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Knight Watch: An Alliance Agency Novel: Book 2

Page 14

by Kells, India

  Her blond head lifted, and she reached for the papers. After a cursory look she nodded. Without a word, the attorney gave her a pen so she could sign them.

  It immediately galvanized the brown-haired beauty who gathered her papers in a briefcase and handed Cleo a business card. “Tell those gentlemen that the meeting has been rescheduled for an hour from now at my office. The address is on the card. And if they don’t like it, I’m giving you permission to kick their asses. And if they sue, I’ll defend you for free.”

  Cleo’s eyes shone with wickedness as she disappeared.

  Most of the team dispersed, while James and Mason talked to Shane and Emme about Frida’s protection. Kingsley believed that the effort was noble, but he guessed futile. Although he knew that Shane and Emme were smart enough to act and protect their friend if need be.

  As calm returned to the room, he couldn’t help but put his hand on Sydney’s shoulder as a reminder of his unfailing support. Her small, cold one covered his.

  Frida got to her feet and hesitated for a second before turning to them. She took a few steps and glanced around confirming they were alone. She replaced her glasses on her nose and licked her lips. “Sydney, don’t despair. This agency and the people in it are good people. Shane helped me years ago when I thought I wouldn’t survive. You see, I know all about bullies, danger, and constant threats. I was born in the most dangerous part of Los Angeles, in the middle of a gang war. I’ll skip the gruesome details, but it was only when I stood up and decided that I wanted a different life that I discovered I had the power to grab it. Friends and allies then appeared in my life, like what’s happened with you now. The stars align when you’re on the right path.”

  Sydney, the gorgeous soul that she was, didn’t say a word and took Frida in her arms. The lawyer seemed surprised for a moment but returned her hug in earnest.

  With one last wink, she grabbed her satchel and disappeared.

  Kingsley couldn’t wait a second longer and engulfed this fierce, blond warrior—his warrior—in his arms. He buried his nose in her hair and sighed when she circled his waist with her arms in return.

  It took a long moment before he found the strength to let her go. Tilting her face to his, he let his fingers traced the lines of her face. As he hoped, it brought a blossoming smile, erasing some of the worries he hated to see there. “She’s right, you know. You were placed in my path too, Syd. The entire team was, but I’m the luckiest of them all. I’m ready to fight by your side. All my skills, my experience, and my hardships led me to you.”

  Sydney cupped his bearded cheeks to pull him down to her mouth where she kissed him sweetly. A whisper of a kiss, but genuine and sincere. As it always did, the undeniable chemistry between them turned into a flame. Kingsley was always amazed by the instant hunger he had for her touch, for her body, but most of all for her courage and her mind. Deep inside his heart, he vowed to protect her from harm with everything he had, until his very last breath, because living without her wouldn’t be living at all.

  Chapter Twenty

  Two days of silence followed the charged meeting with Frida Montalvo—the attorney now representing her. Just saying the words in her head made anger churn in her gut—fury that she now had to defend herself and the Alliance Agency.

  Her uncle had somehow twisted things until he had his lawyers and judges, and God knew who else, believing they were the criminals. Or was it less believing and more a case of money in brown paper bags crossing palms?

  She didn’t know, but she was going to find out and put a stop to whatever evil, sick, twisted plan he had for her. He had taken everything from her—her family, her security, her virginity. It had all been ripped away by a brutal, sick man with a God complex.

  The air was warm on her skin, the sun high in the sky, as Sydney watched Kingsley and Mason complete the assault course. It was a beautiful day in Miami but her mood was not. The team needed to let off some steam, clear their heads, and a workout outside seemed the best option. She watched Mason take the lead on the course, his lithe, muscular body whipcord strong and athletic. But it was the sexy shirtless muscle of her deliciously handsome Brit that made her squeeze her legs together as desire flooded her belly and made her body ache for him.

