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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 30

by S. E. Law

  But Layla’s a grown woman. She’s twenty-two now, and she and Tyler have been dating for a few years. My daughter is happy, and that’s all I ask. Plus, I’ve seen how Tyler looks at my daughter. He treats Layla right, which is the most important factor.

  But as recompense, I asked Tyler for his daughter in return for Layla. He squinted at me, surprised by my request.

  “You know that’s not how Dads and Daughters works,” he said in a calm voice.

  I shrugged.

  “Yeah, but my Layla hasn’t been with any other men because of you. She’s whipped and she only wants the taste of your dick now.”

  A harsh flush descended on Tyler’s cheeks.

  “And that’s my fault?”

  I shrugged.

  “No, but I’m just saying. Dads and Daughters provides a cornucopia for both the men and the women in the group. You learn more by doing more, and Layla’s not getting out there because of you. She could have been with a dozen truckers by now, but because of you, she wants to keep things simple. For you.”

  Tyler nods, even though his face still looks flushed.

  “That’s true, but I didn’t make that choice for her.”

  I throw my head back and laugh.

  “You didn’t, but that baton between your legs is what keeps her coming back for more. I know my daughter, Ty, and she’s whipped, and you’re the cause. I want my daughter to get out there and experience the world, but she’s not getting that despite being part of the program. So I’m offering a compromise instead.”

  Tyler shoots me a wary look, his blue eyes suspicious.

  “Yeah? And what’s that?”

  I stick my hands in my pocket, shrugging casually.

  “I want Sienna,” are my simple words. “One daughter for another.”

  Tyler immediately shakes his head.

  “No way. You know that’s not how the club works. Sienna’s not even eighteen yet, you sick fuck.”

  I hold up one hand to placate him.

  “No, I mean when she turns eighteen. I want to be her initiator. Her first.”

  Tyler shakes his head again vehemently.

  “That’s not for me to say.”

  I nod.

  “Right, because usually the girl chooses, or the club chooses for her. But in this case, I want to be her first, Tyler. Set it up for me, will you? When the time comes, I want Sienna to sample me before any other man. It’s a fair trade after all: Layla for Sienna. And I won’t keep Sienna, the way you’ve been keeping Layla.”

  Tyler goes hot then.

  “I’m not seeing any other women while I’m on the road, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

  I hold up another large hand.

  “I didn’t say you were, buddy. I’m just saying that we should work out a trade of sorts: you’ve taken my daughter, and now I want your delectable daughter in exchange. And she is delectable, Tyler. Sienna’s everything a man could want, and you should be proud.”

  Tyler stares straight forward, his jaw tense. He’s conflicted, and for a moment, I think he’s going to turn me down. But then, he swings around and looks me in the eye.

  “Fine,” he says in a short voice. “I’ll do it. Layla for Sienna. But if you even hurt one hair on her head –”

  I snort.

  “Please, my man. This is Dads and Daughters. We’re the opposite of that. Our motto is to treat our women like queens when the time comes, and to take care of them and make sure they’re shown the delights of what can be. Why would I hurt Sienna? You underestimate me, my friend.”

  Tyler flushed and nodded shortly, before striding off. Meanwhile, I smiled because I’d gotten what I wanted: first dibs on a sweet, succulent teen once the time for her initiation came.

  After all, Sienna is gorgeous. I’ve been watching her these last couple of years, and she’s developed into a lush, beautiful woman. Her hourglass figure makes my mouth go dry, and her tits must be at least Double Ds. Wide hips swing when she walks, and she has a penchant for wearing short, floral dresses that highlight her every asset. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. Just last week, I’d given Tyler the egg and its attendant remote control in a plain brown box.

  “What is this?” he asked.

  “Remember?” I reminded him. “Layla for Sienna. It’s time.”

  Tyler’s shoulders slumped a bit.

  “Shit,” he muttered under his breath. “I was hoping you’d forget.”

