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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 41

by S. E. Law

  The curvy girl does as told, and suddenly, I realize what’s about to happen. That pretty kitty is exposed once again, and as Layla advances towards us while carrying Natalie, I see how this is going to work. Sure enough, Natalie’s moist kitty brushes Gascon’s hard rod, and they both let out pleasurable moans.

  “Oh my god,” Natalie breathes. She’s got her knees up and her weight is supported by her friend in back. “This is crazy.”

  “It is,” Layla agrees. “But it’s fucking good.”

  With that, Layla maneuvers her friend’s body forward so that Sugar’s swollen kitty begins absorbing Gascon’s hard rod again. The two of them moan, and damn, but I’m moaning too. So is Layla come to think of it because this is all so depraved.

  “Oooh!” squeals Natalie. “Ah!”

  “Give me those sugar walls,” pants Gascon. “Oh shit!”

  Suddenly, he explodes while buried in those fertile depths, and Natalie’s sweet kitty pulses with sensation. My brother jets again and again, and yet Sugar sucks it all up into herself like it’s the sweetest candy.

  But before he finishes, Layla pulls Nat off of Gascon, and maneuvers her to face me. Then, before I realize it, that swollen kitty is descending on my hardness. I let out a strangled moan, my balls going high. Oh fuck, oh fuck. She’s already wet and dripping, and the sloppy seconds are nasty and good.

  Plus, Layla knows what she’s doing. She pushes Nat back and forth a few times on my stiff pole, and then without warning, I explode. My seed blasts into her, mixing with my brother’s, as her kitty sucks it all up. Natalie wails with delight, her cries going up in volume until they’re almost a shriek.

  “Ooooh!” she screams. “Oh yes! Fuck! It’s so GOOD!”

  “Fuck!” I roar on my side of the wall. “Oh shit!”

  We pulse and cream together as Layla slides Natalie back and forth for good measure. Those tight sugar walls squeeze me again and again, as Natalie rockets off into seventh heaven.

  Finally, the ecstasy levels a bit, and Layla pulls Natalie off with an obscene sucking sound. She sets her friend down gently on the tiled floor, where Sugar collapses into a curvy heap of lush assets. I can see that her swollen kitty is dripping, and there’s even some white seed running down her thigh.

  “Wasn’t that amazing?” Layla asks with a chuckle. “Gascon, Gary. Are you read to come out, now? I think it’s time, don’t you agree?”

  With that, my brother and I look at one another. After all, we’ve already been with the curvy girl twice, and now, it’s time for the big reveal.



  My brother and I slowly emerge from the dark room on the other side of the bathroom. Not all bathrooms at the Lodge are like this. Most of them are clearly marked, with brightly painted doors or polka dot wallpaper for the holes. It’s hard to end up in one of the “special” bathrooms by accident.

  But this was no accident because Layla and Sienna asked us to help induct Natalie. Most girls go through a formal initiation, but it was clear that Jack, Natalie’s dad, was having a nervous breakdown. The man submitted his daughter for initiation, but took it back twice. Then he re-submitted her a third time, only to have tears running down his face after her first visit to the Lodge.

  But what is there to regret? Sugar is an eighteen year old woman, and she’s round and ripe. She’s certainly got a woman’s body, and she clearly has the appetites of a mature woman too. She took to our dirty play like a swan to water, and even now, I can tell that she’s eager to meet us.

  After all, this was an initiation of sorts. It wasn’t a regular initiation ceremony, where a daughter is presented nude to a roomful of dads. But that wouldn’t be possible in this case because Jack is just too high-strung. He’s got so many doubts that Sienna and Layla felt compelled to make an executive decision. We were doing an initiation a different way, and that was that.

  Thus, Gary and I were drafted to help. It made sense. We’ve made the rounds of the girls at the Lodge, and it’s been fantastic. They’re sweet, steamy, and so willing all the time. We’ve even gone out on the road for our jobs and stopped at practically every Lodge in the lower forty-eight states. Yet, we wanted more. Even though we always treat our women with respect and dignity, we want someone permanent. Someone sweet, curvy, round and ready to stay in our lives.

