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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 4

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  Fuck me. Now, I’m left with the image of Daisy walking somewhere downstairs, with my come dripping out of her and down her leg. Marking her as mine. Like a selfish bastard, I wrap my hand around my already hardened length and start jerking myself off in quick, hard strokes. This is the last thing I should be doing right now, but Daisy needs space, and I can’t stop thinking about how she felt so perfect wrapped around my dick. I’ll make certain my cock is the only one she has for the rest of her life. I fucked up once before, but I won’t give up without a fight this time.

  Picturing her cunt squeezing my cock, I come in record time, thick ropes of sticky come shoot out and paint the shower wall. Sighing, I release my length and rinse away the evidence of my release. I shower, rinse, and get out, drying off with the fluffy towel that’s hanging on the rack to my right.

  With my head a little clearer, I think about what Daisy said before she walked out. She doesn’t think I care for her or want her, which is no surprise. I need to prove to her that she is wrong. I need to make her see that I wanted her all along, even if I never showed it.

  There was no excuse for not sticking up for her when I should have, but I can’t go back and change things. All I can do is try and win her over now.

  Dressing quickly, I leave the room in a hurry, only grabbing my key card at the last minute. I rush downstairs, suddenly having this irrational feeling that I’m running out of time. I feel like I’m late for class on a day we’re taking an important exam.

  Holding on to that urgency, I scan the large room. A sea of flowy dresses and black tuxedos, wherever I look, but my Daisy is nowhere to be found. I do, however, spot her father, so I make my way over to him.

  He has his back turned to me and doesn’t see me coming, which turns out to be the best fucking thing because otherwise, I wouldn’t have heard the words coming out of his mouth.

  “I’m telling you, Malcolm, Daisy would make a great wife for you. She is very obedient, and if she ever gets out of line again, I know how to subdue her. I have my ways to make women compliant if you know what I mean.”

  Rage... pure rage. I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything like it before. Not this intense. I want to tear his head off, break every finger on his hands, one by one, cause him unimaginable pain, and I think I would if we weren’t in a room full of people.

  It takes every bit of my self-restraint to turn around and walk away. And the only reason I can is knowing that Daisy needs me. She needs to know what’s going on, she needs to be protected, and I’m the one who is going to do it.

  Chapter Nine


  Using the corner of a paper towel, I pat away the tears from the corner of my eye. I can’t believe I did that. I can’t believe I slept with Carter. But more than that, I can’t believe the way he looked at me when I left. He almost looked... hurt.

  I’m so confused, so lost, I just want to find a way out of this mess. I want my mom and the baby growing inside of me to be safe. I thought Carter was the way out, but I can’t go through with it. I can’t play him like that. It doesn’t matter what he and his friends did to me in high school, I’m not like them. I can’t, and I won’t do that to him.

  Taking a deep calming breath, I prepare myself to leave the bathroom when the door opens, and two women walk in.

  “I’m telling you, I saw him. It was Carter Davis. I know it,” one of them says.

  My back stiffens at his name, and I try not to show any reaction.

  “Well, I haven’t seen him. Maybe he already left.”

  Keeping my gaze down, I turn around and move past them toward the door.

  “Daisy?” My head snaps up at the sound of my name, and my stomach twists when I see Carly standing in front of me. “Is that you?” I’m not sure what to say, but there isn’t any point in lying.

  “Yes, it’s me.” I straighten up a little more, steeling my spine like I should have done years ago.

  “What happened to you, freak? You don’t look quite as weird and crazy anymore.” Her words land their mark, but I’m not the same person I was back in high school.

  “Oh no, I’m still crazy. So, you better watch it. I might accidentally do something to your face.”

  Carly tips back her head and laughs, “Oh, fuck, Crazy Daisy finally grew a backbone. Too bad it doesn’t matter. You are, and always will be a freak.” I try to push past her, but she shoves me back against the wall, trapping me. I can feel the walls closing in around me, and all over again, I feel like I’m the bullied girl.

