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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 58

by S. E. Law

  Owen nods tearfully.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t believe in you, June. You’re much more mature than I initially believed,” he adds in a choked voice. “It’s just another thing I didn’t understand about you.”

  I get up and gingerly pat his broad shoulder.

  “It’s fine, Dad. A lot of times, kids grow up a lot sooner than you realize. I know the divorce was hard, and you were worried about me, but you know what? I turned out okay,” I say with a wry smile. “Things are going great in my life, and you don’t need to worry.”

  My dad smiles ruefully and gets up. He looms over me, but somehow, I feel like I’m the parent and he’s the child. I smile encouragingly at him, and hand him a tissue.

  “You’re going to be fine, Owen,” I say reassuringly. “Take some time to get yourself together, and remember to relax. Breathe. Do you do yoga? Meditate?”

  My dad shakes his head ruefully.

  “No, but maybe I should. The gym is my system of stress relief.”

  I pat him gingerly on the shoulder again.

  “Then hit up the gym and get these nerves worked out. We’ll re-group in a few days okay? Everything’s going to be fine, you’ll see.”

  My dad nods and walks slowly away to the elevators. At the last minute, he turns and shoots me another look.

  “Are you going to be okay, June? I’m sorry I thrust all that on you with inadequate preparation.”

  I nod and smile again.

  “It’s fine, Daddy. Go ahead. The elevator’s here. Take care of yourself.”

  Owen steps uncertainly into the lift, and I give him another small wave.

  “Bye! Drive careful,” I say as the doors slide shut.

  Finally, my dad is gone and I sit down in the chair again, utterly exhausted. I’m the one who should be screaming with rage and anger, but instead, I comforted my dad, and not the other way around. Seriously, Owen pulled a stunt, and yet I’m the one who’s telling him that everything is okay. What has the world come down to?

  I slump in the chair as fatigue sets into my bones. I feel about a million years old and wish I could slip into a dreamless sleep after all the excitement and confusion of the past half hour. But just as I’m about to nod off for a bit, a deep voice stirs my stupor.

  “Hey Cinderella,” it says with a touch of humor. “I think you lost your slipper.”

  “Or both slippers,” adds another male voice.

  “Care you try them on?” finishes a third.

  I look up and see three handsome men. They have black hair and blue eyes, in addition to huge, powerful physiques. Their gazes shine with humor, and I find my spirits lifting a bit as a return smile twitches on my lips.

  “I don’t think I’m Cinderella,” I murmur wryly. “If anything, I’m Sleeping Beauty because I’m so tired.”

  The three men just laugh and seat themselves by my side. I gasp because they’re gorgeous, and immediately my body’s tingling. How can this be? The adrenalin in my veins starts up again, and the endorphins begin to circulate, making my heart race and pulse pitter-patter. How is this possible? After what just happened, am I ready for more? But as the trio of alpha males smile at me, I smile back. This day started out horribly, but it just got a lot better.



  The pretty brunette looks at us, her eyes wide. She’s seated on the sofa and her narrow shoulders are slumped. I don’t blame her. June has been through the wringer, what with the botched initiation, and I’d be trying to catch my breath after that as well.

  But now, it seems that we’ve come upon a stroke of luck. After the pandemonium in the ballroom, my brothers and I decided to get some fresh air. We went outside to catch a smoke break and were enjoying ourselves when lo and behold, Owen Merchant came storming out.

  “Hey buddy,” I drawled. “Nice to see you.”

  Owen merely stalked right by us, a flush on his high cheekbones. His shoulders were tense, and he was muttering something like, “Teenage girls. Thank god she’s not a lesbian.”

  My brothers and I shared a look. Who’s a lesbian? His daughter? Really?

  Fred grinned suddenly.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

  I nodded.

  “She’s in the hotel still. They must have been talking,” I drawl. “I say we go and find her.”

