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Knight Watch: An Alliance Agency Novel: Book 2

Page 13

by Kells, India

  Taking that as his cue, Kingsley rolled them so she was flat on her back, his body over hers, bracketing her. Her eyes fluttered open as a smile curved the edges of her mouth before her eyes opened.

  “Morning.” Her voice was husky, a blush creeping over her cheeks at the obviously unfamiliar position they were in.

  “Morning gorgeous.” His hand moved to cup her hip, his thumb teasing the skin at her waist. “How are you feeling?” His eyes assessed her for any signs of trauma from yesterday and surprisingly saw none.

  “I actually feel okay, better than okay. Yesterday was dreadful, and when James got me back here, I was in a bad way. Almost as bad as after the rape.” Her head dropped with her words.

  Kingsley didn’t allow that and tilted her head up to him. “Look at me, Syd. Don’t hide from me. You don’t need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Yesterday was a horrific situation for any civilian.”

  “That’s what Mercy said. Actually, Cleo, Emme, and Mercy were amazing. They were like a sisterhood, offering me something I’ve never had before. I felt protected by them. Like they understood and didn’t judge me.”

  “They are good people, genuine and kind but with backbones of steel.”

  “Yeah. They’re badass and beautiful, and they seem to like me.” She seemed surprised and it made him smile.

  “They do like you, you’re very easy to like.”

  “I’m not sure about that. I haven’t had many friends in my life.”

  He could see that the admission cost her. “Well, you have them now, and you can trust them too. I do.”

  Sydney nodded. “Yeah, I think I do, and it feels good.” She smiled and it was the first real smile he had seen from her since they’d met.

  “Having good friends and people you can trust at your back makes all the difference in the world in this life.”

  “I was so tired and beaten before I met you, and you’ve changed everything, Kingsley.”

  “You would have figured it out, Syd. You’re strong and resilient and so beautiful it makes my eyes hurt to look at you.”

  She blushed again but didn’t look away. “Maybe.”

  Her disbelief was evident in her eyes and he knew it would take time to restore the shattered remains of her confidence and esteem. He would, with the help of her new friends, do it.

  “What are we going to do about my uncle?”

  He moved his hand up her ribs and felt her shiver. “We’re going to fix it so he never comes near you or the Alliance Agency again.” He didn’t want to discuss that piece of shit while he was in bed with her beneath him.

  “Okay,” She said, her voice breathless as he cupped her breast.

  “Are we done talking?” He waited for her to nod. “Good, now kiss me, woman.” He saw the look of fire cross her face before a softness moved through that made his heart beat harder.

  “Neanderthal.” She lifted her head and touched her lips to his. Kingsley chuckled before taking control of the sweet kiss and turning it molten.

  There was no more talk of her uncle or anything else as they let their bodies convey what words and minds couldn’t.

  An hour later they sat down to a full English breakfast that Cleo had somehow managed to have brought in before anyone woke. The mood in the room was pensive. The attorney would arrive within the hour to advise if Rutherford had a case against them.

  Kingsley savored the salty bacon and hash browns as he sipped his builder’s tea. It was the only beverage to drink with a fry-up—hot, strong tea with two sugars. He sighed as he drank it, his arm going around the back of Sydney’s chair in a possessive gesture he was once again unaware he was making until he saw the smirk on James’ face. He didn’t move his arm through, the silent warning clear that Sydney was his.

  Emme looked around. “If everyone is finished, we need to discuss the file you found, Sydney.”

  He felt Sydney stiffen beside him and glanced over to see her pale. Cupping the back of her neck, he squeezed gently and released when she twisted to offer him a tentative smile. “Have you read it?”

  “No, we wanted to do it with you.” Emme produced the file.

  Sydney reached out to take the file. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  “I asked Cleo to photocopy the file so we could all read it together. I hope that was okay?” Emme asked around as Cleo produced copies for everyone.