  Never in her life had she felt like this, the deep pull of wanting to be with a man. To have him hold her, make love to her, to do sinfully decadent things to her body. He had opened her eyes to things she had never considered before and not just sexually. Kingsley had made her see she was worthy of love, that maybe she could have the future she had only dared dream about.

  A smile ticked up her lips as she watched Mason miss as he jumped for the rope climb. Kingsley took advantage and with his upper body strength make light work of the rope as he slung a leg over the twenty-foot wall and jumped most of the way down, his knees bending to break his landing as he rolled with practiced ease. Mason was seconds behind but had lost the advantage, and Kingsley made him pay for it by hitting the bell, announcing him the victor. He turned to her and waved and her heart caught in her throat at his radiant smile. She wanted to spend her life being worthy of those moments with him. He had saved her in so many ways, and now it was time for her to save him.

  Sydney sat on the hard concrete, her knees drawn up, hands resting on them as she waited for him to walk to her. His body glistened with sweat, and she had the overwhelming urge to strip him down and taste every inch of his body. He was distracting in a way no other man was. He was sweet, kind, funny, protective—sometimes over-protective—and so fucking handsome he made her heart hurt.

  Watching the men was distracting her from what she really should be doing. She needed to figure out how she could carry out the plan that had been forming in her head since they’d heard from Frida yesterday. Her uncle seemed to have abandoned the kidnapping charges and was leaning on the judge to issue the order to have her declared mentally unstable. It seemed his new plan was to have her released into his care or committed to a facility for assessment.

  Kingsley had gone off at that news, and it had taken every man in the room to stop him from leaving and doing something that was both foolish and sweet at the same time. Foolish because if he confronted her uncle, he would either be killed or locked away, never to see daylight again. Sweet because nobody had ever done that for her before and she appreciated the thought. Not even her sweet loving father, whom she had adored, had stepped up to defend her. He had been her hero, and always would be, but it hadn’t been her dragons he was slaying by going after his brother. It had been her mother’s.

  Kingsley sat heavily beside her, his arm going around her as he kissed her temple, before pulling away a little. “You look deep in thought.”

  “Just enjoying the show you guys put on.” She smiled, knowing her sunglasses hid her eyes. Kingsley could see through her and would see she was up to something without them.

  “Yeah?” His lip tilted up with a grin that made her clit pulse with need for him.

  “Yep.” Sydney enjoyed seeing this carefree side of him and knew they both needed to forget for a few hours what they were facing if the rest of Alliance couldn’t find the proof they needed to tie her uncle to the crimes her mother and father had detailed.

  “Wanna help me clean all this manly sweat off my body?” Kingsley nuzzled her neck with his mouth, making her shiver.

  “Well, it would be a public service.”

  He stood and pulled her to her feet beside him. “As Mason will want to use the men’s locker room when he finishes whatever Krav Maga shit he’s doing over there, I guess we’ll have to use the ladies.” Kingsley gestured at Mason who was performing a series of moves that would put Bruce Lee to shame.

  “We can’t do that!”

  “Sure we can. All the girls are out except Cleo, and she’s working on the payroll stuff I sent her.”

  “But what if she needs to use the bathroom?” Sydney wasn’t altogether opposed to the idea but felt a little naughty wanting it. He moved th
rough the door and saw Cleo at her desk. Her head came up to them, and she smiled warmly.

  “Cleo, ladies’ locker room is out of bounds. If you need anything, use the men’s locker room.” He walked past their secretary, dragging Sydney behind him. She felt the blush hit her cheeks she watched Cleo smirk and wink at her.



  He pulled her inside and locked the door, his hands immediately going to the waistband of his shorts, where his now impressive erection was evident for all to see. Sydney ogled as he pushed them down his thick thighs, exposing his hard cock that bobbed against his flat ridged belly. The V of his Adonis belt making her drool.

  “See something you like, baby?”

  Her eyes moved to his. She almost gasped at the hungry look she saw in his eyes.

  “Come here, baby.”

