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Page 11

by Belle, Kimberly I.

  “I want to see if she knows the guy, Pres. She’s the only family Hannah has, maybe she will recognize him,” Doc says as he continues to type away on his computer and search monitors.

  “I sent her a text, she’s on her way,” I say.

  “Pres,” Jax walks in with the prospects carrying Gunther.

  “What the fuck, Jax? What happened to him?” Doc says rushing over.

  “I found him like that, I think someone drugged him,” Jax says.

  “Someone go get me a syringe from my kit now,” Doc shouts.

  One of the prospects runs and comes back in a flash. “What’s going on Doc?”

  “If he was drugged, it should still be in his system. I want to get a blood sample before it metabolizes. It will help clear his name. I want to be sure.” Doc’s right. I’m already assuming he’s a traitor.

  “Where the bitch?” I say referring to the club whore.

  “She left with the guy in the car, based on the video,” Docs says.

  “Hawk, what’s going on? Did you find my cousin?” Jen says as she walks in with tears in her eyes and her face stiff as a board.

  “No, we are working on it. Do you recognize this guy?” Doc asks her pulling up the photo of the guy.

  “It looks like her ex. Oh god, he found her. No,” she says crying.

  “Jax, put the word out around town that we are looking for him and Hannah. Also, extend it out to the neighboring counties. I want this asshole. I want him alive,” I yell.

  Chapter 14


  Where am I? I can’t see anything. It’s completely pitch black, I feel something cold behind me. It’s hard. My hands are tied behind my back and I can’t hear anything either. I think it’s a brick wall. I try to move my legs, they’re free. I move myself so I’m sitting up. I lean up against what I think is a brick wall and my head starts pounding. I can’t remember anything other than Hawk walking me to my bedroom and falling asleep.

  I hear footsteps walking and clicking on the ground. They sound distant at first but they are getting closer. A door opens and a light switches on. My eyes are having trouble adjusting but finally do. It’s a game room. There’s a couch, pool table and what looks like a bathroom across the room. Where the fuck am I?

  “I was wondering when you were going to wake up,” my ex Ted says standing over me. He comes over and kneels in front of me. He licks the side of my face and grabs my face and kisses me. He smells and tastes like alcohol and marijuana. His pupils are completely pin point, he’s high.

  “What do you want, Ted?”

  “You, you’re mine. You ran from me and I had to find you.”

  “I don’t want you. I won’t tell anyone what you did,” I say. I’m pleading.

  “I didn’t do anything. No one would believe you anyways. You’re nothing,” he says, spitting in my face. “I like this new hair by the way. Something I’m going to have to get used to,” he says caressing my head. He runs his fingers across the gash on my head. The one he put there.

  “Don’t touch me, you’re a monster,” I yell.

  He slaps me across the face.

  “Ted, baby. Are you gonna come play or what?” I can hear a female voice saying.

  “Be right there, baby. I have some business I need to take care of first,” Ted shouts.

  “How did you find me?” I ask.

  “That’s a funny story actually. See, one of my contacts came over to deliver some goods to me and he and his buddy were talking about how some fucked up chick was fucking a rival motorcycle club. How they couldn’t believe someone so ugly was fucking their President. I had to take a look at the chick with the golden pussy because how else would someone like you get someone like that shit Hawk? They showed me a photo and I recognized you immediately,” he said.

  Tears are rolling down my eyes. “What do you want from me? Why go through all this trouble to find me? You only hurt me. You’ve taken all my money, you’ve taken my dignity, my body, my soul, everything. What else do you want because there’s nothing left to give,” I shout.

  “Shut the fuck up, you slut,” he shouts as he slaps me across the face again. I feel blood pooling in my mouth. “See, they agreed to wipe out all my debts if I brought you to them. They should be here any moment. We are after all in one of their stash houses,” he says. Ted has amassed a huge drug debt. I had no idea the Devil’s Daddies were in on it, at least that’s who I think it is.

  “Teddy, baby, I’m horny. Stop playing with that fat bitch and come fuck me,” the girl says again.

