Book Read Free


Page 6

by Lynda Filler

  “Lt. Commander Luis Dominguez at your assistance Sr. Raven. My boss sends his regards and his need to talk to you urgently. Here he is sir. You can speak privately over here.”

  Luke moved to a corner near the terminal, and the secure connection was confirmed by RB.

  “Samuel. Give me some good news.”

  “I’ve talked to my people. Alice’s kidnapping coincided with a rash of missing children in the state of Jalisco. It’s not a new problem, but normally the children that go missing are from poor homes and from families that do not have the resources to go after them.”

  “I’ve seen the photos. It’s Alice for sure.”

  “Yes, she matches the ID’s you sent to us. We have another situation.”

  “What is it?”

  “We have identified the ship coming into Manzanillo. It should be there in the next hour. The plan is to offload whatever they are carrying—probably drugs—and be out of port within an hour.”

  “That’s pretty tight. But I see you’ve commandeered the right shuttle to take us in.” Luke laughed.

  “Yep, we got our hands on two test craft, S-97’s, the fastest helicopters in the world. But I understand you already know about the specifications, Raven. Great machines. My compliments.”

  Luke laughed. He owned the first test S-97, taken out of commission due to mechanical errors. Luke knew that everything had its price and he’d paid double for his new toy—even though he’d been instrumental in the design.

  “Now what’s the latest news on Allegra?”

  “We have someone in deep cover with this cartel. Apparently, the demand for ten million from the Contador’s kid is a ruse. We’ve checked into the account information Gabriel gave us, and it turns out both accounts have been cleaned out. The bank is owned by El Guapo.”

  “So, Guapo knew the kid couldn’t come up with the money.”


  “What is or was, the plan? What did your informant find out?”

  “This is the troubling part. It seems there is someone in the Middle East. From what I could find out he is a leader of ISIS. There are many factors at play here. Our intelligence listened to a conversation with someone named Sying or Mme Anjou. Does that name mean anything to you?”

  “Yes. Sying was running an evil business in China. She was a student of mine at Caltech. Brilliant mind. Evil woman. She was behind the Chinese hack into the OPM US offices and was selling info when we put her permanently out of business.”

  “Well, apparently she has risen from the dead, and is operating under the name of Mme Anjou.”


  LUKE WAS STUNNED. How could that be? Tasha said she’d left her with a knife in her heart. But everything moved so quickly. They exited the garage running, headed towards a time-sensitive pick-up by helicopter to get out of Shanghai. Is it possible that the knife hit a rib and missed the heart?

  “Tell me, what is her connection here?”

  “Our paths intersect. Alice’s been taken by a human trafficking ring that will sail into the port of Marseille. The final destination we think is in the Middle East. How the transfer will take place in Europe, we are not sure yet. Do know that Alice is part of the cargo.”

  “We need to hurry then. No time to waste. We must save Alice before they set off for the sea!” Luke motioned the team to start moving.

  “Wait. We also overheard a recent conversation about Mme Anjou picking up a child. This cargo will not be part of the ship heading to Marseille.”

  Luke looked over to Lorena and Samaar. They were both wiping tears and trying to smile.

  “Here’s where I need your help. My informant tells me that Allegra has been sold to Tariq, the leader of ISIS, for his harem, for the sum of ten million US Dollars! She will be on that ship! Get her back for me! I will be in your debt for the rest of my life.”

  “Send me more photos including more sat-pics that we can study, with precise locations. And keep them coming.”

  “Yes, they are on their way as we speak. You have ten Spec Ops with you. They know the area, the type of people we are up against. They are at your disposal. Get the girls back! Do whatever it takes. In Mexico, we don’t have to ask permission to do what is right. Get the job done Luke!”

  “I will.”

  Luci walked over to Luke. He placed his arm around her shoulders. This was a softer, more vulnerable Samaar who stood before him.

  “That was Samuel. It was a random case of wrong place and time. But there is a complication. Samuel says Sying is alive and well and in charge of this operation in partnership with Guapo.”