  “Forget?” I scoff. “I think not, my friend. Seriously, this has been foremost in my mind for the last six months. Don’t worry,” I said with a wry grin. “Just make sure she gets it when the time comes.”

  After all, I wasn’t going to violate the club’s rules around age. My daughter was eighteen when she was deflowered, and I wouldn’t dream of approaching Sienna before then.

  But Tyler merely grunted, hunched his shoulders, and stalked off with the box in hand. Good. There were no instructions on where or when to give it to his daughter, but that’s the beauty of the egg; I’ll be able to track her once she installs the app on the phone.

  After all, Sexy Slave is exactly what it sounds like. Girls can be tracked through the app, but in a sexy way. The toy was developed by some dudes out in California who run a lab thinking up this kind of stuff. I have no idea how they do it, but I’m grateful for their ingenuity.

  The problem is that after Sienna downloaded the app, things sped up really fast. One minute, I was watching my screen with avid eyes and my pole already out when suddenly, my brother burst in.

  “What the fuck?” I shouted. “You ever hear of knocking?”

  Jack stopped on the threshold, and then turned and slammed the door shut. Good thing he still had his wits about him. No neighbors needed to see my ten inches out and dripping.

  “Seems I caught you at a bad time,” he remarked wryly. “Or maybe a good time is a better way to put it. What do you have on screen?”

  “What the hell?” I growled, trying to block the screen with my body. “Yo, can’t you leave a man to his private time? Do you really have to see what’s on my computer?”

  My brother wasn’t even fazed, striding forward to try and peer behind me.

  “Dude please. I’ve caught you with lady mags so many times starting from when we were twelve. I’ve also caught you live and in person a couple times, don’t you forget it.”

  I snort because unfortunately, my brother and I are close. Too close. He lives next door and often comes into my house uninvited. He’s caught me with a couple vixens locked in a clinch more than once, and this is where things get wild: sometimes, Jack joins in to make it a threesome.

  You’re probably wondering what kind of depraved men do this kind of thing, and the answer is Jack and me. The first time was an accident because he stumbled on me with Rowena while we were in the heat of things. Silent as a cat, he stripped and knelt on the bed with us as we pounded away. Neither Rowena nor I noticed because I was hammering up into her from below as she moaned with ecstasy, her eyes closed.

  But then Rowena’s eyes flew open, her mouth forming a surprised “O.”

  “Jock!” she cried. “Unnnnh!”

  But then the curvy lady bent forward, revealing the huge, hulking form of my brother behind her. He’d pushed her back down for better access and was in the process of entering her bottom tunnel.

  “Sweetheart, relax,” he soothed. “It’ll feel twice as nice with both of us in you.”

  I couldn’t move at first because of the shock of the situation. But the truth is that as my brother inched is way into her bottom channel, the squeeze around my hard shaft intensified. It was partly because there’s just less space if a woman is taking two men simultaneously. But it was also because Rowena was so excited from being double penetrated. Her curvy body clenched hard, and another loud moan rang out.

  “Oooooh!” she screamed. “YES!”

  That did it. Jack and I began owning her holes, sliding in and out in a syncopated rhythm. Her climax
that night shook the walls of the house as my brother and I dumped gallons and gallons of cream into her pulsing cavities. When it was all over, Jack merely turned to me with a grin.

  “Who’s next?” he asked.

  Those words did it, and we started down our path of sin. It’s been heavenly, as well as filthy and nasty in all the right ways. After all, Jack is a member of Dads and Daughters too. My niece is still too young to be initiated, but my brother has definitely enjoyed the perks of the club in the meantime. We sometimes work alone, but lately, we’ve been working together to deliver the best experiences to a few lovely ladies.

  But we hadn’t talked about Sienna. She was my secret that I’d been saving for years, and the time had finally come for me to enjoy the spoils of my wait. Sienna was inserting the egg even as I tried to fend my brother off, telling him to get lost and mind his own business.