  “See, you were lucky to have me and you ruined it all. That hot piece of ass is dying for me to fuck her,” he says as he grabs my breasts through my shirt. I feel like I’m going to be sick.

  “I hope she run’s just like I did. You’re a pig and a disgrace to the shield you wear. You’re a monster,” I shout. I can’t help it. All my pent up anger is flowing through my body.

  He punches me in the face again. “You will shut your fucking whore mouth,” he says. His face is red and spit is falling out of his mouth.

  I feel my vision going dark.

  “There here Teddy,” the bitch yells again.

  I can hear footsteps again coming towards me. “Stand up Bitch,” Ted says yanking me up to my feet.

  A tall handsome man walks in, I think. My vision is still a little blurry from the blow Ted gave me. He looks like he could belong in the Blazing Saints but by the look on his face I doubt that. He looks mean and exudes authority. “Is this her?” he says looking me up and down.

  “This is her. This is the bitch fucking Hawk,” Ted says squeezing my arm tight.

  “Hand her over,” the guy says.

  “Now, I want to know that my debts have been wiped and I want proof my money has been deposited. She has a fine pussy,” Ted says. This asshole is selling me. I’m keeping my mouth shut because he’s already pissed off.

  “Pull up your phone and check your account. Everything has been deposited,” the guy says again. Ted gets on his cell phone and I can see from the corner of my eye that he received forty-five thousand dollars from an unnamed corporation. He sold me for 45k. I can’t believe this.

  Ted tosses me towards the guy and runs upstairs. I hit his chest hard. He holds me up.

  “What do you want from me?”

  “You’re leverage, plus I need me a clean pussy. I need an heir. From what I understand you’re not a club whore and I love me some thick thighs,” he says leaning down and smelling me. He takes a deep breath in.

  “Please don’t do this. I’m not Hawk’s anything. We aren’t fucking, dating, or anything. I was just running away from Ted, the asshole you paid,” I say.

  “The evidence tells a different story,” he pulls out his phone and shows me pictures of Hawk and I in the kitchen making out and me sleeping in his bed.

  “How did you get these?” I ask with tears.

  “I have my ways,” he says as he grabs my arm and drags me away.

  “No, I don’t want to go,” I fight with as much strength as I can and it’s no use.

  “Stop fighting or I will have to hurt you, and I’m not opposed to it. I prefer fucking women that don’t have bruises on their faces,” he says.

  He picks me up and puts me over his shoulder and leads me to a truck inside a garage. He puts me in the back seat. “Don’t fucking move or get up. We’re being watched,” he says.

  I start yelling. “Help! Someone! Anyone!”

  “No one can hear you, so shut the fuck up because you’re hurting my ears,” he says as he drives the car.

  “Where are we going?” I ask. It’s no use fighting it.

  “To my clubhouse. My clubs been waiting for you,” he says as he stops the car. It’s only been about 10 minutes. He pulls the truck into what looks like another garage and carries me out of the car and through what looks like their clubhouse. People are hooting and hollering as we walk through. I hear
people calling him Zeek. He carries me down a hallway and into a bedroom and tosses me onto the bed.

  He walks over to me and leans over me. “You will not run. You will stay here and shower.” He flips me over and cuts the ties holding my hands together. It feels so good to stretch them and I immediately cover my breasts because the white tank is showing everything.

  I move away quickly but he grabs me by the legs and drags me down towards him. He hovers over me. I can’t help it but a tear escapes my eyes. I’m covering my breasts and he notices and grabs my hands and pins them above me.

  “Please don’t,” I cry.

  “Why not? You’re mine now. I paid for you fair and square,” he says right into my face. He grabs my face and starts kissing me. I don’t reciprocate. He bites my lip and draws blood. He takes his other hand and releases my face and rips my shirt open.

  “Stop. I don’t want this,” I yell out as I buck my hips.

  “Shhhhhh,” he says running his hands on my breasts. “Such clean skin. No tattoos. Don’t they brand their bitches? This will be fixed tomorrow. You will be getting my brand tomorrow. Consider yourself lucky to get my brand. Now shower. I want to feast on clean pussy and fuck you raw,” he says as he releases my hands. I curl up into a ball far away from him.