  Luci gasped. A look of horror came over her face.

  “What if she somehow makes the connection and recognizes Alice for who she is? She will kill her!”

  “Sying is too vindictive to kill her. No, Sying would want revenge. Assuming the intel is correct, she is going by the name Mme. Anjou, and she is on her way to Manzanillo to pick up one special child. I have no reason not to believe Samuel. She wouldn’t make the journey to hurt her. She wants to use her for something.”

  “Yes, you are probably right.”

  “So now the Chinese Stock Market crash makes sense. She is determined to manipulate the financial worlds, and she is smart enough to know how to do it. Sying is back. But we don’t know what she’s up to, yet.” Luci was already plotting her demise again.

  “I know one thing for sure. We must get to Alice before Sying gets her. She will be waiting for her when the ship docks in Manzanillo. We must get her out before they board for Europe.”

  “Let’s go! We’ll fill the team in as we move.”

  They walked out to the S-97’s together. The weaponry being loaded was enough to take down a small army. Luke was impressed.

  “Ready? Let’s take her up.”

  “ETA Manzanillo 03:00. Let’s rock and roll.”


  Manzanillo, Mexico

  “WE’LL BE LANDING in ten minutes Mme Anjou. There is a team of four waiting for us. They have the weaponry we need in case we run into any opposition.”

  Rain pounded the private jet as it descended towards Playa de Oro International Airport. Lightning bursts blinded the windshield and the pilot. It was two a.m., and the visibility was negligible.

  “Wait, the airport controller says we can’t land. The latest lightning has ignited a fire on the runway! I can see it from here. Seems like debris from the coconut plantation surrounding the airport has caught fire!”

  “We have no time for this! You will land anyway!”

  “But Mme Anjou…!”

  “Land this plane now!”

  Raised voices were exchanged back and forth with ATC. Finally, the wheels hit the ground.

  The rains were no gentler on land. After consultation, they taxied to a different place on the tarmac. Two black GMC trucks raced across the empty runways.

  Mme Anjou never showed fear. She adjusted her Versace tracksuit, picked up her weapon of choice, a Glock pistol, and deplaned.

  The rain didn’t bother her. The lightning lit up the forests around the secluded runway. Four doors opened simultaneously as AK-47 -toting, jean-wearing bunch of yahoos spread out around the plane.

  “Buenas Noches Mme Anjou. I am Jorge, El Guapo’s Lieutenant. I am in charge of this operation. He is momentarily indisposed but will join us on the docks. This is a surprise. We only received your message thirty minutes ago. It is most unusual for you to assist us in the transfer of cargo.”

  “Yes, I am normally disinterested in day-to-day operations. However, you have a child on your list that I will be taking directly back with me. Let’s get this done.”

  “Certainly, Mme I will need to see a photo of this person to be sure she is with us. And then let’s move to the Port.”

  Woo stepped forward and exchanged Alice’s photo by airdrop to Jorge’s cell phone.

  “Yes, of course. Let me check the photos.”

  He went through one-by-one.

es. The girl is here. I will text right away that she be removed from the group. Vamonos!”

  “Woo, stay with the plane, have it fueled and ready for takeoff as soon as I return.”


  Port of Manzanillo, Mexico

  ALEX TOOK THE LEAD. They boarded the Green Star cargo ship, the sopping wet Panamanian flag destroyed by the unrelenting storm. The wind roared, the ship swayed, the cranes moved dangerously as the men hurried to off-load their lucrative cargo.

  Guapo looked down and watched the trucks loading the containers, and then driving into a warehouse building. They worked as efficiently as possible with the challenging conditions everyone faced in the middle of a hurricane-watch storm.

  Hopefully, things would get better as the men made their way up the coast to Mazatlán. Then they would take the ferry to the Baja and the highway up to Ensenada. The drugs would go through a very new, sophisticated underwater tunnel-sewage system. A hundred million dollars-worth of ‘impossible to detect.’