  Her mouth went dry at the sensual undertone in his voice. Slowly she walked to him until there was barely air between their bodies. She could feel the heat coming from him, the smell of fresh sweat, and the deodorant he wore mixed with the scent that was all Kingsley.

  “Want you to suck my cock, baby. Get it nice and wet so I can fuck you hard, make you scream my name as you come all over my dick.”

  Her body was on fire from his words. Her nipples ached and her body clenched with the empty feeling of wanting him to fill her. To sear himself on her in a way that she would always be his. Body and soul, she loved this man, and she wanted to give him everything so he knew she was his. Had been his since the first time she’d seen him. Her heart had known, but her head had taken a while to catch up.

  Reaching up, she stroked a finger over his cheek as he waited, giving her the control to make a choice, not pushing her. It made her love him all the more. “I love you, Kingsley Knight.”

  She registered the surprise on his face before it was replaced by an echo of something she’d seen pass between her parents. A look that meant the same thing the world over. He loves me, and as he lowered his head to hers, Sydney felt everything settle in her.

  She would go through with her plan to save the man she loved. Somehow she would get away and set up a meeting with her uncle and get the damn evidence she needed to end the threat to the people that had become family to her in just a few days.

  “I love you too, Sydney.”

  His mouth touched hers and she was lost in a sea of sensation as each of them tried to give the other more pleasure. Mouths, hands, bodies kissed, licked, sucked until they were both limp. Her from the three orgasms and him from the way he had used his body to drive her to the brink of pure, beautiful madness.

  When they’d recovered enough energy to move again, they showered, and he shampooed her hair, lathering the sudsy flowery smelling shampoo into her hair. Kingsley made her feel cherished as he rinsed her hair before stepping out, wrapping a towel around his lean hips before wrapping her in one from the heated towel rail.

  As he pulled her forward they heard a commotion outside. A light scream followed by Cleo and Mason’s unmistakable voices.

  “Put some goddamn clothes on!”

  “Excuse me, Miss High and Mighty, but this is the men’s locker room.”

  “Well, I didn’t know you were in here. You must have snuck in when I went to the scanner,” Cloe accused her tone rising.

  “I did not sneak anywhere, because, and I repeat, this is the men’s fucking locker room.”

  The rest was inaudible as Cleo must have walked away and let the door close. Sydney tried to hold it back but the hilarity of the cool, unflappable Cleo losing her mind at what she guessed was the sight of a naked Mason was too much.

  Turning she buried herself into Kingsley’s chest and laughed until tears ran from her eyes as she felt his chest move with his own laughter.

  Finally, when she was done laughing, he pulled back. She saw the twinkle in his eyes, even as the worry remained in the slight tightness of his jaw.

  “I have a surprise for you this afternoon.”

  “Oh what kind?” Sydney tilted to her head as she watched him thoughtfully.

  “The furry kind.”


  “Yeah, Caitlin is going to see some puppies. We want to get a dog unit up and running and to do that we need dogs.”

  “Oh, I love puppies! What kind?” She began to dress, putting her shorts on sans underwear as she didn’t have a clean pair in the locker room with her.

  “She says it’s a litter of Rhodesian Ridgebacks, but she also has a litter of German Shepherds to go see next week,” he answered as he finished tying his boot and lowered his foot before walking to her. Pulling her gently into his front he dropped a kiss on her nose. “I have to go check a lead with Nick, but you’re safe here with Caitlin and Killian. When I get back we can go with Caitlan to see them.”

  “Why don’t Caitlin and I go while you go with Nick? That way you don’t have to rush back. Plus, we can have the night to ourselves with no interruptions.”

  “Fine, but take your cell and don’t leave Caitlin or Killian’s side. If something happens, call me immediately and get to safety.”

  “Yes, boss.” She couldn’t help but tease him over his bossiness.

  “Cheeky madam.” He swatted her ass as they walked out the locker room to see a furious Mason and an equally angry Cleo glaring at each other.

