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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 25

by S. E. Law

  “You okay?” asks Tex, shooting a sideways look at me.

  “She’s fine,” speaks Rex for me, taking my hand while smiling at me with dancing eyes. “Marni’s going to be better than fine in just a few minutes.”

  The door slides open, and I’m led into a carpeted hallway. My heels sink into the soft, plush rug, but Tex and Mex are careful with me on either side. They guide me to a door at the end of the hall, and it swings open to reveal a plush hotel room. The bedspread is a grey damask, and a small lamp casts a soft, romantic glow over the furnishings. A small, wooden desk is pushed into the corner, and a comfortable gray chair faces it with a view of the city skyline.

  “It’s beautiful here,” I say sincerely, stepping inside. The door shuts behind us, and the men growl.

  “Not as beautiful as you,” says Rex.

  “You’re worth it,” affirms Tex. “Now, Marni. Are you ready?”

  I bite my lip and turn back toward them.

  “I am,” is my soft reply. “What do I do?”

  Slowly, the men begin to unfasten their cuff links. I watch as black jackets drop to the floor, followed by their white dress shirts. The air hitches in my throat because Tex and Rex are mouth-wateringly gorgeous. Their bronzed chests are sculpted and defined, the skin tanned and smooth. Hard pectoral muscles lead down to visible six pack abs, and I swallow thickly as the men begin unfastening their trousers.

  “Oh my god,” is my breathless cry.

  They grin at me, blue eyes gleaming.

  “Is that a good sign or a bad one?”

  I merely swallow again, unable to tear myself from the massiveness that’s revealed.

  “We’ll take that as a good sign,” laughs Tex as he drops his boxers to the ground. After all, the thick, throbbing meat that’s been revealed has me panting with need. They’re both at least ten inches, with deep purple helmets and stiff, thick shafts that beg to be licked. The tips are already gleaming with seed, and my knees wobble as I grab onto a bedpost to steady myself.

  “You like it,” muses Rex with amusement.

  “She likes it a lot,” adds Tex, kicking his clothes away. “But now, Marni, it’s time for show and tell. Do you want to undress yourself, or should we help you?”

  I stare at these Greek gods not even fifteen feet away from me. How did I get so lucky? Most women’s first times are a mess of fumbling hands, premature bursts, and sweaty limbs. By contrast, I can feel that I’m going to have a good time with Tex and Rex. They’re going to own me so thoroughly that by the end, I won’t even remember my own name.

  “I can do it myself,” I breathe. “Just give me a sec.”

  The men grin, and with trembling hands, I reach for the zip on my dress. It’s a little hard to get back there, but then my finger catches hold and I manage to pull it down. The red velvet dress parts like it’s split in two, slowly easing over my generous curves. It drops to my feet, leaving me in nothing but a red demi-bra and matching lacy panties.

  “Red, hmm?” asks Rex, his blue eyes glued to my creaminess. “I like it.”

  “It makes you look even more delectable,” rasps Tex, his pole jerking a bit in the air. “Like a cherry ready to be plucked.”

  I laugh breathily, trying to suck in my stomach for these gorgeous alpha males. They’ve been with dozens of teen girls, and are probably used to petite women with bones like birds.

  But the men see what I’m doing and frown.

  “No, sweetheart. We love curves. If anything, it makes you even more beautiful and desirable,” growls Tex, his eyes drinking me up.

  Then, Rex’s pole shudders in the air with need.

  “You look gorgeous curvy, and if anything, you’d look even better with another twenty pounds,” he rasps, never taking his gaze from the vee between my thighs. “I can see that you’re shy, baby girl, but there’s nothing to be shy about. Not when you’re bountiful and ripe like this.”

  Their words wash over me like a balm, and I exhale with relief. I hadn’t even been aware that I was holding my breath, but now that Tex and Rex have voiced their approval, I feel so much more at ease.

  “Come and get it then, Daddies,” I coo. “I’m ready.”

  The men are on their knees before me at once. Tex latches onto my right nip and a tingle runs straight from the tip to my sweetest spot.

  “Oooh!” I gasp. “Oh god!”

  He grunts with pleasure, sucking even harder while twisting the other nip with his hands. The corkscrew motion makes me shudder and gush, mewling softly.

