouth waters with each and every step she takes.

  Her dress is sculpted to her body, looking divine on her, but it’s going to look even better on the floor.

  “Do you want a drink?” I ask, unsure if I should offer one or not.

  “No,” she almost yells, turning to face me. Her features soften, “No alcohol. Nothing that could mess with my head,” she adds in a whisper. Part of me wants her to elaborate on that, but the other part, the part that is winning, just wants her to get naked, so I can worship her body.

  “Whatever you want,” I unbutton my jacket and slip out of it, tossing it onto a nearby chair. Then I start on my shirt, undoing each button. I can feel Daisy’s eyes on me, and when I glance up at her, I find her standing there watching me like I’m a lion that’s about to pounce.

  When my shirt is undone, I shrug out of it and hang it over the back of the chair. Turning back to her, I catch her staring at my bare chiseled chest. Smirking, I stalk toward her, and her eyes snap up to mine. Lust swirls around in her blue globes, mirroring my own perfectly.

  I can’t wait any longer, I need to taste her, feel her. I close the space between us and crash my lips onto hers. My hands find her hips, pulling her closer, and I press my groin into her, letting her know how hard I am for her. Her arms snake around my neck, and she deepens the kiss. There is nothing like kissing her, and I wish I had been smart enough years ago to claim her because this whole time, I could’ve been enjoying her kisses.

  Her lips part, and I take that as an invitation, letting my tongue slip inside and explore the wetness of her mouth. Our tongues collide, and she moans into my mouth. I swallow that moan, letting it vibrate through my whole body.

  Fuck, she’s like a drug I’ll never be able to get enough of.

  My hands roam her body freely before I find the small zipper at the back of her dress. Slowly, I pull it down, and she breaks the kiss just long enough to shimmy out of the dress. Full perfect tits come into view, and I almost come in my pants. Her nipples are the prettiest shade of pink, perfectly round and already hard, begging to be played with and sucked on.

  The royal blue dress falls to the ground, leaving her in nothing but a pair of silky lace panties that match the blue of her dress.

  Unable to stay in my dress slacks any longer, I undo the button and push them down, along with my boxers. My cock springs free, and a gasp escapes Daisy’s pouty, oh, so kissable lips. When I’m completely naked, I step into her once more, pressing my body against hers. I place my hands on her ass and lift her up.

  She shrieks and grabs onto me like a baby monkey, her legs wrapping around my torso and her arms around my neck. I can’t deny how good she feels in my arms. Like she was made to be there.

  I carry her into the bedroom and gently lay her on the king-sized bed. For one brief moment, I pause, letting myself enjoy how fucking perfect she looks. So beautiful, so sexy and yet, innocent at the same time. Maybe a little too innocent? That thought worries me a bit, and I feel compelled to make sure this isn’t her first time.

  “You’ve done this before, right?” I ask carefully, my eyes trained on her face.

  “Yes,” she smiles softly. “You won’t be deflowering me today. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m glad this isn’t your first time because that means I can fuck you the way I want, and I don’t have to go slow. Which honestly, I don’t know if I could physically do right now. I want you so fucking bad, slow isn’t an option.”

  “Then have me.” She bites at her bottom lip seductively, and that’s when my last bit of restraint snaps apart. Unable to control myself, I reach for her, grabbing onto her panties, and rip them clean off. The flimsy piece of fabric gives way easily. With it gone, her pussy comes into view, and my mouth waters at the sight of her glistening folds. Fuck me, I have to taste her.

  Grabbing the back of her thighs, I spread her legs apart, pushing them up to her chest and bury my face between them. Her sweet scent fills my nostrils, and a primal growl rumbles from deep within my chest.

  I drag my tongue through her folds, and her whole body shudders. When I get to the small bundle of nerves hidden beneath, she lets out a loud moan that has a direct line to my cock.

  “Oh, god,” she moans and snakes a hand around her legs, sinking her fingers into my hair. Her touch only encourages me more, and I flick my tongue against the tight little bud until she is a withering mess, her pink pussy gushing against my mouth.

  All I can taste is her sweet release, and I lap it up, devouring every drop she gives me. After I’ve licked her completely clean, I pull back and enter her with two fingers, watching as they disappear inside her snug channel.

  “You’re so tight... so fucking perfect. I’m pretty sure you were made for me.”

  Daisy mewls against the sheets, her eyes are lust-filled, and her cheeks are heated. I can’t stop myself from looking at her breasts, so full, and mine, all fucking mine. Gently, I continue to finger her, stretching her, preparing her for my cock. When I start to feel her clench around my fingers, I pull out and wedge my massive frame between her legs. Blanketing her body with my own, I press my lips against hers and my length against her entrance.

  I’m seconds away from slamming home when I realize something...

