Book Read Free


Page 13

by Belle, Kimberly I.

  “Yeah, just roughhousing with the guys and broke my shoulder I think.” I hear him yell in pain. They must be trying to set something. “Shit, Hannah, I’m sorry. I can’t come by to get you. I can’t drive. If you can get to the club house I can let you borrow my truck. I know you will treat her right,” he says breathing heavy.

  “Okay. I will find a way to get there,” I say. Shit, shit shit. I need to get to the club house.

  “Hello?” Hawk is back on the phone.


  “Why are you needing Jimmy’s cage?” Hawk asks me.

  “I have a few errands to run.” Hawk and I have had a complicated relationship. It’s been very hot and cold. He keeps his distance which I’ve appreciated because I’ve needed time to heal but he also keeps asking my cousin about me and he will send Jimmy to check in on me. He’s very nosy and overbearing at times yet I haven’t seen him in a few weeks.

  “I’ll come with you,” he says.

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll manage.”

  “How are you going to get to the clubhouse?”

  “I’ll walk,” I reply stubbornly.

  “Sure. Wrong answer. I’ll see you in 15,” he hangs up the phone.

  Shit. I look a mess too. I’m wearing leggings, a large shirt and my hair is tied up into a bun. I call my realtor and let her know I’m running a little late and will see her soon. Luckily, she said she’s running late and not to worry.

  I wait outside on the front porch of Jen’s. I hear a truck pulling up. It’s not Jimmy’s. This is a huge black beast. It parks right in front and the driver’s side door opens and Hawk walks out. He walks up to me and holds his hand out. Damn, he looks good. His jeans are hugging his ass nicely and his package looks huge. Oh gosh.

  “You ready?”

  “Hi Hawk. Yeah, I’m ready. You really don’t need to be doing this. I could have walked to the clubhouse.”

  “Nope. Not on my watch. If you need something I’ve always told you to contact me. Come on. I’ll be your chauffer for the day.” He walks over to the passenger’s side and opens the door for me. He waits for me to get in then shuts the door. He runs over to his side and hops in.

  “Where to my lady?” he asks.

  “When you pull out of the driveway, turn right and head down to Read road then turn left. It’s about five blocks down.”

  “So where are we headed?”

  “I bought a house. I need to meet my realtor to finish the paperwork and get the key.”

  “No shit. Congratulations. Why did I not know this?”

  “It’s not club business.” I can help but stare at him. The way his hands are gripping the steering wheel making his arms veins pop on his arm.

  “I’d like to get to know you better Hannah, if you’d let me,” he says very seriously.

  “I don’t fit into your lifestyle Hawk. I’m too damaged. You need a strong woman to be by your side. You’re the President of an outlaw biker club. You need a bad bitch not me.” We are getting close to my house. Hawk just turned down my street.

  “Which one is yours?” he ignores what I said. Knowing him, he’s going to bring it up later.

  “The blue one on the right,” I say pointing. My realtor hasn’t arrived yet.

  “You bought this house?” he says surprised.

  “I sure did. She isn’t much on the outside but she sits on one acre of land, there are lakeside views, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, she has good guts but is very dated. I’m just excited to have a place of my own.”

  “I’m happy for you. Can I get a tour?”

  “Yeah, sure. I just need to wait for Kelly my realtor to arrive and she’s all mine.” I say.

  I call Kelly to find out where she is and she shows up right when I press call. She walks out of her car and struts towards me and Hawk. She’s wearing a tight pencil dress with her breasts pushed up to her chin. Everything about her is fake but she knows her real estate. She got me a great deal on this property, way below asking price.

  “Hey Kelly.”

  “Sorry, I’m late Hannah. I had forgotten the contract and had to run back,” she looks at me then to Hawk. “And who is this?” Her eyes get bright and her body language changes immediately.

  “I’m Hawk ma’am.” He nods his head in greeting.

  “Hi, I’m Kelly Price. Nice to meet you.” She holds her hand out to shake Hawk’s. Hawk reciprocates.

