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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 100

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “What?” Carlos’s irritated voice barked.

  Lifting my head my hands still covering it I glanced at him to find him yank his phone out, swipe and punch a button hard.

  “Well finally.” He said and squinted his eyes a smile of relief teasing the edges of his lips. Gathering the courage that had somehow escaped me I crawled back to the window to take my position over with the gun through the hole in the wall.

  “Good girl.” Carlos approved. “Control your fear. But don’t shoot. My men are out there and you don’t know them. Don’t want you to accidentally hit one of our rescuers.”

  One eye winked down before he turned back to begin shooting at the attackers. Guess he knew who was friendly fire. Still watching with a sure aim, I rested my other hand against the rough log wall my fingernails digging into the wood.

  Chaos reigned. Men fighting men. Hand to hand. Knives flashing, guns firing. The clamor of noise deafening. I couldn’t make heads or tails out of it.

  Carlos held his shot until pop and a man dropped. Silent and deadly. Ruthless. That’s how he had become one of the top heads of mafia families in the country.

  I couldn’t believe one guy tried sneaking around the front of the cabin right in front of us but Carlos paid attention to the other side so that left me as he began to sneak up on who I assumed was one of our guy. Praying I’d make this shot I lined him up carefully as he crept closer and closer to the other man’s back. Just as he pointed his weapon straight at the other man I squeezed the trigger, the backfire light in my hand but bruising my heel, and I watched him drop like a heavy bag of dirt. I just killed a man. First time to shoot at something other than targets.

  “Good shot Bella.” Carlos approved with a quick grin passed my way before continuing on his rampage.

  Finally dead silence filled the clearing that was now littered with bodies that hadn’t fled. Men slowly standing or coming out from where they had been hiding.

  Carlos laid the shotgun down as he hopped to his feet as if he were fifteen year younger. I wasn’t sure how old he was but I figured at least thirty-five with all he had accomplished so far. He helped me to rise with his hands at my elbows as only a gentleman could, not touching any other part of my body. Which was in contrast to the man I had seen earlier. Spanking me for his pleasure.

  He strode to the cabin door throwing it open the strong bitter scent of gunpowder drifted through the air past Carlos over to me.

  Wrinkling my nose at the foul odor I followed him to the entryway stepping out to the dirt outside of the cabin where his men gathered about.

  Carlos retrieved his phone from his pocket to punch in numbers and hold the cell to his ear. He turned away from me and the men talking quietly as he paced rapidly back and forth, his strides long and forceful.

  The men stood at attention. Black suits, white shirts, black ties. Backs straight, arms to the side. Almost as if they were in the military. No talking to each other. Staring straight ahead. Maybe they had been at one time.

  “Thank you for coming to the aid of myself and my affianced bride. We’ll need you to follow ahead of us and behind for protection. Someone is trying to kidnap Ginevra and somehow it has to do with the human trafficking ring that I’ve been dealing with for some time. Also if you see Ryan Jennings take him into custody unless you’re alone then follow him and contact us for help. Let’s go.” Carlos grabbed my arm leading me to his car to stuff me inside as if I was a Thanksgiving turkey.

  “Hey.” I protested grabbing my arm back to rub at where his fingers had dug into my flesh. He might have left bruises.

  “What?” He asked barely glancing at me as he continued starting the car and waiting for his men to take their positions.

  As I clicked the shoulder harness into position a bit of skin from the side of my hand caught in the mechanism cutting the skin making it bleed. “Ow.”

  “What happened? What’s wrong?” Carlos frowned as he spared me a glance as the continued their bumpy journey along the pot hole dirt covered road.

  “Oh just stupid.” I slipped the cut finger into my mouth licking the wound to get the bleeding to stop.

  Pulling the finger out I studied the tiny wound a drop of blood seeping out so I licked at it again to try and stop the bleeding when I heard a groan.

