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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 40

by S. E. Law


  “Hey girl,” Layla coos while pulling me into a hug. “It’s so good to see you. I haven’t seen you in ages!”

  I pull back and smile at the beautiful woman while my dad disappears with a wave.

  “I know!” I say excitedly. “I’m so excited to be back at the Lodge, and thanks for taking me around. My dad contacted you, right? I thought you and Tyler were on vacation, but I’m so glad you’re back in town.”

  Layla smiles, her face lighting up.

  “Yeah, Tyler and I decided to get away last weekend. We went to Barbados and it was absolutely heavenly. Don’t tell anyone, but it was a babymoon.”

  I cock my head at her.

  “A babymoon? What’s that?”

  Layla giggles and pats her stomach gently. Now that I focus on it, I can see that there’s a slight curve that didn’t used to be there.

  “Oh my god, you’re pregnant!” I breathe. “So Tyler took you to Barbados to celebrate.”

  The older girl nods happily.

  “Yeah, totally. After the baby’s born, it’ll be a lot harder to travel, so we wanted to get some vacations in before he or she comes.”

  I smile at her as she leads me to an open seating area on the left. We take a seat on a green plaid sofa with a couple of homey, chenille pillows on it.

  “Here, take one for your back,” I say, handing her a pillow.

  Layla takes it gratefully, tucking it behind her lower back.

  “I’m only about two months along, but it feels like I’m already toting around an extra forty pounds,” she says ruefully. “I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like in my third trimester.”

  “But I’m so excited for you!” I exclaim. “Wait a minute. Did you know that Sienna’s pregnant too?”

  Layla laughs, her expression joyful.

  “Oh yeah. It’s a lot to throw at our men, that’s for sure. Basically, Tyler, Jock, and Jack are going to become dads and grandfathers at the same time. They’re going to be populating the second and third generations of their lines simultaneously.”

  I giggle myself.

  “Yeah, but my dad’s really excited to be having a baby. He says he’s giving me that sibling I asked for at long last.”

  “Better late than never, right?” Layla asks companionably.

  “Oh definitely,” I nod. “I can’t wait to be a big sister too.”

  Layla turns to me with a happy smile, and I’m struck again at how beautiful she is. She’s practically glowing from the inside, and her curly hair waves about her shoulders like a goddess. Funny. I wonder if this happens to all pregnant women. Sienna looked absolutely gorgeous pregnant too. Then again, being with the right man and having his baby will do that for you.

  Layla laughs and turns the conversation back to me.

  “So tell me, what do you think about Dads and Daughters so far? Jack told me he wants me to give you a tour.”

  I nod.

  “My last visit was with Sienna, and it was wonderful. But Jack doesn’t see it that way because I went to the glory hole room and participated … with two men,” I say, a blush coming to my cheeks.

  Layla lets out a throaty laugh but then smiles at me kindly.

  “I can see why Jack’s a little nervous now. Were you just supposed to watch?”

  I nod.

  “I guess they thought maybe I’d get freaked out, scream, and then leave. Or maybe I’d be very shocked, but also titillated. But I did more than that. I had a lot of fun, if you get what I mean.”

  Layla nods again.

  “That’s okay. We’re women who own our sexuality, and it’s totally fine to say that you enjoy making love.”

  I shake my head quickly.

  “Oh no, there was no intercourse. I just had fun with them the oral way.”

  Layla’s eyes glimmer a bit.

  “Oh, that sounds amazing,” she breathes. “Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if I’d stayed single a little longer. But once I met Tyler, it was all over. We immediately became a couple, and now we’re having a baby together!”

  I nod.

  “And that was right when you joined the club, right?”

  She smiles.

  “Yes, Tyler was my initiator, so I didn’t get to sample many men before then. Although there was this one guy …”

  I lean forward, my eyes wide.

  “Oh my god, there was someone before Tyler?”

  Layla nods happily.

  “There was. I was here on a tour, just like you are today, and let’s just say we got up to some shenanigans. But that’s for another time,” she says with smile. “Why don’t I give you the tour? Jack seems dead-set on that happening.”

