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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 31

by S. E. Law

  Jack and Jock chuckle again, their eyes amused.

  “No, it’s not a mentorship or professional development group. Like we said, honey, there isn’t much of a professional aspect to our group. Instead, it’s about enjoying our lifestyles and making the most of our choices.”

  I’m still confused.

  “Yes, but what does that mean?” I press. “And I still don’t know what that has to do with the … well, the dirty egg from last night.”

  Jock and Jack chuckle again.

  “It has everything to do with the egg. You see, Tyler, Jock and I are all members of the club,” Jack begins. “Layla is an associate member, although she’s only been a member for a few years. Ever since that party, in fact. Things have worked out well for her and your father.”

  Suddenly, pieces are beginning to fall into place.

  “Did Tyler and Layla meet at a Dads and Daughters party?”

  Jock nods, his eyes gleaming.

  “They did, indeed. Layla turned eighteen, and we had an initiation party for her. She and your dad paired up that night, and they’ve been together ever since.”

  His words begin to sink into me, and my brow scrunches with concentration.

  “Okay, so they met during something you call ‘initiation.’ But what is that? Is it when a new member joins the group?”

  Jock nods.

  “Yes. Women join when they turn eighteen. You see, Dads and Daughters was formed to help long-haul truckers alleviate the stress they face on the road. We work long days in the cab, pulling sixteen hours straight many times. When we pull into a truck stop, there are a couple things we do: grab dinner, grab a shower, and maybe chat with a couple friends at the bar. Then, we might retire to the truck cab or a motel for some rest and relaxation.”

  I nod. None of this is news to me.

  “Yes, I understand. The life is difficult, but I respect my dad for working so hard the way he does. The reason why I have everything that I do is because of Tyler’s long hours and sacrifice.”

  Jock and Jack nod, looking thoughtful once more.

  “Yes, but rest and relaxation includes more than just catching up on beauty sleep, Sienna. Or at least it can, if you’re a member of Dads and Daughters.”

  I cock my head and look at them curiously.

  “What do you mean?” I ask. “What are you getting at?”

  Jack and Jock share a look before Jack speaks.

  “Well, the dads need a way to find relief. We’re often on the road for weeks at a time, if not months. Sometimes, we like to enjoy a woman’s company, and a professional working girl just isn’t going to cut it. That’s where the daughters come in.”

  “You see,” adds Jock. “The dads are in a bind. Or an opportunity, if you re-frame the situation. We want to relax with women while on the road, and we also have daughters at home who are lacking male figures in their lives. Thus, Dads and Daughters came together to solve both problems simultaneously.”

  I’m still confused but the image is becoming clearer.

  “You mean, another trucker at home acts as a father figure for your daughter while you’re away, right?”

  The two men brighten.

  “Exactly,” nods Jock. “While I’m at a truck stop, a daughter might come out to see me. She spends the night with me, and I take care of her physically and emotionally. It’s mutually enjoyable, and everyone has a good time. In return, the woman I’m with gets the benefit of an experienced man who appreciates a woman’s body and knows what he’s doing. There are no acne-ridden teenage boys to fumble with her curves.”

  Holy shit. I stare at the two handsome alpha males.

  “And then …?”

  “And then when our daughters come of age, they’re given the opportunity to join Dads and Daughters too,” says Jack simply. “They’re initiated by one of the dads, and then begin a stint that usually lasts a few years. When truckers pull into our city, one of the local daughters will meet him at his location of choice, and they enjoy one another physically and emotionally.”

  My mouth drops open.

  “Holy shit,” is all I say in a choked voice. “I can’t believe it.”

  “We know this is a lot to absorb,” says Jock. “But the club’s been around for a long time now. Everyone benefits, and it’s the best of a tricky situation. Why leave your daughter to the hands of some douchebag who has no idea what he’s doing in the sack? Why not give her to a man who cares about her, and who will show her the finer points of making love?”

  Pure silence for a moment.

