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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 35

by S. E. Law

  Jock takes my small hand within his own, softly caressing the palm with his thumb.

  “You’re sure this is what you want, sweetheart?” he asks. “After all, you’re so young.”

  “I’m sure,” I say with a benevolent smile while gazing as these two men at my feet. “We’ve already broken so many rules, so why not one more? Besides, I already have a name for the baby.”

  “What is it?” growls Jock with emotion in his eyes. “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

  “I don’t,” I respond with a smile. “But I’d like to name him or her Tyler, no matter what. Is that okay? My dad was the impetus for me meeting you, and I’d like to honor him. It’s all about keeping it in the family,” I quip.

  As my two lovers grin at me, the world seems to come to a halt while spinning on its axis. After all, this always happens when I’m with Jock and Jack. Everyone and everything fades away until it’s just the three of us. Now that they know about my pregnancy and are welcoming the opportunity to be fathers, everything will be just fine because how could it go wrong? We’ve already surmounted so many obstacles to find love, and with a baby on the way, our future is bright.



  “Push, baby, push,” instructs Jock, holding Sienna’s hand. Our girlfriend is huge and rosy, completely nude on the bed. Her stomach is a giant mound, and already, I can see the baby’s head beginning to crown.

  “Ooohhh!” Sienna cries out, spreading her knees even wider. Sweat glistens on her forehead and her big breasts are out in the open, with the nips hard. Any other woman would be embarrassed to be in this situation, but not Sienna.

  After all, what is there to be embarrassed about? There’s no one else in the room because Sienna decided to have a home birth. At first, Jock and I were surprised.

  “But you’ll have a midwife, won’t you?” I asked. “At least we should have that, even if a doctor’s not on hand.”

  Sienna just smiled her impish grin, running her hands protectively over her burgeoning tummy.

  “No, I’m not going to have a midwife. What’s going to happen is that you and Jock will read up on childbirth, and then you’ll deliver our baby yourselves.”

  My brother and I stared at one another, our mouths open with shock.

  “No, honey, that’s not a good idea,” Jock said immediately. “We’re not medical professionals, and what if there’s an emergency? We should have a mid-wife on hand.”

  But Sienna was adamant.

  “You know what happens in emergencies?” she asks. “The midwife calls 9-1-1, and you know how to use a phone just as well as any midwife. I want this to be a natural birth with only the fathers present, which means that you and Jack will be delivering your new child. That’s final.”

  Sienna knows how to get her way with us because we adore her. We worship her curvy form, and love how she’s so sassy and feisty, with a spark about her. As a result, here we are now, alone in the bedroom as Sienna enters the final moments of labor.

  “Oohhhh,” she moans. “I need help,” she gasps. “The baby’s stuck inside.

  I peer up between her legs.

  “Baby Tyler’s not stuck,” I encourage. “Just a few more pushes, honey. You’re doing great. Do you want me to help make it easier?” I ask.

  She nods, already knowing what I’m about to do. After all, we’ve been mixing pleasure with the pain of delivery, and it’s worked out amazing. As a result, I reach forward and play with her clit a bit, pinching it and then rubbing in slow circles.

  “Mmm,” Sienna moans again, leaning her head back as her eyes close. “Jock, I need my nipples iced,” she manages between pants.

  “Yes ma’am,” my brother responds, reaching into a bowl beside the bed for a cube of ice. Then he tenderly rubs the square over one hard pink tip, leaving circles of moisture on our girlfriend’s huge pendulous breasts.

  I’ve never seen her look more beautiful. She’s flushed, enormous, and sweaty, and yet also gorgeous like an Earth Mother with her legs spread and a baby on the way. But as Sienna gets closer and closer to the edge, she needs even more attention from us.

  “I need something to suck!” she cries, her belly rolling a bit as our baby descends down the birth canal. “Quick!”

  Jock immediately drops the ice cube and stands up on the mattress, bracing his hand on the headboard.

