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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 60

by S. E. Law

  Finn, Forest and Fred look pensive.

  “Yes, our lives definitely improved. We came from different parts of the United States to live with the Connaughts. I was in a group home, and Fred and Finn were with different foster families,” Finn says slowly. “It was a change to suddenly have your own bedroom in a big house with what felt like unlimited resources.”

  “Plus, it came at exactly the right time because government assistance basically stops once you’re eighteen,” adds Fred. “The state expects you to go out on your own, and there aren’t a lot of support services. We were coming to that age, so the Connaughts stepped in right in time.”

  I nod slowly.

  “Wow, I had no idea,” is my murmur. “You guys seem so with it and together. I mean, you’re highly successful long-haul truckers, and that’s not an easy job.”

  “It’s not,” agrees Forest. “But it’s something that we stumbled into, and it worked out for us. College was a no-go,” he says with a grin. “We weren’t interested in that. We’d already lived too much life by sixteen.”

  “Yeah, we weren’t going to spend four years with a bunch of pampered kids who still needed help wiping their noses,” quipped Fred with a smile.

  “Oh my god, that’s not fair,” I begin. “My dad wants me to go to college. But that’s not the point. My question is: when did you guys start sharing women?”

  The three brothers share a long look.

  “Well, the story is pretty dirty.”

  I laugh gaily.

  “Everything that we’ve done is already super-dirty. Trust me, I won’t be shocked.”

  Their eyebrows raise, and Forest, Finn, and Fred look a bit skeptical.

  “Well, our parents died when we were in our early twenties. The executor of their estate was our Aunt Gail. She’s Marjorie’s younger half-sister. She was at least thirty years younger than our mom,” begins Fred.

  “Okay,” I say. “But what does that have to do with sharing women?”

  The brothers exchange another knowing glance.

  “Well, Gail was a very beautiful woman. Older, definitely, but not old by any means. She took good care of herself, and again, we aren’t biologically related. Plus, we didn’t really know her, and didn’t see her as family either. We’d only been adopted by the Connaughts a few years earlier, after all,” says Forest.

  I stare at them.

  “Is this where I think it’s going?” I ask in a slow voice. “Holy cow.”

  Fred nods.

  “Gail is one of those women who has always lived an exciting life. She, too, was independently wealthy, and never married. She’d spent her years doing a variety of things, such as writing books, acting in movies, and generally enjoying the good life.”

  “One of the things she enjoyed the most,” adds Forest in a neutral voice, “is the attention of men. She liked being the center of attention, to be specific, and when she met us, her eyes lit up.”

  I shake my head, unable to speak. This is an incredibly filthy story, and the words won’t come out of my mouth.

  “Basically, one thing led to another,” continues Finn. “She was the administrator of our parents’ estate, so we began to spend a lot of time together. Aunt Gail was lively, beautiful, and a lot of fun during those dark days. She took care of us, and soon, we became something more. We were technically bound by marriage, but Gail would never let something like that stop her. Soon, we were more than ‘just friends.’”

  I gasp.

  “Oh my god,” is my shocked whisper. “That’s crazy!”

  The three men nod.

  “It is, but it stoked our appetite for sharing women. Gail taught us how to be the best men that we are, and how to lavish attention on smart, funny, and independent ladies. We love to make women feel good, and she was the first one who showed us how to live this life.”

  My eyes are as wide as saucers, and I swallow thickly.

  “Do you still talk to her?”

  The brothers look down suddenly, their expressions crestfallen.

  “No, because Gail passed away unexpectedly shortly thereafter,” says Finn in a low voice. “She taught us how to live the good life, but within a year, she, too, was gone. Gail is buried next to our parents,” he adds.

  I shake my head hardly able to believe this turn of events.

  “And since then, you’ve always shared women?”

  Finn, Fred and Forest nod slowly.

  “Yes, that’s right. We were lucky enough to discover what we liked early on, thanks to Gail. Because of that, we’ve always shared women, and to be frank, the ladies seem to like it. At first, there’s generally a bit of tension, but after they get used to it, it appears to be smooth sailing.”