  “Oh. My. God,” is all I can manage in a choked voice.

  Jock and Jack grin at me.

  “Dirty, isn’t it?” asks Jack. “But it’s worked out fine. Your dad and Layla, for example. Tyler was Layla’s initiator, so to say, but they fell in love after that first pairing and have been a couple since. In fact, we’re expecting Tyler to pop the question any time now.”

  I shake my head.

  “Yes. No. I mean, yes! I love Layla. But I had no idea they met because of a filthy swingers club!”

  “Shhh,” Jock hushes me while looking around. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem like anyone’s overheard. “It’s not a swingers club. No one’s married, and no one’s cheating on their spouses. We’re all single, divorced fathers with nubile daughters. We appreciate our friends’ daughters, and enjoy treating them right.”

  My voice shakes as realization jolts through my mind.

  “I just turned eighteen,” are my breathy words. “Was last night my initiation?”

  The two men share a look again.

  “No, it wasn’t Sienna,” begins Jock. “First, because the club generally chooses a woman’s initiator, or in some instances, the woman is able to choose herself. But new daughters are always told what the club is about before they’re initiated, and not after.”

  “So what was last night then?” I ask in a choked voice. “With the egg and all?”

  Jock as the grace to look a bit ashamed.

  “I twisted Tyler’s arm,” he admits. “Sweetheart, you’re gorgeous. I’ve wanted you for a long time, and I’ve watched as you’ve blossomed into a ripe woman. When Layla started dating your dad, well, I saw my opportunity and swooped in.”

  I stare at him.


  He grins at me devilishly.

  “I offered a swap. I said I’d give Layla to him, if he gave you to me.”

  My heart clutches a bit as my pulse races.

  “You daughter swapped us?”

  Jock shrugs a little.

  “Sort of. No one expected Tyler and Layla to hit it off so quickly, least of all me. I wanted my daughter to experience life a bit. I wanted her to play it free and easy for a few years before settling down with a solid partner. That way, she’d become experienced in the ways of love at the hands of men that I trusted. She’ll make a better wife as a result.”

  I stare at him.

  “You wanted her to sleep around to get experience?”

  Jock shrugs.

  “That’s one way to put it, but sleeping around is just a crass way of saying that I wanted my daughter to practice. I wanted her to experience life with a few different men, and to become a better lover herself. Practice makes perfect, and with multiple teachers, you can learn to really relax and enjoy yourself. A woman’s pleasure is very important to the fathers in the club, and Layla gave that up when she started dating your dad exclusively.”

  I stare at him.

  “So you bargained for me, in turn? For letting Layla date my dad exclusively?”

  Jock nods.

  “I did. I told Tyler that my daughter was happy with him, but that she was missing out. In return for the exchange, I wanted first dibs on you, Sienna. I want to be the first man to taste your curves, and to sample the sweet honey between your legs. I want to teach you how to enjoy being with a man … or with two men, in our case.”

  This conversation is going off the rails, and I do my best t
o keep my composure. My heart is racing and my face feels flushed. My hands are clammy, and most embarrassingly, I’m going moist in my secret spot. The discovery of Dads and Daughters has me titillated, and the truth is that I want to know more.

  “How did Jack become a part of this?” I ask in a whisper, turning to steal a look at the second man. “Did you also bargain for me?”

  Jack merely smirks a bit. He’s so handsome with that black lock of hair falling across his forehead and insanely wide shoulders. My mouth waters looking at both of them, and it feels like my temperature is skyrocketing.

  “No, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time,” Jack drawls. “I stumbled in on Jock right when he started camming with you. You were gorgeous, sweetheart, and I pushed my way in. Too bad I’m not sorry it happened. At all.”

  My mouth opens in another shocked “O.” News is piling on me so fast, and it’s all the filthy kind. Holy cow. How did I stumble upon this?

  But I suppose Dads and Daughters has been waiting for me for a while now. After all, my dad got divorced years ago, and he probably joined the group straight after. Plus, he’s been with Layla for a while now, so clearly, his membership isn’t recent.

