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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 39

by S. E. Law

  I stare at her hard, my cheeks blushing. Suddenly, realization strikes me. Of course, Sienna knows what just happened! She sent me to that bathroom knowing that I was going to be approached by men looking for a good time. In fact, that’s the very purpose of the bathroom. It’s marked with a distinctive blue door so that everyone knows it’s the glory hole room.

  “Wait. You know,” I say in a low voice while staring at her.

  She bobs her head happily.

  “I do,” she confirms. “And Natalie, you have a bit right here,” she says, tapping her chin.

  Immediately, I reach a hand to swipe at my face. Sure enough, there’s a bit of moist seed there still, and I manage to smear it even more with my clumsy gestures.

  “Here,” Sienna says with another giggle. “I have a wet wipe. That’ll do the trick.”

  I blush while taking the moist napkin because holy shit! Another woman just helped me clean myself off after a hot session in the bathroom. Plus, she’s my dad’s girlfriend, to make things even more strange.

  But Sienna merely shrugs and giggles again.

  “The house is like that,” she says by way of explanation. “They’ve built all sorts of fun spaces into the lodge. There’s the glory hole bathroom, which you experienced, as well as the playroom, which I described before. But there’s also the sauna, the pilates room, and my favorite: the laundromat.

  “The laundromat?” I say while wrinkling my forehead. “Why would that be fun?”

  Sienna gets a dirty gleam to her eye.

  “Well, the machines are quite powerful,” she says. “And if you attach a batter-operated-boyfriend to a machine, it can churn up and down for your pounding pleasure. Quite a lot of women enjoy it, and their men love watching them take the deep drill.”

  My cheeks go scarlet.

  “They do this with a washing machine?” I whisper hoarsely.

  “Yep!” Sienna says cheerily. “It’s so dirty, isn’t it? But it’s really an ingenious idea, and like I said, these washing machines are fitted with all sorts of fun implements. You’ll love it,” she teases.

  I feel like my face is tomato red now.

  “Holy shit,” are my only words. “I can’t believe the lodge is so dirty.”

  Sienna nods with understanding.

  “Of course. But you have to understand that this is a place for men and women to indulge in their deepest desires. They’re allowed to do things that would be looked down upon in the larger world. They’re allowed to enjoy one another’s bodies, as well as engage in all sorts of naughty play that has no place in ‘decent society.’ Not that we’re not decent,” Sienna says hastily. “But you can’t let this kind of debauchery get out there, otherwise you’re just asking to be shut down.”

  I nod.

  “But you knew about the glory holes in the bathroom,” I say slowly. “And you sent me there.”

  “I did, Natalie,” the other girl says seriously while clasping her hands. “Your dad asked me to do it.”

  “My dad?” I sputter. “But why? That’s crazy!”

  Sienna cocks her head to one side.

  “Well, you’ve been very sheltered growing up, Natalie, and Jack wasn’t sure whether you were a fit for Dads and Daughters. Not that you’re not a fit,” she explains when I open my mouth to interrupt, “But we engage in a lot of filth here, and your dad wasn’t sure you were ready. If you’d backed away from the glory holes or run out screaming like your hair was on fire, then we would have had an answer.”

  I stare at her.

  “But I’m ready!” I say insistently. “That’s why I’m here to visit.”

  Sienna shakes her head.

  “No, Natalie. You’re here for a visit because your dad wants to introduce you to some of the things we do here. Hearing about what we do is one thing; but experiencing it for yourself is another altogether. Now, did you like what happened? Were you titillated? Do you want more?”

  I bite my lip, looking down at my hands. But then, I summon my courage and look Sienna straight in the eye. After all, I want to own my sexuality. I don’t want to be some shy lily who’s afraid of her own body. I want to get out there and enjoy what men have to offer.

  “I do want more,” I confirm in a assertive voice. “I absolutely want to come back for an initiation.”

  Sienna grins.

  “I’m glad to hear that you want to come back,” she says. “That’s settled.”