  “I’ll be back in 15 minutes, if you’re not clean, you’re going to see the side of me that made me the President of this club,” he says. He walks out the door and locks it behind him.

  Fuck, what am I going to do? I feel like if I don’t obey he’s going to hit me. He won’t kill me because I’m his leverage. I do as he says and take a hot shower. My eye is swollen shut and my lip is swollen and cut as well. There is a purple bruise forming on my face as well from Ted.

  I exit the shower and look for some clothes. The only thing I’m able to find is a shirt that says Devil’s Daddies President. It’s long enough to cover me but I don’t have any underwear. I’m trying to find something, anything that I can use as a weapon and it’s like they wiped the room.

  I hear a knock at the door but no one coming in. I move closer. “Hannah,” I hear a male voice whispering.

  “Yes,” I whisper back.

  “My name is Reaper, I’m a contact here for Hawk. Are you okay?” the voice asks.

  “I’m scared, Reaper. He’s coming back to, to..” I can’t bring myself to say it.

  “I know. I’ve already sent a message to Doc that you’re here. The club knows you’re here,” he says.

  “Please Reaper, get me out of here. I don’t want him to come back,” I cry.

  “I’ll do what I can. Did you shower already?” he asks. That’s weird.

  “Yes, he said I had to.”

  “Shit. I thought you being dirty would give us some time. Zeek has a weird thing for germs. That’s why you’re so appealing to him and you’re also Hawk’s,” he whispers.

  “I’m not anyone’s. Please Reaper, help me. He should be back anytime,” I say.

  “Hannah, try to hold him off for a little while longer. We should be able to get you out of there soon. I have to go. He’s coming back,” he says.

  “No,” I whimper out. I need to gather myself. I don’t want their President knowing that I was talking to someone. I get up and go into the bathroom and sit on the toilet.

  I hear the door unlocking. “Where are you?” I hear Zeek saying.

  “I’m using the bathroom,” I say. He knocks hard on the door and breaks it down. I’m literally sitting on the toilet.

  “Don’t try anything funny. Finish up here, I need to release,” he says walking out removing his t-shirt.

  I try to spend as much time as I can in the bathroom because I don’t want him, I don’t want to be taken against my will. I’ve had enough of that for a thousand lifetimes.

  I walk out of the bathroom and see Zeek laying on the bed naked and stroking his dick. If this was any other situation, I would find him attractive but because of the fact that he paid for me and took me against my will, I’m absolutely disgusted.

  “I don’t want to do this,” I snark.

  “Why not? Do you not like my cock?” He strokes it harder holding the base near his balls.

  “I don’t like you. You bought me. Who buys a human?” I shout.

  “I do. I get what I want,” he stands up and grabs me by the wrist.

  “No!” I shout fighting him. He grabs me tightly and throws me on the bed. He uses his body weight to pin me down. I don’t know where they came from but he handcuffs my hands above my head to his headboard. He planned this.

  “Yes, that’s a good little whore. Squirm for me,” he says standing at the foot of the bed stroking his cock.

  “No, please don’t do this, Zeek. I don’t want you,” I cry out.

  “Shut up!” he slaps me.

  He hovers over me and grabs my face and kisses me. I resist and don’t reciprocate.

  “I like my shirt on you. You’re meant to be Devil’s Daddies Property. You’ll see tomorrow.”

  I try bucking him off me but it’s no use. He’s too powerful and big for me. I try to knee him in the dick but he catches it and straddles my legs.

  “No!” I’m screaming at the top of my lungs. Someone has to hear me.

  He grabs the shirt and hikes it up to my neck exposing my body. He drags a finger into my pussy lips and inserts fingers inside me.

  “No, stop it. I don’t want you. Please!” I cry out. He slaps me again.

  “Your mind is telling me no but your pussy says otherwise. You’re wet.” He licks his fingers.

  Involuntarily wet. I try bucking him again. He straddles my legs tighter and brings his dick to my pussy and starts rubbing them together.