  “You know what was the most fun? When you made puppy eyes at Carter, my boyfriend, like he would ever go for someone like you.”

  The mentioning of his name is the final straw for me. With every ounce of strength I have, I push her away from me. She stumbles backward and lands flat on her ass with a yelp.

  The friend who has been quiet so far, kneels onto the floor beside her, attempting to help her up. Carly is livid, trying to get up quickly, but her heel gets caught on her dress, and her foot slips back. She is so angry that her face is bright red, and it looks like she’s about to explode. Figuratively and literally, and as entertaining as that might be, I’m not sticking around to see it.

  Storming out of the bathroom, I almost trip but catch myself at the last second and speed walk the rest of the way back to the main hall.

  As soon as I enter, I spot Carter, and as soon as he spots me, he heads in my direction.

  Great. Just great.

  Spinning around, I try to get away, but he catches up with me in a few strides. Wrapping his strong hands around my wrists, he pulls me back and into his chest.

  “Please, just wait,” Carter pleads, an urgency in his tone that has me further on edge. “I need to talk to you. You’re in danger.”

  Twisting around to face him, I scowl, “What are you talking about?”

  Carter looks panicked, and I almost feel sorry for dragging him into all of this. “Your father... I overheard him talking to one of his friends, Malcolm, I think is his name. They were talking about marrying you, marrying you off... to him.”

  Suddenly it feels like my lunch is going to make a reappearance. Bile rises up my throat at the thought of me married to that guy. A man my father’s age. I had already figured out he planned to marry me off, but of all the people, I can’t believe it’s to that slimy old man.

  “You aren’t telling me something I didn’t already know, and not that it matters, but it won’t happen,” I answer through clenched teeth.

  “You knew about this? Jesus Christ, Daisy. Why didn’t you tell me?” Carter is seething, his grasp on my wrists growing tighter, but that doesn’t bother me. It’s his words that stir a fire inside of me, worthy of sparking a forest fire.

  “Why would I tell you anything? You’ve never cared about me or my problems.”

  Lowering his head in shame, he whispers, “I know, but I’m trying to fix that now.”

  “You can’t fix it...” I try to walk away, but trying to escape a man like Carter, is like trying to punch a brick wall and win.

  “There’s more,” he continues, “your father says he has ways of making you compliant. What the hell does that mean? Is he hurting you, Daisy?”

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I wish myself out of this situation. I don’t want to talk to him. I don’t want to confess any of this to him. I don’t want him to know that the reason I was crazy and out of my mind for so many years was because of my father.

  “Please...” My voice cracks, giving away my emotions. “Just let me go. You can’t help me. No one can.”

  Carter shakes his head, his eyes pleading, “Yes, I can, if you just tell me what’s going on, if you let me in.”

  Everything inside me comes to a head, and I snap. “And why would I want your help now?” I almost growl at him. “Where were you years ago when I needed you, and you didn’t give a shit? You just gawked and watched as everyone hurt me.” I force air into my lungs and try to calm myself down, but I’m so close to implo
ding it’s not even funny. “I don’t want or need your help, Carter. I’ve been taking care of myself my whole life, and I’m going to do just fine without you.”

  He doesn’t even blink at my response, “I know, I fucked up, but I’m not going to give up this time. I’m here to stay.”

  “Why would I ever let myself count on someone like you? I hate you,” I lie, choking on the word. I can see the pain my words have caused him written all over his face, but I act like it doesn’t bother me because you can’t be hurt if you pretend that you don’t care.

  His perfect lip—that I want to kiss—curls in anger, “You didn’t seem like you hated me earlier. In fact, you seemed to like me when you were in my room, my cock inside of you.”

  Forcing myself to roll my eyes, I sneer, “It was an act. I was pretending to like you.”

  Carter’s expression fills with disbelief, “What could you possibly have to gain by pretending to like me?”

  “I’m not on birth control,” I blurt out, watching his eyes go wide.

  “You-you wanted me to get you pregnant?”