  But I stop her.

  “But were there supposed to be two?” I ask hesitantly. “Is that standard procedure?”

  The brunette stares at me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, there were two men in the restroom with two huge shafts. Was that supposed to happen?”

  At that revelation, Sienna gasps and her face colors. Her hands go up to cover her mouth and she stares at me with wide eyes.

  “Two?” she asks. “Oh shit.”

  I nod.

  “Yeah, I was a little surprised myself. There are multiple glory holes all over the bathroom. Those polka dots on the wallpaper are a disguise. But never mind the polka dots. There were definitely two men there, and they were enormous.”

  Sienna leans forward, her eyes gleaming.

  “But did you do it, Natalie?” she asks.

  I decide to play coy.

  “What do you mean?”

  She grins conspiratorially at me.

  “Girl, you know what I’m talking about. Did you service both of them? Did you make them both come? Or did you only pleasure one?”

  I smile deviously while folding my hands primly on my lap.

  “Let’s just say I made them both very happy men.”

  Sienna leans back and crows with delight.

  “See? I knew you’d be a great fit for Dads and Daughters. That makes me so happy, honey, because as you know, I’m with two men too. Jock and Jack pleasure me so well, honey, and now you’re getting a little bit of what I enjoy every day. It was amazing, wasn’t it?”

  I blush but then nod.

  “It was,” I confirm. “I never knew I could be so … well, whore-ish. But it felt really good and I definitely want to come back to the house.”

  Sienna laughs again, throwing her head back with real mirth.

  “Oh Natalie. Who would have guessed? You’re such a good girl with your curvy figure and demure ways. But I guess once you get the opportunity, everything changes, hmm? I’m so glad we’re going to be sisters,” she says while leaning over to give me a hug.

  I hug her back, giggling a bit myself.

  “Well, we’re not actually sisters,” I say, “because you’re dating my dad. So I guess you’re my stepmom? Or a mother figure of sorts?”

  At that, both Sienna and I burst out laughing. We’re practically rolling around on the couch because the thought is so funny. Yet, it’s true. We’re bonded because of her relationship with my dad and uncle, and now we’re doubly bonded because we both enjoy the company of two men. Who would have guessed? It’s a filthy scenario, but right up my alley.

  “But when will I get a chance to come back?” I say. “When will my initiation be?”

  Sienna grins.

  “You’ll have to talk with your dad about that one. It’s usually the father who organizes everything on behalf of the daughter. But I’ll let Jack know what happened just now. He’ll be ecstatic!”

  With that, we hug again and my heart pounds. I’m so happy about these new developments because I feel like I’ve tapped into a whole new Natalie. This new Natalie is curvy, assertive, and loud as hell when she’s having fun. She enjoys pleasuring two men while squatting nude on a bathroom floor. She loves being anonymous, and even more, is looking forward to more sexy times with her two lovers.



  My dad opens the door to our trailer, and steps in. I turn and fix him with a look.

  “Jack, you’ve been avoiding me.”

  My dad looks sheepish as he puts his bag down.

  “Not really.”

  I stare pointedly at him again while stirring the soup on the stove.

  “No seriously, Daddy. Come on. We both know you’ve been avoiding me.”

  My dad sinks into the seat at our little table and buries his head in his hands. Then he runs his big hands through his hair, leaving the strands standing on end. It looks really funny, to be honest. My dad is a handsome guy, but he literally has some hair pointing to the right, some pointing to the left, and some standing straight up.

  “Come on Daddy,” I say before spooning out some soup for both of us. I bring the steaming bowls over to the table before going back to the counter to pick up some toasty French bread. I slice off two pieces, and then bring those over to the table as well.

  My dad’s eyes brighten when he sees the food.

  “Mm, this smells delicious, Natalie,” he says while inhaling deeply. “You’ve really become a great cook.”

  I laugh a little.