  Fred and Finn nodded, and immediately we sprang into action. We strode back into the hotel, our gaits confident. Our eyes scanned every nook and cranny. The beautiful June Merchant had to be somewhere on the premises, and we were going to figure out where.

  Our first pass was through the original hotel ballroom. Quite a few guys were still lingering about, chatting about the failed initiation.

  “Was it his size?” asked one dude while puffing on a cigar. “If it were my first time as a woman, I’d be scared too.”

  His friend merely shrugged.

  “Torrent’s got a big one, but it’s not that big. She had no reason to be scared.”

  We merely ignore the conversation and continue searching. To our surprise, we find June’s crystal platforms on the floor, and surreptitiously, slip the high heels in our pockets. This will come in handy at the right time.

  Quickly, my brothers and I survey the other ballrooms, but they’re mostly empty. There’s a family reunion in one, where everyone’s wearing the logo cute t-shirt. In another, there’s a fiesta of some sort, complete with tasty-looking tacos and a colorful piñata.

  But June is nowhere to be found. We stop for a moment to catch our bearings. What the hell? Where could she be?

  But then, my eyes see that there are actually two floors of ballrooms. This hotel is so popular that there’s a lower level with another set of conference rooms for groups to rent.

  My brothers and I make our way downstairs, and luck strikes almost immediately. June’s there, her expression ragged as she sits alone on an overstuffed couch. There’s something poignant about the image. The brunette’s hair is mussed, and her cheeks are flushed from the antics of the previous half hour. Her feet are bare, and she’s shaking her head slightly, as if she can’t believe what just happened.

  We smile and stealthily make our approach.

  “Hey,” my brother Fred begins. “How are you?”

  Her chin jerks up, and I’m immediately enraptured by the pure caramel depths of her gaze.

  “Hi,” she says slowly. “Do I know you?”

  Finn holds out his hand, and her crystal platform shoes are balanced in his big palm.

  “Well, we’re looking for Cinderella,” he quips. “Would you like to try on these heels?”

  Despite her anxiety, June manages to laugh a little, and the sweet sound fills the air.

  “Thanks,” she says ruefully, taking the shoes from my brother. “I’m June Merchant. But judging from your tuxes, you already know that.”

  We nod because for initiations, sometimes the truckers get dressed up. Not always, but if the ceremony is taking place in a formal setting, we like to fancy-it-up occasionally.

  “I’m Forest Connaught, and these are my brothers Finn and Fred,” I say by way of introduction. “We’re members of Dads and Daughters, but maybe you don’t want to talk about that right now?”

  June smiles ruefully.

  “Yeah, what happened was pretty much a disaster, wasn’t it?” she quips. “Did you witness it?”

  We nod slowly.

  “We did,” says Finn. “But it wasn’t a disaster. You were beautiful, June. You were gorgeous and innocent, and we appreciate that even if your membership wasn’t consummated.”

  The pretty girl blushes a bit.

  “But that’s the thing,” she says. “No one even told me there was a ‘consummation’ coming. I thought it was more of a debutante presentation.”

  At that, my brothers and I throw our heads back and laugh.

  “Well, the debutante part is sort of right,” growls Finn. “We like our girls to start out innocent, but by the time
they get through Dads and Daughters, they’re anything but.”

  June smiles slightly and looks at us hesitantly.

  “I don’t know you or anything—” she begins.

  I nod reassuringly.

  “Go right ahead and ask.”

  She takes a deep breath.

  “But don’t you have reservations about your club? I mean, what I’ve heard about it is totally X-rated, not to mention potentially illegal.”

  My brothers and I share knowing looks.

  “It’s not illegal because everyone is of legal age. No one joins until they’re at least eighteen, and sometimes the girls don’t join until they’re quite a bit older. Each case is evaluated on an individual basis.”

  Finn nods.