  Meanwhile, Rex kneels before me and gently runs his tongue up my plump furrow through the lace of my panties.

  “You’re wet,” he grunts after he’s done. “Sopping in fact.”

  It’s true because in the next second, he reaches for the crotch of my panties and pulls it away from my steaming folds, revealing the plump fullness of my lips. Gently, he leans forward to tongue the swollenness there, lightly running up one side before coming down the other. I cry out, long and low, with need.

  “Oh god Rex,” I pant. “That feels so good.”

  My knees have gone jelly-like, and the men pick me up and deposit me on the mattress, generous curves bouncing. Then Rex positions himself between my thighs again, giving me slow delicious licks while Tex goes back to work on my rosy red nips.

  “Mmm!” I cry out, squirming a bit below them. My back arches and I toss my head as electricity pulses through my form. “Yes!”

  Tex lifts his head for a moment to study me, and a smile descends on that handsome face.

  “She likes it,” he growls with approval. “Marni’s getting warmed up fast.”

  I can hardly register his words because Rex keeps licking me where it counts. With gentle fingers, he parts my soft folds, revealing the deep, moist pink inside and blows on my pulsing hole teasingly.

  “Shit, our little girl is sopping already,” he growls more to himself than anything. “She’s small, and it’s going to be a tight fit, but I know you can do it.”

  I cry out again as his mouth fastens on my nub. Hot jolts of pleasure pulse through body, reaching all the way to my fingers and toes. I feel like I’m about to levitate from the ecstasy, and yet I haven’t even been taken yet.

  “Tex, Rex,” I gasp, trying to rouse myself. “What can I do for you? I want you to feel good too.”

  The men merely look up quickly before returning to their ministrations. Their bodies are hard and tight, the muscles carved from wood. Moisture drips from their tips, and I can literally see the vein on the bottom of Tex’s shaft pulsing with need. But both men go back to work, grunting with pleasure.

  “Don’t worry about a thing,” rasps Rex. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

  I’m about to say something in return, but then Tex slowly rotates his body towards me, even as he continues sucking on my tight nips. I feel something nudge my cheek and gasp. It’s his thick, pulsing member, and reflexively, I open my mouth. It’s the right thing to do because the huge shaft slips in, and I get a mouthful of my first man meat.

  “Mmm!” I explain, eyes wide. “Mmmph!”

  The tool between my lips almost chokes me with its size, but I focus on breathing through my nose even as he slides deeper into my mouth. Tex is hot, salty, and yet sweet too. He tastes like a virile man, and my jaw aches as he goes deeper and deeper. But I focus on my breathing and the delectable pleasure coursing through my veins.

  “You’re doing great,” he rasps, popping off my tip for a moment. “You’re taking me like a pro, little girl.”

  I say something muffled in return, and return to sucking delicately at the hard shaft between my lips. A small burst of seed pulses down my throat, and I swallow eagerly. Was that my first taste of a man’s pleasure?

  But then, Tex slowly pulls his tool from between my lips, and as it reappears, the shaft glistens wetly. I cough a bit once he’s out and he grins at me before lying on his back.

  “Sweetheart, you did a great job,” he says, motionin
g towards his enormous rod, now pointing straight into the air. “Now do you think you can sit on this?”

  I lift my head to look blearily at the tool. It’s huge, and there are no two ways about it. I want to, and my mouth waters even as my folds down below convulse in anticipation. But my mind reels with uncertainty.

  “I’m not sure,” I say in a small whisper. “It’s so big and … well, I’ve never done this before.”

  Rex looks up from between my thighs, and he and Tex share a sizzling look. Slowly, Rex gets up, his pole leaving a wet trail along the bedspread as he sits straight.

  “Sweetheart, if you’ve never done it before, then would you like to see it done first?” he asks in a careful voice. “Maybe seeing a demonstration will help you prepare for what comes next.”

  I look between them, confused for a moment. But then, suddenly it all becomes clear.

  “You’re going to sit on that?” I ask in a choked voice, even as my sweet blossom pulses with the knowledge. “Oh my god.”

  Rex nods, his eyes already gleaming with need as he surveys Tex’s pole.