  So Sienna and Layla made a suggestion. Clearly, we need a woman who’s resident here, in our little town. Plus, it was clear that Jack wasn’t going to allow Natalie to service itinerant truckers, no matter how much she wanted it. As a result, it made sense for us to initiate Natalie, and to see if we could establish a connection.

  After all, the first time is sacred. Often, there are hormones flowing freely, and the first touch of a man’s member deep inside a woman’s sweetness can cause her to lose it. Natalie lost it, definitely. She’s dripping with our seed now and panting hard, as my brother and I enter the bathroom.

  “Should we go somewhere nicer?” I ask, looking around at the tiled floor and walls. “We could step into a sitting room nearby.”

  Layla assesses the situation. Natalie’s still sitting on the floor, nude and flushed, and I can literally see a dribble of white seed dripping down her thigh. Her eyes open wide when she sees me and Gary, but then she squints a bit at our tattoos. Gary has a roaring tiger and I have a kanji character that means “Eternity” on my hip. She recognizes us from the first weekend she was here, and I’m glad.

  “Sure, let’s just move next door,” Layla says. “There’s a room that’s suited for talking.”

  The four of us walk next door, and fortunately, there’s no one in the hallway to witness our passing. Once inside, I look around. It’s a small sitting room with comfy, low-slung couches, and a big flat screen TV. There are books on hardwood shelves, and even a spinning globe in one corner.

  “Should I put something on?” asks Natalie shyly. One hand is covering her kitty, and her other arm is smashed across her chest. However, her Double Ds are too big and they come squeezing out.

  “Not unless you want to,” I say in an offhand manner. “Gary and I are going to stay like this, but we want you to be comfortable. Would you like us to put on some clothes?”

  Sugar bites her lips and her cheeks flush. Then she shakes her head and mewls, “No, I like you like this.”

  My brother and I laugh.

  “Then how about you put your arms down, Sugar?” Gary asks in a low voice. “Let us see your treasures because they’re so sweet.”

  Natalie nods, and slowly, her arms come down. Her ripeness is utterly succulent. Those big tits beg to be worshiped, and her kitty is swollen, flushed, and gleaming. As I watch, more white fluid seeps from between her folds, and I feel a sense of pride knowing that that’s our seed.

  “I see you’re very comfortable with one another already, so why don’t I leave you now?” purrs Layla. “I think you can figure it out from here.”

  “Thanks Layla,” I say, raising my hand in goodbye as she sweeps from the room.

  “No problem,” she sings. “Just be sure to say goodbye before you go, Natalie!”

  With that, the door shuts, and the three of us are left alone in the small space. The curvy girl looks at us with some hesitation.

  “So your names are Gary and Gascon?” she asks tentatively. “I’m Natalie.”

  Both my brother and I let out low chuckles.

  “Where are our manners?” he asks. “I’m Gary, and this is my brother Gascon. We’re members of Dads and Daughters, which I’m sure you know by now.”

  Natalie nods, but then she looks at us curiously.

  “But are you long-haul truckers?” she asks. “I’ve lived in this community for my whole life, and I’ve never seen you around.”

  “We are,” I confirm. “But we just settled here about six months ago. We’ve been driving our entire lives, but we never had a home base until now.”

  “It’s a pretty little town you guys have here,” adds Gary. “It’s gorg
eous and the guys at the Lodge are great too.”

  “Oh, thank you,” says Natalie slowly while biting her lip. “Do you know my dad, Jack?”

  With that, Gary and I let out roars of laughter.

  “Do we know Jack? Hell yes, sweetheart. In fact, he’s probably going to blow a gasket when he finds out about us.”

  Natalie’s eyes go round, and then to my horror, a sheen forms on them. Oh no. Our little sweetheart is about to begin crying.

  My brother steps in.

  “Sugar, no need to break down. Jack is fine. You’re fine. Nothing terrible is going to happen.”

  “But I thought you said he was going to blow a gasket,” the curvy girl sniffles. “I don’t want that!”