  “Here,” he growls. “Take this, sweetheart. It’s the closest thing on hand.”

  Sienna’s mouth opens, and she swallows his huge shaft between her lips, sucking hard as if he’s a delicious lollipop.

  “Mmm!” she grunts. “MMM! MMM!”

  “You’re doing great,” I say, while still rubbing her nub in deep circles. Her kitty is dilating even more as I speak, and as Sienna begins to crest, the baby crests too. The head begins to appear between her legs, and then as our curvy girl screams, the baby is born, slipping out into my arms in a mess of fluids.

  “Ohhhh!” Sienna cries breathlessly before beginning to suck again. “Mmmph!”

  “You did great,” I rasp, swaddling the tiny little thing in a warm, damp towel. “Mommy did a wonderful job, didn’t she? Baby Tyler you’re so cute,” I coo, holding up the squalling child. “It’s a girl!”

  Both Sienna and Jock stop for a moment to take in our new daughter. She’s red, furious, and screaming like a banshee, but it’s not enough to stop the pleasure. Jock’s abs stiffen, and his balls begin to rise as Sienna sucks even harder, her mouth a powerful vacuum. He tilts his head back, expression strained, and then it happens. My brother bursts into her mouth, ejecting stream after stream of seed as Sienna gulps it all down. Meanwhile, her own body convulses even though she just gave birth, and she lets out small gasps of pleasure, hot shocks running through her most private part.

  It’s a beautiful sight, and I treasure this experience. After all, not every man gets to deliver his own baby while the mother experiences an ecstatic climax. Even more, not everyone gets to share this experience with his brother, the way Jock and I do.

  But we’re lucky because Dads and Daughters is accepting of our trio. They didn’t raise any protests when we said we both wanted to be with Sienna, and in fact, my understanding is that quite a few other men are headed in this direction as well. There’s no shortage of daughters, and quite a few guys enjoy tag-teaming nubile young women. Plus, I have to admit that second helpings can be quite tasty from my own experience in a threesome.

  But now, the birth is done, and the baby’s stopped crying for a moment. I place Tyler against Sienna’s breast and the child immediately latches on. Our girl looks down at her daughter tenderly, gently stroking a hand over her downy head.

  “She’s beautiful,” Sienna breathes.

  “Not as beautiful as you,” says Jock, who’s since collapsed to sit on the bed at her side. We each take one of Sienna’s hands in each our own, a picture of familial peace.

  “Oh by the way, did Layla have her baby yet?” Sienna asks Jock curiously, pushing a sweaty lock of hair behind her ear. She looks gorgeous, like a peaceful Madonna with a child in her arms.

  My brother pulls out his phone, squinting at the screen.

  “No, not yet but Layla’s in labor as we speak,” he growls. “Tyler’s with her, and they’re also doing it the natural way.”

  Sienna giggles.

  “Well, I think we can intuit that he’s probably taking care of her the same way you guys took care of me,” she says with a smile. “I can’t imagine labor being any better than it was, and now we have this precious darling to show for it,” she says, pressing a kiss to the baby’s head.

  I look at her, so grateful for what the universe has provided.

  “Yes,” I say. “We’re lucky, the three of us. Everything’s worked out with Tyler and Layla, and soon, there’s going to be a new entrant into Dads and Daughters.”

  Jock and Sienna immediately turn my way.

  “You mean our new baby?” my brother says, utterly confu
sed. “But she’s only ten minutes old.”

  “No, you idiot,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Not Tyler.”

  Fortunately, our girlfriend is a bit smarter than my brother.

  “Oh, did Natalie say she’s interested?” asks Sienna with a smile. “I know when I heard about the club, I was immediately hooked, so I imagine it would be the same for your daughter.”

  I shake my head.