  I nod and we both get up. Layla takes me to a hallway on the right, and we walk down a gracious corridor.

  “Here are the club’s offices,” she says, indicating a set of closed doors. “Just like any membership group, there’s a lot of admin work that has to get done, so this is where the magic happens.”

  We walk further back, and I glimpse a swimming pool outside. It’s winter so it’s covered in a tarp, but it looks to be Olympic-sized.

  “Oh my god, is that a regulation lap pool?”

  Layla nods.

  “Yes, and there are members who definitely use it. Obviously, it’s too cold in the winter, but we also have an indoor pool in the basement. That one’s kept at eighty degrees year round, so it’s nice and toasty.”

  I stare at her.

  “But eighty degrees is really high,” I say. “The heating charges must be insane.”

  Layla giggles a little.

  “Yes, but nobody swims laps there. You see, it’s a clothing-optional pool. Actually, I should be more specific: women are required to be nude when they’re in the water. It’s just one of the rules.”

  I gape at her.

  “Are you serious?”

  Layla nods knowingly.

  “Oh yes. Anything can happen at the Lodge. This is a place where men and women explore their wildest fantasies. It’s pure hedonism, and a lot of fun,” she winks.

  I trail along behind Layla as she gives me a tour of the facilities. There’s a library, a bar, a restaurant, a gym, a steam room, and even some private rooms for dads who may want to stay overnight.

  “But do out-of-town truckers stay here too?” I ask. “It would make sense. They could get their needs taken care of, and then leave the next morning.”

  Layla nods.

  “Sometimes they do, but we’re quite a bit out of the way. We’re sixty miles from civilization, so sometimes the truckers prefer to stop at a rest stop because it’s easier. We’ll send a girl out to them once we know they’re in the vicinity.”

  I nod.

  “Do the girls ever stay here?”

  Layla nods.

  “Oh sure. Some girls choose to continue living at home while they’re on their tour, but others like to stay here. They’ll go out and service the truckers on a nightly basis, and then spend their days here enjoying the amenities. It works for everyone.”

  I gasp.

  “So there’s literally a bevy of young women living here right now?”

  Layla laughs.

  “Well, I don’t know about a bevy, but there are certainly a few girls who call the Lodge “home” at the moment. They have their own rooms and it’s a type of independent living for them.”

  “How long do the girls stay?” I ask curiously.

  Layla thinks for a moment.

  “Most girls do tours of a few years. Maybe from when they’re age eighteen to age twenty-one? But there are some ladies who enjoy the life so much that they ask to stay on longer. Some girls have been known to do tours lasting ten years,” she says.

  “Ten years?” I echo, completely aghast. “That means that they’re twenty-eight when they leave!”

  Layla nods as we walk by what looks like a rec room, complete with a pool table, a billiards table, and a wet bar.

  “Yes. We
even had one girl stay until she was thirty, but that’s where we cut them off. At thirty, we encourage the girls to move on. Of course, there are a lot of support services to assist with the transition. We help with job placement, health care, and even finding a new place to live. You can see why there’s a lot of admin work.”

  I’m stunned. Evidently, some of the daughters service incoming truckers for ten years. They sleep with these OTT alpha males on a regular basis for their entire twenties, which is completely insane to me.

  But it sounds good too. If it feels right, then why not continue? I’m about to ask Layla another question, but then the urge to pee hits.

  “Um, I need to use the restroom,” I say, gesturing to a small pink door. “Could you give me a minute?”

  Layla gets a gleam in her eye.

  “Natalie, I think you want to use that bathroom,” she says, pointing to a door painted blue. “It has polka dot wallpaper, the way you like.”

  I blush but then realization hits me. Of course. This is my opportunity to meet my two anonymous lovers again, and I can’t wait.

  “Thanks,” I say with a smile before opening the door and disappearing with a wave. Holy shit. I’m doing it. I’m meeting the men for round two, and it’s going to be wonderful.