  “Yes, of course. You have all been so kind. I want to do everything I can to help fix this nightmare I brought to your door.”

  Kingsley felt the anger in his gut at the way she blamed herself for something her uncle had done and was happy when Shane spoke. “You didn’t bring anything to our door. And let me say something else.” Shane turned in his seat beside Emme. “You mean something to us. We protect family around here, and you became family the second Kingsley claimed you as his.” Shane smirked at him and Kingsley didn’t deny his words but looked at this boss head-on.

  “I don’t… I’m not…” Sydney was flustered but he stopped her.

  “Yes, Sydney, you are.”

  “I thought you Brits had manners. You could at least tell a girl before you claim her publicly.” She had that squinty-eyed frown that made him want to kiss her. Instead, he smiled and chuckled as she elbowed him in the ribs as he pulled her close.

  “Sorry, baby. Will you be my girl?”

  “Yes. Now, let’s get this shit sorted so we can move to the fun bit of the courtship.” He loved how her eyes softened.

  “Right, love birds, here’s your file.” Cleo smirked, while handing them out. Kingsley looked up when he heard an oomph from Mason and saw Cleo standing over him.

  “Oops, sorry did I step on your pride?” Cleo murmured silkily as Mason glared at her.

  Hmm, what’s that about? he wondered idly before his attention came back to the file in front of him. Silently everyone waited until Sydney flipped open the folder before doing the same.

  * * *

  Inside was a list of addresses, mostly in the suburbs by the looks of it, nothing flashy, just non-descript homes. As she flipped over the page, her breath caught in her throat. Her breathing ceased at the pain she felt in her chest as she recognized her mom’s handwriting. Sydney felt Kingsley take her hand in his, bringing it to his thigh and holding it tight, offering silent support and strength.

  Focusing back on the actual words and not the flowing script that was so familiar, she read. Names—foreign names with dates and times next to them. Some crossed through with red pen, others with an asterisk beside them.

  “Jesus fucking H Christ.” Mason whistled, making her look up, realizing all eyes were on her.

  “What?” Now she was confused.

  “Sydney, honey, whose writing is this?” Mason’s voice was gentle as he asked the question.

  She turned her head cocked as she looked at Mason, confusion warring with the pit of dread that filled her stomach with lead. His eyes were steady as he waited for her answer, his eyes giving nothing away. “My mom’s.”

  “Do you have any idea who any of these people are?”

  “No, but I’m guessing they aren’t the good guys.”

  Sydney’s fears were confirmed at Mason’s slow nod. “It’s a list of wanted terrorists. Every name on here is on about twenty watch lists.”

  “I don’t understand how she had them or why.”

  “I think I do.” Shane’s rough voice barely contained his anger.

  She turned in his direction and saw he had flipped the page and kept reading. She looked at the paper, not wanting to know anymore but turned the page and saw her father’s handwriting take up where her mom’s left off. It gave a detailed account of Raymond’s involvement, including photos of him going into a house and shaking the hand of a man wearing traditional Afghan clothing, his long beard hiding most of his face.

  “Fucking hell, is that Abdul el-Hafeez?” James’s head picked up.

  “Yes, it fucking is. Abdul el-Hafeez, AKA the Bomb Maker. He’s suspected of being
the man behind the bombs that blew up the US embassy in France, Jerusalem, and Dublin. He was also a trusted advisor to Basheer el-Zemmani who took over when Bin Laden was dispatched.” Shane’s information wasn’t reassuring.

  “There’s a date on the original photo.” Cleo pointed at the picture, looking at Sydney.

  “What was it?” she asked knowing the answer would hurt.

  “May nineteenth, the same year your father was murdered.” Her meaning was clear.

  That photograph probably got her father killed. Sydney saw sympathy in the other woman’s pretty eyes, and instead of making her feel weak it gave her strength. For the first time in longer than she could remember, she had good people to lean on.

  “Is this enough evidence?” Sydney focused on Emme.

  “Maybe, but if we can get more it will be better.”

