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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 26

by S. E. Law

“Oh my god, I can’t believe we’re doing this!” Marni cries out as she bounces up and down my shaft. I can’t reply because my tongue’s buried deep in Rex’s butt, but my lover answers in my stead.

  “Believe it, sweetheart, because I’m about to come.”

  Suddenly, it happens. Hot seed flies out from his cock, spurting wetly on the spot where my shaft penetrates Marni. The filthy act propels her over the edge and she screams, coming hard on my cock.

  “Fuck!” is her cry as her pussy dissolves in rhythmic waves on my rigid pole. “Oh SHIT!”

  Hot tremors squeeze my big dick, and suddenly, I can’t take it anymore either. I release with a roar, jism lashing Marni’s interior.

  “FUCK!” is my raging cry. “Unnnnh!”

  Seed splashes everywhere: into Marni, and also right onto where our bodies join. She continues to move up and down, and it’s filthy because she’s mixing our jizz together. She’s sliding up and down my pole as I ejaculate into her, even as Rex spurts into her pussy. The two streams of seed are mixing into a frothy brew.

  “Mmm,” Marni moans, her eyes closed as her breasts bobble up and down, her knees spread obscenely wide. “Fuck yeah.”

  Finally, my balls empty themselves, and Rex levers himself off my face. His pucker is brown and wet, and I can’t wait to trash it until it’s red and gaping from use. But even better, now we have a sweet female as part of our threesome, which means there are three more holes to use and enjoy. With Marni as part of our group, we’re ready to launch into a new chapter of love.



  One month later.

  I’m playing chess at Rex’s house with my lovers and it’s fantastic. This isn’t a regular game of chess; this is strip chess with the two hottest men I’ve ever met, and I’m already down to my panties.

  “Oooh,” I say coyly, eyeing Tex and Rex over the chessboard. “I see that your King is open. You should be more careful.”

  The two men growl, already down to their socks. Their giant poles wave in the air before them, erect and gleaming at the tips.

  “Honey, you don’t have to hold back if you don’t want. You can do whatever you like. We’re good losers.”

  I blink sweetly at them.

  “Oh really, you are? Well, tell me how you feel when I do this then,” I say coyly, picking up their king and putting it into my mouth. The chess piece is about five inches long, white-colored and smooth. I lick it thoroughly, getting it lubed up, and then sit back in my chair and pull my knees up so that my feet are flat on the seat. The two men stare at me with avid eyes, their hands already jerking their poles.

  “Can I do this with your king?” I coo, pulling my panties to the side to reveal my pulsing pink slit. Slowly, I bring the head of the chess piece to my tiny hole and edge it in just a bit. The head catches inside, and I literally let go of it, so that it dangles from my swollen folds.

  “Oh look!” I say with mock surprise. “I’m so tight that it’s stuck already!”

  The two men never take their eyes from my sweet slit.

  “Keep going,” Tex commands, his blue eyes almost glowing.

  “Fuck yourself with it,” Rex growls. “We need to see.”

  Sure enough, my show devolves into a nasty X-rated scene where the chess piece is used in ways you’d never imagine. Let’s just say I fucked it the traditional way, and then both Tex and Rex fucked it too until it had been in several of our holes multiple times.

  But this is what I love about my men. They’re so open-minded and seem to revel in our love. They enjoy my body, and also enjoy each other’s. I never thought I’d be into bisexual men, but human attraction is unpredictable, and I find it unbelievably hot when they sink their cocks into each other.

  But there’s still the question of my membership in Dads and Daughters. Even though Tex, Rex, and I have been enjoying our threesome for a month now, no progress has been made on my membership. Lazily, I lift my head from Tex’s thigh to look at my male lovers, huge and bronzed, their enormous poles temporarily sated.

  “Have you talked to the club yet?” I ask curiously. “What did they say?”

  Tex and Rex share a glance.

  “No, we haven’t. Not just yet, sweetheart.”

  I look at them, puzzled.

  “But why not? Wasn’t the whole point of this to get me into the club? I thought we were going to be nasty together so that Brent would have to capitulate. After all, I’ve already been owned by two members of the club, so he should just re-join at this point.”