  “No, Dad, I haven’t. I’ve been practicing for a few years now, but I’m still a long ways off from how good Mom was. Now, you can’t avoid me forever. Why have you been avoiding me? Ever since we came back from the Lodge, you’ve either spent all your time with Sienna or you’re off on a job. So what gives?” I ask plaintively. “You were the one who brought me to the Lodge in the first place. I thought you wanted me to like Dads and Daughters.”

  My dad puts his head down and sighs.

  “Well, I do want you to like Dads and Daughter, Nats. It’s just that … well, Sienna told me what happened and I had no idea you’d like it that much.”

  I look at him, my food untouched.

  “You mean, she told you I was with two men?”

  My dad shakes his head, but then he nods.

  “Yes! That wasn’t supposed to happen. You were supposed to be introduced to the club gradually. You were supposed to take a tour, and then maybe witness some debauchery among other people. I didn’t mean for you to be thrust into that situation, much less with two dudes.”

  I stare at him.

  “How did that happen by the way?”

  Jack looks forlorn and runs his hands through his hair again.

  “To be honest, Sugar, I’m not sure. I let them know you were coming, and I figured you’d be given the grand tour. But somehow, wires got crossed and a lot more happened than just a tour,” he says ruefully.

  “But I liked it!” I chirp, sitting up. “What happened was wonderful, and I enjoyed every second of it.”

  My dad won’t look at me for a moment, but then he slides a sideways look in my direction.

  “You see, Sugar, that’s the problem. What father wants his daughter to enjoy being with two men? What father wants his daughter to be subjected to glory holes during her first time at the club? What am I doing? Your mom would be so angry.”

  I take a deep breath and look him in the eye.

  “Jack, I hear what you’re saying, but we have to leave Violet out of this. She’s no longer with us. Plus, she hasn’t seen how much happier you’ve become, now that you’re with Dads and Daughters. You were wasting away there for a while, Jack. After Mom died, you lost twenty pounds and were sleeping in a tent in our backyard. Don’t you remember?”

  Jack nods, still looking down.

  “I do, but your mother would be so shocked by what I’ve done. She saw you as an angel, sweetheart. She thought you could be President one day, or maybe an astronaut. At the very least, you’d be a successful lawyer or doctor.”

  I stare at my dad.

  “But that makes no sense! Yes, I’m a very nerdy girl, but Daddy, I don’t want to be some high-powered female executive. Those women are scary, Jack. They always look like they have a stick plugged deep in their asses, and their faces are always pinched from stress and anxiety. Why would you want me to be like that?”

  My dad shifts uncomfortably.

  “I just thought –”

  I cut him off.

  “No, Daddy. You thought that being a lawyer or doctor would be a good job because they’re stable, high-paying professions. But Daddy, I love the fact that you’re a long-haul trucker. It too is a stable, high-paying job, and you’ve been providing for our family for more than twenty years now. Sure, it’s blue collar, but that doesn’t matter. Someone still has to haul goods from one place to another, and that person is you. You provide real value, Jack.”

  “But still—”

  I cut him off again with a hand raised in the air.

  “No Daddy. You’ve misunderstood me. I don’t want to be a lawyer, doctor, or astronaut. And I definitely don’t want to be the President of the United States because imagine living life in the public eye. Ugh. That’s not for me at all. I want to be something that gives back to our community, and I want to be a part of our community too. I want to be a part of Dads and Daughters.”

  But Jack is still resisting.

  “Natalie, I had no idea that you were going to be presented with two men when we last visited,” he says in a low voice. “I’m so ashamed that that happened to my daughter.”

  “But I liked it!” I protest.

  He shakes his head, still looking at his untouched bowl of soup.

  “Natalie, out of respect for your dead mother’s memory, I can’t let you join Dads and Daughters. This was all a mistake. I treasure Violet too much to let this happen to her daughter.”

  I stare at him, my mouth opening and closing with shock.

  “Wait, what? Now I can’t even join Dads and Daughters? I’m not going to have an initiation?”

