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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 59

by S. E. Law

  I spit in my hand before reaching down to slather my rod with the wetness.

  “Are you ready, sweetheart?” I rasp, my blue eyes blazing with hunger. “Unfortunately, we can’t wait any longer.”

  But June always rises to the occasion. She merely reaches down and pulls herself open, baring the sweet ruby rose of her interior.

  “Of course, Fred. Take me as you wish,” she breathes. “Use my body for your pleasure.”

  Immediately, I’m on that curvy form. My hard tip presses against her small opening and she lets out a strangled cry of combined pleasure and pain.

  “I’m big, I know,” comes my rasp. “But breathe through it, and you’ll be fine.”

  June’s eyes drift close as slowly, I edge myself into that lush tunnel. She moans again, lifting her legs so that they’re in a vee shape to give me better access, and soon, I’m buried ten inches in her honey pot.

  “That’s it,” I growl. “Now enjoy, sweetheart. Just let yourself feel.”

  I push in further, and then pull out. Her tiny pussy hugs my rod hungrily, as if begging it not to go. I let out a low chuckle and then push in again, getting myself soaked in her nectar.

  June’s enjoying her first taste of man meat and lets out a throaty wail of pleasure, her tips rock hard as her kitty squeezes me tight. But then I surprise her by rolling us around so that suddenly, she’s on top riding me as I slide into her from below.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” I ask while craning my head up to suckle a hard nip with my mouth.

  “Mmmm,” cries June, her face a rictus of ecstasy. “Ohhhh!”

  But we’re three brothers who like to share, and Forest and Finn want in on the action too. Within seconds, Forest is kneeling behind June, and Finn is standing by her head. I continue suckling at her breast as Forest nudges her behind.

  “Your pink wrinkle is tight,” he says, reaching down to trail his finger over the pleats. “But I’ll get you warmed up first.”

  Sure enough, I feel him massage her tiny hole as she squeals and squirms a bit. Then, her words are cut off as a giant snake enters her lips.

  “That’s it,” rumbles Finn as he watches his big pole disappear between her pink pout. “Suck it good.”

  Meanwhile, Forest is still working her bottom with his finger, and sure enough, I feel him slip it inside. June’s eyes pop open at the illicit touch, but nothing comes out except for a muffled “Mmmph!”

  I chuckle darkly.

  “Her kitty tightened on me when you did that,” I growl. “It feels real good.”

  Forest laughs harshly and straightens, popping his digit from her bottom with satisfaction.

  “That’s good because it’s about to get a lot better,” he rumbles, lining himself up with her back hole. By now, June’s eyes are as round as saucers, and desperate grunting sounds escape her lips as Forest begins to push in. But she has nowhere to go, and Finn merely strokes her hair as we all watch Forest make his entrance.

  “You’re doing great,” Finn soothes the pretty brunette. “Your body is so lush and curvy. It can handle this. Imagine that. You’re about to be plugged full in all three holes.”

  June lets out more desperate grunting noises but Finn’s words are true. With three of us, we can make sure June is airtight in all her sweet tunnels at once. It’s filthy but tantalizing, and I can tell the curvy girl likes it as her sugar walls clamp on my stiff rod.

  “Unnnh,” I groan. “Fuck.”

  Meanwhile, I can feel my brother’s giant shaft entering June in her bottom. His huge rod slides slickly against mine through her thin walls, and if anything, the squeeze becomes tighter because there’s two of us competing for space.

  “Oh fuck,” he rasps. “Shit.”

  Finn groans too, his head dropping back as his chest muscles tense.

  “Fuck,” he pants. “Her mouth just tightened on me too. She’s definitely plugged all the way.”

  Because right now, the sweet June is taking thirty inches of rock hard man meat. Not every girl can accommodate us, and often, one of my brothers is left out in the cold with only five inches buried, or sometimes even less. But this pretty brunette is special. She’s taken us all the way on her first time, and we want to show our appreciation.

  In sync, we begin moving in those slippery cavities.

