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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 42

by S. E. Law

  I cluck a bit.

  “I know it’s hard to believe, but she did because she wants what’s best for me,” I say in a firm voice. “Her and Layla both. So they banded together and got my initiation set up. I admit, it wasn’t your usual initiation, but it was a wonderful one with Gascon and Gary, and I’m with them now. And it’s a with them in a romantic sense.”

  At that, my dad’s head jerks up.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Natalie,” he growls. “You don’t just fall for the first two men you meet. That only happens in fairy tales.”

  I shrug.

  “But I did, and so did your girlfriend, if I may remind you. And now, Gary, Gascon and I are in a relationship. You can take it or leave it, Daddy, because I’ll go live with Gary and Gascon if you don’t approve. But what matters is that this is what I want, Daddy. I love them, and I want to be with them.”

  With that, Jack crumpled. He knew that he was out of reasons to resist, and that what I was saying is true. My mom always wanted us to be happy no matter what, and with Sienna’s help, my happiness has flowered and bloomed. I’m with two men whom I adore, and I’m expecting their baby any day.

  Now, back in the bedroom we’re exploring together once again.

  “Oooh more,” I moan as my boyfriends push deep into my tight little holes. “Just like that.”

  Gary and Gascon groan beneath me, their bodies rock hard and straining.

  “Oh shit, Sugar. We’re about to come. It’s about to –”

  But they’re cut off because climax comes for us all. With wild roars, both of my men erupt into me, and my sugar walls pulse around those massive poles, pulling their seed in deep.

  “Oh god!” I scream. “YES!”

  Meanwhile, my two men are animals. They keep roaring and jetting, spraying me with lashes of virile batter. Hot jets of seed gush like geysers into me, and all I can do is hold on for my dear life.

  But I want this. I love it and mewl my pleasure to the Heavens. Every cell of my body is soaring, and I feel weightless and yet totally present. Finally, as we descend to Earth, I press adoring kisses on my boyfriends’ lips.

  “I love you,” I whisper. “And I’m so lucky to be with you.”

  Gary and Gascon smile while stroking my belly.

  “We’re so lucky to be with you, Natalie. It’s almost time for you to deliver, but is there something else you’d like to try before labor begins? Remember, the Lodge is full of rooms with all sorts of toys. It could be fun while you’re nine months pregnant.”

  I smile coyly.

  “Well, this other girl named Naomi was telling me about the laundromat,” I mewl. “You know, the room that has all the washing machines in it?”

  Gascon and Gary smile.

  “Of course we know. There are hundreds of implements to attach to the washing machines for a thorough pounding every which way. We can take you there. Right now, if you want.”

  I giggle and pull my two men close.

  “Not now,” I whisper. “But maybe later. I love being with you, Gascon and Gary, because you’ve blown all my barriers down and introduced me to a world of love. I adore being with you, and I know the baby and I are safe in your hands.”

  The two men bend to kiss me, our lips locking passionately.

  “Yes, Natalie. It’s because you’re ours,” says Gascon with possession in his voice.

  “You belong to us, Sugar,” echoes his brother. “Forever and ever.”

  With that, I sigh happily. I’m with my men, and they’re with me. All the obstacles in the world couldn’t keep us apart, and in my heart of hearts, I know that both my mom and dad are happy for me. There was initial resistance at first, but Jack’s come around, and soon, he’ll be a grandfather. What could be better? My love triangle with my two boyfriends is complete, and with a baby on the way, my life is fulfilled and happy.

  More in the Sweet Treats Series

  If you like washing machines that go thump and MMF bisexual romance, then you’ll love Naomi’s story, Please and Tease, available here.

  I was headed to prom when my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend! To make it all better, a gorgeous dad steps in to claim his Forbidden Fruit. Kristy’s story is available here.

  I botched my initiation but the handsome Connaught brothers stepped in to comfort me. The Dads and Daughters saga continues with Band of Brothers, available here.

  Italian stallions know just how to please Melissa in this tale of reverse holes in the wall. Her Italian Wedding is available here.

  The two men are too big! But they’ve promised to get me comfortable first. Get Alizeh’s story, Double XL, here.


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  Please and Tease

  By S.E. Law

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  About This Book

  Please me and tease me, I whisper. The two men were only too happy to comply.

  I’ve been with Dads and Daughters for a while now.

  Some people would say I’m a hedonist. I just think I like to enjoy the best of what life has to offer.

  After all, these long-haul truckers need relief, and I’m just the curvy girl to provide it.

  But as you can guess, my work generates a lot of dirty laundry.

  So I head to the Lodge’s laundromat one day to do a load.

  But I’m surprised by two gorgeous men!

  Aaron and Andrew dump their filthy loads on me too.

  And Heaven help me, but I love being with the two alpha males.

  But are they okay with my dirty past? And what happens when they discover I’m expecting their baby?

  Naomi is no angel, but that’s why we adore her. She’s a woman who enjoys her curves and isn’t afraid to flaunt them, especially when there are two men showing their appreciation. Warning: swords cross in this book, but that’s what makes it filthy! No cheating, no cliffhangers, and always an HEA for my readers.