  I nod silently, still trying to compute. This is so crazy! The Connaughts have always indulged in three-on-ones, and even more, they were taught by an older woman who was free-spirited and lively. How filthy and illicit.

  Yet, I can believe it. There’s a resilience about the Connaughts, and I’m impressed by the way they’ve handled life. Growing up in group homes and foster care isn’t exactly the easiest way to make your way in the world, and yet Finn, Forest, and Fred have come out in one piece. In fact, they’ve survived and succeeded. All three of them are successful long-haul truckers now, and they make good money while doing meaningful work.

  “With your background, Dads and Daughters must have been par for the course,” I marvel. “It must have seemed normal.”

  The brothers chuckle, their blue eyes amused.

  “Not exactly normal, no,” says Finn. “I don’t think the club could ever be considered ‘normal.’ But yes, we’re open-minded because of our pasts. We’ve seen a lot in our lives, and we accept that different people pursue different routes to happiness. Who are we to judge?” he asks rhetorically.

  “Even Pope Francis doesn’t judge,” adds Forest with a grin.

  “Exactly,” finishes Fred. “We were perfect fits for the group because of our unconventional pasts. As a result, nothing at the Lodge scares us, or freaks us out. In fact, quite the opposite. We recognize the pool, the sauna, the billiards room, and even the in-house laundromat as manifestations of different types of love. It may sound hokey, but it’s true. We’re in a safe and protected space, and it’s all good with us.”

  I nod slowly, still trying to digest everything that’s been told to me.

  “That’s good because I have some good news,” I say hesitantly.

  Three sets of blue eyes immediately turn my way.

  “Oh really?” asks Finn with a grin. “What is it?”

  I take a deep breath.

  “Well, my dad isn’t freaked out anymore,” I say slowly. “Remember how I told you about our confrontation in the hotel lobby after the initiation? How Owen was almost crying, and how we parted on semi-bad terms?”

  The Connaughts nod slowly.

  “Yes? And?”

  I take a deep breath.

  “Well, I think Owen met someone, and it’s completely changed his outlook on life. It’s crazy, but I think at the same time that I met you guys, he met her.”

  The brothers squint at me.

  “Really? That seems like a crazy coincidence.”

  “It does, doesn’t it?” I nod. “But it’s kind of not, because evidently there was a high school holding its prom at the hotel in one of the other ballrooms. She’s a senior, and I guess her date stood her up. I’m not sure about the details, but my dad ended up comforting her, and then … well, they did it. He took her innocence.”

  The brothers look at me nonplussed for a moment, and then throw their dark heads back and laugh uproariously. White teeth gleam as they flash those movie star grins.

  “Are you serious?” asks Forest. “Owen saved a prom queen?”

  “Well, I don’t know if she was prom queen,” I begin. “But he definitely met someone who’s probably only eighteen or nineteen. Plus, I think he said her dad is in Dads and Daughters, and they’re contemplatin
g her initiation.”

  The brothers merely chuckle and shake their heads again.

  “Shit,” begins Fred. “What a turn of events.”

  “I never would have guessed,” adds Finn. “The world is a strange place.”

  I nod.

  “Exactly. But I think it’s good for us because I haven’t told my dad about you guys yet. He knows nothing about our relationship.”

  The brothers smile.

  “Well, it’s only been a week.”

  “I know,” I say in a small voice. “But my dad and I are close, and usually we’re pretty open about our lives. It feels kind of weird not telling him about you guys.”

  The brothers grow thoughtful for a moment, their handsome faces somber.

  “Is that something you’re comfortable telling him?” asks Finn gently. “Do you think he’ll take it alright?”

  “It’s okay to keep our relationship under wraps for a while longer if you want,” adds Forest. “Of course, we don’t want to be your dirty little secret, or anything like that. But you don’t have to drop a bomb on Owen either.”

  I nod slowly.