  The curvy brunette walks into the bathroom, and quietly shuts the door behind her. Meanwhile, my friend Gascon and I watch through the one-way wall. You see, the Lodge has spared no expense. Although the wall looks solid as hell, in fact, it’s a one-way mirror. We can see her, but she can’t see us. Plus, there are holes cut out at waist level for doing you-know-what.

  Holy shit, Natalie’s beautiful. She’s round, luscious, and already up to no good. I can tell from the teasing smile on her face. The sassy girl pees a bit, then gets up to wash her hands at the sink. She pouts prettily at the mirror as if she knows we’re there, but of course she couldn’t know, could she? Then again, Layla may have told her.

  After all, when Jack first let people know that his daughter was coming to visit, there was a murmur of excitement among the dads. We’ve watched Natalie for years now, and witnessed her transformation from skinny bean pole to luscious woman. Her breasts are big Double Ds, and her thighs thick with sugar. Her ass is a giant heart shape, ready to be enjoyed, and I was on it.

  My brother, Gascon, was also interested. We love to share women, and Natalie’s exactly our type. As a result, we orchestrated the whole thing. During her first visit, we were lying in wait in the bathroom. Now, during her second visit, we’re anticipating her curves like hungry tigers.

  Of course, Sienna and Layla encouraged us. The girls know that we’ve been on the prowl for a while now. We’ve indulged in all-out hedonism at the club in the past, but we’re looking for something a little more stable these days. If anything, we’d like to find a girlfriend. There, I said it. We’d like a curvy girl to be ours to share, and Natalie fits the bill perfectly.

  Plus, our first encounter with her was mind-blowing. I thought she might stroke us a bit, and then giggle and run away. But instead, Sugar took off her clothes and mouthed us until we came. It was phenomenal. My balls ached desperately for days afterwards just from the memory. But now, she’s back and she’s going to do more than a little lip action. Sugar will be taking us all, this time around.

  Natalie smiles coyly in the mirror again, and we take that as our cue. Slowly, Gascon and I insert our stiff poles into the holes in the wall, and Natalie’s eyes go wide. Her mouth forms a round “O” of surprise, but I know she’s not surprised. She wants this, and sure enough, within seconds, the lush girl is nude once more and kneeling before us with gratitude.

  This time, she doesn’t need any prompting whatsoever. She takes my stiff shaft between her lips while pumping Gascon’s rigid pole with her hand. Then she switches, and her hand is jerking me off while her tongue trails up the length of my brother’s hot rod. We both groan desperately. She’s gotten us worked up within seconds, and Natalie knows. She smiles a secret smile, and then stands and turns around.

  But Natalie doesn’t impale herself right away. Oh no. She bends forwards so that her bottom rises in the air like a giant heart. Then she parts her legs and slowly runs her hands up her thighs, squeezing and caressing them while letting out melodious moans.

  Oh shit, I’m going to explode. Her pink kitty comes into view, already swollen and glistening. I can see her nub stiffly poking out from between her folds and with a sly smile, Natalie pinches it before letting out another throaty moan.

  That does it. I have to have her, and my voice comes out in a strangled bass.

  “Come sit on it, Sugar,” I beg. “Let me enjoy those tight sugar walls.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want, Daddy?” she asks coyly while licking one of her fingers. Her hand trails between her legs and softly rubs those folds open. I catch a glimpse of hot pink, and my shaft spurts a bit of seed onto the floor.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I groan. “Please, Sugar. Now.”

  Natalie giggles and begins backing that big ass up. She comes closer and closer, and I can practically feel the heat steaming from her snatch. Finally, the moist lips just touch the tip of my head, and I jerk again at the phenomenal sensation.

  “Oooh, you’re big,” she giggles. “This is going to be really difficult.”

  “No, it won’t,” I rasp. “You’re going to take me just fine. Now back it up, baby. Give me a taste of those sugar walls, and then give my brother a taste.”

  “Oh, you’re brothers?” Natalie asks breathily. “I didn’t know that.”

  “We are,” Gascon confirms with a growl. “Now, Sugar. No more waiting.”