  “Wait, what about a condom?” Shit, I really don’t want to put one on. Not when I want to feel every clench and every pulse, but if I have to, I will.

  “I’m on birth control, you don’t have to use one.”

  “Thank fuck!”

  Daisy makes my entire day with that response, and I kiss her a little harder, thankful that I’ll be able to feel her fall apart all around me without a single thing between us.

  Lifting her by the ass, I hitch one leg over my hip and guide my cock to her entrance. As I sink into her, my eyes roll to the back of my head, and my entire body starts to tremble. Tight, so fucking tight, and perfect, our bodies fit together like two missing puzzle pieces. I don’t stop until my balls press ag
ainst her ass. Opening my eyes, I peer down at her and notice the fire flickering in her eyes.

  She’s burning with need, and I’m the only one who can extinguish the fire. Feeling my resolve slip, I slide a hand beneath her head and guide her forward. My lips crash into hers with bruising force, and I pull out of her tightness before slamming back inside. Like a siren, she calls to me, and I can’t get enough.

  Upping my pace, I fuck her without care, without restraint. Each thrust brings me closer to the edge, and I drag her right along with me.

  Pressing my forehead against hers, I stare into her eyes, listening to her pants and the sound of our bodies coming together.

  “Mine, you’re mine, Daisy...” I growl, thrusting deeper, wanting to embed myself deep inside of her.

  “Carter,” she pants and bites her bottom lip to stop what I assume is a moan of pleasure from coming out, but I want to hear her, feel her. I never want to forget this moment between us.

  “I want to hear you, don’t be shy, baby. Scream my name, moan, do whatever you want...” As soon as I say something, her hands, which are on my shoulders, grip onto me tighter. Tiny little nails sink into my flesh, and I revel in the pain.

  Fuck, I haven’t felt anything like this before...

  “I need you to come because I’m going to explode soon,” I huff, feeling the pleasure in my balls build with every hard thrust.

  “Close, so close.” She squeezes her eyes shut, and after a few more strokes, she starts to fall apart around me, her channel squeezing my cock so painfully, I can barely move inside of her. Pleasure zings through me, and her release brings on my own.

  With a roar, I bury my head into the crook of her neck and explode deep inside of her. I feel every sticky drop of my release as it fills her to the brim, some even dripping down my cock and balls. And as I slump against her sweat clad body, I wish like hell she wasn’t on birth control.

  I wish I could fill her with my seed and make it stick. That I could give her a baby, and tie her to me for life.

  Chapter Seven


  Tightening his arms around me, he tucks my naked body into his chest and inhales deeply. His face is buried in the crook of my neck, and every time he breathes, it tickles. If I was in a better mood, I might even giggle.

  “That was amazing... you’re amazing,” he murmurs against my skin, making me feel even worse. Yes, it was amazing, but now guilt is starting to set in. This would be so much easier if he’d tossed me to the side after sex.

  Which is what I kind of thought he would do. I thought he would just try to get in my pants, and once he got what he wanted, he would give me the cold shoulder again. It would make all of this so much easier, but... I was wrong.

  Sex with him wasn’t anything like I expected it to be. I’ve only had one other sexual encounter, which is the one that left me pregnant. But my first time was anything but romantic or passionate. Not like what I’ve just experienced with Carter. There are no real words to describe the way I felt as I fell apart in his arms.

  “You okay?” he asks, concern lacing his words, only reminding me further about how wrong this is. I can’t do this. I can’t use him. Before, maybe I could’ve, but now, no way. I’ll need to find another way to escape my father because using Carter isn’t an option.

  “Yes, I just... I didn’t expect it to feel like this,” I admit shamefully.

  “Like what?”

  “So nice... so intimate.”

  “What did you expect?” He sounds genuinely surprised.

  “Honestly? I figured you were just trying to get your dick wet and would probably throw me out as soon as we were done.”

  His body stiffens behind mine, and the next thing I know, he’s turning me in his hold, stopping only once I face him.

  “Daisy, I would never do that to you. I’ve wanted you for a long time... and now that I have you, all I want is to have you again and again.” His confession shocks the hell out of me. He can’t really mean that. All I can think about is the past, how he never stuck up for me, how he never really wanted me then.

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “I absolutely do. I want you, and I want to know everything about you. Everything I don’t know yet. For starters, I want you to tell me what’s going on with your father, and if I can help you in any way.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t.” He pins me with a dark look. “I’m not stupid. Something is going on. Why are you scared of your father, and why are you so different now? Did something happen to you when you were younger? Talk to me, please...”

  For a long moment, I consider telling him everything. Telling him about the drugs, about my father controlling me, about my suspicions of my dad drugging my mother. Everything is on the tip of my tongue, leaving a bad taste behind, but I can’t bring myself to let all the secrets out.