  My brother and I share a look.

  “No, we were exaggerating,” I say gently while taking one of her hands in my own big fist. “You see, Jack wants the world to be a certain way, but what he doesn’t understand is that you can’t control other people. Human beings are funny things, and they tend to move sideways when you least expect it.”

  “What do you mean?” Natalie sniffles.

  I lean back and share another look with my brother.

  “Well, I think Jack is a very conflicted person,” I begin. “Don’t get me wrong. He wants to be a great dad, but what he wants and what you want are different. He wants you to be an angel, and yet also be a member of Dads and Daughters. Yet, you’ve taken to the club like a duck to water, and sweetheart, that makes us very, very happy.”

  Natalie takes a deep shuddering breath, and looks at us. She’s so beautiful, even if her brown eyes are still shining with tears.

  “But what’s your role in all this?” she asks. “I don’t understand.”

  Gary speaks then.

  “Well, when girls are initiated into Dads and Daughters, usually there’s a formal presentation. The daughter is “unveiled” so to say, to the dads of the group, and then she’s taken to a private space to be initiated by the father of her choice. But in your case, it was clear that that wasn’t going to fly. You know your dad submitted you for membership several times, Sugar? And he pulled back your application a few times too.”

  The curvy girl looks stunned.

  “No, I didn’t know that. Jack only told me about Dads and Daughters two weeks ago. I had no idea he was that conflicted about me joining.”

  We nod knowingly.

  “It’s a difficult transition for some fathers. They still see their little girls as babies, basically, and have a hard time accepting that those babies have grown up into ripe, fertile women. But the point is that Jack was utterly tormented, and we could see him going back and forth on this issue. The entire club could see it. So instead, Sienna and Layla took matters into their own hands.”

  That makes Natalie gasp.

  “It was Sienna and Layla who did this?”

  I grin.

  “Yes, sweetheart. The other girls only want what’s best for you, so they set up a different initiation. With the club’s blessing of course. My brother Gary and I initiated you using glory holes. We figured it was an easier way to see if you were a fit. If you were shocked and horrified, then fine. We would find another approach. But instead, you loved it, sweetheart, and we loved being with you. I can confirm that your sugar walls are sweet, tight, and perfect for the club.”

  Natalie stares at us, her mouth dropping open.

  “That was my initiation?”

  My brother nods seriously.

  “Yes, and you passed with flying colors, sweetheart. Your sugar walls stroked every last drop of seed out from Gascon and I, and in fact, we’d like to make a proposition.”

  Natalie shakes her head, looking dazed.

  “But this is all happening so fast!” she protests.

  I nod.

  “I know, baby, but if you want another initiation, we can talk about that. Some girls like the pomp and circumstance of the formal rites, as well as the sense of induction. We can arrange it, if you like.”

  Natalie is still blinking and looking stunned.

  “Um, I have to think about that,” she murmurs.

  My brother takes her other hand in his own, so that we’re each holding one of the sweet girl’s hands.

  “Natalie, we had a great time with you,” he says slowly. “In fact, Gascon and I have been looking for a woman for quite a while now. We want someone ripe, plush, and gorgeous, and you fit the bill.”

  “You more than fit the bill,” I add. “You’re giving, soft, and willing, and you have all the traits that we’re looking for in a long-term relationship. I know this is fast, but would you consider it, Sugar? We’d love to be your long-term lovers, if you’re open to the idea.”

  “We’re not bad looking,” Gary quips with a silly smile. “Gascon should get to the gym more often, but I promise, you’ll always have twelve abs to count at night.”

  I roll my eyes at him.

  “Well, someone needs to stop eating pizza, so I wouldn’t talk,” I grunt. But then I turn back to Natalie. “I know that this is really sudden because you just had your initiation, sweetheart. But would you consider it? We’d love to be with you more often, and the chemistry between the three of us is off the charts. You’ve passed your initiation with flying colors, Natalie, and let us guide you as you begin your journey.”