  But why didn’t he tell me? Why did Tyler give me to Jock, only to have Jack join in at the last minute? All these questions are ringing through my mind, like a bright swirl of confusing colors. Even more odd, I’m surrounded by two gorgeous alpha males, and I should hate them, but I don’t. Instead, I want to know more about Dads and Daughters, and specifically, my role going forward.

  “Okay, so you must have given the egg to Tyler then,” I say slowly.

  Jock nods while winking at me.

  “I did, sweetheart, and you were so beautiful on screen. You were a thousand times better than what I imagined.”

  My nips tighten and my honey pot melts at his words, but I force myself to focus.

  “So wait a minute. I thought you said that I wasn’t initiated, but was that my initiation?”

  Jock and Jack share another look.

  “Not by a long shot, honey,” drawls Jack.

  “Definitely not,” finishes Jock emphatically. “We want you for real, Sienna. With your legs parted, ready to take us. We want to show you what it’s really like to be with a man, but the question is: is that what you want too?”

  I stare at them because I’m being propositioned. The two gorgeous men crave a piece of me, and strangely, I’m all too willing to give it to them.



  I can see the shock in Sienna’s expression as we tell her about Dads and Daughters. Her mouth opens and closes a few times but no words come out.

  “Sweetheart,” I say slowly. “Is an initiation what you want too? Because my brother and I are more than happy to initiate you if you desire.”

  “Um,” she begins. “I don’t know. I have to talk with my dad.”

  “Of course,” Jock says graciously. “I understand. This has been a huge surprise to you, especially with us using the Sexy Slave egg. But it was fun, wasn’t it? You enjoyed yourself?”

  She nods while her cheeks flush. Sienna bites her pink pout, and I imagine what those lips would look like on my pole. I bet she’s a kitten and a minx at once, with a body to die for and a mouth that can drive a man wild.

  After all, I consider myself lucky to be in this situation. My brother was going to walk off with the spoils of his find when I happened to burst in the door at exactly the right moment. I caught him stroking his pole while staring at the computer screen, already growling commands at Sienna on-screen. And the best part? She was into it.

  But I expect nothing else because girls this innocent and delicate-looking often have the filthiest minds. They look as pure and fresh as dew on a flower, but in fact, they’re animals when it comes to tearing up the sheets.

  As a result, I’m looking forward to our first time with Sienna. That is, if she’s willing. The shock may be too much for her, and she may back out and refuse membership in Dads and Daughters altogether.

  “Go ahead and have a chat with your dad,” I urge in a gentle voice. “Just let us know what you want afterwards, okay? Jock and I are happy to wait.”

  My brother nods, saying nothing, but I can see the flare in those cobalt eyes. He wants her just as badly as me, and we’re not ashamed to admit it. What man wouldn’t want Sienna? She’s gorgeous, curvy, and so sweet with that gleaming pink slit and hot brown hole between her ample cheeks. I can’t wait to taste them both.

  As a result, we smile benignly as Sienna gets up and grabs her purse.

  “Thanks for coffee,” she says in a rush. “I’ll let you know.”

  “Of course, sweetheart,” I rumble reassuringly. “Take your time.”

  The curvy girl sways out of the coffee shop, both my brother and I staring at that plump rump as she departs.

  “I hope she says yes,” my brother rasps.

  “She better say yes,” I growl. “Otherwise, I’m going roast Tyler’s balls the next time I see him.”

  Jock merely shrugs.

  “She’ll say yes. She had a good time with us last night.”

  “I know,” comes my agreement. “But you know teenage girls. Their moods are mercurial, and they blow hot and cold all the time. But what if she says no? You could always tell Layla to break up with Tyler if she says no, couldn’t you?”

  Jock snorts.

  “What are you, some kind of sadist?”

  I shrug.

  “No, I’m just saying.”

  Jock merely rolls his eyes and shrugs again.