  “Get lost?” he scoffed. “Whatever. What are you watching? Oh, shit …” he said, his voice trailing off when he caught a glimpse of the girl on-screen. After all, Sienna is gorgeous and beautiful, and every man within a fifty-mile radius has had her on their radar for years now. To finally see her in her glory, pushing an egg into her sweetest spot while moaning and writhing with pleasure, was a sight for sore eyes. But to my horror, Jack immediately pulled a chair up, sat down, and unzipped, his eyes never leaving the screen.

  He seemed to have a sixth sense about what was happening. My brother spoke directly in the microphone, directing Sienna on how to have a good time.

  “Pull your lips apart,” he rasped while fisting himself. “Show us your pinkness, baby girl.”

  Sienna responded too. She moaned headily again, spreading her knees even wider before pulling open her sopping slit to show us the egg buried inside. Not only that but her clit stood up, hard and throbbing, begging to be licked. I couldn’t speak but my brother took control at the helm.

  “Pinch it,” he commanded into the microphone. “And then rub circles along the bottom very slowly.”

  Sienna did as he asked, and that’s the long and the short of how Jack found out about my treasured secret. I’d been dreaming about Sienna for so long, and now, to my disgust, he’s part of the game.

  Still, I can’t say it’s a bad thing. My bro and I are practiced at sharing women, and sometimes, it’s even better when she takes two. There’s the dirtiness factor, as well as the fact that a woman can learn more quickly if she has two teachers, two sets of equipment, and twice as many opportunities to experience male cream. Some women even prefer it more that way, but the question is: will Sienna appreciate us?

  The bell above the café door rings out, and my brother and I both look up. She’s here, looking utterly gorgeous, and I can’t wait to get the ball rolling.



  I catch sight of Jock and Jack immediately. After all, they’re impossible to miss. The two huge men sit at a small table in the corner of the coffee shop, dwarfing the small round surface. Their blue eyes immediately swing around to me as I enter, and I blush, heating beneath their gaze.

  After all, these men have seen me flushed and open, enjoying the ultimate pleasure. Worse, I enjoyed it even more because of their commands and dirty directions. What girl does that? Certainly not someone like me, who’s never been with a man. Yet I did. I slid a finger into my bottom just because they asked me to.

  Oh god. My face hot, I walk to the table, and seat myself, nodding at them shyly.

  “Hi,” I murmur. It feels like all the women in the café are watching Jock and Jack because they’re so handsome, and I don’t blame them. I, too, would be sneaking stealthy peeks from the corners of my eyes, but instead, I’m actually in the spotlight for a change.

  They smile slowly, revealing flashing white teeth. I can see where Layla gets her looks. Although my dad’s girlfriend is a curvy brunette, she has the same tanned skin that Jock and Jack do, in addition to the same straight nose, mobile lips, and determined jaws. Of course, Layla has a delicate, feminine jaw, but she still resembles these two men albeit in female form.

  “Hey Sienna,” Jock greets in a low rumble. “How are you? Thanks for coming by today.”

  I nod, blushing again.

  “Um sure. I’m just going to grab a drink. I’ll be right back,” I say, gesturing at the coffee counter.

  “Sure, no problem,” says Jack with a devilish smile. “We’ll be right here.”

  I get up, my chair scraping loudly, and make my way to the counter.

  “Um, one coffee, black,” I manage in a choked voice.

  The girl behind the counter grins at me while punching up my order.

  “Are you with them?” she says in a whisper. “Like with with those two men?”

  I choke again. I didn’t know baristas asked such probing questions.

  “Um, no. I mean, yes, but just for coffee,” I say lamely. Oh god. Being with Jock and Jack is like being near a supernova. Every woman within fifty miles is drawn magnetically to their powerful male auras.

  “Oh okay,” says the girl with a giggle while handing me my change. “But if I were you, I would try to be with with them, if you know what I mean.”

  I stare at her, hardly believing my ears. Is she telling me to throw myself at Jack and Jock? She nods again, eyes twinkling.

  “Opportunity only knocks once!” she sings before turning to the next customer.