  “But your question is a good one because yes, we definitely engage in some illicit practices. Nothing that’s illegal, but it certainly pushes the boundaries in some cases. There aren’t any red rooms or crazy BDSM bondage, but there are definitely new areas to be explored and the club does that,” he says simply.

  June looks thoughtful and she speaks carefully.

  “Again, I don’t know you, but what are the ‘things’ that the club does? What boundaries do they push?”

  Fred nods.

  “That’s a good question. Have you been to the Lodge?”

  She nods slowly.

  “Yes, I was there before the ceremony for some spa treatments. I had my hair and nails done, but I didn’t really see what else there was. Tennis courts? A lounge? Lots of flatscreen TVs?”

  We chuckle.

  “The Lodge is a place the truckers built eons ago so we’d have a private abode away from the rest of society. It has all the things you mentioned, but also a lot more,” begins Fred.

  “For example, there’s a pool,” adds Finn with a sly smile. “But it’s topless only. The girls go about wearing nothing but tiny bikini bottoms, and it’s quite the sight. Plus, there’s a laundromat where the machines provide special pleasure, and a clearing outdoors where people enjoy one another au naturel.”

  June looks confused.

  “Au naturel? Like a nudist resort?”

  We grin.

  “Sort of. More like a pagan holiday where men and women indulge in their deepest desires. You’d like it,” I say simply.

  The brunette is slowly coming to grips with what I’m saying.

  “But whenever I think of pagan holidays, I think of bodies writhing in masses on the ground. Male, female, male on female, female on male, two or more, triplets … well, you get the picture. I always think of an orgy. Is that what you’re referring to?”

  Finn, Fred and I share another look. Now the conversation’s getting interesting.

  “In fact, yes. Maybe not an orgy exactly, but my brothers and I definitely like to share. We’d like to share you, in fact, if you’re interested. Ménage is definitely something that happens around the Lodge.”

  June’s eyes grow wide, and for the first time, I think she senses the testosterone raging in the air. We’ve kept our male instincts leashed so far, but desperation is creeping past our strict discipline, and my brothers are staring at the curvy brunette with undisguised hunger now.

  “You mean, you want to sample me?” she asks in choked voice. “All three of you? At once?”

  Fred nods.

  “We’d love to do that, sweetheart, and my only question is: would you enjoy that too?”

  The air goes silent, even as it pulses with energy. June opens her mouth to speak, but what is she going to say? Will she indulge herself and give into pleasure, or has the well already been poisoned by today’s disastrous turn of events?



  I stare at the men before me, unable to comprehend their words.

  “All three of you?” I whisper. “Sharing me? But how?”

  The brothers exchange a look.

  “It’s easy,” Finn says.

  “Well, not easy,” Forest interjects. “It takes some stretching, and you might limp for a little while afterwards. But you look like the type of girl who might enjoy being with three men. What do you think of the idea, June?”

  I stare at them, my mouth opening and closing wordlessly a few times.

  “What do I think?” I finally manage to parrot. “Oh jeez.”

  The brothers share another look.

  “Baby relax,” laughs Fred. “Today has been a big day, and we understand if you’re not thinking straight. But let’s go with first impressions. How would you like to take all three of us at once? Does it excite you? Titillate you? Or does it make you want to run screaming for the hills?”

  My eyes go wide as my heart rate accelerates. Oh my god, this is like a dream come true. I’d just been fantasizing about this a week ago, and now, it’s actually here. And on the heels of my aborted initiation too. Who would have guessed?

  Yet, I’m shy because I don’t have a lot of experience with men. My past attempts at dating are so pathetic that I don’t even count them as “dates.” They were more like study sessions with sweaty, pimply teenage boys who tried to touch me between chapters. So instead of answering straight away, I try to stall for time.

  “But you’re brothers,” I manage in a small voice. “Isn’t there something dirty and wrong about that?”

  Forest, Fred and Finn nod knowingly.