  “It’s not easy,” he concedes. “But I’ve done it before, and I can show you how to take things step by step.”

  My heart pounds heavily, feeling like it’s going to explode from my chest. Oh my god, these men are going to demonstrate how it’s done? Am I really ready for this?

  But the thought of seeing Rex impale himself on Tex’s hardness touches something within me, and fluid gushes between my legs. Yes, I want this. I want to see the two men locked together intimately, and my nips harden as I nod.

  “I wouldn’t mind watching,” is my breathy reply. “For the first time.”

  Tex’s eyes gleam, and he slowly runs one hand up and down his gleaming shaft.

  “That’s good because you’ve already gotten me wet. Now lover boy,” he directs Rex. “Come sit on my face so that I can get you lubed up.”

  Rex grins too, his body as hard as carved granite. Then, to my shock, he stands and straddles Tex’s head before lowering himself down so that his friend can swipe at his tight pleats with his tongue. My eyes bug out as I watch the dirtiness. Oh my god, does Jessica know that her dad and stepdad do this together? She would die if she found out, but I can’t help but thrill at the forbidden nature of this liaison. It’s so filthy, but so damn good as well.

  Rex’s eyes drop closed as he balances above Tex’s head. The tongue swiping his hole is thorough, doing lashes back and forth before burrowing tight into that deep darkness. Rex lets out a low, throaty moan as he’s penetrated, and almost collapses on Tex’s face.

  But the men have a goal to accomplish, and that’s to show me how it’s done. Tex slaps Rex’s backside with a loud smack, and Rex’s eyes slowly open as if in a daze. He levers his huge form up, and then maneuvers himself to straddle Tex’s upright pole.

  “Are you ready?” he says in a throaty rasp. I’m not sure who he’s talking to: me or Tex.

  But I nod, and Rex grasps the enormous tool in his palm while directing it to his back hole. I watch, unable to breathe, as the filth begins. Gently, Rex rubs the head against his wrinkle, and then lightly edges his weight forward, pushing down onto the huge shaft. Both men moan, and Rex’s eyes close as he continues the pressure. Nothing seems to be happening at first, but then his pucker opens a bit, allowing that huge tool headway. It slips in an inch, and Rex gasps with pleasure.

  He opens his eyes then to look at me. I can hardly breathe. Oh my god, Rex has a giant tool in him right now, his cheeks parted as Tex pulses below him.

  “Are you watching?” he asks in a strangled voice. “Can you see how it’s done?

  I swallow and nod silently, my bosom heaving. Oh my god, will I be able to do this when it’s time?

  But both men have other things to focus on right now. Rex’s eyes close again, and he concentrates on what’s happening to him below. With a slight sigh, he leans back and edges himself downwards again, more of that enormous purple shaft disappearing into his brown pucker.

  “Unnnh,” he groans with strain. “Oh fuck!”

  Tex’s hands go up to circle Rex’s waist.

  “I got you,” he rasps. “Let yourself go.”

  Rex inhales again through his nose, his eyes still tightly shut. Then he relaxes again and pushes down once more. The huge purple shaft slides further into him until finally, it’s buried all the way inside. My heart beats rapidly as something strums between my legs. Am I really witnessing this dirty deed? But it’s true.

  “Unnnnh!” Rex cries out, totally penetrated now. “Oh FUCK!”

  “You’ve done great,” Tex growls from below, his hands shaking with need as they grip Rex’s waist. “You took me all. Now let’s give Marni a show.”

  Rex’s eyes don’t even open. Letting out a small stream of curse words, he begins to lift himself on Tex’s shaft before dropping down again, the huge pole disappearing and reappearing in his tiny brown pucker. Meanwhile, his own rod bounces up and down in the air, stiff with need. Hot fluid drips from the tip, and my mouth goes dry as I watch. This is blowing my mind, and I can’t wait to see how it finishes.

  The two men heave and pull, their giant forms doing a rhythmic dance. I can see them summiting a cliff together, and the underside of Tex’s shaft begins to pulse as his balls tighten and rise. But before he can explode, Rex halts in mid-stride and his eyes flicker open.

  “Marni,” he says in a raspy voice. “I’ve shown you how it’s done. Now it’s your turn.”