  “No, I’m already pregnant,” I admit, and he finally lets go of me. “I wanted you to think the baby was yours. But obviously, I couldn’t go through with it.”

  “You were going to tell me that a baby was mine, knowing that it wasn’t?” He goes from being concerned for me, to wanting to rip my head off, in less than a second.

  “Yes,” I confirm, shame settling deep in my stomach as I do.

  “I can’t fucking believe this, you...” He shakes his head, running his hands through his thick brown hair like he is thinking about what to do next. Unfortunately, he’s not fast enough, so I make the decision for him, turn and walk off. I don’t need this added stress. I don’t need him. I keep telling myself as I waltz through the crowd, trying to put as much distance between us as I can.

  “Daisy,” my father calls my name, and I come to a sudden halt, spotting him only a few feet away from me. Because we are in public, his anger is subtle, most people wouldn’t see it. But I do, I know that he is livid on the inside, raging like a volcano that’s about to erupt. I can tell from the small vein that’s bulging out of his forehead, and the way his jaw is set in a tight line. He wants to throttle me, but again, we’re in a public place, so I suppose he’ll have to save the beating for later.

  Against my better judgment, I walk over to him. I can sense the danger I’m in. He is going to punish me somehow tonight. If I’m lucky, he’ll just lock me in my room for a few days. If I’m unlucky, it will be a much crueler fate.

  As soon as I’m close enough, he leans in, his voice a harsh whisper against my ear, “Where the fuck have you been all this time?” He smells like scotch, and I wonder how many he’s had to drink since I disappeared.

  “I-I was with Carter... dancing like you told me to.”

  “Don’t lie to me. Whatever you were doing, I’ll find out, and I hope for your sake you didn’t spread your legs for Carter because I promised Malcolm a virgin.”

  I’m so shocked at my father’s confession, I’m literally speechless. My mouth pops open, and I snap it closed a second later.

  “God, stop embarrassing me,” he huffs as he smooths a hand down the front of his suit, “let’s go home.”

  Grabbing onto my arm, his meaty fingers sink deep into my flesh as he starts pulling me toward the exit. My legs are barely able to keep up with his large strides, and I can’t help but wonder if I just made the biggest mistake of my life by pushing Carter away.

  Maybe I do need him, after all.

  Chapter Ten


  Her words are playing on repeat in my mind like a broken record. “I’m already pregnant... I wanted you to think the baby was yours.”

  She’s pregnant, and she wanted to pin the kid on me. That’s the only reason she slept with me. This has to be a dream, a nightmare, actually. Maybe the connection I felt earlier was all in my head. It has to be, she said she hated me... not that I really blame her, our past isn’t great, and I should’ve been there for her, but I thought after what we shared, things would be different. I thought she felt what I was feeling.

  All these thoughts swirl inside my head like a tornado as I wait for my driver to pick me up. I check my watch again. It’s been fifteen minutes since I called him, he should be here soon. I’m about to get my phone out and call him again when I see the black SUV coming around the corner. He pulls the car up to the curb, right in front of me, and I open the back door.

  I sink into the leather seat and slam the door shut behind me. What a fucking nightmare.

  “Sorry it took me a little longer, I was expecting you to stay the night.”

  “Plans changed.” There was no way I could go back to that room, back to where I held her in my arms and made love to her. I’m sure it still smells like her. The sheets, the pillow, the fucking air.

  Daniel, my driver, gazes at me in the rearview mirror, “No problem, sir. Where to? Home?”

  “Yes, home,” I confirm.

  The car pulls out onto the road, and I let my head rest against the window. The glass is cool on my forehead as I stare out onto the streets, watching happy couples leave the gala, getting into their cars and driving home to their happy families.

  I’m about to close my eyes, unable to look at other peoples’ happiness any longer when my eyes catch on something in the side alley.

  “Stop the car!” I order, and the vehicle stops suddenly, jerking my body forward. Daniel looks back at me with panic in his eyes. I don’t bother to tell him what’s going on. Instead, I open the back door and slip out of the car, not bothering to shut the door behind me.