  “It’s filthy and illicit, but in case you’re wondering, we don’t touch each other,” says Fred smoothly. “At least I try not to. Our swords don’t cross because we’re not about other men. We’re solely focused on the woman,” he clarifies.

  “It’s better for her that way,” adds Forest. “She gets all of our attention, and with three men, it can be overwhelming at first. But most women like it actually. They come back to us, begging for more once they get a taste of the good stuff.”

  I can hardly breathe while these words sink in. Clearly, the brothers often do three on ones, and it tantalizes me. What would it be like to be with these experienced OTT alpha males? What would it be like to feel three sets of hands on my skin, three generous mouths, and then finally, three huge, hard poles?

  Moisture gushes between my thighs and I sigh a bit. My body feels loose and open, and suddenly, I want it. Today has been such a shitshow, but it’s also broken down my barriers. I am only me, June Merchant, and I don’t want to fight whatever it is I’m fighting anymore.

  “Yes, I’d like to,” I say quietly. “If that’s what you’re offering.”

  Immediately, the men are on their feet.

  “We’re offering,” states Fred abruptly.

  “We have a room upstairs,” adds Finn.

  “We’d like to go now,” grinds out Forest.

  I have to smile at their dominance and insistence because it’s attractive. Again, I’ve only been with teen boys who cried when they got C’s on midterm exams. By contrast, these alpha males know what they want, and aren’t afraid to reach for it. They take my small hand in theirs, and help me to stand before slipping the high heels on my feet. Then they stand back, their blue eyes blazing.

  “You’re absolutely gorgeous,” growls Forest, his big form practically blocking out the light. “Are you ready?”

  And for the first time today, I can speak the truth.

  “Yes,” I smile at them. “Show me the way, Daddies.”



  Holy shit, it’s really happening. When we first got the hotel room for tonight, I didn’t think we were going to use it. If anything, my brothers and I would get soused at the after party and then stumble upstairs to sleep it off. There weren’t any thoughts of women, much less an innocent, beautiful teen girl.

  But now, June’s going to allow us to sample her curves, and I can’t wait. The four of us enter the elevator, and Finn, Forest and I stare at her with undisguised hunger. Her lush bosom presses against the thin silk of her dress, with those hard tips like bullets. I have half a mind to rip the fabric from her curves right there, but instead, June
takes things into her own hands.

  Smiling coyly at us, she gently sweeps one of the spaghetti straps off her shoulder so that a large, creamy tit falls out. It’s huge and hefty, with just the right amount of swing and bounce.

  “Is this what you want?” she mewls. “I think this is what you’re looking for.”

  We descend on her immediately, the elevator cameras be damned. I suckle at her nip while my brothers crouch before the sweet girl’s legs. Finn is in front of her, while Forest is in back. They pull the white silk upwards, and immediately Finn laps her female nectar from those soaked folds while Forest pulls her creamy orbs apart to gaze at her brown buttonhole.

  “Shit, you’re beautiful,” he rasps harshly. Then his tongue snakes out and he samples that puckered wrinkle.

  “Oh my god!” cries June breathily, her head falling back with pleasure. “I can’t believe you’re touching me back there!”

  But the elevator bell dings, and I sweep her curvy form into my arms before stalking down the hall. My brothers follow, and in moments, we have her in our suite. It’s dark, but it doesn’t matter. I stride to the bedroom and then place June on the bed before ripping off her silk slip in one motion. There’s a harsh tearing sound, and she looks down at her nudity before looking up at us with surprise, her mouth in a round “O.”

  “You were wearing too much,” I growl. “This is better.”

  The curvy brunette is lush before us now, wearing only clear acrylic heels. Her big breasts rise and fall with excitement, and her slit gleams pinkly, swollen with arousal.

  “Oh my god,” she pants. “Holy shit!”

  But there’s no time for words because Forest, Finn and I are too worked up. We’ve been talking with June and assessing her readiness, but the time for that is over. We need her now, and we need her fast.


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