  Shaking my head, I turn back to the table, trying to summon my composure. Has the entire world gone crazy? What’s going on? How can everyone be pushing me towards Jack and Jock, including random people I’ve never met before? This is insane.

  But I sit down at the table again, immediately dwarfed by the two men’s huge forms.

  “Get what you needed?” Jock drawls with amusement, as if he heard the entire exchange. It’s impossible because the coffee counter is at the other end of the store, but then again, Jock and Jack seem to have magical powers. I wouldn’t be surprised if they their super-keen hearing helped them deduce every word the barista said. Immediately, my cheeks flush again.

  “Yes, thanks,” I manage. “Thanks for coming out, by the way. I just wanted to talk and get a few things into the open.”

  “Sure thing, pretty girl,” says Jack, leaning back in his seat. “We’re at your disposal. Anything you want, just let us know.”

  I smile hesitantly, feeling a little more confident.

  “So, what was last night all about?” I begin slowly. “How did you get the egg into my hands, and what were we doing, anyways? I’m totally lost.”

  Jack and Jock share an unreadable look. Then, Jock looks at me thoughtfully.

  “Has Tyler gotten a chance to talk with you yet?”

  I shake my head.

  “No, my dad took off for Layla’s place last night, and hasn’t come home yet. It’s only seven a.m. now, but I wanted to meet you guys for coffee asap given the situation.”

  The two men nod, their blue eyes filling with understanding.

  “Ah, so he’s still with my daughter,” Jock says.

  “Who’s also my niece,” Jack adds.

  “Yes,” I say in a cautious voice. “My dad’s been dating Layla for a few years now. They’re a great couple.”

  Jock nods again, and then his blue gaze swings to me.

  “Did he ever tell you how they met?” he begins.

  I nod.

  “Yes, it was during a party. My dad went to a shindig at the Crossroads Hotel by the highway, and Layla was there too. They hit it off and began dating immediately.”

  Jock and Jack nod, their expressions giving nothing away.

  “But did he tell you what the party was for?” Jack asks in a smooth tone.

  I nod.

  “Yeah, it had something to do with a conference, I think. My dad’s a long-haul trucker, just like you guys, so I figure it had to do with transportation matters. It was a professional gathering, from what I recall.”

  Jack and Jock nod thoughtfully again.

/>   “It did have to do with transportation,” Jack nods. “Although it wasn’t business-related. You see, we long-haul truckers stick together. We have long days on the road, and so we formed a fraternity of sorts.”

  I nod.

  “Sure, that makes sense. There are lots of professional associations like the American Medical Association, the American Bar Association, and even the American Fisheries Association. It makes sense to have a Long-Haul Trucker Association too.”

  The two men tilt their heads back and laugh, although the laughter’s amused and not unkind.

  “That’s one way of putting it, but like I mentioned, our association isn’t professional. It’s strictly fraternal,” elucidates Jock.

  “Oh of course,” I say quickly. “So you guys hang out and are buddies right? You do community service and talk about how to contribute to society, like the Rotary Club or the Lions Club.”

  Jack shakes his head then, his eyes going a deep shade of navy.

  “No, sweetheart, we’re nothing like Rotary or Lions. We’re more of a fraternity in the traditional sense, except that we have women too.”

  I look at them, confused.

  “But you’re a fraternity, then how can there be women in the group? And how is that traditional?”

  Jack shrugs.

  “Lots of fraternities call themselves fraternities, but in fact are mixed gender. Plus, our female members aren’t full members per se. They’re associate members.”

  I’m getting more and more confused.

  “Okay. But what does this long-haul trucking fraternity have to do with last night? Am I missing something?”

  The two men laugh again, their eyes warm.

  “It has everything to do with last night, Sienna. You see, our group is called Dads and Daughters. The dads are long-haul truckers, and the daughters are the daughters of the long-haul truckers.”

  “Sure,” I say. “That makes complete sense. Are you training women to be long-haul truckers too? Although it’s a male-dominated field, it pays well and I can see how the lifestyle would be attractive to some women. Is it a mentorship program of sorts?”


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