  The Captain came down from the bridge as Alex mounted the stairs to the deck.

  “An unexpected pleasure Señor Alejandro.”

  “Good job Captain. In spite of the weather, you arrived on time. My congratulations. The off-loading is almost complete, and we will load the special containers, and you will embark immediately.”

  “Alejandro, my men need a break. We expected to spend twenty-four hours in Manzanillo. A little fun, some women, you know, the men need relaxation.”

  “Not this time Captain. There is a quarter of a million-dollar bonus for you this trip.”

  The Captain looked incredulous. Of course, he would comply. For that amount of money, he could finally have enough to quit this dangerous work. Retire.

  “What do you need me to do Sr?”

  “That’s better. I have special cargo coming aboard. I want the woman in a secure cabin away from everyone. She is not well, so she must be fed carefully, and mild drugs will be given through her liquids. She will be taken off the ship when you reach Europe.”

  “Whatever you say Señor. Let me show you the cabin that will work perfectly. Armando, we call him Doc, will take care of her needs.”

  “Perfect. Show me. My men will bring her onboard.”


  Port of Manzanillo, Mexico

  ALLEGRA LISTENED TO the groan of an engine. She swayed precariously on her bed. Her mind told her something was wrong but couldn’t focus on what it was. Her body was numb, yet she felt as if ice-cold liquid was flowing through her veins. She tried to rise, but her body wouldn’t move. She was vaguely aware of a face before her. Then she succumbed once more to her dreams.

  Armando stared at the beautiful woman who lay before him. She had long bedraggled curly hair. Makeup smudged dark circles around her eyes. Her eyeliner left a trail of grey down her cheeks.

  She looked up for a moment trying to rise or to place his face, then fell back as he injected a drug into her system. Sr. Alejandro said put the pills in her water, but he preferred needles. He was surprised she didn’t react to the patch over his left eye. He knew his muscular body was attractive, but the visible scars, a leftover from torture, and the loss of his eye made most women flinch.

  He would clean her up once she was settled in the First Officer’s stateroom.

  There was a story with her, he was sure. But like the Captain, Armando did not need to know. He had spent many years fighting in Latin America. Armando worked with FARC for the rights of the poor in Columbia; but in reality, they were part of drug trafficking and terrorism. That’s where he learned how to stitch up fellow combatants and earned the name of Doc.

  She groaned in her sleep. Doc hardened his heart, as he’d had to do most of his life to survive. He made sure her constraints were tight and then motioned to the armed men to lift her from the ambulance.

  A fifteen thousand US dollar bonus would make any man look the other way.


  GABRIEL STOOD AT the floor-to-ceiling glass windows in his father’s office. He missed his dad, and he found himself talking to him as if he was still here.

  It was his first time back in his father’s space since the funeral. His mother, surrounded by friends and family, knew Gabe needed time to pick up the pieces of the legacy his father had created for him.

  A Stanford MBA had been his father’s dream, and so he had gone after it. All Gabriel wanted was to make money. He was shocked to know how his father was making so much money but with the business and political climate in Mexico, he shouldn’t have been surprised.

  As he went through the motions of organizing his dad’s messages and mail, his mind wandered to Allegra. He knew there was nothing he could do. It was now in the hands of Samuel Ramirez Ortega, her natural father, the President of Mexico.

  In case they failed, and he needed the cash to satisfy the drug lord, he used the codes his father had made him memorize and logged into the Cayman bank accounts.

  Stunned, he double-checked the account numbers. Then, he looked for the account set up for his mother. It couldn’t be. Empty. Both of them. Completely empty. He was about to log-off when he decided to check the history of the accounts. Sure enough, his ten million dollars was there the day his father told him to memorize the account numbers. The next day, when he spoke with El Guapo, the money was gone.

  His mother’s account had twenty-five million dollars. Now empty! How is that possible?