  “Yes,” I grunt as my brother slides out. I push in, as we take turns sampling her sweetness. “Fuck,” is my harsh cry.

  Finn groans again, his six packs on display as June sucks desperately.

  “Oh yeah,” he grunts. “Mmmm.”

  Meanwhile, Forest has picked up so much speed that he’s basically trashing her back hole now. He’s sawing in and out, and her rim must be aching and raw given the hard pounding she’s getting.

  “Fuck, her butt is so tight,” he grinds out. “Oh shit! Here I come!”

  A cacophony of roars fills the room as all four of us climax at once. It’s a beautiful sight. We tense and then spurt, with hot reams of liquid spilling into June’s sweet caverns. She screams as well, but her cry is muffled given the long snake buried in her mouth. It comes out more as a muffled, “Mmmmmph!”

  Meanwhile, I watch as the base of Finn’s hose literally pulses while hot jets of seed pump into June’s throat. She has tears in her eyes, but she swallows and swallows, wasting not a single drop. I let out a harsh grown, and eject again, letting my male seed find its way deep into her fertile depths.

  Finally, our ecstasy subsides a bit, and Finn pulls from June’s mouth. A drop of come escapes from her lips and trails down her chin as she flops, boneless, onto my chest. Then Forest pulls from her bottom with an obscene sucking sound so that she’s only got one hole still plugged: me.

  But I want something special.

  “Kiss me,” I command. With a dazed look, June presses her lips against mine, and I tongue her mouth open so that I can taste her fully. Sure enough, there’s the essence of my brother on her lips, and I savor the musky male flavor. Then, Finn bends down and gently licks at her bottom, coming away with white strings of seed on his lips. Last, Forest helps the curvy girl pull off, and sure enough, a huge glop of white runs down her creamy thigh from that steaming slit. But my brother doesn’t hesitate. He merely leans down and laps at it, cleaning the curvy girl up so that she’s as good as new.

  June, meanwhile, raises her head a bit to watch as we complete our ministrations. She shivers and then sighs blissfully while smiling coyly at us.

  “That was nice,” she murmurs while lifting her knees to look down at herself. Her kitty is red and used, and even her bottom hole looks a bit ravaged. “But I’m ready for round two now. Are you?”

  With that, we know we’ve found the right girl. The Connaught brothers have been on the search for a long time now, but in the most unlikely of places, we’ve found a beautiful girl who satisfies our needs, and we won’t hold back now that we’ve found her.



  I unlock the front door of our house, humming to myself. What the brothers told me is spot on: I’m achy all over, but it’s a good type of sore. I smile to myself while limping into the kitchen, determined to get myself an ice pack. Although the cold will burn a bit, it’s worth it because I want to be with my men as soon as possible again.

  After all, Finn, Forest and Fred have initiated me and then some. Maybe it wasn’t a formal ceremony, so to say, but it was certainly satisfying. They used my body for their pleasure and I loved every second of it. My sweetness belongs to the Connaughts now, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  But to my surprise, my dad’s sitting at the kitchen table when I step into the yellow room.

  “Hey Daddy,” I greet, trying not to limp while I walk to the fridge. My hand reaches for the freezer, but then I catch myself. It’s better if I keep things private for a while. Owen’s gone through a lot, and last time, I left him in tears. It’s uncommon for an alpha male to cry, but it does happen sometimes, and I don’t want to put him over th
e edge with these tantalizing developments.

  But surprisingly, Owen is chipper and happy. He’s reading the paper and puts it down on the table when I come in.

  “Hey sweetheart,” he practically sings. “How are you?”

  I stare at him, taking the bright expression and sparkle in his eye. Even his hair looks cheerful because it’s tousled and carefree. What’s going on? I thought my dad was a mess because of the botched initiation. He thought I was a lesbian, and orchestrated a massive, clumsy scheme to try and find out, which only resulted in me being claimed by three men. How ironic.

  But Owen doesn’t know any of that, so why is he so happy?