  “No, Natalie doesn’t know we even exist yet. But seeing how amazing things have turned out for all of us, I want her to join, and I’m going to tell her about the club soon. I think she suspects though. You and Layla getting pregnant around the same time is not a coincidence. Not when you have the emotional sensitivity of Natalie. She can sense things.”

  Jock nods.

  “My niece is very mature for her age,” he says. “And doesn’t she turn eighteen soon?”

  I nod.

  “Next month.”

  “Well, if you want a woman to talk to her about Dads and Daughters, I’m happy to,” offers Sienna. “I’m sure Layla would be happy to too. After all, it’s worked out well for all of us, and we only have good things to say about the guys in the group.”

  I lean forward to press a tender kiss to her lips, as my brother presses his mouth to her hand.

  “Yes, it has worked out, hasn’t it, sweetheart? Because with you and the baby, Jock and I are the luckiest men in the world.”

  With that, our love is sealed and we smile once more at one another. The curvy girl is the answer to our dreams, and with baby Tyler in our arms, things couldn’t get any better. I thank my lucky stars to have found Sienna. The filthy swap club has delivered again, and there will be many more happy endings in the future.


  Next up in the Sweet Treats series

  Want to hear about Natalie, Jack’s daughter, and her introduction to glory holes at the Lodge? Then pick up your copy of Sugar Walls here.

  If you like washing machines that go thump and MMF bisexual romance, then you’ll love Naomi’s story, Please and Tease, available here.

  I was headed to prom when my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend! To make it all better, a gorgeous dad steps in to claim his Forbidden Fruit. Kristy’s story is available here.

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  Sugar Walls

  By S.E. Law

  Sign up for my mailing list and get a free book here!

  About This Book

  Tighter, he commanded. Let us feel those walls, Sugar.

  My dad told me about a special club that he belongs to called Dads and Daughters.

  It sounded perfect to me because after my mom died, Jack and I were all alone.

  What better way to form a great connection with my dad?

  But he tells me there’s something *different* about this club.

  And when I find out, I’m shocked and thrilled!

  After all, the dads are all long-haul truckers who need relief.

  The daughters are sweet young things who provide that relief.

  But am I ready to meet my match as part of this forbidden group?

  Because two men want me, and I won’t say no …

  The sassy girl gets a taste of sugar as the saga of Dads and Daughters continues. Girl Scouts, these women are not. Instead, they’re filthy, feisty, and as fun as you can get! Swords do not cross in this book because the story is all about HER. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and always an HEA for my readers.



  “Sugar!” my dad calls. “I’m home!”

  I come out of my room, pushing my hair out of my face.

  “Hey Daddy,” I say. “You’re back early.”

  Jack merely grins and shrugs while stowing his bag in the closet. It’s a tight fit because we live in a trailer on the edge of the city, but it’s fine. It’s sized just right for the two of us, and I don’t mind at all.

  After all, when my mom passed, Jack was devastated. He and Violet had a real love story that would make you swoon. They met when they were fifteen and fell madly in love. They married right after high school and had me. Dad worked long days as a long-haul trucker, and my mom stayed home to take care of me. It was an idyllic life, and we continued happily together for many years.

  But then Mom got sick. It was really sudden. One moment she was alive and well, busy with her Bridge Club and the Gardening Society. The next moment, she was in the hospital and the doctors were telling us she had only months to live. My dad and I were so shocked that we hardly knew what to do. Jack immediately stopped going out on the road, and I wanted to drop out of school to take care of my mom, but they weren’t having that. Instead, Violet assured me that she’d be happiest if I stayed in high school and graduated.

  But Mom didn’t get a chance to see me graduate because the virus worked so fast. Within weeks, she’d passed away, and Jack and I were devastated. First, it was just shock. We were numb as we made funeral arrangements and laid Violet into the ground. But eventually, reality settled in and my father was lost in grief. After he’d get back from work, he’d shut himself in his room. Sometimes I’d hear sobs, but I wasn’t sure.