  The curvy girl is still stunned and her pouty pink lips part with what I’m sure will be a no. But then, to my surprise, she nods and smiles sweetly.

  “That sounds good,” says Natalie. “I’d love to sample more with the two of you. It’ll be really fun.”

  Immediately, Gary and I embrace her curvy form.

  “It’ll be more than fun,” my brother growls while running a big hand between her legs. He skates over her nub and Natalie tosses her head back with a delighted sigh. “It’s going to be awesome. You won’t regret it,” he vows.

  “No, you absolutely won’t,” I agree before getting on my knees before her spread legs and giving her nub a slight suckle. Natalie squeals and parts her knees even further to give me better access. “You see, we need these sugar walls. We need to sample them every night, and we need to sample your sugar walls back there too. Would you be into that?”

  Natalie’s eyes light up even as her mouth forms a round “O” of surprise. But as always, she delivers.

  “I would like that,” she confirms. “To us. And the future.”

  With that, my brother and I kiss the curvy girl with every fiber of our being. We slid into Natalie’s life in an illicit way, but have no regrets. After all, someone as lush and ripe as the curvy girl isn’t going to stay single long. As a result, we swooped in to claim her as our own, and now that Natalie’s agreed to be ours, we’re going to make the most of the opportunity. After all, she belongs to me and my brother, and Sugar’s happiness is our responsibility and our delight.



  Nine months later.

  I’m totally airtight between my two boyfriends. One is in my kitty and the other in my bottom. They pump in and out in a syncopated rhythm as I bounce between them, my Double Ds jouncing up and down.

  “Oooh,” I moan. “That feels so good.”

  But Gascon pulls back a little.

  “What’s wrong baby?” I ask, my eyes opening. “Why did you stop?”

  He smiles gently at me and caresses my face.

  “I’m just worried because you’re pregnant sweetheart. You’re bound to deliver any day now, and I don’t want to hurt the baby.”

  Gary stops too.

  “Are you feeling contractions?” he adds in a concerned voice. “Did your water break?”

  I laugh.

  “Believe me, when my water breaks, you’ll know,” I quip. “But right now, I just want more. So keep going,” I command. “I NEED it.”

  Both men chuckle low in their throats and begin pounding into me again. They’re trashing my holes, but it feels so good because I was destined to be their woman. After tha
t first time at the Lodge, our fates were sealed. Gary and Gascon were mine, and when we met up the second time, it was just the icing on top. They released their masculinity into me, and sprayed my fertile fields. It was heavenly, and I got pregnant from that encounter.

  Of course, when my father found out I was expecting, he was incensed.

  “WHAT?” he roared. “What the fuck?”

  “I’m pregnant, Daddy,” I said, calmly running my hands over my belly although I had yet to show. “The fathers are Gary and Gascon from the club.”

  Jack’s eyes bulge out and a vein pulses crazily in his forehead.

  “Gary and Gascon? Like fuck! I’m going to tear their heads off,” he raged. “I can’t fucking believe you were initiated behind my back.”

  But I stopped him.

  “Daddy, I enjoyed it. I know you think that Mom would be horrified if she knew what happened, but Violet’s gone now. And she loves you. She loves us. She just wants us to be happy, and if being a part of Dads and Daughters is what makes me happy, then she’d want me to join.”

  But Jack won’t hear it.

  “Fuck that!” he screams, his face going red. “Violet would never condone you joining Dads and Daughters. What was I thinking?” he wails, breaking down and burying his head in his hands. “I’m such a terrible father! I’ve corrupted you!”

  That’s when I pull my trump card.

  “No, Daddy, that’s not true. I’m fine,” I say. “Plus, I know it’s hard for you to accept, but Sienna is the one who set it up.”

  With that, my dad looks up with shock. His cheeks are tear-stained, and he looks about eighty years old.

  “Sienna did this?” he asks hoarsely. “My Sienna?”

  I nod.

  “Yes, Sienna. The soon-to-be mother of your child. The woman whom you and Uncle Jock love more than life itself.”

  “No,” he whispers while shaking his head. “Sienna wouldn’t do this.”


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