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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 34

by S. E. Law

  “You like?” Sienna giggles while wiggling a bit. “I wanted you to see me close-up, if you haven’t already.”

  My throat has a huge lump in it, and I swallow thickly, unable to tear my eyes from those generous curves.

  “We love it, sweetheart. But before we start, we want to be sure. Are you ready to be ours, Sienna? We want you so much, but if you’re not ready, we’ll halt this process. It’s no trouble.”

  Those words are a lie and we all know it. There’s no way that Jack and I are stopping. Sienna is too tempting and beautiful, and even a pack of wolves couldn’t get in our way now. In fact, my brother’s already unzipping his pants, and as I speak, his huge member reveals itself, gleaming and hard.

  “Oh!” is Sienna’s gasp. But like a good girl, she drops to her knees and beckons to him, her mouth already open. “Is that for me?” she asks coyly.

  “It sure is,” Jack growls before moving to position himself in front of her. Like a kitten, she smiles, her eyes wide with anticipation, before leaning forward to delicately sample his tip with her tongue. He groans, his head dropping back, as Sienna pulls away. A long line of fluid connects the tip of her tongue to his shaft, before breaking in the air.

  Sienna licks her lips like a satisfied cat.

  “That was good,” she coos. “How about you, Jock?”

  I’m over there in a flash, my hard shaft out and pointed straight at her. Her brown eyes go wide with delight, as if it’s the best gift she’s ever received, and she grasps my thick length with one small hand, rubbing gently up the rigid thickness.

  “Oooh,” she coos. “You need it so bad, don’t you big boy?”

  Before I can answer, her pink pout opens and those lips gently circle the tip of my head. I moan as jolts of ecstasy run through my pole, making my knees weak as my abs harden. But I haven’t lost all control yet.

  “Give me those eyes, sweetheart. Give me those big, pretty eyes.”

  Sienna knows exactly what I want, and smiling with my pole lodged in her mouth, she looks up at me from her kneeling position. Shit. This is a dream come true. I have a curvy, nude girl kneeling before me with my enormous prick halfway buried in her mouth. She increases her suction as I watch, her cheeks hollowing, and jolts of pleasure race through my form. The girl giggles a bit, her curves trembling.

  “Oh Daddy,” she sighs musically. “I just love teasing you so much.”

  But the time for teasing has ended because my brother and I can’t wait anymore. We literally can’t hold back. The ceremony mixed with her lush nudeness has whipped us up into a state of frenzy, and Jack and I are already dripping heavily with need.

  With a growl, I lean forward and pick up Sienna by the waist before swinging her around in a one eighty so that her knees rest of my shoulders. She lets out a little shriek, but her mouth is still fastened to my hardness, in an inverted sixty-nine. I plunge my face into her wet pink from above, and she lets out a low, guttural moan of pleasure.

  “Shit,” I growl into her swollen folds. “Oh fuck, baby, you taste so good.”

  But Jack isn’t about to miss out. Sienna’s upside down, sucking me as I enjoy her kitty from above, and my brother takes this opportunity to stand behind her before plunging his face into her bottom. We’re feasting on the girl’s holes as she moans below, tasting first me, and then my brother.

  I can’t believe this is happening. Sienna is doing a dirty vertical sixty-nine with two men, rotating between our huge rods as I lap at her kitty while my brother samples her darkness. She’s supposed to be an innocent, sweet flower, but clearly our girl is none of those things. Sienna’s a beast with a dirty mind, and climax will be coming for us soon.

  Soon, Sienna’s sopping wet everywhere and her holes are loosened and lubed up. I swing her right-side up once more before placing her curvy form on the bed. She’s flushed, beautiful, and creamy, with her hair in disarray about her shoulders.

  “Daddies,” she mewls prettily, big breasts trembling. “What’s next?”

  “What’s next is that you take our hardness,” my brother grinds out, his blue eyes blazing. “Are you ready?”

  Again, it’s a rhetorical question because at this point, Jack and I can’t hold back. We’re naked within moments, our bronzed bodies on the bed with her. Like a rag doll, we position her for our needs, and within seconds, she’s impaled on my shaft, her kitty taking all ten inches as she stretches and moans.