  I get up languidly, looking around. The truck’s cab is small, but it’s not bad at all. Evidently, Michael is a superstar trucker for his company, and they invested in a custom-made cab for him.

  Basically, it’s like a mini-RV behind the driver’s seat. It’s a twenty by twenty space where they’ve stashed the necessities for a long-haul driver, including a sleeping area, a dining area, and a lavatory.

  I get up, padding in my bare feet to the small kitchen. Yes, there’s even a kitchen. It’s not much more than a two-top, but there’s a fridge and a microwave oven too. A small table pulls down from the wall, but I don’t open it because I don’t want to make any unnecessary sounds. Michael’s still sleeping, and I know he has to get on the road soon. I want to let him rest as much as possible before starting another sixteen-hour day.

  Then again, I’ve done my part to help him relax. I smile while pulling on a thin, silk robe over my creamy curves. It’s my job, after all. Well, not really a job job. I’m currently an associate member of Dads and Daughters, and I’m in the second year of my residency. This means that I service long-haul truckers who pull into our tiny town. The local lodge will get a call informing us about a trucker’s impending arrival, and then I head out to greet them as the perfect hostess.

  Of course, there’s more than just being a “hostess” in this line of work. The purpose of Dads and Daughters is to provide relief to long-haul truckers after a long day on the road. Thus, I might accompany him to a local diner for some get-to-know-you chitchat. We might even play a game of pool at a billiards place or stop by a local bar for a drink. But it almost always ends in the same way: him in me, straining with ecstasy and roaring his relief. It finishes with a lovely night in the cab, ensconced in his brawny arms.

/>   I’ve really gotten into the groove with this new lifestyle. In fact, I’ve been doing calls three times a week for almost two years now. It sounds crazy, because what girl would willingly subject herself to this life?

  But the truth is that I like it. I love it even, because Dads and Daughters is a way for me to sow my wild oats. After my time with the club is up, I’m going to settle down and lead a normal life like any other woman. Maybe I’ll even marry someone and have a few kids. I don’t know. The thought of marriage right now seems very far off and a little frightening to be honest. Who really wants to stick to only one guy? I can’t imagine being married to someone for thirty years, and restricting yourself to one bed partner as a result. I thought variety was supposed to be the spice of life, but then again, there are couples who’ve reached their golden anniversaries and still appear very happy.

  But anything can happen in life. I never even realized that something as taboo as Dads and Daughters existed until my Uncle Richard brought it up. He’s taken care of me since my parents passed when I was a child, and I grew up safe and snug under his roof. He and Aunt Dorinda didn’t have any kids of their own, so they were happy to adopt me after the accident. Aunt Dorinda, unfortunately, passed away a few years ago, so it was just me and Uncle Richard.

  But life was idyllic. I went to high school while my uncle was out on the job. When he came home every now and then, we had companionable meals and caught up like a real father-daughter pair. It was so idyllic in fact, that when Uncle Richard brought up Dads and Daughters, I was shocked.

  “What do you mean?” I asked slowly. “You’ve been sleeping with a different woman every night you’re out on the road?”

  Uncle Richard looked a bit shamefaced. He ran his hands through his hair and stared at the shiny table top. We were at my favorite diner, Junior’s, but fortunately it was busy and no one could hear our conversation.

  “Well, maybe not every night. But certainly on a regular basis. That’s how the club works.”

  I blink at him.

  “The premise of the club is that daughters go out to service long-haul truckers who pull into their city each evening. Are you sure this is illegal? Are you sure laws aren’t being broken left and right?”

  Uncle Richard shook his head uncomfortably.

  “Naomi, I’m a simple man. I don’t think any laws are being broken, but I’m not an attorney either. All I know is that the system works. Long haul truckers like to meet beautiful women while on the job, and Dads and Daughters fills that need. The dads meet daughters at different rest stops, and the daughters are treated like princesses by older men who care about them. Everyone wins.”

  I stare at him.

  “But now it’s my turn to join?”

  Uncle Richard looked uncomfortable, and pulled at the collar of his red plaid shirt.

  “You don’t have to join, Naomi. Not all daughters do. But I wanted to give you the chance just in case you’re interested because it can be the right opportunity for the right girl.”

  I stare at him, dumbstruck.

  “But how can sleeping with a lot of different guys be the right thing to do? I thought most girls got married and had kids after high school. They don’t go around hooking up with random guys who are strangers too.”

  Richard nodded.

  “A lot of the girls in our small town do get married young, but this is a different path. Through Dads and Daughters, you’ll be able to explore without leaving our city. You’ll be able to be with a lot of different men, and no one will know. You’ll be able to become a woman in full, and then pick up right where you left off after your tour is done. It’s a way to get that extra energy out of your system while you’re young, Naomi. And trust me: you’re a feisty girl who needs an outlet. This could be good for you.”

  Uncle Richard was right. I decided to go through with the club’s initiation process, and it was wonderful. I lost my innocence to a burly trucker who kissed me everywhere, and after that, the switch flipped to “on.” I went from being an innocent teen girl to a curvy woman ready to share.