  “Weren’t you headed back on the road?” I ask slowly. “I thought you had a new gig lined up.”

  He merely shakes his head, those blue eyes glinting.

  “Yeah, I had a gig, but I switched routes with someone else. I wanted to spend more time with you before taking off,” he says.

  I squint at him again. This is odd because while my dad is a very dedicated parent, I’m also eighteen. I don’t need to be managed. Hell, Owen’s previous meddling resulted in disaster, so if anything, he should hit the road so that we can find our normal once more.

  “But um, Daddy, I thought you had an important job,” I say. “Weren’t you delivering sanitizing gel for coronavirus or something like that?”

  He nods.

  “Yes, but someone else is going to take the load today. I’ll still be delivering Purell, but I’m going to take a second shipment that’s still at the factory. It’s no trouble,” he says magnanimously. “There’s plenty of time.”

  I stare at him again before crossing my arms.

  “Really? But I thought coronavirus was a pandemic. I thought the deliveries were really urgent.”

  He merely grins.

  “It is, but we’re okay in the United States. It’s only in Asia where things are getting dire. Calm down, Junie. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  I stare at him again.

  “Owen, you were the one who wasn’t fine when we last talked. You left the hotel really agitated, from what I remember.”

  “Yes,” he says with a white smile. “But it’s all better now.”

  This is not computing. I stare at him again before slowly sitting at the table. Ouch! I’m sore down there and shift slightly in my chair, trying to alleviate the pressure. Forest, Finn and Fred left me raw and ravaged, but the truth is that I love it. However, my dad doesn’t need to know these titillating details.

  I look at him pointedly again.

  “Okay Daddy. Out with it. What’s with the one eighty? It’s crazy! One day, you’re hinting that I’m a lesbian. The next, you’re practically in tears because I screwed up the initiation. But now, you’re soaring among the clouds. What gives, Owen?”

  My dad makes to dissemble again, but I cut him off.

  “Nuh uh. Don’t even think about it. Last time you tried to talk around the situation, we ended up with an unholy mess. Spit it out, Owen. Tell me what’s changed.”

  My dad blushes, and it’s kind of cute on a handsome man like him. Dark streaks form across his high cheekbones, and he’s so bronzed that it looks more like a sunburn than a flush.

  “Well, let’s just say I think I understand teenage girls better now,” he says diplomatically.

  I look at him.

  “What, all within the span of two days?” I ask. “How is that even possible?”

  My dad nods happily.

  “Yeah, but it’s true. I met a girl, and she helped educate me about the things teen girls need and value.”

  Ah ha. Here’s where it gets real.

  “Who did you meet?” I ask in a slow voice. “And what exactly did she teach you?”

  Owen smiles to himself, and his eyes literally grow a bit dreamy.

  “Let’s just say that she was going to prom, when things went awry. But I stepped in and made it all better.”

  “Prom?” I ask in a slow voice. “How old is she?”

  Owen nods seriously.

  “I’d say nineteen? She’s a senior at her high school.”

  “Okay, at least she’s legal. Plus, there certainly seems to be a trend going on around here. We appear to have a lot of young women whose big events do a U-turn for the worse.”

  Owen nods.

  “But this time, I was there to catch my new friend. I comforted her, and well … a lot more too.”

  I stare at him.

  “Oh my god, you did it, didn’t you?” I say in a hushed voice. “You took a teen girl’s innocence!”

  My dad rolls his eyes, even as the flush on his cheeks deepen.

  “It’s not like that June. I met someone who’s really amazing and special. Sure, she’s young, but what’s age got to do with it? We really get along, and yes, she let me sample her curves. But it’s not what it sounds like. What we have is profound and real, and I won’t let you denigrate it.”

  I pause because in fact, that’s how I feel about Finn, Forest and Fred. Sure, we just met but there’s something electric about being with the three men. They’re charismatic, confident, and empathetic all at once, but it’s also something more. They touch something in me, and we get along really well. It’s like I’ve known them my entire life, although actually, we only just met.