  Sienna’s eyes go wide at the huge thickness tunneling into her sweetest spot.

  “Oh my god!” is her breathless cry. But her words stop because Jack’s just pushed himself between her lips.

  “Get me lubed,” he grinds out. “It’ll feel better that way.”

  She closes her eyes and sucks for all she’s worth, before he pulls out from her mouth and stations himself in back of her.

  “Slow,” he rasps. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt.”

  With that, I feel his entry begin. He presses insistently against her pink wrinkle, and Sienna’s eyes close with strain.

  “Oh!” she cries again. “Unnnh!”

  But I lean forward to lick her nips, before suckling tight and that seems to help her loosen a bit. Jack slides in a few inches, and her back arches more as she tenses, her face wracked with ecstasy.

  “Oh!” she cries again. “I can’t move!”

  “I know you can’t,” I growl harshly, “Because you’ve got both of us inside. But relax, honey. It only gets better.”

  With that, Jack slides the rest of the way inside her until he’s embedded deep in her asshole. Meanwhile, my shaft pulses inside her kitty, letting out a bit of warm juice.

  “Are you ready?” I ask my brother in a strained voice. His face is tense, his blue eyes harsh with need. Every line of his body appears to be carved from wood, and he nods shortly.

  “Ready,” he rasps.

  With that, we begin to move within Sienna. It feels amazing because she’s so tight, and her little holes resist a bit at first. But the curvy girl is a pro and soon, she’s moving with us. Her hips undulate even as we use her body every which way.

  “Ooooh,” she moans, her head dropping forward to rest on my shoulder. Jack leans forward to press a kiss to her delicate neck, even as his huge shaft disappears once more into her pink wrinkle.

  “You’re doing great,” he raps into her ear. “You’re taking two men like a champ.”

  I don’t know if Sienna hears us, but her breathing becomes more rapid. The tips of her tits harden against my chest, and I can feel her curvy form beginning to vibrate.

  “Oh Jock, oh Jack,” she moans breathily, her eyes closed. “This feels so good and … UNNNNH!”

  Suddenly, Sienna jerks in our arms, her eyes rolling back and showing the whites. It’s happened again. Her form is flushed, curvy and willing between us, but she’s also passed out and completely drunk on pleasure. My brother and I, like the bastards we are, take advantage of the opportunity to pummel her hard while Sienna’s caught in the throes of the little death. Our hips move like pistons as we stroke into her again and again, trashing her holes like there’s no tomorrow.

  “FUCK!” my brother roars, his massive chest clenching as hot seed spurts into her back end. “Oh shit!”

  I merely grunt into return as my balls tighten and unload. Lava burns down my shaft as I jerk and twitch, unable to contain myself. Lash after lash of batter comes streaming out of me as I fill her up, dumping gallons into that curvy form.

  After what feels like unending minutes of pure ecstasy, we calm a bit. We’re still buried in her two holes as Sienna wakes up once more, her brown eyes bleary. She looks up at me, as innocent as a doe with those long, sweeping lashes.

  “You’ve given it to me both ways, haven’t you?” she murmurs.

  I nod.

  “Yes, baby. Do you like it? We’re in you still, and when we pull out, there’s going to be a waterfall.”

  But instead of being grossed out or shocked, Sienna merely giggles a bi
t, and turns to look over her shoulder at Jack.

  “I like it,” she murmurs coyly. “In fact, I wouldn’t mind doing it again as soon as you’re ready.”

  My heart races because this is why we crave Sienna. She’s giving, lush, and absolutely unafraid of anything. This is her first time, but instead, it’s become more than just a “first.” It’s become an everything event, and as I meet my brother’s eyes over her slim shoulder, I know he agrees.

  But where does that leave us? Sure, Sienna has let us enjoy her body, but is the curvy girl looking for more? So many rules of Dads and Daughters have already been broken, but we will break another one by continuing this relationship? I hope so, because this has been an incredible experience, and I only want more of Sienna’s lush sweetness.



  Six months later.

  There’s a knock on the front door, and I call out, “It’s open!”