  Before I can stop the emotions from showing, big fat tears slip from my eyes and roll down my cheeks, leaving wet, cool tracks on my still heated skin. I close my eyes and try to turn my face into the pillow, but Carter doesn’t allow it. His hand comes up to cradle my cheek, holding me in place.

  “Please don’t cry, I can’t stand to see you cry,” he tries to soothe me, but it does the opposite because it reminds me that he is a liar. Because he’s seen me cry before, and he did nothing. He just stood there like a coward and did nothing.

  “Are you crying, Crazy Daisy?” One of the girls cackles. I shake my head, willing the stupid tears back into the corner of my eyes, but it’s no help. I can’t stop them from falling, any more than I can stop these people from bullying me.

  “Oh, god, what a drama queen,” the guy next to her sneers.

  I’m on my knees, picking up the food I spilled on the floor as quickly as I can, but still, every second feels like an eternity. Like a group of hyenas, the popular kids stand around me, laughing at me like I’m a sideshow act.

  Just when I’m done gathering all the peas up in my hand and putting it on the tray, someone throws another handful of the green vegetable at me. I look up at the person who threw the peas at me. It’s one of the girls. She has long blonde hair and model-like features, and if she wasn’t such a bitch, I would probably envy her, in a way.

  She laughs at me, pointing her finger as if everybody wasn’t already looking at me.

  “Isn’t that hilarious, Carter?” She loops her arm into Carter’s and looks up at him with a smile on her face. I’m not sure why I do it, but I chance looking up at Carter, and for a split second, I think he is going to say something to defend me.

  His expression is filled with pity for me and guilt for himself. More tears fill my eyes as I hope this time, he’ll do the right thing. Just this once, he’ll stand up for me, instead of ignoring me, but like always, I’m forever forgotten, and just as fast as he looks at me, he looks away. Pulling away from the girl on his arm, he walks out of the lunchroom, and anger like I’ve never felt before replaces my sadness.

  He’s just like them...

  The memory dissipates, but the effect it has on me remains. I can still feel the peas landing against my skin, still feel the pain of watching him walk away that day. He doesn’t hate to see me cry; he’s never cared...never.

  Gathering all my strength, I force myself to roll away from him and slide off the bed. I’m naked and vulnerable, but I won’t be made a fool of, not again.

  “What’s wrong?” Carter moves into a sitting position, his eyebrows pinched together in confusion. I walk over to my dress, which is lying in a heap on the floor, and slip into it. I don’t even bother trying to find my panties, knowing that I won’t be able to wear the ripped piece of fabric anyway.

  “Daisy, please, just talk to me, did I hurt you... did I do something? Say something? Please.”

  His pleading makes me snap, and I turn to face him after struggling to zip up my dress. “You are the problem. You say you can’t stand my tears, but I remember many times, where you just stood by and watche
d your friends make fun of me. Maybe you didn’t say the words or do the things they did, but you were no better than them, standing there and saying nothing. You’re a liar, and I don’t want anything to do with that.”

  That handsome face of his falls, and guilt contorts in his features. “Daisy,” he says my name like a prayer, but I shake my head and slip my feet back into my heels.

  “No, I don’t want to hear your excuses. This was a mistake, and I’m sorry. Forget tonight ever happened. I know I will.” I can barely contain my emotions as I walk to the door, leaving him to sit on the bed alone after the best sex of my life. But I need more than that. I want Carter, but there are so many things stacked against us right now, and though he hurt me, I can’t bear to hurt him the same way. I can’t pin this on him, nor can I sit here and let him lie to me.

  Opening the door, I walk out of his suite without another word said. As sad as it is, it has to be this way. It has to be.

  Chapter Eight


  What the hell just happened? Guilt and anger burn through my veins. I’m the reason for this. I knew our past would come back to bite me in the ass, but I didn’t expect it to hit me this hard. And I didn’t expect it to happen right after what we just did.

  I’ve had sex many times before, but it’s never felt like this. There has always been something between Daisy and me. A spark of sorts, but up until now, I was too stupid to see it.

  All I had to do was reach out and grab it, but I was too much of a coward. Now, I finally have her, and she is slipping through my hands like quicksand. No matter how much I try to hold onto her, I know it’s useless.

  Watching her walk out of the room was like a quick kick to the balls, and all I could do was take it and fight through the pain.

  Needing to clear my head before I do anything, I decide to take a cold shower. I force myself out of bed and into the bathroom, turning the shower on without even looking up. Stepping inside, the cold water shocks my body. Lowering my head, I watch the water wash away all the evidence of sex, and it hits me then. Not only did I come inside of her, but she left without her panties.


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