  “I know, but given that my dad’s now seeing a woman my age, I think things are going to be okay. I should just tell him. In fact, I want to tell him because my relationship with you guys is really amazing. I haven’t admitted it to anyone, but I’ve always wanted to be with multiple men. I never saw myself as a one-man type of woman.”

  The brothers laugh uproariously again while still stroking my curves.

  “You know, most women say that they’re a ‘one-man woman’ with a sense of pride,” says Fred ruefully. “It’s something they want to be, and not something to be abhorred.”

  “Good thing you’ve got us,” adds Finn with a wink. “Being a three-man type of woman is a plus when it comes to the Connaughts.”

  With that, we dissolve into laughter because we understand one another. With Fred, Finn, and Forest, we’re always on the same wavelength. I understand what they want, and they understand my needs as well. The only unexplained variable in this equation is Owen. Will my dad accept our threesome, or will he condemn the choices I’ve made?

  The only way to see is to broach the subject and to talk like adults. But with Finn, Forest, and Fred by my side, I’m not afraid. These men mean so much to me, and their support leaves me feeling warm inside.

  “You know what?” I ask, as Finn rubs my shoulders again. I crack my neck, and the audible popping sound makes the brothers wince.

  “What?” asks Fred.

  “I’m going to talk with Owen tomorrow,” I say. “He hasn’t left on his next gig yet, so I might as well. I think he’ll be okay with it.”

  The Connaughts look a bit pensive, their handsome faces drawn. Finn even stops massaging my shoulders for a moment, but then his fingers continue their work.

  “Sure,” growls Forest. “You know Owen best, and we only want what’s best for you, June. We support you if you want to tell your dad.”

  “But also, we want you to know that you have a place with us, even if Owen goes ballistic and rejects our relationship,” growls Forest, his tone serious. “You mean that much to us, June. We’re not going to let you go just because your dad doesn’t believe.”

  I nod, my lips turning up in a sweet smile.

  “I know,” is my soft murmur. “That’s why I love being with you Forest, Fred, and Finn. I know you always have my back.”

  With those words, we kiss passionately, and soon, the alpha males have carried me to their bed for another session of lovemaking. But I meant what I said because I feel that I do have a home with them. These men care about me, worship my body, and look out for me in a way that no one ever has before. I feel safe with the Connaught brothers, and my body and spirit soar as they pleasure me once more.



  “Well, this is unexpected,” says Owen as we traipse into the room. “Finn? Forest? Fred? I didn’t even know you knew my daughter, much less were friends with her.”

  June smiles sweetly while gesturing for us to take a seat on the living room couch. The Merchants have a nice home. It’s a small house in a cul-de-sac, painted yellow on the outside with white trim. Inside, June has made it very homey and comfortable. Floral overstuffed couches dot the living room, and white lace curtains frame the windows.

  Except that the sofa is much too small for all three of us. Finn and Fred gingerly sit on either side, their knees almost coming up to their chins, while I remain standing.

  “Sit Forest,” commands June, pointing at an armchair. “You’ll be more comfortable that way.”

  Obediently, I take a seat and Owen watches our interactions with amusement.

  “So, how can I help you?” he says, sitting his huge form down on a divan. Just like us, the man is enormous and his towering frame dwarfs the furniture. “I know I’ve seen you at the Lodge, but we haven’t talked that much. Welcome to my home.”

  My brothers and I make the appropriate noises.

  “Thanks for having us,” growls Finn.

  “Your home is beautiful,” adds Fred, a bit more graciously.

  Owen nods.

  “It’s all because of my daughter. I’m a long-haul trucker, just like all the guys in the club, so I’m not even around that much. I think June made these curtains by hand, didn’t you? She’s very good that way,” her dad brags.

  Our girl blushes, and her cheeks turn a pretty pink color.

  “I used a sewing machine, Daddy,” she scolds. “No one sews by hand anymore, except for buttons and a few specialty items.”

  Owen slaps his knee jovially.

  “Oh right. Well, my daughter has done a great job with our home,” he reiterates. “What you see is all her doing.”