  I slanted my head to the side to glance at Carlos watching as he clenched his hands on the steering wheel hard enough to make it creak in protest. “Are you okay?” I asked still staring at him out the corner of my eyes shifting in my seat to watch him better.

  “Fine.” He grunted.

  Shrugging I stared out the windshield again watching the SUV in front of us before my gaze ended up glazed out the side window. I didn’t want to consider what my life was going to be like now. Under constant supervision. My life sucked and as far as I knew I would be watched for the rest of it.

  Glum now I rested my elbow against the side wall of the SUV my cheek in my palm, as the countryside wizzed by. The silence between us was thick as a cream cheese pie. Just not as creamy or good.

  Against the dark protection of the side window I traced my finger up and down in unknown patterns.

  “There’s nothing to discuss. We’re to get married and then we’ll have your father’s extra forces to help dismember whoever is trying to take me over.” His voice harsh with displeasure.

  I open my mouth to protest but he appears to know what I’m going to say because he snarls grabbing my wrist tight in his fist, “you will do what I say. No questions or you won’t like the consequences.”

  He throws my hand away from him to concentrate on the road again leaving me to fume.

  I curl back into myself wondering where the man had gone that had smiled and encouraged me. This new brooding man baffled me.

  Lowering my head I rested my chin against the side wall up against the window to stare out as deer and cattle passed by.

  I knew the next hour and a half was going to take forever.

  THE BUMP THAT THE SUV made woke me up. I hadn’t even realized I fell asleep. After rubbing my eyes with my fingers I glanced around my head swiveling to view all that was before me.

  Vast grounds of unmarked grass with slight hedges and small flowering trees not large enough for an intruder to hide behind. The place so filled with lights it appeared to be daylight.

  As we travelled further along the long wide driveway, in the distance I could see a large three story mansion made of brick and stone, modern and aged as well, all blending together.

  We continued onto what appeared to be my new home my hands flutter down to my lap where I fold and unfold my shirt as I glance at Carlos’s frozen face.

  It didn’t take long, even at our slow parade to reach the mansion. I glanced at Carlos out of the corner of my eye as I reached for the door handle but instead he demanded in a black voice, “no, stay there.”

  He jumped out to stride over to my side of the car and open the door for me his hand held out for mine.

  Jerk and gentleman. Contradictions galore in this man.

  I placed my hand into his the heat from his skin burning into mine. My gaze jumped to his eyes but his avoided mine.

  Tugging my hand away I slid out of the SUV stumbling as I tried to avoid touching any part of his body. His hand shot out to grab my elbow and I tried to shake him off but he held on like a barnacle, “don’t be silly. Be a good girl and come with me.”

  Be a good girl? How old did he think I was? I jerked my arm hard enough to leave some skin underneath his fingernails but I was free. “I am not some five-year-old for you to order around.” I hissed.

  “Then stop acting like one.” He spat the words out through gritted teeth. He grabbed my elbow in a tighter grasp his fingers digging into my flesh.

  Almost dragging me behind him I stumbled trying to gather my feet to follow his long strides up to the dark wood of the double footed entryway. Not giving me an inch I grabbed hold of the door he had thrown open and with force he wrenched me furthe
r into the foyer hard enough for the door to begin to slam behind me. I barely got my fingers out of the way before they were crushed from the force of the slamming of the door.

  He dragged me into another room where he banged the door closed to release me and I fell against the arm of the sofa at the suddenness of his release my chest heaving almost as hard as his. Leaning my hands against the sofa I pushed myself back up pretending he wasn’t intimidating me at all but I could feel the tell tale quiver of my fingers and pressed them hard against my thighs hoping he wouldn’t see.

  Carlos took a step closer to me a grin on his face that I didn’t like. One of domination except I didn’t know how I would get out of this cage.

  “Carlos.” I began but stopped when I didn’t know how to continue.

  He lifted his hand in front of my face, a finger pointing almost touching my nose, “I let you help and you were an asset at times but that’s the end of putting yourself in danger. From now on you will do what I tell you or there will be repercussions you won’t like.”