  My cheeks flush as my mouth opens in a silent gasp. What? But evidently, the time has come. Slowly, Rex pulls his bottom off of Tex’s shaft, the huge purple member glistening and even bigger than before. I’m supposed to sit on that?

  It seems so because Rex and Tex both smile at me, their hard bodies ready, and suddenly, I know it’s my turn.



  Marni’s breasts sway and heave as she stares at my dripping pole.

  “Oh,” is her single word.

  I gesture to the stiff staff again.

  “It’s been warmed up for you already, little girl. The time has come.”

  She stares unmoving again, but then slowly moves forward as if in a trance. She climbs over me, straddling my form where Rex was just a moment earlier. My friend helps her get into place, eyeing those creamy curves as her thighs part to form a vee above my tip.

  “That a girl,” Rex says in a throaty voice. “I gotcha.”

  Once Marni is positioned just right, he reaches down and grasps my slick member in his hand. The fingers slip and slide a bit and I let out a throaty moan of pleasure as additional seed spills from the tip.

  “He’s ready for you, see?” Rex asks with a sly smile. Then he positions the tip at Marni’s hole and nudges her folds open.

  “Now sink down,” he instructs. “It’s going to feel tight, but it’ll also feel good.”

  Marni takes a deep breath and obeys. Slowly, her swollen lips part, hugging the tip of my rod. Then she descends a bit and stops, her eyes fluttering open.

  “Oh my god!” is her breathless cry.

  “He’s big isn’t he?” Rex growls. “But you’re doing a great job, sweetheart. Now keep sliding down. Let the honey from your honey pot drip so that it slicks everything up.”

  As if on cue, a bit of moisture slides down from where we meet, lubing up my throbbing member. Marni lets out another choked gasp and then slips down a little more, the huge purple rod slowly disappearing into her.

  “Ohhhhh!” is her breathless moan. “Mmmm!”

  “It feels good, doesn’t it?” growls Rex. “Now let yourself go, and ease down all the way.”

  Marni’s balanced with her knees on either side of me as her pussy takes a man’s cock for the first time. She takes another big breath and then slowly eases herself down all the way until I’m buried to the hilt in that tight sheath.

  “Unh fuck baby,” I grunt. “Shit you’re tight.”

  She’s stil
l breathing heavily, even as Rex grips the base of my shaft for good measure. Then he squeezes my balls and begins directing Marni once more.

  “Up,” he orders in a silky voice. “Feel the drag on your interior walls. He’s touching you where you’ve never been touched, isn’t he? It feels amazing, doesn’t it?”

  Marni’s eyes close as she focuses on where we meet. Her pussy lips are stretched into thin bands around my thick member, and I watch with avid eyes as she pulls up again, leaving a trail of wetness in her wake.

  “It does feel good!” she cries out. “Oh!”

  “You’re doing great,” Rex encourages again. “Now down.”

  Marni obeys, and soon, she’s gotten into the swing of things. Her tiny, tight pussy eases up and down my pole, jacking it off with her inner walls. My balls raise, and I feel myself begin to tighten. Fuck. Being with Marni and Rex is blowing my mind, and now my body is heading towards its natural climax.

  But I don’t want to leave Rex out of this. Our eyes meet with a sizzle, and I gesture to him.

  “Come sit on my face, big boy,” is my low invitation. “I can’t wait to get my tongue in that hot hole of yours.”

  He smiles, the look in his eyes so intense. This is what I love about Rex: anything he does, he does one hundred percent, whether it’s showing our girl how to make love, or driving a truck eighty miles down a highway. Rex gets up fluidly and then squats over my face, lowering his brown anal opening until it’s an inch from my mouth.

  “Like this, loverboy?” he rasps.

  My only answer is to reach up and lick his pucker with my tongue. He cries out immediately, his cock jerking, and I smile to myself. Rex always loves getting rim jobs, and I’ve become a master at giving them. Slowly, as Marni eases herself up and down my pole, I lick my male lover where it counts, savoring his musty sweet flavor.

  “Oh fuck,” Rex grunts above me. His hand springs forward to grip his shaft, and he begins jerking it. Fluid drips onto my chest, sticky and sweet.


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