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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 101

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  Opening the door I held it wide open for her to enter, “there’s a bathroom through that door. Let me get you a shirt.”

  I hurried to my room grabbing the first button down that I could grasp. “Here.” I thrust the shirt at her as I pivoted to leave as fast as I could.

  “Wait.” She called her voice soft.

  Stopping immediately I turned my head enough to glance at her but not my whole body.

  “Why are you acting like this? Nervous.” Ginevra took a step closer.

  Nervous? I laughed until she took another step closer, her soft hand rested against my chest as she gazed up at me. Dumbfounded that such a young girl could thrust such strong emotions from me when most of my adult life I had striven to block them.

  “I have work to do. Find out who’s doing this. Take your shower and nap.” I grouched out surly pivoting to stride away and continue my investigations.

  FIVE HOURS LATER WE still weren’t much further than we had been. I had my best hackers and trackers trying to get a glimpse of who could be doing this.

  I leaned back in my ergonomic office chair lacing my fingers behind my head and stretched, the chair and my spine cracking at the effort I forced upon them.

  Somehow I had to catch those bastards but so far all I had was Ryan Jennings and he was holed up somewhere. Hiding.

  My body rolled forward the chair groaning again and I flipped my head into my palms, my elbows planted on the desk top. I would have to somehow force Ginevra to stay inside because who know if kidnapping was the only outcome they wanted. A long range gunshot would be easy if she stepped one foot outside.


  I snapped backward so fast I was glad there was nothing behind me but the back of the chair. My eyes took her in. She now wore a pair of my old sweatpants. I had no idea where she found those and they fit paper thin to her hips and ass.

  After seeing her in my clothes I couldn’t continue holding her at bay. I wanted her too much.

  Standing I strode to her taking her hand into mine and urging her further into the room.

  “Are you okay?” She asked as she entered my office glancing about before she grabbed ahold of one arm of the chair and sat.

  “Ginevra come over here please.” She rose again to follow over to a small settee and sat while I sat close beside to take her hands into mine. She gazed into my eyes which were only a couple inches higher than hers.

  I opened my mouth to tell her everything when someone pounded on the door shouting, “sir! We have him!”



  THOSE SHOUTED WORDS had us both jumping to our feet and racing to the door for Carlos to throw it open. A tall man will bulging muscles stood with a fist still raised to knock again.

  “Where?” Carlos questioned.

  “In town. In Denver. They’re on their way here now. Where do you want us to take him?” The guard stood at attention in a pressed black suit, back ram rod straight.

  “Basement. One of the cells. Leave him stew there for a few hours with lights out.” I ordered as I paced back and forth in front of the other man a finger tapping at the center of my lips deep in thought. “We’ll leave him there till morning. No food or water.”

  “Yes sir. No door or water. Full dark. Got it.” The guard swiveled and strode out of the house with measured paces.

  “These men of yours are well trained.” She marveled.

  “They are fully vetted before hiring. Most have military training and some special forces. Some are mob trained and need to get out for certain reasons.” I wink at her as we head out the front doors to stand on the front patio with elegant furniture in white metal.

  “I usually take them right away. For the information I can get.”

  “Against the mob? Dangerous business that.” I turn to face him and pet at a wisteria that hangs beside my cheek.

  Carlos stands beside me his hands on his hips as he stares down at me. His facial expression is impenetrable and inscrutable. His hand reaches out to touch my other cheek with his palm when a loud yell reaches us. Carlos jerks his head to the noise when his eyes widen.

  He reaches for my elbow and tugs to bring me closer to him. “Come on. Let me take you back to your room with my lap top to order you some clothes. Order express.”

  His eyes are still centered at where the yell had come from as he dragged me away as if I were unclean.

  “Hey!” I protested yanking at the arm he held in a tight grasp trying to stop my forward momentum by digging my heels in.

  “Stop right now.” He said in a firm voice. “You don’t know what’s going on mi quiedera so behave or I’ll have to put you over my knee again.”

  He stopped abruptly a smirk on his lips as he pressed them to my ear to ask, “or would you like that a bit too much? Hum?”

  I froze as heat crept up my neck to my cheeks at his words. Like a spanking? But I remembered how warm I had gotten that had centered at my stomach. No. Who would like that kind of pain and humiliation?

  I raised my head to stare straight into his brown eyes that called to me. “No I didn’t like it.”

  “Liar.” He chuckled and began hauling me along again but first stopped in his study to grab his laptop. This time he let me walk on my own as he admonished, “everything you don’t need to get into is password protected so just stick with the internet or clothes. I’ve ordered you a new phone so that should be here tomorrow and a credit card with your name on it.”

  I was shocked by everything he was giving me without asking for my trust, this man was seriously confusing me.

  Instead of taking me to the room I had used earlier he took me to his room which happened to be an entire suite. A separate sitting room even a tiny kitchenette with coffee maker.

  And the bed. The bed was amazing. California king at least if not bigger. My gaze on him was now hard as to why one man could possibly use such a big bed. What sextapades went on in here?

  Of course he was completely clueless as he wrote down his PIN number for the credit card and what his password for the laptop in case the device went to sleep on me.