  Sydney wondered if she would be around to witness it when they finally realized they were made for each other. She had a bad feeling about what could happen, and she hoped she was wrong.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sydney couldn’t help but put her head out of the window as Caitlin took a small road to the countryside. The air was warm and sweet, the sun was bright. She was as happy as it was possible to be, considering the situation. Refusing to let gloomy thoughts cloud her day, she instead replaced them with Kingsley’s image in the shower—all bunching muscles and sweat with water flowing over him.

  A soft giggle brought her back to the present, and she saw Caitlin looking at her with an amused smile. “You almost look like Killian. All that’s missing is a flapping tongue.”

  Sydney looked back at the backseat on the driver’s side to see a goofy-looking Killian, rather than his normal big, bad stare. He was obviously happy to be in a car on an adventure with his mistress.

  “He’s adorable. You’re lucky to have such a companion.”

  Caitlin nodded and looked at the rearview mirror. “Luck and a lot of work. Killian and I trained relentlessly to achieve this. And I couldn’t ask for a better partner. I’m so glad Shane and Emme are open to the idea of me building a K-9 unit within Alliance. It will allow for increased security and even branching into the rescue business. Ever had a dog?”

  She shook her head. “I wish. I remember my parents talking about having one when I was a little girl, but everything ground to a halt when Mom died. Afterward, my father had too much to do to even consider it.”

  “Yes, it’s a lot of work, even if all you have is a simple pet.”

  Caitlin took another turn into a dirt road leading under a canopy of trees and immediately Killian became excited until his mistress snapped a command. The change was instantaneous as he calmed down but stayed alert.

  A beautiful yellow and white house appeared beyond the trees with several smaller buildings in the backyard. As Caitlin parked, a man rounded the house and waved at the car.

  “Here’s our contact. Come on, Sydney. Killian, heel.”

  Sydney closed the passenger door and joined them. The older man wore a blue overall covering his ample belly, his round face was engaging, and his mop of grayish hair flew in the wind.

  He shook Sydney’s hand before turning to Caitlan. “Welcome to my farm. I’m Hubert Fields, and I’m honored by your visit. I was very excited when I received your call, Miss Carter. I’ve worked often with the LAPD, and I know your reputation and that of your partner.” He looked at Killian who waited patiently by his mistress. “A magnificent specimen you have h
ere, Miss Carter. You trained him yourself?”

  Caitlin smiled tenderly at her partner. “Yes. And now I’m planning to add to my team. I knew I had to come and see you.”

  Hubert puffed out in pride. “I have the greatest Rhodesian Ridgebacks and German Shepherds. They are bred for military and police work, as well as search and rescue. They’re not easy breeds to train, but they offer great potential. What kind of talent are you searching for?”

  Caitlin started to talk about her project with Hubert, and Sydney took the opportunity to look around and stroll the beautiful grounds that were laid out like an oasis.

  Small colorful kennels dotted the landscape. The sounds coming from them were a dead giveaway that they were filled with dogs and puppies.

  Sydney was too curious to wait and went to take a peek. Under the cool shade of one of the kennels, she discovered a bunch of rust-colored balls of furs that were absolutely adorable. Most of them were bundled up together with their mommy who looked at her with caution.

  All the puppies were sound asleep in their enclosure, except for one adventurous little fellow who wobbled in her direction.

  Sitting cross-legged on the grass, she admired the curious puppy who sniffed and growled at her. His fierce attitude made her smile.

  “Ah! I see you have found my latest litter of Ridgebacks.” Hubert appeared with Caitlin like the proud dad he was. “A fascinating breed indeed. And I see you have made a friend.”

  As she smiled in agreement, Hubert opened the enclosure and took the little tyke in his hand before giving it to her. Sydney cradled the puppy carefully in her arms.

  Caitlin nodded. “You’re a natural for one who has never had a dog.”

  Killian approached and sniffed the little red dog that jumped at first, but soon barked as if to confront the giant before him.

  “Ah! This one has courage! That’s an excellent quality in a service dog.”

  The puppy sighed and yipped at Sydney for attention, and she was happy to indulge him.


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