  “Shall we proceed then?” I ask.

  “Oh, yes.” She grabs the contract and over the hood of her car I read through the contract and sign. As I’m reading, she can’t help herself.

  “So, are you two related?” She asks, fawning over Hawk. I’ve never seen such blatant flirting by someone who isn’t a club whore. She’s throwing herself at him, bending over a little to expose her breasts and cleavage. Hawk isn’t paying any mind to her. He’s looking at me. Hawk is about to answer and I interrupt.

  “No, we aren’t related. He’s a good friend.”

  Hawk walks over to me and grabs my waist. “I’d say we are more than good friends. If kitchen counters could talk, they’d agree.” He says as he nuzzles my neck. What is he doing?

  Oh my gosh, I can’t believe he just said that. Kelly’s face goes red. She’s embarrassed.

  “Um, yeah. Okay. Well, everything looks signed. Here are your keys. Congratulations again. I know you will do great things with it. Take care, Hannah. Hawk it was nice to meet you.” She became super professional and walked away.

  I turn to Hawk, who is still holding my waist. “Why did you say that, Hawk?”

  “What? She was very apparent in trying to flirt with me. I don’t have eyes for her and that was rude to you.”

  “You could have just said no, not relatives. Plus, you’ve had club whores all over you around me.”

  “Why not have a little fun with her? She was making you uncomfortable. I saw your body language and I was annoyed. I wanted to make her uncomfortable too with the truth.”

  “You didn’t have to mention kitchen counters though.” He was referring to the time we had making out on a kitchen counter. I’ve dreamt of that night often.

  “I think of that night a lot. I can’t help but bring it up.”

  “Alright. Well, you don’t have to hold me anymore. The gig is up. You wanna see the house?”

  “I like holding you though. He turns my body towards him. His eyes are beautiful and he’s grown a beard that he’s keeping neat and tight.

  I reach my hand up and touch his beard. “I like this.” I say.

  “Really? I was thinking of getting rid of it.” He scratches it himself.

  “No, don’t. It’s nice. It makes you more rugged. Not that you need a beard for that.” I escape his grasp and head toward the front door. “Come on.”

  He walks over to me. I open the front door and everything is old. The house isn’t in the best shape. The only sturdy thing in this house is the foundation. I need new flooring, paint, the kitchen and bathrooms need to be gutted, and I’d like to make my bedroom closet larger. All the floor is currently carpet that I’d like to rip up and replace with wood floors. There are also some holes in the walls that I need to repair.

  “Wait, Hannah, this place isn’t safe,” Hawk says. He has a worried look on his face.

  “What do you mean?” I’m confused.

  “It’s very outdated. There’s no security, the locks are old. That door back there is ready to be broken into. You have cracked windows in the kitchen. The sliding doors to the backyard don’t close. Where are you going to sleep?”

  “Well, I need to clean it out. Jimmy was going to take me into town to buy cleaning supplies and order some furniture. The outside needs new paint and so does the inside. I just need to clean it out well. It will be good as new. There is so much potential here. I mean look at the size of the bones of the kitchen. The appliances and furnishings have got to go but it’s huge.”

  “Well, then
let’s get to it. I’m going to make a few phone calls first.”

  “Okay. I’m going to grab a couple measurements for the kitchen and bed.”

  15 minutes later…

  I find Hawk in my kitchen boarding up the window and the sliding glass door.

  “You don’t have to do that Hawk.”

  “Like hell I don’t. Come on. Let’s get into town.” He walks ahead of me and opens the door for me. We ride into town in comfortable silence. I’m able to grab a ton of cleaning supplies, that’s my first step. I want to clean everything to see where I’m at. We go to the furniture store next. I’m able to find a bedroom set but I don’t like the mattresses. We’ve been out for five hours now.