  I look around. This place is nice, and the feminine touches give it a welcoming air. June must have put up the eggshell blue wallpaper, and added the flowers on the little stand by my side. Maybe we could ask her to do our house as well, or at least our suite at the Lodge. Right now, Finn, Fred and I are living a minimalist lifestyle, so to say. None of us really enjoy shopping, so we only have the necessities.

  But June lets out another trill of laughter. She and her dad get along, and I’m glad to see their interaction.

  “Well, Daddy, it’s a plus that you’re in a good mood because Finn, Forest, Fred, and I wanted to talk to you about something very specific,” she begins. “In fact, I wanted to talk to you alone first, but Finn, Forest and Fred wouldn’t let me.”

  I nod.

  “We just want to show our support, June,” I say quietly.

  She nods again and smiles at her dad brilliantly before taking a deep breath.

  “Well, Daddy, you know how you were confused about my sexual orientation before? How you thought I was a lesbian, but couldn’t really figure it out, resulting in the botched initiation?”

  My brothers and I turn to stare at Owen. He thought June was queer? How is that even possible? She’s so feminine, gorgeous, and … well, female in every way. She attracts men like bees to honey, so it’s incredible that Owen ever thought she was LGBTQ. Not that there’s anything wrong with being non-hetero. It’s just a total shock to us, as her lovers.

  Owen looks a bit ashamed.

  “Yes, honey. I’m sorry all of that happened. I should have just asked,” he says.

  June nods.

  “You should have, Daddy, but it’s okay because I have some exciting news to announce.”

  He squints at her.


  She smiles brilliantly.

  “Well, I think I’m pregnant, and I think I’m pregnant by these three men here: Forest, Finn, and Fred Connaught.”

  With that, our heads swivel to stare at June. What? Pregnant? We’ve only been dating two weeks! How does she even know?

  But the curvy girl merely nods with a knowing smile on her lips.

  “I can’t say that I’m pregnant for sure because it’s too early,�
� she concedes. “But I’ve always been in touch with my body, and I knew it was my fertile time of the month. Plus, we’ve been making love non-stop,” she adds with a sly smile. “You’re three very virile men, whereas I’m a young, nubile woman. It’s entirely possible that I’m expecting your baby already.”

  Our jaws drop to the ground. This is not what we anticipated for today’s meeting. When we insisted on coming over, it’s because we wanted to show our support for the curvy girl. She was going to broach a potentially thorny subject with Owen, and we wanted to demonstrate that we have her back. June is everything to us, and it wouldn’t hurt to have us there as she proclaimed our love for one another.

  Yet, now we’re left surprised and shocked. Instead of setting forth our relationship, June has completely turned the tables, and is announcing a pregnancy! How is this even possible? My heart rate accelerates as it becomes difficult to breathe. A child? A son or daughter that’s ours?

  “You might want to pick your jaw off the ground, Forest,” coos June with a smile. “We haven’t been using protection, so it’s completely possible.”

  Finally, Owen’s the one who interrupts. His blue eyes are confused, and he runs a hand through his hair, ruffling the black strands.

  “Do you even know each other?” he asks with confusion. “What is this about being pregnant? This is a surprise, I’ll say that.”

  June laughs melodically and takes a sip of her water.

  “I know, Owen, but it’s okay. That’s why we’re here. I wanted to update you on what happened after the initiation. I know you had some fears that I was part of the LGBTQ community, but I’m here to allay those doubts. I’m not. I’m pregnant, and I’m not just with one man, but I’m with three. That should put your fears to rest forever, I would think,” she quips with an amused smile.

  Owen merely blinks, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he tries to make sense of her words.

  “Three men?” he rasps, still confused. “But how did this even happen?”

  June shares another knowing glance with us, and then begins relating the tale to her dad. How we met after her botched initiation, like Prince Charming with Cinderella’s shoe in his hand. How we showed her the ways of love between a man and a woman, or in our case, three men and a woman. How we’ve been spending a lot of time together these past few weeks, and how we get along like a house on fire.


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