  “Don’t roll over in your grave papa. I will get revenge. It will be my purpose in life. Guapo killed you as surely as if he shot you. I will make it my life mission to see that he is destroyed.”

  Gabriel walked purposely from his father’s study.


  ALICE LEANED UP against the sweet girl, Adriana. They were both afraid, so Alice took her hand as her mother used to do for her and told Adriana everything would be good.

  Alice had run before. She knew bad guys were always after her and mommy. Samaar’s, daughter knew how to be still and quiet, so they would not notice her. She believed with all her heart that mommy would come and get her soon.

  Adriana stirred as the large vehicle came to a stop.

  “Where are we? I want to go home. I miss my momma.”

  “Shh,” Alice whispered cuddling closer.

  The other passengers awoke in various stages of anger and fear.

  “I can smell the sea. And the storm is so loud. Maybe we stop because there is a hurricane coming.” Now all were alert and afraid of the elements. What would happen to them if there were a hurricane?

  Abruptly the back doors opened to a pitch-black night. Alice could smell rotting fish guts. This was not like Yelapa. Here there were lots of people, sick bad men with guns. My mommy will fix this, she thought to herself.

  “Vamonos, everyone out. Follow this man here. He will take you for food and water.”

  Alice held tight to Adriana as they walked down steps to the road. Ahead of her was a monster ship. She had never seen such a big boat.


  Adriana shrieked. “We are prisoners! These are bad men!” She pulled away from Alice and started to run.

  “Grab her! No one moves until we have that girl.”

  They caught up with her, falling on the slippery pavement. It was late at night, and there was no one down on the docks to witness their plight. They smacked Adriana hard, and she fell face forward. Her wails were cut off by the hand of a big ugly man. He cursed as she bit him, and he was about to smack her again when a voice rang out.

  “Stop!! Leave that girl alone. Let me see her. Now!” One of El Guapo’s men studied the captives.

  “Let me check her out.”

  “No, not this one. This child is at least eight.”

  “Let me see the girls one by one. I am looking for a four-year-old.”

  Alice understood English and Spanish and feared this man was looking for her. She tried to hide behind a fatter lady, but a bad guy pulled her out.

  “Is this who you’
re looking for?”

  “Bring her here and put a light on her face.”

  Little Alice stood bravely as she knew her mother would expect.

  “Yes, this is the one. I will take this child now.”

  Jorge turned away to communicate with Alex who was on the bridge with the Captain.

  “Si, Si, uh huh, okay.” El Guapo turned to Mme Anjou.

  “We are ready and will accompany you to the airport.”

  “Let’s get out of here. This weather is atrocious. I far prefer French Polynesia or Bali.”

  They disembarked and fought the elements to the waiting vehicle. Guapo grabbed Alice, checked her again against the photo he had, and shoved her between two men in the back of a truck. Mme. Anjou took her own vehicle. The convoy headed towards Manzanillo Airport.


  Somewhere off the Pacific Coast of Mexico

  “HEY COWBOY. What’s new?”

  “Mike. How’s it going, Commander?”

  “All’s good here Luke. The boys and I thought we’d take a vacation in Mexico. Brought the new toy.” US Special Operations Command and sub-maker General Dynamics Electric Boat had partnered up to develop a dry submersible mini-submarine. It was designed to dry-deliver Navy SEALs into hostile, high-threat areas beneath the surface of the ocean.

  “Looks like you and the President of Mexico have a problem. We’re here to give you a hand.

  “Thanks, bud, I knew we could count on you. I promise you lots of Sex on the Beach when it’s all over.” RB and Zach laughed. Some things never changed. A group of SEALs and Navy boys never take life too seriously. They’d lost too many brothers to live for anything except right now.

  “Ha-ha. Okay, here’s the plan. We are ten miles from the docks. I’m sending through a map. We’ll be waiting by 02:45. Signal in the usual manner when you’re ten minutes out. We’ll meet at the rendezvous. We’ve got some cool toys to share. Who are we meeting?”


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