  Tex and Rex nod slowly. I can tell they have something up their sleeve, and sit up, my breasts bouncing.

  “What is it?” I demand. “What are you not telling me?”

  The two men sigh and slowly, Tex speaks.

  “Well, sweetheart, we just don’t want to rush things. We’ve been having a lot of fun with you, and … well, haven’t you been having fun too?”

  I nod.

  “Of course. I’ve been having a blast with you guys. But what about my membership? Do you not want me to join?”

  Tex and Rex share another look between them.

  “Well, it’s not that we don’t want you to join. We want you to join, but we don’t want other men to sample you,” Rex admits slowly. “You’ve been so sweet and luscious, Marni, that we’d like to keep you to ourselves.”

  I cock my head at them.

  “But can’t I stay with you even after joining Dads and Daughters?”

  Tex gets a thoughtful look on his face.

  “You can, but it doesn’t usually happen that way. At least, not initially. You see, dads and daughters are allowed to form exclusive relationships if they like. That means that a girl only services one man, even if other dads are pulling into her city. But that usually only happens after a girl’s sampled a couple different guys, and has decided that one special man is for her.”

  I stare at them.

  “But why can’t I just decide from the outset that I only want to be with you?” I ask. “Because that’s the truth. I only want to be with you, Tex and Rex. I can’t even imagine being with other men now. Who else would give me what I need?”

  The two men share looks of relief, and immediately gather my curvy form into their arms.

  “That’s what we want to hear,” Rex growls into my ear. “We were so afraid you were going to be with other men, and the truth is, Marni, that we don’t share.”

  Tex nods and says, “We can’t share someone as sweet as you, baby. You’re our private honey pot, and alpha males like us get violent if asked to share. If it’s just some random girl, then no big deal. But when it comes to you? No sharing. Ever. Period.”

  A thrill runs down my spine because this is how I feel about my lovers too. I love being in their arms, and talking with them. I love our conversations, and the meals we share. I love joshing with them and asking their advice on a myriad of subjects, from school to my social life.

  We’ve kept our relationship discreet, always meeting at Rex’s house, but I know at some point, we’ll come out to the public. The only question is when? I’m just about to ask when Rex speaks again.

  “Marni, Tex and I have been stationed at home for the past month or so, and it’s worked out great because we were able to use the time to establish a solid relationship with you. But we wanted to let you know: we’re headed back on the road in two days.”

  I sit back, my heart pounding. I knew this was going to happen at some point. Our little idyll couldn’t keep up forever because Tex and Rex have to work.

  “Where are you headed?” I ask in a soft voice.

  Their blue eyes are serious.

  “All over,” answers Tex. “We’ll be handling a load that takes us to Philly, then to Dallas, and then to Albuquerque before swinging back. We’re doing a tour of the fifty states,” he jokes.

  “But,” adds Rex, “we have something for you that will help us keep in touch.”

  I nod with tears in my eyes. What do they have
up their sleeves? It’ll be good, I’m sure. Slowly, Rex gets up and rummages in a closet. Then he comes back with a suitcase with a hard shell, which he sets down before carefully unlocking.

  “What is that?” I ask, staring at the contents. There’s a small black box, as well as a set of wires attached to nodes. There are also a bunch of plastic attachments of all shapes and sizes.

  “This,” intones Tex, lifting the set from the case. “Is the cutting edge of cyberdildonics. Using this, we can give you pleasure from anywhere in the world.”

  I scrunch my forehead, looking doubtfully at the mess of wires.

  “But how?” I ask. “Are these sex toys?”

  Rex chuckles while fingering one of the attachments. Come to think of it, it’s shaped like a dildo except that it’s huge. It must be at least fifteen inches long, with all sorts of bumpy protrusions along the sides. My insides heat, imagining it buried deep in my sweltering pussy.

  “These are intimate toys, but they’re perfect for long-haul truckers because we can control them remotely.” He gets out his phone and swipes something on the screen. To my surprise, a number of the toys begin to vibrate, including a two inch plug and the monster dildo Rex has in his hand.