  Hawk has been super patient with me. He’s walked through the home improvement store with me and helped me pick out a few different appliances and light fixtures. I can’t afford too much but I’m trying to get the basics. I was able to order new toilets, sinks and showers. I plan on gutting all the bathrooms but I can’t stand having the old nasty toilets still in there. I need them to be new. I ordered showers and sinks as well but they will stay in the garage until I can get the bathrooms fixed up. I’m going to have to wait to order my kitchen until I get a contractor out.

  “I’m sorry, Hawk. I didn’t mean for this to be so long. We’ve been out 6 hours now. Can I buy you some dinner as a thank you?”

  “I enjoyed myself. I haven’t had a day out like this in forever and I had great company. You know we have a couple brothers who own contracting businesses. They do a lot of remodels. I can give you their numbers if you’d like. They can get those floors installed in no time especially since they own the distributing,” he says. He’s been busy texting on his phone all day, must be club business. I’ve enjoyed my time with him. I feel normal.

  “I need to wait. Financially, I can’t afford those floors yet,” I reply.

  Hawk pulls into a restaurant and brewery. I’ve wanted to try this new place but haven’t had a chance to. I’ve been saving my money.

  We spend an hour and a half eating. He wouldn’t let me pay. We’re now riding back to my place but I ask him to take me to Jen’s. It’s too late now for me to start cleaning.

  He pulls into Jen’s driveway. She still isn’t home.

  “Where’s Jen?” Hawk asks.

  “She’s with Mark, the prospect. They went away together.”

  “No shit. I had no idea they were that serious. I thought they were just fucking.”

  “Yeah, they do a lot of that. I can’t stand being in the house when he spends the night. It drives me crazy.” I open my door and walk towards the front. Hawk follows behind me.

  “Do you want to come in for some dessert? I made five cakes and four flavors of ice cream for my cookbook. I was going to bring them by the club house or the tattoo shop but haven’t had a chance yet.”

  “I won’t say no to your cooking. Your taste of Italy gelato is my favorite thing in the world,” he replies. That makes me smile, knowing he likes my food.

  I open the house and flip on the lights. Its feels nice to be here. I take my shoes off and head towards the kitchen. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

  “I’ll take some water, if you got it.”

  “Sure thing. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll make a tray and bring it out.”

  I move to the kitchen and make a tray of cakes and ice cream for us to try. I hope he likes them. I also make a pot of coffee for us.

  I walk in and Hawk is sitting on the couch watching TV. Both arms are spread out on the backs of the couch and his legs are spread. He’s in a very inviting and open position.

  “So, when does Jen get back?” he asks.

  “She will be gone through Monday.”

  “She left you to move in all alone?”

  “They couldn’t cancel and I didn’t know my house would close so soon.” I set the tray down on the small table in front of the TV.

  “Wow, this looks and smells amazing,” he says leaning down to look at all the food.

  I take a seat on the floor with my back resting against the couch. Hawk sits next to me. I can feel the heat from his body against mine. I turn to him and look at his face.

  “What’s going on in that mind beautiful?” he asks me.

  “Just wondering how odd we look together.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you’re this GQ model and I’m a chef.”

  “I don’t see anything wrong with a beautiful woman being with me. Especially someone as beautiful as you.” He playfully bumps me with his shoulder.

  I change the subject. “Alright, so here we have a slice of five different cakes and four ice cream flavors that should work with them all. I also made us some coffee.”

  “Oooh, is this your special blend?”

  “You bet it is.”

  I pour him a cup. He takes a sip. “Oh fuck me, this is amazing. All the guys miss your coffee at the clubhouse. We can’t find anything that matches.”

  I fork some cake and a little ice cream. I intended for him to take the fork but instead he eats right off it.

  “Do you like that one?” I ask.

  “Amazing.” I take a bite myself.

  “I think this might be my favorite combination of cake and ice cream.”

  “Let me try again.” I’m thinking he’s going to go for the fork but he kisses me. I lean into it. My god I needed this. I climb onto his lap and grab his face as we kiss. We break apart but I’m still on his lap.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to climb onto you.” I try to get off but he doesn’t let me. I can feel his hard dick against my pussy.