  His hand stroked down the back of my head as he whispered in my ear, “have fun buying stuff. I’ve got work to do so I’ll be back later. There’s frozen stuff in the mini fridge you can microwave over there.”

  He jerked his head away in the direction of the kitchenette and now I observed the microwave attached underneath the overhead cabinet.

  “Okay.” I squinted my eyes at him pretending reluctance but agreeing to his demands. Right now anyway. I did need clothes after all. I couldn’t continue to wear Carlos’s old clothes. What a fashion statement. I giggled at that. He raised an eyebrow but I only shook my head at him.

  “Go. Go. Do your manly thing.” I shooed him away.

  His lips pressed into a thin line as he canted his head to the side giving me a searching gaze. I stared back never moving my eyes away. There was no way I would let on I wasn’t planning on staying here. I needed information as well and that info was what was he up to?

  He patted me on the top of my head like I was a good dog. Actually patted the top of my head. He would pay for that move and left me to my own devices. I needed to give him a few minutes anyway so I logged on to his computer and within moments was on my favorite clothes site and ordered quite a bit in only moments. I didn’t need his card mine was an automatic log in.

  I only bought a few things that I could need right now. A few pairs of my favorite skinny jeans, yoga pants, shirts, pajamas, underwear and a couple dresses. I can order more stuff later but now onto other matters like what is Carlos up to.

  Creeping downstairs, every few minutes I stop to listen to see if footsteps or movement assaults my ears.

  Everyone in the house must be outside because the inside is silent as a tomb. Finally reaching the bottom floor I slink from the bottom of the stairs to reach the foyer and skulk to one of the windows facing anything that happens at the front of the h

  It appears to be a conference of black suited men out there. Maybe twenty or thirty in all. They are surrounding Carlos who looks extremely handsome in dark wash jeans and black cowboy boots under the jeans and a white button down shirt that’s open two buttons at the collar. Yum. His strong throat and part of his chest is visible even from where I’m hiding.

  He’s talking to the men gathered around him and an older woman that slightly resembles him. I can’t hear what he’s saying from this distance but from the way he’s waving his hands about it must be pretty important.

  The older woman has his aquiline nose but more feminine and as she turns her head in my direction, making me duck down behind the curtains for a moment, I slowly lift my head back up to view her talking with Carlos but know she has blond hair and blue eyes instead of Carlos’s dark hair and dark brown eyes.

  I wish I had extra special hearing so I knew what was being said or read lips but the older woman’s head turned back in my direction and as I ducked down again the last thing within my vision was Carlos’s face staring at me a stone hard look on his face.

  My heart pounded in my chest hard enough to reach into my throat, my hands clutching the sill of the window as my brain froze in fear. What to do? Pretend nothing happened?

  I raise up on my knees again my fingernails digging into the wood to have nothing there but milling black suited men. Carlos and the woman were gone.

  Choking as I begin to hyperventilate I jump to my feet which start running even before the thought reaches my brain.

  Reaching Carlos’s bedroom I grab a water from the mini fridge and slide under the comforter to pile both pillows for me to lean against with the laptop on on my lap.

  Oh. Wake it up. Um um um. What was the password. As I frantically try to remember I try and calm my breathing. Calm. Calm. It’s not working fast enough so I hold my breath and start breathing slowly again until one set of footsteps pound in my ears.



  SHE HAD THE GALL TO disobey within an hour of my telling her to stay in the bedroom. I had never met anyone so obstinate. I’d have to train her because obviously her father hadn’t.

  I left my aunt downstairs to her own room to rest while I handled Miss Obstinate.

  Stomping to make sure she knew I was coming and angry I gripped the knob for my door tight in my grasp not opening the door quite yet. I needed to get a handle on my emotions. I never had this much heat rolling through me and I didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  Throwing the door open until it hit the wall behind and bounced back to slam closed I tore my shirt straight off my body I was that pissed.

  “Car...los. Carlos what’s wrong?” She stuttered trying to not act afraid but I could see it in her eyes. The way she clutched the comforter up to her chin.

  “So what have you been doing while I’ve been outside mi dulce? Huh?” I purred reaching the end of the bed her eyes wide as I slowly removed my belt from the loops.

  “Or...ordered cl...clothes. See?” She pushed the laptop toward me with its black screen.

  “I can’t see anything. The screen is on sleep.” I set the belt on the bed in front of me and began to remove everything from my pockets. Phone, change, bills. Ginevra drew her legs up to her chest wrapping her arms around them her bottom lip trembling as she watched my every move like I was the predator and she the prey. Good. She should be afraid. Be very afraid.

  “Remove you hold on the comforter my dear and come here to me.” I leaned the palms of my hands on the softness of the mattress as the moonlight shone on her dark brown hair making the red highlights burn like fire.

  She was so beautiful my girl here but she needed to learn a lesson. And learn she would.

  Ginevra still hadn’t moved. Her hands still fisted the covers over her chest her eyes wide, bottom lip still trembled.