  “Oh my god,” I gasp, eyes wide. “But what are all those nodes for?”

  Rex grins and gently takes my wrist in one of his hands. Then he presses the node against my pulse, and Tex turns his phone to show me the screen.

  “This way, we can monitor your arousal,” he says with a grin. “It’s just like the sensors on an EKG. We’re watching your heart rate, your pulse, how fast you breathe, and even your blood flow. It’s state of the art electronics, sweetheart, and we’d love if you’d use these with us while we’re on the road.”

  My eyes widen.

  “Oh my god,” is my breathy reply. “It’s perfect for Dads and Daughters.”

  The two men throw their heads back and laugh.

  “It is,” they acknowledge, their blue eyes gleaming and their hard shafts beginning to drip once more. “And now, sweetheart, it’s time to show you how to use these.”

  In a second, the two alpha males are on me, and I cry out with pleasure and anticipation. After all, everything that’s happened with Tex and Rex has blown my mind, and now, I only want more.



  Tex and Rex left a few days ago, and we’ve shared some steamy phone calls since then, but not much else. I miss them, and my heart pounds when I hear my cell ring.

  “Hello?” I ask into the phone.

  “Hi sweetheart. Is your bedroom door locked?”

  I eye the silver handle and giggle.

  “It is. Plus, Brent is out. He has his own job, so he’s on the road. We won’t be disturbed.”

  “Good,” Tex growls into my ear. “Now get naked, baby girl. Rex and I are about to have our way with you.”

  I giggle again and turn on my computer monitor. It took a while to get everything hooked up and in place, but my lovers and I are ready for our first session of cyberdildonics. It freaked me out a little at first, but after Tex and Rex showed me how stimulating it could be, I’m all for it now. Teasingly, I slip my robe off my shoulders, baring my creamy curves to these handsome men. On the screen, they disrobe as well, revealing those huge, broad chests and two slickly aroused poles.

  “What should I do first?” I ask cheekily, lying on my bed on my side. “How about this?” I ask, taking one of the huge rubber shafts and gently pressing it against my sweetest spot.

  “No, sweetheart,” Tex says in a low rumble. “I appreciate your eagerness but for the first time, let’s do everything in sync. Take the purple bullet,” he commands. “And put it in yourself.”

  My eyes fly over to the two-inch egg. It’s attached to a long wire, and I giggle while lifting my leg once more. Slowly, I push the toy into my tiny tunnel, moaning with ecstasy as it edges inside. It stretches my folds, but not uncomfortably so.

  My eyes open once it’s in all the way, and I smile at the men coyly.

  “Now you,” is my command.

  Obligingly, Tex and Rex take matching purple bullets on-screen and lie down as well. The two men insert the eggs into their anuses, moaning with pleasure, and I gasp softly as I watch those tiny male holes stretch to accommodate the eggs.

  Finally, they’re in, and Tex lifts his head to stare at me from the screen. His jaw clenches, and I know he’s insanely aroused.

  “Are you ready, sweetheart?”

  “I’m ready,” is my breathless reply.

  His fingers dance across the screen of his cell phone, and immediately, the egg begins dancing in my pussy. The tremors are delightful and I mewl with pleasure.

  “Ohhh, mmm,” is my delighted cry. “I love it.”

  The two eggs buried in Tex and Rex are also shivering, and they moan low in their throats as well.

  “Shit,” curses Rex. “Oh fuck.”

  But this is only the beginning.

  “Dial it up a notch,” I beg. “I can take more.”

  Tex’s fingers dance across his cell screen once more, and the tremors in my creaminess grow more pronounced. Zigzags of lightning are beginning to pulse through my pussy, and I cry out again, my breasts shaking and nips tight.

  “More!” is my delighted cry. “Unnnh!”

  Tex reaches for his phone again, and this time, the egg jolts inside me before beginning a crazy rotation. The penetration is so delicious, and I can tell that my male lovers are feeling it too because our toys are synced up. They moan and cry out, their puckers gripping and relaxing spasmodically.