  “Oh yeah, this is what I’m talking about. You’re a clean whore. Now, how about we start with a little branding,” he says as he flips open a knife.

  “No. Stop. What are you doing? I promise to not move anymore,” I say. I don’t want to die.

  “I’m tired of listening to you talk,” he says as he grabs a roll of duct tape from a drawer and proceeds to put it over my mouth. This is it. I’m dead. “Now stay still, I want to brand you with my name. It will only hurt a little.” He grabs the knife and starts carving his name onto my left breast. I can’t help it and start screaming bloody murder. It hurts so bad. It’s the most painful thing I’ve ever felt. I can feel myself about to pass out. I look down and see him finishing the Z of his name, he starts on the first E and I pass out.

  3 hours later…

  Where am I? I feel like I’ve been drugged. I try to lift my head but it’s too heavy, oh god my chest is burning. My eyes are too heavy and I can barely open them. I don’t know where I am. It doesn’t feel like Zeek’s bedroom anymore.

  “Han?” I hear someone call out. It sounds like Jimmy.

  “Jimmy?” I manage to muffle out.

  “Han, it’s me. Open your eyes,” the voice says again.

  “Prospect, you wake her and keep her up,” another voice says. That sounds like Hawk. I must be dreaming because last thing I remember is being under Zeek. He bought me.

  I feel a cold splash of water hit my face and my eyes open. I feel like I’m breathing for the first time too as I gasp in air.

  I’m in a van and we’re moving fast. Jimmy is holding me and Hawk is driving the car.

  “Jimmy?” I moan out. My chest is burning. He’s holding something against my chest.

  “Hey, Han. You’re safe. You’re safe. Don’t move to much, okay? We’re taking you back to the triage but I need you to stay still,” he says. There’s panic, fright, and sadness in his eyes.

  “What’s going,” I say before I pass out again.

  5 hours later….

  “Doc, what the fuck is going on? Why hasn’t she woken up?” I hear Hawk saying.

  “Mmmmm,” I can hear my self say. My throat is so dry.

  “Hannah?” Doc says. “Hannah can you hear me? I need y
ou to nod your head or squeeze my hand if you can hear me?” He places his hand in mine. I squeeze it hard.

  “Water,” I whisper out.

  “What’s that?” Doc says.

  “Water, she wants water, you fucks,” Hawk shouts.

  I manage to slowly open my eyes and see Hawk standing at the side of my bed and Doc on the other with some water in hand. He brings it up to my mouth. “Small sips, okay? I don’t want you to aspirate or throw up on me,” he says.

  I nod my head and take a small sip. That is the best tasting thing ever. I try to sit up but everything goes spinning. My chest and thighs are burning as well as my vagina. Why is my leg so heavy feeling?

  “Easy there baby,” Hawk says as he helps me sit up.

  “Thank you,” I croak out. “What. How. How did I get here?”

  “I personally went in and got you,” Hawk says.

  “What about that guy Zeek?” I feel like throwing up as I say his name.

  “He’s dead,” Hawk says.

  “Pres!” Doc shouts.

  “What, she isn’t going to sleep at night if he isn’t,” Hawk says nonchalantly.

  “Hannah, what do you remember?” Doc asks.

  “He had me on the bed and was cutting me. I passed out. I don’t know what happened after that,” I remember waking up one more time and he was inside me and then passing out again when he poured liquor on the carvings on my chest. Tears fall from my eyes.

  “You’re safe now. It’s all over,” Hawk says wiping the tears from my eyes.

  “Hannah, he carved into you on your breasts and thighs. I’ve done my best to close up what he opened. He also stabbed you in the leg. I’ve sewn everything up and it didn’t damage anything vital. I also gave you antibiotics and a tetanus shot. I examined you vaginally and…” I cut him off.

  “I know,” I say. I don’t need him to tell me I was raped again. “Do you have the morning after pill?”

  “Yes, I have it right here for you,” he hands me the white pill. I take it and swallow it.

  I start crying. I can’t help it. Hawk holds me and lets me cry.

  “I’ll be back in a few to check on you okay. I need to go take care of some of the other guys,” Doc says as he leaves the room.


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