  With a deep sigh, Natalie sinks her bottom onto my shaft, and my brother and I watch with avid eyes as that plush kitty absorbs inch after inch of my rigid pole. Holy shit, it feels so good! My knees go weak even as my hot rod disappears into her swollen snatch. She giggles a bit and bumps up and down, as if teasing me.

  “Mmmm,” she moans. “Is it all in?” Natalie asks, looking over one slim shoulder coyly.

  “No, baby,” my brother answers. “You’re about a quarter of the way in.”

  Her eyes fly open then.

  “A quarter?” she squeals. “That’s it? I can’t take you all!”

  “You can,” I groan. “Just keep going.”

  Natalie does some breathing exercises. I can see her big breasts heaving up and down, and then she begins sinking backwards again. The sensation is out of this world. Both my brother and I watch as her kitty takes more and more of my thickness inside. It’s obscene, and her lips are stretched tight from the strain.

  “Mmmm,” she moans again. “This feels good.”

  “Almost there,” I encourage in a strangled voice. “Oh shit, there we go.”

  She’s done it. Sugar has taken all ten inches into her steaminess, and I’m balls deep in cream now.

  “Slide up and down, sweetheart,” I command. “Let me feel those sugar walls.”

  Natalie does as told, tossing her hair over one shoulder as her eyes close with desire.

  “Mmm,” she moans, sliding up and then down again. There’s so much cream that it forms a white ring at the base of my member. “Ooooh!”

  But then, after a few pumps, she slides off and moves to the left, where my brother’s hard tool pokes from the wall. Without any prompting, she slides onto him in one fell swoop, taking his ten inches like a pro.

  “Oh god!” she squeals delightedly. “I can’t believe this is happening!”

  “Believe it,” Gascon growls even as she begins swaying back and forth, her pretty pink kitty swallowing his huge shaft with each move. “Oh fuck baby, you’re everything we’ve dreamed of.”

  But this is where things get rancid. We thought we were going to enjoy Natalie, and finish in this depraved position. But instead, the door opens, and suddenly Layla is standing there. What the fuck? I realize that she’s our partner in crime, but what i
s she doing in the restroom?

  Layla has closed the door behind her, and she has a devious smile on her face.

  “Natalie,” she croons. “Would you like to try another position?”

  The sweet girl’s eyes snap open, and she stares at the pregnant woman.

  “What? What are you doing here?”

  Her bottom is still buried on my brother’s shaft, and she’s completely nude with her tits dangling below her.

  Layla merely smiles knowingly.

  “Let me help you,” she says. “This isn’t the only way you can enjoy the brothers. Now up.”

  Natalie stares at the other woman but then slowly pulls forward until Gascon pops out. He’s rigid with rage.

  “You better know what you’re doing,” he warns Layla through the wall. The pregnant woman merely laughs musically.

  “Oh trust me, I do,” she says.

  But Natalie’s unsure. She holds a hand up and stares at Layla.

  “I’m not into woman on woman,” she says in a stiff voice. “I don’t work that way.”

  Layla merely tosses her head.

  “Well, that’s good because I’m not into woman on woman either. I’m only into men. But I’m here to help you enjoy this situation even more, Natalie. After all, wouldn’t you like to sample them the front way? Of course, you can bend over and back that bottom up, but with me here, you can also do it missionary if you choose. Vertical missionary, that is.”

  Natalie stares at her, and Gascon and I are just as confused.

  “Layla,” I bark through the wall. “What are you doing?”

  But she doesn’t answer me. Instead, she stands in back of Natalie and puts her arms around the curvy girl’s waist. Then, Layla lifts Natalie up so that the pretty brunette is hoisted off the ground while facing the wall. Layla’s hands slip down to position themselves beneath each of Natalie’s thighs, so that our girl’s legs are spread and open for our pleasure.

  “What are you doing?” Sugar squeals. “Oh my god, you’re pregnant! You shouldn’t be lifting heavy objects!”

  But Layla is unconcerned.

  “I’m fine,” she says. “I work out, and I’m only a little ways along. It’s going to be okay. Now bend your knees,” she instructs Natalie.


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