  For the first year, I was meeting truckers almost every night. I was servicing different men and absolutely loving it. There were times when I would leave one man in the morning to go home, rest a few hours, only to get ready in the evening to meet another man. It was absolute hedonism and I had so much fun.

  But now I’m in my second year, and my schedule has settled a bit. Now I only see three men a week. It’s pleasurable, it’s fun, and I enjoy it. I’m not sure when my tour with Dads and Daughters will end, but I hope it lasts another year at least. This is just too great of a lifestyle to give up.

  Now, in Michael’s truck, I’m reminded of what I enjoy the most. I just made love to a gorgeous, handsome alpha male last night, and I’m limping a bit from his savage ways.

  “Babycakes, are you up?” calls a drowsy male voice from within the depths of the cab. I can see a huge form stirring in the shadows, and I giggle a bit.

  “Yes Michael,” I sing. “Just grabbing a drink of water.”

  “Sure thing, Sugar,” he growls. “Can you get me a donut while you’re up? There are some powdered ones in the cabinet on the upper left side.”

  I laugh with delight. Hedonism doesn’t just mean fun in bed. It also means that I enjoy food to the utmost, and I giggle again while searching around for the powdered donuts. Ah ha, here they are, at the very top. I stretch on my tippy-toes and manage to snag the box of sugary treats. Then I bring them over to the bed and sit down next to Michael. We had a great time last night, and I can tell he’s sated but wanting more. His blue eyes gleam in the dim light as he watches my curvy form settle on the mattress, and one big hand reaches out to stroke my thigh.

  “Nuh uh,” I tease while slapping his hand away. “Powdered donuts first.”

  I open the box to hand him one, and then take a big bite of my own pastry. Mmm, this is so good. There’s probably white sugar all over my cheeks and chin, but it’s okay. I love all desserts, and donuts are an especial favorite of mine.

  “You have a good time last night?” Michael growls. “I know I did.”

  I smile sassily at him. He’s gorgeous with devilish blue eyes, a broad chest, and a tool that would make any girl gasp. It was hard at first to accommodate him, but with mindful breathing and some slow stretching, I was able to take him all inside.

  “I had a great time,” I say. “How about you?”

  He merely nods and grins.

  “Sweetheart, I wish there was a girl like you at every city on my route. Shit, I probably wouldn’t be able to walk if there were! Are you okay this morning?” he asks, his eyes glancing at my sweet vee.

  “I don’t know,” I purr while popping the rest of my donut into my mouth. “Do you want to check?”

  With that, I unwrap the silk robe from my shoulders and swing my legs up onto the mattress. Then I part my thighs, revealing the slick folds within. Sure enough, they’re swollen and still a little flushed from our loving.

  Meanwhile, Michael’s donut has long since been forgotten. His blue eyes practically glow in the darkness as he reaches a hand forward to stroke over my soft slit.

  “I don’t know,” he rasps. “This feels like it’s still a little tight. Would you like me to massage it for you?”

  My head drops backwards with pleasure as he begins to stroke my kitty.

  “Mmm,” I moan.

  He chuckles low in his throat and gently eases a big finger into my tiny hole.

  “Does that feel good, Naomi?”

  I manage to nod breathlessly.

  “Oh yes,” I whisper. “But you know, you used both of my holes last night. Can you massage them both?”

  Michael merely grins, flashing white teeth in the darkness.

  “Sure can, sweetheart. Here, how about this? Does that feel good?” he asks while stretching my bottom with another finger. Now, I have two of the man’s thick digits in each of my sweet cavities, and it feels so good! Why wou
ld I ever give up my membership in Dads and Daughters when it gives me such ecstasy? With a whimper and then a long, throaty scream, I come all over Michael’s hands. Both my kitty and my bottom pulse delightfully, squeezing his thick digits with my sugar walls. He groans low in his throat, his rod already beginning to seep and jerk.

  “It’s a good thing that I don’t have to get on the road until ten a.m. this morning,” he rasps while pushing my thighs apart for better access. “Because sweetheart, I’m going to enjoy these sloppy seconds before I leave.”

  With that, the alpha male mounts me and the ride begins. I howl with absolute pleasure, my breasts bobbling as he uses my curvy body. In fact, Michael is right: it is better the second time around, and as the truck cab bounces on its springs, I give thanks to my lucky position in life.



  Limping a bit, I grab my laundry basket and step into the hallway. I live at the Lodge, and it’s a wonderful place. After I joined Dads and Daughters, Uncle Richard and I had a talk and we agreed that I should move out of his home and stay at the Lodge instead.

  At first, Uncle Richard didn’t want me to go.

  “Your father and I were brothers,” he said in a choked voice. “What would Ralph say if he knew you were living in a house filled with muscled truckers?”

  I laugh gently.

  “Uncle Richard, it’s okay. If Dad were around, he’d want me to live here. Roy was a long-haul trucker too, so he knows what the life is like. And at least I’ll be safe at the Lodge. They have everything: a gym, a sauna, a cafeteria, and even a full-service restaurant. It’s going to be fine, Uncle Richard. Thank you for providing a roof for all these years, but I’ve grown up.”


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