  Also, for some reason, after a few weeks, Jack decided that he could no longer live in the home he’d bought with Violet. It’s strange, but he pitched a tent in our backyard and started sleeping out there during the nights. I begged him to move back in multiple times, but he just shook his head and looked at the ground. He said that he couldn’t stay in a house where his true love had passed away, and I understood. I continued to sleep in my room, but my heart broke whenever I looked out the window and saw the small tent lit from within with a kerosene lamp.

  After a while, I didn’t really want to continue living in our house either. Why would I? There were traces of Violet all over the place, from the couches that she’d carefully picked out, to the closets still full of her clothes. Even my mom’s scent lingered in the rooms, although by the end she no longer wore perfume. Violet’s demise was sudden and swift, and towards the end, the air seemed to always smell of medicine. Merely seeing her things could bring me to tears, and more than once, I broke down and sobbed.

  Jack realized this, and we decided to sell the house after a few months. A nice family bought it, and I’m glad that their young children will be able to grow up in our old home. I hope they’ll enjoy the small but cozy rooms and the apple tree my dad and I planted when I was five.

  But for us, it’s been a relief. Jack and I are happy to leave the past behind, even if we still treasure the memory of Violet. He bought a trailer in the Sunset Park Residences, and we’ve been cozily ensconced in our double-wide ever since. There are still photos of Violet in our small living area, but it doesn’t feel as horrible anymore. My mom isn’t looking over my shoulder; she’s more of a treasured memory now.

  Plus, my dad seems to have gotten a lot better since we moved. He started going out on the road again, and keeping busy helped him. My dad is a long-haul trucker, so he can be gone for weeks at a time. He hauls all sorts of things, from umbrellas to medication. It’s a difficult life because driving for sixteen hours a day puts a lot of stress on a man’s body, but it’s all my dad’s ever known. Plus, I’m proud of Jack because he makes good money, and provides for both of us.

  Also, my dad finally got a girlfriend. It’s a bit of a shocking story because he actually shares his girlfriend with my uncle, Jock. Sienna is a young woman in our community with curly brown hair and a big smile. She’s nice, and has always been friendly with me, even before she started dating my uncle and my dad. Her dad, Tyler, is a long-haul trucker too, so we all know one another. But it was a stunner when Jock and Jack announced they were dating Sienna because not only is it a two-on-one, but Sienna’s also half their age. I was surprised, that
’s for sure.

  But Sienna brings out the best in my dad. Jack is happy, and his aura is a lot lighter. He smiles a lot more, and I’ve seen them interact. Sienna is playful and sassy, which helps my father relax. He gets a gleam to his eye, and he often swats Sienna’s bottom for fun and then laughs even harder when she lets out a little whoop.

  I suppose Sienna’s dad Tyler is okay with the unconventional set-up too. It’s strange because what dad wants his daughter to date two men who are decades older than her? But it seems that as long as Sienna is happy, then Tyler is fine with it. Of course, it might be because Tyler is also dating Layla, Jock’s daughter. Tit for tat, as they say.

  So you see, we’re all interconnected. Again, it’s a small community and everyone seems to know one another. It’s been a blessing because after my mom passed away, the truckers were there for us. People delivered casseroles to our door, and Sienna and Layla were both very kind to me. I don’t think Sienna was even dating my dad at that time yet, but she’s always been a thoughtful girl, and I appreciate her efforts. She’s like a big sister of sorts. Layla too. Layla and Tyler have been together for years now, and they seem like a great couple although Tyler’s also decades older than his girlfriend.

  Then again, age is just a number. So what if Tyler, Jock and Jack are two decades older than the women they adore? All that matters is that my dad is happier than he’s been in a long time, and I have Sienna to thank for that. Jack doesn’t sleep in a tent outside anymore. Instead, he goes to work and comes home, before heading to his girlfriend’s place. I want my dad to have a good life, and Sienna has had a big part to do with that.


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