  “Let’s get more then. I want that bastard to pay for what he’s done to me, and God knows how many others.” She saw smiles break out around the table and then a hooya from Nick, which had her giggling when she should be weeping.

  Malco slapped his hand on the table, laughing as he stood. “Cut that Navy shit out, frogman. Everyone knows the Army is far superior.”

  “In your dreams, boy.” Nick laughed and stood up too.

  “You ain’t ever in my dreams, froggy.”

  Nick shot Malco the finger in response.

  “Quiet, children.” Emme grinned like a teacher appeasing a bunch of brats. “We need to find more evidence so here’s what I need….”

  Sydney tuned their voices out as she let the buzz and camaraderie of the room wrap around her. For the first time since her parents were taken from her, she felt like she had an anchor again. She glanced at Kingsley and found him watching her worry clear on his face.

  “You okay?” His voice was soft so nobody else could hear.

  She thought for a second and nodded. “Yes, I am. I really am.”

  She gave him a look filled with all the love she felt for this Brit who was pulling her from the dark depths of loneliness and showing her that she had something to live for again.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kingsley tried his best to give Sydney a sense of normalcy if only for an hour. The attorney had called and was on her way, and that didn’t allow much time before the police and Rutherford’s attorney came in with a possible warrant, or accusations against him and the other members of the Agency.

  The possibility of having Sydney taken away, against his will, was almost too much to bear. At the thought, anger flooded his system and almost made it impossible to function. Only years of training and finely-honed skills helped him keep his emotions under control. He’d never thought loving someone would push him to the edge like that. She had become a necessity, like the air he breathed and the blood pumping in his body. Did she feel the same way about him?

  Sydney was talking to Cleo and Caitlin as he stood by the door waiting for the attorney to arrive. It was evident by the animated way Cleo was speaking that she was doing it to distract Sydney from what was to come, and it was more proof of how amazing this team of people was. Each of them in their own way had kept an eye on her, and for that, he was grateful. They might have been the most unlikely team ever created, but it seemed that in helping Sydney, they had found the cohesion they needed for the future.

  “Breathe, my friend. You look like you’re about to pop a vein or crack a tooth.” For a man as silent as Malco, he had a way with words when he did speak.

  “So many things could go wrong.”

  Malco turned to look at the women in the corner. “Rutherford seems to want to get her back at any cost. Don’t worry, he won’t succeed, that I can promise you.”

  When Kingsley turned to look at him, he knew very well what he meant; the infamous plan B, the one that would inevitably have him kicked out of Alliance by fleeing with Sydney never to be seen again.

  “I won’t let you do that. I won’t let you sacrifice your career for me, Malco.”

  The former Green Beret gave him a stern look. “You’re blind if you can’t see the entire team wouldn’t go up to the barricades for you and Sydney. I never thought I’d say it, but consider us your annoying but caring family.”

  Kingsley scoffed, but it seemed that Malco had spoken the truth. It showed in the commitment of everyone there. How extraordinary.

  Movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention, breaking his thoughts. A woman clad in a dark blue suit and white blouse with high heels came through the entrance. Her thick brown hair was twisted into a knot and her green eyes perfectly framed by tortoise-shell glasses. Beautiful was a perfect way to describe her, but more like a cobra or a panther, enticing and deadly. Ready to strike.

  He leaned toward Malco. “Ever seen her before?”

  Malco shook his head. “No. From what I understand, she’s an old acquaintance of Shane’s. They worked a serious case together years ago. She’s new to the Miami scene.”

  The newcomer looked around and smiled when Shane appeared to greet her.


  She was obviously a good friend from the way she kissed Shane’s cheek and then Emme’s who was standing by his side. “I have to say, Shane, you and Emme are the only two people I’d willingly get up at this hour for.”

  “We wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t important.” Emme’s voice conveyed the urgency of the situation, and for that Kingsley was glad.