  Jack shakes his head, his expression determined.

  “No, definitely not. I can’t tarnish the memory of your mother any further. Sugar, you should go to college, and then have a career. You’re smart and talented. You don’t have to be a lawyer, doctor, or astronaut, but I know you’re going to be something amazing. You shouldn’t be servicing random truckers who drop by our little town. It’s below you, Natalie, and Violet would cry if she knew what I’ve done.”

  I’m so surprised that I’m unable to speak for a moment. This is a complete about face from last week, when he was trying to sell me on the idea of the club.

  “What?” I manage to stammer. “Why the change?”

  My dad continues, his expression even more determined now.

  “I can’t let you go through with this, Natalie. Your mother and I love you too much, and I’ve been blinded by depression for too long. I’ve been so caught up in tragedy that I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m sorry, Sugar, but I can’t let you join and that’s final.”

  I’m tempted to jump up and scream my protests to the Heavens, but I can tell that that won’t help. Jack can be stubborn sometimes. My dad is like a mule who’s sensed food. He’s only going to clomp in that direction, no matter what you say or do. So instead, I try a different tack.

  “Okay. Well, if I don’t join, then what’s going to happen?”

  My dad looks up.

  “You’ll forget that the club exists and go to college instead. You’ll meet a nice boy, finish your studies, and then get married and get a job. Soon, I’ll be a granddad.”

  I stare at my father.

  “Are you kidding? How would I forget something as magical as my time at the Lodge?”

  My dad sighs, but then he looks me in the eye again.

  “You’ll forget it, Natalie. Trust me. With enough years, everything disappears into a blur. I can’t remember ninety-nine percent of the things that happened to me the year I was eighteen. Possibly even one hundred percent.”

  I shake my head.

  “Well, I hate to disagree, but I don’t think I’m going to forget Dads and Daughters ever. Even if I live to be ninety, I’ll still be running that experience over and over again in my head. I’ll be thinking about it when I’m in my nursing home because it’ll be a sassy memory of when I was young and attractive.”

  My dad sighs and looks at the table again. His soup is still uneaten, and it’s star
ting to get cold.

  “Nats, what do you want me to do?” he asks helplessly. “I feel torn. I know that Violet would be incensed if she knew that you were angling to join Dads and Daughters. How do I honor the memory of my dead wife while also doing what’s best for my daughter?”

  I shake my head.

  “But Dad, that’s the thing. You don’t know that Violet would judge you for being in Dads and Daughters. She never saw what a bad state you were in before you joined. Don’t you think she would want you to find love again? Don’t you think she would want me to explore my boundaries?”

  My dad shakes his head and looks at his hands. He looks tired and defeated, and my heart goes out to him.

  “Listen, Daddy. Why don’t we take it one step at a time? I won’t join Dads and Daughters straight off the bat. But can we go there one more time, just to see? I’d like to learn more about the history of the club, and how it came to be. I’d like to meet more people, and maybe it won’t go well. Maybe I’ll be turned off by all the debauchery going on.”

  My dad rubs his eyes and then scrubs his face with both hands. Finally, he lets out a huge sigh.

  “Okay,” he says in a low voice. “One more time at Dads and Daughters, and then we’ll reassess. But Natalie, I’m so ashamed for introducing you to the club. It was a huge mistake on my part, and I wish I could do it all over again.”

  My heart breaks for my father and I stand up to throw my arms around his broad shoulders.

  “It’s okay, Daddy. I know you’re just looking out for me. We’ll go to the club one more time, and then we’ll decide okay?”

  My dad nods and we both turn to our bowls. The silence in the air is thick, but inside, I’m dancing with joy because I’m going back to the club soon. I can’t wait to get to the Lodge and to witness more depravity. Even more, I can’t wait to meet my anonymous lovers again because I promised them my sugar walls. I’ll let the men touch and stretch them to the right size. But how do I find the two alpha males with the distinctive tattoos? I’m not sure yet, but I’m determined to make it happen.



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