  Immediately, two handsome forms loom in the doorway, their black heads almost brushing the ceiling.

  “Hi Jock, hi Jack,” I say. “Dinner’s almost ready. I’ve missed you!”

  My dad sees who it is and takes the opportunity to get up and excuse himself. He’s going over to Layla’s place, and stops momentarily at the doorway to grab his bag.

  “Hey Jock, hey Jack,” he says with a modicum of warmth while greeting them. “I see you’re here to spend time with Sienna.”

  My handsome men nod, taking off their jackets. The three men acknowledge one another civilly, although the interaction is a bit tense. I can see why too. Tyler’s headed off to make love to Jock’s daughter, while Jock and Jack are here to entertain me. The daughter swap is a clear one-for-one, but everyone’s still adapting to the new situation.

  But overall, things have worked out great. After my initiation, Jack and Jock wanted to see more of me. I wasn’t sure at first.

  “Is that okay with the club?” I asked with some confusion. “I know my dad and Layla are exclusive, but does that happen often?”

  Jack and Jock’s eyes gleamed.

  “It happens more often than you think. Not all the time, but if an initiator and a girl hit it off, they can request to only see one another. It’s fine.”

  I look searchingly at the handsome men.

  “But is that what you want?” I ask quietly. “I know you guys like being on the road and enjoying what the club has to offer. And you know that if we’re together, I can’t condone that. I don’t think I could handle it if you spent time with other daughters.”

  The two men share a look and then nod.

  “We wouldn’t dream of it,” begins Jack.

  “Never,” finishes Jock. “We want to be with you, Sienna. You’re curvy, ripe and so beautiful. And it works out great too because your dad is with Layla, so it’s a one-for-one swap.”

  I gulp heavily. This is such a strange situation but at the same time, the men are right. Tyler and Layla are in a hot relationship, and I’d like to take up with Layla’s dad and uncle. Why not? The two men have so much to teach me, and I’m an eager, willing student.

  As a result, we made a request to the club, and the approved it. I wasn’t put on duty, and instead, I only service Jock and Jack. At first, it was rounds on hot love, again and again, leaving me breathless and sated.

  “Sweetheart, you’ve been taking us like a champ,” growled Jock, his eyes caressing my curves fondly. “Are you sure you’re not sore?”

  I giggle a bit.

  “Of course I’m sore,” I say coyly. “I’m usually limping these days, and when I sit down, I have to do it slowly. I’m sore front and back, you know,” I say with an impish grin.

  Jock’s eyes burn as he looks at me.

  “I know, sweetheart, and that’s exactly how we like it. Jack and I have been using you ruthlessly, but it’s good, isn’t it? But honey, the inevitable has come: we need to head out on the road. We’ve been able to put off some of our travel because we wanted to be with you. But we can’t not work forever. Do you think you can handle it?” he asks me with a searching look. “It’ll be your first time on your own.”

  I smile at him with putting a hand on my hip.

  “Do you think I’m going to step out on you?”

  The men shake their heads.

  “Of course not, honey,” intones Jack. “It’s just that you’re young, and we don’t want to leave you alone before you’re ready. A girl like you needs proper care and attention, and we want to make sure you’ve gotten your share.”

  I throw my arms around them, pulling them close to my curvy form.

  “Of course you’ve taken care of me,” I whisper, touched. “You’ve done such a great job of making me feel wanted and needed, and I appreciate it so much. Plus, Tyler’s been a long-haul trucker my whole life, so I’m used to being alone. Everything’s going to be fine, gentlemen.”

  My lovers were appeased, and we went back to kissing and petting one another before hitting the good stuff. Plus, after that conversation, things settled into a routine. Jock and Jack would go out on the road, sometimes together, but sometimes alone. Whenever they were in town, they’d come straight to my house and I’d be with them, enjoying their hard, male forms. It was difficult when they were away, but I’m a big girl. I can handle their absence.

  Plus, the logistics work. If Tyler’s here, he immediately leaves for Layla’s house so that I can be with Jack and Jock alone. My dad is under no illusions about what I’m doing with the two men. He sees my limp, and although he hasn’t asked me about it, it’s pretty obvious why I’m sore.