  Do what he tells me? He’s not my father, who I wouldn’t always listen to anyway or my husband. And I was beginning to think this arrangement was a bad idea on their part. I’d need to get away.

  I waved my finger up and down in front of his face as I batted at his with my other hand. “You have no right to tell me what to do. This is the twenty-first century, not the eighteenth and I won’t be forced to marry anyone.”

  “I have a contract signed by your father and money has exchanged hands. So you’ll pay back what I gave to your father?” He snarled into my face his becoming red and his nostrils flaring as he exposed his teeth.



  GINEVRA APPEARED TAKEN aback at my offer. I needed to keep her off center so she wouldn’t know about my growing admiration for her. She was a strong-willed woman and I was proud of her but I couldn’t let her take advantage of my growing feelings. Every woman I had been around had done that. My mother had left me at seven and I had never forgiven her.

  All the girls and women I had been with had wanted two things from me. My power and money. That’s why I hadn’t been with anyone I hadn’t paid for in a long time. One night and that was it.

  Women were nice to look at and fuck but that was it. We would wed no matter how much she denied it and she would bear my children. No more emotion.

  I knew she wouldn’t take my offer by the way her teeth worried at her bottom lip, “so you’ll either marry me or pay back the money I sent your father?”

  “How much did you give him?” She asked quietly her brows gathering together.

  “Ten million dollars.”

  She choked on the air she drew in at the amount. I knew it had been too much but the offer had been too good for me to refuse. My children would have more respect than I had even with my father being wealthy. Someone to laugh at no matter how much wealth you had.

  “So do you want to trade? What do you have?” I raised my eyebrow knowing I was being a bastard but I couldn’t help myself.

  “I need to call my father.” She choked out.

  “Go ahead. Here’s my phone. I’ll give you some privacy. I’ll get us something to eat. Just don’t try and leave. The guards have been warned to take any steps necessary to make sure you don’t.” I reached into my pocket pulling out my phone, swiping to unlock it.

  I handed it to her and my fingers brushed against hers and they recoiled at the touch. My gaze was hard on her as she fumbled with my phone almost letting it tumble to the floor but catching the device at the last minute. Giving her one more hard glare that made her toss her head as she punched numbers into the cell and steadily held it to her ear, “hi Papa.”

  My feet stomped out of the room as I felt my emotions roil out of control. That had never happened to me before and I didn’t like it. Not at all. I automatically headed toward the kitchen as I tossed ideas around in my head as to who could be attacking me like this but no one came to mind.

  Before walking into the kitchen I closed my eyes drawing in a deep breath filling my lungs and holding the air in for a minute then releasing it trying to appear calm to whomever might be in the kitchen. I was not known for hot headedness and wanted to keep that reputation.

  All of that had been anticlimactic as no one was occupying the room right now so I stopped at the refrigerator opening the door to check out the ingredients for a fast meal. Hum. Tamales. Arroz con pollo. I remember that from the night before. It’d been amazing.

  I pulled the container of chicken and sauce out as well as the plastic bowl of rice. A platter out of the cabinet was next where with a fork I placed pieces of chicken and spooned sauce on top. Setting this in the microwave with a cover over the platter I set the timer and as I waited for that to cook I got the rice ready and a small salad made.

  As I worked my mind kept returning to Ginevra and what she could be discussing with her father. Would he hand her over to me with no recourse for her? I’m sure he’s spent some of the money already. That’s why I made the offer, I’d heard through channels he was hurting for money. Bad deals he’d made. He wouldn’t be able to return all of the money but....maybe some of it. That wouldn’t do at all. I bit my bottom lip as I considered my options with Ginevra because there was no way in hell I was letting her go anywhere. No matter what.

  As I put the finishing touches on our meal and setting the table the sensation of being watched settled over me but I continued my busyness. Setting the silverware on top of paper napkins-I had these on hand for informal arrangements. Like now I pivoted to have Ginevra standing in front of me my phone in her hands as she moved it back and forth between her palms.