  “Layla is a grown woman, and she makes her own choices. I wouldn’t tell her to break-up with Tyler even if the house was burning down. Not only that, but she’s ecstatic being with the bastard. He takes care of her, and my daughter’s happiness is the most important thing to me. I’m not pulling out the rug from under them no matter what you think.”

  I hold my hands up.

  “It was just a thought, bro. Sorry.”

  Jock snorts again.

  “Seriously, Jack. Your daughter’s growing up, or haven’t you noticed? What is she now? Sixteen? Seventeen?”

  “Seventeen and a half,” I say in a low voice. “Natalie’s almost ready for her initiation.”

  Jock nods thoughtfully.

  “And Nat’s pretty too. Does she know anything about Dads and Daughters?”

  “No,” I say in a gravelly voice. “But I’ll get around to it. You know how Natalie is: she’s been so heartbroken since her mother died. I’ve been handling her with kid gloves because I’m afraid that she’ll shatter into pieces.”

  Jock nods.

  “Yeah, I hear you, but that’s exactly why she needs Dads and Daughters. Nat’s fragile, and she’ll be devastated when some teenage frat boy uses her and then loses her. At least with the club, she’ll be taken care of.”

  I nod.

  “I know. I just want what’s best for my daughter.”

  Jock throws me an amused look.

  “Don’t we all? Don’t forget, Natalie’s my niece.”

  I nod.

  “I know, brother. They grow up so fast, don’t they?”

  He nods, looking thoughtful.

  “They do, so you need to prepare yourself mentally for Natalie’s sake. She needs a strong father figure, and there are a couple guys in the club who could be a good fit. Think on it.”

  I nod.

  “Will do. Thank you, bro.”

  We stand and toss our coffee cups in the trash before heading to our cars outside.

  “So, what next?” I ask, shading my eyes from the morning sun. The asphalt gleams and the blue sky looks cloudless. Jock looks thoughtful.

  “The ball’s in Sienna’s court, so I guess we wait and see,” he shrugs. “Hopefully, she talks to Tyler sooner rather than later, and that bastard gives her some good guidance.”

  I get into my pick-up truck, easing my massive frame into the small cab.

p; “He will,” I say confidently. “We’re exactly what his daughter craves, whether or not she knows it.”

  “Precisely,” agrees Jock with a smirk while getting into his own vehicle. “And therein lies the problem. Does Sienna know what’s good for her? If she doesn’t, I hope at least Tyler does.”

  With that, the two of us exit the parking lot and begin our respective drives home. But as I steer my vehicle down the road, my mind is filled with images of Sienna lush, nude and panting. What will she say? Will she choose us, or will she forgo Dads and Daughters altogether?



  The front door slams and I call out to my father from the kitchen table, where I’m seated.

  “Hey Tyler!” I say. “In here.”

  There’s the familiar sound of his boots dropping on the floor, and then my father strides into our homey, bright yellow kitchen and smiles at me.

  “Hey honey,” he says tentatively, while setting his bag on the linoleum floor. “I know you wanted to talk. Is everything okay?”

  I stare at him, my hands tightly clenched on the kitchen table. Tyler is as handsome as always, albeit a little rumpled with his chestnut hair standing on end. But I need to get my point across, so I stare even more fiercely.

  “No, everything is not okay. How much did you know about what Jock and Jack were doing?”

  Tyler’s eyes bug out as he seats himself at the small table.

  “Jock and Jack? Wait, what do you mean? It was only supposed to be Jock.”

  I stare at him.

  “Okay, so you admit you traded me to Jock then.”

  My dad holds his hands up, looking flustered.

  “Trade, is not the right word, Sienna—”

  I stand up and begin shouting, my hands clenched in fists by my side.

  “Then what is it?” I ask, my voice going hysterical. “If you didn’t trade me, then what did you do? You wanted your private time with Layla, so you gave me to Jock in return.”

  My dad’s face is red and he looks a bit ashamed. He tries to calm me down.


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