  The woman touched Emme’s hand and nodded. “Let’s get started then.”

  When she made her way to the conference room, Kingsley went to Sydney, standing by her side.

  The woman looked around at the men and women before zeroing in on Sydney. “You must be Sydney. You’re the person I’ve been asked to defend, well, from the standpoint of the law at least. My name is Frida Montalvo. Pleased to meet you.”

  Sydney blinked and took the offered hand of the woman before her. “Shane told you who I was?”

  She smiled and sat. “As a matter I’ve never met anyone here apart from Shane and Emme. It was easy to recognize you. Not because you seemed afraid, but because you’re ready for a fight. The way the men have formed a protective circle around you is another giveaway.” Her green eyes went to Kingsley, and he had an uncomfortable feeling of being assessed.

  Breaking contact, Frida took out a pen and paper and smiled at Sydney. “Now, tell me everything so I have enough ammunition to bring your uncle down. Start from the beginning and give me as much information as possible.”

  Kingsley had to admit the woman was a machine, her mind seemed to go a mile a minute. She was careful of the questions she asked Sydney, attentive to her reactions and backed off when it was apparent it was too much. He was starting to like the attorney. He decided to withhold final judgment though until he saw how she handled herself with Rutherford and his attorneys.

  He looked at his watch again and knew time was running out, but he could see the resolve on the faces of everyone around the conference table to finish the job they had started.

  Scribbling a few more things on her notepad, Frida finally leaned back and looked around the table before setting her attention back on Sydney. “I don’t know what their angle of attack will be when they arrive. And yes, I know they’ll be here soon. Don’t think I didn’t notice all of you looking at your watches and at the clock on the wall, as if I didn’t know they were coming. I know it must be extremely difficult for you, and even though I suspect you want to, I think it would be better if you don’t attend the next meeting.”

  Kingsley expected the contrary. “Why not? Isn’t her presence needed? Won’t they want to see her?”

  Frida nodded and fished more papers from her satchel and pushed them toward Sydney. “You’re not obliged to be there if you appoint me your official attorney. Also, before coming here, I made a few phone calls and found out who made the request and which judge signed off on it.

  “Their names are not important, but their reputations are notorious
in town. They view women as weak and hysterical, so it’s natural they saw Mr. Rutherford’s request as logical and even sensible. That’s another clue to what they’re planning. They will probably try to portray you as being weak-minded and easily influenced, even delusional.

  “They’ll try to blame it on either a past trauma or your childhood history. However, there is no way to change their minds with a full-frontal attack. My initial instinct is to bury them in paperwork until you guys finish what you started and get what other evidence you need to bring them down. I’ll hold the dragons at the gate in the meantime.”

  James whistled. “One woman alone against Rutherford’s army?”

  Frida arched an elegant eyebrow at him. “They are bullies. The best way to beat them is to stand up to them.”

  Shane nodded. “I understand what you’re doing, Frida. If we can find proof that this list of terrorists is directly linked to Rutherford, the spotlight will shift from Sydney to him.”

  “Precisely. I have a couple of valuable connections at the FBI and CIA who can act quickly if I have the right kind of information and proof. And I fear that in your case, Sydney, time will be of the essence.”

  Mason looked around the room. “You’ll need some form of protection, Miss Montalvo. I don’t think it’s just his lawyers you’ll be up against.”

  Frida nodded. “That’s very kind of you, but I’m fine and don’t need protection.”

  Cain shook his head. “They’ve been cunning and dangerous from the beginning. There’s no need to tempt another attack.”

  “I think Sydney needs more protection and help than I do. You don’t know me, but I’m not weak or powerless. Shane can vouch for that. Also, having people following me around will put too much importance on me, thus making me a target. So I respectfully decline your offer, and thank you for your concern.”

  Cleo popped her colorful head in. “The lawyers are here wanting to be buzzed in.”

  Frida looked around and waited.

  Kingsley’s attention was focused on Sydney. In the end, it was her decision.


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