  “Let’s eat while it’s hot.” I hauled the chair back for her to sit it but she stared from the meal on the table around the immense kitchen as if she would find someone else.

  Ginevra scrutinized me as she asked. “You made this meal.”

  I shook my head as I stood by her chair, “all I did was stick everything in the microwave. Today is the cook’s day off so he leaves enough in the fridge for a couple days. I do make a mean blueberry pancake though. I’ll see if we have blueberries later or would you rather have strawberry or apple?”

  “No blueberry is fine.”

  “Come on. Sit. Sit.” I waved at the chair and after she sat helped her push the chair in like my papa had taught me.

  “So what kind of meat do you like. White or dark?” I picked up a fork ready to serve her whatever meat she wanted.

  “Thigh is good.” After I finished serving her the meal, I made my plate and we ate in silence, her phone call to her father a huge distraction between us. But we finished eating anyway with me cleaning up as her ankle was aching.

  “Let’s sit in the living room and discuss you phone call. Do you want a beer or a soda or water?” No reason to be inhospitable so I motioned her to follow to the next room with the big screen tv and surround sound.

  I precede her into the large open room that with double glass door lead out to part of the garden. It’s a warm evening so I open the doors the air ripe with the scent of grass and evening jasmine. Ginevra sits on one end of the gray leather sofa plastered up against the back and arm her arms curled about herself as if she could be protected that way.

  The remote to the tv lay on the wooden coffee table so as I sat I picked it up and pressed the button for soft Spanish Classical Guitar music so we could talk. Sitting closer to her I leaned my arm against the back of the couch one leg outstretched the other curled so I could face her and see her expressions.


  She tried to sink further into the sofa slapping a hand over her mouth as tears appeared in her eyes. She shook her head back and forth as she hiccuped, “he wouldn’ Said. He can’t. I’m...I’m on my own.”

  “I’m all you have now.” My voice hard.

  A sob escaped her and I steeled myself to ignore her tears.

  The hand she held to her mouth
turned to a fist as her shoulders turned inward as she tried to hide in herself.

  “First we need to order you some clothes. Something appropriate for your new station as my wife-to-be. We can look online and get it here tomorrow. I don’t want anyone to see you dressed like that.” I lifted my lip as I eyed her up and down.

  That finally got her back up and she spit at me, “this isn’t my fault. I keep asking you to get my car where my clothes are.”

  “We will look into that but I need your license number and the name of the motel and city.” If something familiar like her car will make her more comfortable then I will do everything in my power to oblige.

  She nodded slowly and reluctantly an uncertain expression on her face. I unfolded myself from the sofa to reach a small end table where I knew held a small pad of paper and pen. Returning to the sofa I tossed both items at her and sat myself back down.

  After flicking a quick glance at me she began writing the information down that I needed. While she was distracted I decided to take the opportunity to study her. Her expressions. Her full beauty.

  Her dark brown hair had red highlights throughout with dark brown eyes that slanted slightly at the ends. She had a small straight nose with full red lips and a light olive unblemished complexion. Everything I could possibly want in a lover, a statuesque body with full breasts.

  Just then Ginevra glanced up and caught me staring making me blush like a school boy. Instead I ground out, “done?”

  She nodded as she glanced away as if noticing my embarrassment and not wanting to make it worse. I needed to get her away from me so I could think again and get my game plan together to find out who is the cause of this.

  “Let me show you to your room and you can take a shower and rest. I’ll get you a shirt to wear to bed.” My glance crept back to her and then skittered away as if I was doing something wrong by looking at my future bride.

  Another nod as she stood and glanced at her feet instead of me. Where was the defiant woman I can fighting me before? I didn’t want to break her spirit only get her to obey. I led her from the living room up to the second floor to a guest room across from mine. I could keep an eye on her better.


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