  “You haven’t done what I told you to mi dulce. Do it now.” My words were hard and firm expecting immediate obedience as I looped the belt and slapped it against my palm three times.

  Her mouth opened and moved but no words came out.

  “I’m waiting. Since you’re new to this I’ll give you one more minute. If you don’t come right here.” I pointed to the spot in front of me with the belt. “I’ll make you and you’ll get extra punishment.”

  “I...I’m not a dog.” She thrust her neck and head out full of rebellion.

  “Never said you were a dog. But you are disobedient.” I pointed to the spot in front of me with the belt again. “Twenty seconds left. Nineteen. Hurry. Eighteen.”

  “Nooo. I won’t. You won’t hurt me. People will hear.” She scrunched herself into a tighter ball her face turning white with beads of sweat appearing on her forehead her eyes blinking rapidly.

  “My aunt is downstairs and used to the sounds from this room. She knows about my predilection for spankings and other forms of discipline. Plus this room is now soundproofed. So no more excuses little one. Come here now!” I leaned forward to unbutton my jeans letting them slide to the floor my shoes and socks soon following. For now I left my boxer briefs on but they left nothing to her imagination.

  She squeezed her eyes shut but slowly released the covers as she pleaded, “please no. father won’t let you do this.”

  “Ginevra it’s done. You’ve been sold to me. You’re mine to do with what I want. I won’t permanently hurt you but you need to learn obedience. Now come here and remove your clothes and present your ass to me.”

  “What?” Hands shaking she unbuttoned the shirt and slowly let it slip from her shoulders. Her hands fingering the ties to the drawstring sweat pants as if considering not doing it.

  “Don’t think about it just do it. This is taking too long.” I grabbed her by her ankles and she kicked out at me her boobs bouncing as she swung her legs but I had been ready and avoided everything she tried. Sliding her down the bed on her ass until she sat before me I untied the strings with one hand while yanking the sweat pants down with the other. She tried to turn over and run from me on her hands and knees but I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to me holding her down by the back of her shoulders.

  “Ten with the belt.”

  “Noooo.” Ginevra grasped at my hands with hers trying to tug them away but I held on tight.

  Swinging I hit her hard on her right cheek making her yelp in pain.

  “Two.” The doubled belt hit her left cheek making her scream this time.

  Her right and left again for three and four made her scream obscenities at me.

  Five and six hit her right and left sit spots on the bottom of her cheeks which were turning a nice bright red.

  Seven and eight were back to her cheeks where I stopped for a moment watching her ass wave back and forth as she tried to still get away. I dropped the belt to feel along her slit and found her soaking wet. I knew she would love this. She had loved the spanking before and this just turned her on more.

  “My dirty girl likes this I see.” I swirled my fingers in her wetness bringing it up to her clit and rubbing her juices around.

  Ginevra moaned moving toward my finger. I brought a hand up to her breasts kneading them as two fingers pinched at a nipple.

  She moaned again pushing her chest into my hand and I rubbed faster at her clit with my other hand.

  I removed my hand from her clit but kept massaging her breast with my other hand when I smacked her ripe ass with my other hand. A yelp escaped her lips but she continued to press her breast into my hand as one of her hands slipped down her body to rub fast on her clit.

  Just watching her turned me on so much instead of spanking her I grabbed my cock stroking as I watched her minister to herself.

  I couldn’t stand it and pushed my briefs down my hips and kicked them away. It had been a couple months since I had a woman and this one was doing things with my expectations.

  Further punishment would have to wait as I hovered over her back my dick rubbing over her slit in anticip
ation of our coupling.

  Flipping her over until she was on her back I pulled her to the edge of the bed holding her legs wide as I fit between them.



  FLASHING LIGHTS FILLED my eyes as Carlos played with my breast as I rubbed my own clit. He helped me flip over to my back where he pulled me down to the edge tugging my legs wide with him settling between them. I had heard this being done but he leaned forward using his fingers to open my folds wide and he centered his face right up to them where he skimmed his tongue over my clit making my body jump snd shiver at the sensations.

  I tried to close my thighs on his head but he held them open as he continued to lick and twine his tongue over my nub. I raised my upper body trying to reach behind me so I could grasp him by his hair to pull him closer to me to get to to go harder. Instead he went slower. Bastard. I could feel his lips curling into a smile against me. Double bastard.

  “Carlos take me now.” I ordered not expecting him to obey me.

  He gave another lick this time with his tongue flat from my hole to my clit. Shuddering are the beginning of a orgasm I pressed harder down onto his face which he obliged by curling his tongue into my entrance while his finger flicked at my nub with his nail while his other hand pulled and tugged at my nipple. I crashed hard as my first real orgasm swelled up cresting to heights I had only imagined as my passage clenched on his thick finger which he worked adding a second drawing me out as long as he could before I crept down from the high he had brought me too.

  Carlos raised himself from his knees to stand over my his cock now at my entrance. “I’ll go slow.”

  Holding my hips in his hands he pressed forward until his head entered my sheath.

  “Okay?” He asked through clenched teeth. I glanced at his face his lips tight over his teeth as he held himself at my entrance waiting for my answer.


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