  “Okay, tell me her name,” I say slowly.

  Owen shrugs.

  “Her name doesn’t matter,” he begins.

  “Oh my god, you don’t even know her name!” I exclaim. “You’re so sketchy!”

  My dad shakes his head and laughs.

  “No, I do,” he reassures me. “But names aren’t important. What’s important is that we really get along. She adds something to my life. Not that you don’t, sweetheart,” he says hastily. “But she adds something different.”

  “Of course,” I nod. “I’m your daughter, and she’s a lady friend. Is she in Dads and Daughters, may I ask?”

  “No,” says Owen, his eyes glinting. “But we’re looking into it.”

  Hmm, this is very interesting. Evidently, my dad’s made love to a young woman who’s managed to turn his outlook around within twenty-four hours. Despite the fact that they barely know one another, he has a spring to his step and a lightness to his aura. Maybe I can talk to him about Finn, Fred, and Forest. After all, if he’s been able to find the real thing, then why can’t I?

  But Owen stands and grabs his jacket before throwing another brilliant smile my way.

  “In fact, I’m off to see my new lady friend now.”

  My eyebrows raise but I just smile back.

  “Sure. Say hi to your mystery woman for me.”

  “Will do,” he chuckles before heading out the door. It closes with a resounding click, and I stare at the wall in the thundering silence. What just happened? Did my dad just find love? Is that even possible in this day and age?

  Even more astonishing, have I found love with the Connaught brothers? I’ve certainly lived out my fantasies with them, that’s for sure. But love? That’s another story. Or is it?



  I sit in the Connaught brothers’ suite at the Lodge.

  “I’m not even supposed to be here, am I?” I ask wryly. “Are they going to throw me out?”

  Finn, Forest, and Fred share a look.

  “No, they won’t throw you out, but you’re right. As a woman who ran out of her own initiation, the club probably wouldn’t look kindly to you being here.”

  I smile at them coyly while twirling a curl around my finger.

  “So what am I doing here then?”

  Light flares in the three men’s eyes.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” asks Finn silkily.

  “What does it feel like you’re doing?” adds Forest, stroking the arch of my right foot. My head dips back and I let out a blissful sigh. I’ve been dating the men for only a week, and yet it feels like we’ve been together forever. At the moment, I’m sprawled on their
couch with Finn, Forest, and Fred beside me. Forest is giving me a foot massage while Fred kneads my neck and back. Finn is softly stroking my arm, but I can tell he wants to do more. His hand keeps “accidentally” brushing my jugs and I know pretty soon he’s going to be kissing me where it counts.

  After all, the tension between us is magical. Never have I felt so drawn to three men. At first, I was confused.

  “Do you guys often share women?” I asked hesitantly as we ate dinner at a diner one night. “Is this common for you guys?”

  Finn, Forest, and Fred exchanged a look.

  “It is,” confirmed Fred. “We enjoy heaping attention on the women that we’re with, and it works best when there’s a three-to-one ratio.”

  I stare at them.

  “But how did you get into this?” I ask slowly. “Have you always dated in a quad formation?”

  The brothers throw their heads back and laugh.

  “No, not exactly. In fact, we didn’t know each other until about fifteen years ago.”

  My spoon clatters to the hard table top.

  “What? But you’re brothers. How is that even possible?”

  Forest nods knowingly.

  “We look very similar, so a lot of people think we’re biologically related, but in fact, we’re not. All three of us were adopted at age sixteen by an eccentric elderly couple named John and Marjorie Connaught. They were millionaires, but never had children of their own. Upon hitting seventy, they decided to do some good with their fortune, and we were adopted all within a year.”

  I look at them surprised.

  “Wow, I didn’t know people would let you adopt in your seventies. That must have been a change for them.”

  The brothers grin at me.

  “Yeah, John and Marjorie previously had really calm, peaceful lives, and it was interrupted by three teen boys showing up at their house.”

  I shake my head.

  “But you had a great time, right?”


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