  Now, my dad’s preparing to give us privacy as Jock and Jack step into the kitchen.

  “See you bro,” Tyler says, heading out the door.

  “Have fun,” grunts Jock, watching as my dad’s shadow disappears down the driveway. He turns back to me then, pinning me with his blue gaze.

  “Everything okay with your father?” he asks.

  I smile at him.

  “Yeah. I think he’s just a little nervous because Layla had a pregnancy scare last week. You know how uptight my dad can be. He’s always afraid he’s not a good dad, so he’s still unsure about having a second child. I’ve told him to go for it, and I think Layla wants a baby more than anything, but you know Tyler.”

  Jock looks thoughtful.

  “My daughter wants a baby, but Tyler’s unwilling?”

  “Unwilling isn’t the right word to describe it,” I say with a smile, while putting the casserole down on the table. It’s ground turkey mixed with cream of mushroom soup, onions, and a sprinkle of tater tots and cheddar cheese on top. In some states, they call this meal a “hot dish,” but here where we live, it’s still referred to as casserole. All I know is that my men love my cooking, and the two alpha males settle down at the table as the tater tots steam.

  “My dad wants a baby. I know he does,” I continue, seating myself next to Jock and Jack while serving steaming heaps of casserole. “But he needs to psychologically get used to the idea. He was a great dad to me because he took it so seriously. Too seriously, in fact. With his second child, I want him to lighten up a bit.”

  Jock and Jack are already devouring the meal, and they look up suddenly.

  “Was he overly strict?” asks Jack.

  “No,” I laugh. “Not that. Tyler was just worried about me all the time, and I want him to relax a bit.”

  “Kids can give you a heart attack,” agrees Jock. “But does Tyler know that my daughter wants a baby?”

  I smile.

  “Of course!” I say while patting my mouth delicately with a napkin. “They’ve been dating for a while now, and I know Layla’s been open about it. Soon, you might be a granddad,” I say to Jock with a teasing smile.

  He groans, rolling his eyes before taking another big bite of casserole.

  “Shit, already? I’m only forty-five. I’m way too young and healthy to be a granddad.”

  Jack merely snickers.

  “Father Time comes
for all of us, Grandpappy,” he teases. “But hell. With Layla becoming a mother, I suppose I’ll be a grand-uncle.”

  Now it’s Jock’s turn to laugh.

  “Joke’s on you,” he smirks. “We’re both grand-something.”

  I take this opportunity to speak up.

  “Speaking of babies,” I say with a bright, beaming smile. “I have some exciting news of my own that has nothing to do with grandbabies,” I announce.

  The two men immediately swing their eyes to look at me.

  “What is it?” asks Jock in a low voice, his body tense.

  “Are you saying –?” Jack adds.

  I nod.

  “I’m pregnant,” is my delighted announcement. “You’re going to be fathers.”

  The kitchen is so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

  “What, no congratulations?” I tease. “I know you were just talking about being a grandfather, but it’s too early for that, because you’re going to be daddies again! Aren’t you excited?”

  The two men merely blink, their forks still in mid-air.

  “Are you serious?” asks Jock.

  I nod.

  “Yes,” I say with a blissful smile. “Wouldn’t it be great if Layla got pregnant around now too? If our babies are born around the same time, then you’ll be daddies and granddaddies simultaneously.”

  It’s such a weird scenario because this doesn’t usually happen in a family. Men don’t become fathers and grandfathers simultaneously. If anything, the two events can be separated by decades.

  But we’re different. I’m in a relationship with two men, and not only that, but they’re brothers. Plus, Jock’s daughter is dating my dad, so actually, if Layla and I both get pregnant, then Tyler could become a father and grandfather within the same year. The possibilities are endless and I let out a holler of laughter.

  “I’m so happy to be a mommy,” I say with a burble while running my hands over my slightly poochy tummy. “Aren’t you going to say something Jock? Jack?”

  Finally, the two men snap out of it and get down on their knees on either side of my chair.

  “Sienna, this is the best gift ever,” breathes Jack as he presses his ear against my stomach. “I didn’t expect this, but now that you’re pregnant, nothing could be better.”


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