  “Never be sorry for that. I could do that all day. You’re an amazing kisser, baby.”

  “You’re not bad yourself. You wanna try some more cake?”

  “Sure,” he says with a smirk on his face. He grabs the hem of my shirt and waits for me to give him permission.

  No one has seen me naked in a long time. I’m embarrassed by all the scars. Hawk only saw them when I was freshly injured. I give him the okay to remove my shirt. I have a plain black bra on.

  “Beautiful,” he kisses my neck and breasts. He grabs some ice cream. “Ooops,” he says as he drops it on my breasts.

  “That’s cold.” I jump ever so slightly.

  “My bad, let me clean it for you.” I thought he was going to grab a napkin but instead he cleans it with his mouth. Licking it off me.

  “Oh god. You’re making me feel things I haven’t felt in a long time.” I grab his shirt and take it off. I want to feel his skin against mine. I lean in and kiss him hard. We make out for what feels like forever. I can’t help but grind against him. It sends a pang of passion up my body.

  “Baby, if you keep rubbing your pussy against me like that I’m going to cum like a middle schooler.”

  I stop and look at him. “You okay?” he asks me with concern on his face.

  “I feel amazing and safe,” I tell him.

  “I never want you to feel anything but that with me. I’ll always keep you safe Hannah.”

  “I know.” I know it to be true.

  “Baby, I don’t know how much more I can do this. You’re driving me crazy and I haven’t fucked in over 6 months. I don’t think I can stop. I need you to tell me to stop and I can go on my way otherwise I’m going to go mad. I don’t want to pressure you. You’ve been through a lot and I understand if you need me to stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop.” I reply. Just with those words he lifts me up and places me on the couch flat on my back. I can’t help but giggle.

  “Is this okay?” he asks as he unbuttons my pants. He’s being very gentle. It’s a side I didn’t think he would have.

  “Yes.” I nod. I lift my hips so he can take them off. My legs fall apart naturally. I’ve thought of this moment through all my therapy. This is my first time with a man since all the assault I experienced and
for once I don’t have anxiety about it. I feel safe and comfortable.

  “You’re beautiful,” he says looking down at me. He moves between my legs and leans down to kiss me. “I want you to tell me to stop if you’re not comfortable, okay?”

  “I will.” He grabs my panties and takes them off. He thumbs my clit with his right hand. It makes me jump.

  “Is this okay?”

  “Oh god yes. Please don’t stop touching me.” Just having him touch me feels amazing. I could melt at his touch.

  He leans back and lowers his mouth down to my pussy and takes one long lick from my ass up, landing on my clit. He sucks and licks and gives me all types of pressure and pleasure I’ve never felt. He reaches up and grabs my breasts. I place my hand on top of his.

  “Please don’t stop. Right there. Oh god Hawk, I’m going to cum.”

  He picks up his pace sucking and licking. It only takes a few more minutes and I’m melting into his mouth.

  “I’m cumming,” I scream out. I can’t help the moans that are escaping my mouth. My body is jerking from the pleasure. He looks up at me with the biggest smile.

  “You’re so pleased with yourself,” I say reaching for his face and caressing it.

  “You just came in my mouth baby. There is no better taste than that. You’re sweet,” he leans up and kisses me. I can taste myself on his mouth. I feel his cock hit my stomach.

  “What about you?”

  “What about me baby?”

  “You’re hard,” I move my hand down towards his dick. He stops me. “Why did you stop me?” I ask confused. Does he not want me?

  “I don’t want to pressure you or rush you into anything,” he says.

  “You’re not Hawk. I want you. I haven’t been able to have pleasure like this at my will. You’re bringing back a piece of me to life that I thought was dead. I want you.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you baby.”

  “Why are you going to hurt me?” I search his eyes. He’s afraid of hurting me during sex. “You’re not going to hurt me Hawk. I promise. I’m not a delicate flower.” I kiss him.

  “Are you sure you want this?” He asks me again. He looks so worried. I’ve never seen him like this.


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