  Off in the distance, I see Daisy struggling against her father’s hold.

  “No,” she yells, and the sound of her voice sets my body ablaze. I start moving toward them, but I feel like it’s not fast enough. I’m at the end of the alleyway now, and they still haven’t noticed me.

  “You will marry him of your own will, or I will make you,” her father growls, inches away from her face.

  Daisy shakes her head, and then her father lifts his hand, pressing it against her mouth. She struggles against his hold, panic filling her eyes, and all my restraint snaps. I see red, beyond red, my body vibrating with rage.

  Crossing the space that separates us, I grab her father by the back of the neck and slam him into the nearest wall. He staggers but manages to stay on his feet. Blood trickling down his forehead.

  “You can’t just take her, she’s not yours,” he sneers as he tries to make a grab at her. I’m beyond words now but feel the need to tell him one single thing. Shielding Daisy behind me, I growl.

  “She doesn’t belong to anyone. She is a person, not a thing, and I won’t let you, or anyone else, hurt her.” Turning, I take Daisy’s hand into mine and start walking down the alleyway and back toward the hotel.

  “You won’t get away with this,” her father yells after us. I don’t dare look at Daisy, not even when we enter the hotel or the elevator. I wait until we’re in the room, with her body secure in my arms, till I look at her. With one glance, every ounce of my anger and sadness from her earlier confession disappears.

  I don’t care what I have to go through to keep Daisy, but I’m going to do it.

  “I’m sorry, Carter. Sorry, you had to see that, sorry, that...” She’s a blubbering mess, and given the situation and her emotions, it’s completely understandable, but I need to know everything so that I can make things right for us. So that I can protect her.

  “Don’t be sorry. I don’t care about them. All I care about is you. Tell me what happened, tell me everything so I can make it better.”

  Daisy gazes up at me with tears in her eyes, her cheeks are a soft pink, and she looks thoroughly exhausted.

  “For years, since I was a little girl, my father drugged me. That’s why everyone thought I was crazy because he was giving me pills that made me that way. Just recently, he stopped giving me
the pills, but I didn’t know any of that. It took me a while to put the puzzle pieces together. When my head first cleared, I thought it was a fluke, I was scared I would lose my mind again. On a whim, wanting a chance at freedom, I left and went to a bar, got drunk, and had sex with some guy. I just wanted to feel normal for once.”

  Jealousy pools deep in my gut, but I don’t let it fester. I’d been with my share of women, and the past is the past. Daisy is my future.

  She sucks in a breath and then releases it. “That’s how I ended up pregnant. I have no idea who the father is. I don’t even remember his name. I’ve been panicking ever since I found out because I knew if my father found out, he would make me get an abortion, and though the child wasn’t planned, I want to keep it. Then I discovered he was trying to marry me off, and I figured if I had sex with you and pinned the baby on you, maybe...”

  It all slowly pieces together. “You thought you’d be safe?” I whisper.

  She nods her head, tears streaking down her face. I wipe them away with my thumbs and gently press my lips against hers. I wish like hell, I would’ve been there for her when we were teenagers, maybe, just maybe we would’ve discovered all this sooner.

  “I can see you thinking, stop. None of this was your fault, and nothing could’ve been done.

  “I have to find a way to keep this baby and protect myself and my mother from my father. I still don’t know if he is drugging her or if she is really sick. I have never seen him give her anything, but I’ve been wondering if maybe he gives it to her in a different way. Either way, I need to get her away from him, I have to.”

  “We will. I’ll make certain your father gets what is coming to him.”

  “We? After everything I told you, you still want to help me? Want to be with me?” Shock fills her features.

  “Yes,” I smile. “I’ve wanted you for years. I wasn’t lying to you when I said that. That baby inside of you. It’s mine. You are mine. I don’t care what anyone says or thinks. All I care about is you. It’s always been you, Daisy.” I cup her cheeks and gaze deeply into her eyes, she looks as if she’s afraid.


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