  “Fuck!” they yell. “Oh shit!”

  It happens then. All three of us summit the cliff together, and ecstasy bursts through my frame. My pussy seizes hard on the egg, clamping and clenching around the shivering toy as Tex and Rex jerk hard. Jets of semen explode from their shafts in wild white spurts. Some of it even gets on the cell phone camera, and the splotch of goo drips wetly down one corner of my screen.

  But that’s when my screaming becomes real because suddenly, there’s an outraged roar. Brent is standing in the door of my room, looking on with horror as his daughter is pounded by a toy with her legs spread wide. Even worse, his two co-workers are on-screen, ejaculating simultaneously while shouting all sorts of filthy things.

  “What the FUCK?” Brent screams, his face mottling with horror and rage. “What the hell is this?”

  “Daddy, I can explain!” I shriek, sitting bolt upright while scrabbling for my computer. I want to turn off the monitor before Brent can see what’s going on, but it’s too late. The tell-tale drip of semen on the other side speaks volumes, even as Tex and Rex finish their massive climaxes.

  “Fuck,” grunts Tex, looking Brent in the eye.

  “We’re fucked,” agrees Rex, and that’s when my world collapses. My dad knows everything now: how I’m in a dirty threesome with two of his friends, and not only that, but also just how much I love it.



  Oh shit, we’re so fucked. Brent just burst into the room and witnessed Marni’s insane climax at the hands of our new cyberdildonics toy. Even worse, Tex and I are on-screen too, butt-naked while getting drilled in the behind by our matching toys. It can’t get worse than this.

  “You fuckers!” Brent screams from the other side. “You asshole fuckers!”

  “Now calm down,” Tex says, grabbing a towel to wrap around his waist. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

  “You know she’s not in Dads and Daughters,” Brent rages from the other side. A vein pulses in his forehead, and his face is the color of an eggplant. I’m beginning to think that he might have a stroke, and that Marni’s going to have to call 9-1-1.

  “We know she’s not in Dads and Daughters,” soothes Tex, “but that’s the problem. Your daughter wants to be in Dads and Daughters, and we want her to be in it too. There must be a way to work this out.”

  “Work this out? Are you fucking kidding me
?” Brent screams. “I guess what I want doesn’t matter, does it, you filthy buttfuckers!” our friend screams into the screen. “What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m reporting you to the club.”

  But that’s when there’s a scuffle on the other side, and the screen jerks crazily for a moment. When it rights, we can see Marni clutching her dad’s arm. She’s wearing a robe now, her luscious curves encased in silk.

  “Daddy, I wanted this,” she pleads. “I want this. I want to be with Tex and Rex, and I asked them to help me get into Dads and Daughters.”

  Brent bats her away and turns back to the screen.

  “You fuckers are going to pay!” he rages, spewing spittle like a fountain. “Marni doesn’t know what she wants! My daughter is an innocent. You’re such fucking bastards! Go to hell!”

  But Marni is insistent. She pulls on her dad’s arm again and forces him to face her.

  “No Brent,” she says in an authoritative tone, pushing her curly brown hair behind her ears. “You listen to me. I’m eighteen now, and I want to be a full member of the club. I asked Tex and Rex to initiate me, and they did. It’s been amazing, and now the ball’s in your court. Now that I’ve been with two of your friends, why don’t you re-join? What do you have to lose by isolating yourself? Dads and Daughters is the answer.”

  Brent looks at her with narrowed eyes while shaking with fury.

  “Marni, you don’t know what you want. You’re an eighteen year old girl who knows nothing. This is way over your head.”

  But she straightens her shoulders until they’re square and looks Brent in the eye. I’ve never seen Marni look so determined, nor so adult.

  “No, you listen,” she says in a cold voice. “This is what I want. Tex and Rex have shown me the ways of love, and how I can adore two men simultaneously. Not only that, but my horizons have expanded: I know that I can love two men who also love one another.”

  Oh shit. The cat’s out of the bag now. Sure, Brent saw us nude with eggs up our back ends, but that doesn’t mean that Tex and I were servicing each other. Now however, the game’s up.


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