Book Read Free


Page 7

by Lynda Filler

  “I’m sending Lorena, Luci, and Tasha.”

  “Are you kidding me? Three girls? WTF Raven!”

  It’s a good thing the girls weren’t paying attention.

  “Just yanking your chain. I picked Luci up once before, and I know her rep. Lorena worked on our Task Force to take down Bin Laden; and Tasha, isn’t she that Army Ranger chick that faked the fail?”

  “What? How do you know she faked the fail?”

  “Ha-ha, you think you’re the only one, Luke Raven, who knows what’s up. They really wanted that girl in the Army Rangers. But everyone knows with the connections you have, what Raven wants, Raven gets!”

  “Yeah, well, she’s good.”

  “I know. I think you’re trying to create your own “Charlie’s Angels.” I speak for my boys when I say we can’t wait to play, I mean work, with your team.” Everyone laughed.

  “Work is the right word! See you soon.”

  “Okay, we touch down in fifteen.”


  Manzanillo International Airport

  “I’M SORRY MADAME. We have a technical problem at Air Traffic Control. The storm has knocked out some of our communications. You can’t take off for forty-five minutes.”

  “What are you talking about? Of course, we’re taking off. Do you see anyone else on the runway? Are there any other planes private or commercial, taking off at this hour?”

  “No. Of course not. It’s the middle of the night.”

  “That is correct. I’m ordering my pilot to take off right this minute! Whatever problem you have, fix it. It does not concern me or my plane.”

  “Woo. Tell the pilot to take off. What are they going to do, shoot me down? What time is it?”

  “It is 02:43.”

  Mme Anjou looked over at the sleeping child. She did look like her mother, that bitch. How would she use her now that she had her? A bidding war for her in the Middle East or perhaps some of her contacts in Russia would be interested in a little perversion. Or maybe offer her back to Raven for the OPM information. There is no way he would have destroyed all that hard work. He would have copied it, placed it in a secure place before wiping out all the information Woo had assembled.

  Decisions. Decisions.

  After a hard takeoff, they were cruising at 35,000 feet.

  “I’ll have some champagne, Woo. It’s time to celebrate!”


  Outside the City of Manzanillo,

  THEY LANDED THEIR S-97’s on a desolate section of Hwy 200. No one in their right mind would be traveling these roads in the middle of the night with hurricane-level winds.

  Raven got out with the three women; their weapons held firmly. The rest of the team stood watch as the four headed towards a break in the fence. An obscure rocky path led ten meters down towards the ocean and a small dock with a petrol station.

  Raven signaled to Commander Mike Andrews who was out of sight from the Highway. He immediately showed himself and indicated all was well. Team two, Lorena, Luci and Tasha proceeded quickly down the path, jumped into the waiting RIB boats painted with the washed out Mexican Marine insignia on their side, and headed out to sea.

  Raven motioned to the rest of the team to move out.

  Communications check. Both teams were in touch. The plan was to land in an empty parking lot near the docks, go for the surrender of Guapo’s men but barring that, engage. While they were fighting, Team Two would approach from the ocean coming in by RIB and take the kidnapped women and children under their care out of the way of fire. Raven felt that seeing three women would lessen their fear and they’d be more apt to follow orders.

  If the hostages were on board, Team Two would come in alongside the ship, and while Team One distracted the cartel, they could board the boat and take control of the victims.

  Using GPS, Team One dropped into the downtown industrial area at 03:25. They were five minutes away. Something was coming through on his secure communications network. It was satellite images of the city.

  “Guys. We have a challenge.”

  “What’s up boss?” Zach queried.

  “The latest images show no ship in port.”

  “Let me text HQ before we proceed. We need to know where the players are. Wait, there’s a call coming in.”

  “It’s on a secure line, must be Sam.”

  “Raven. Where are you? I’ve been trying to get through to you for the last half hour. They’re gone. The ship left port at shortly after three. We were able to put a tracker on one of the trucks of El Guapo’s team. But the passengers were loaded quickly, and they’re out to sea.”

  “Damn! This calls for plan B. Sam I need you to authorize the S-97’s to drop us onto the ship. We’ve got Team Two out there to coordinate boarding the ship at sea.”

  “Yes. Do whatever it takes! I want Allegra back now! I’m surprised anything could sail in that weather. The price must be right. We know for sure there are no hostages left with the cartel, so we will take care of them from our end.”

  “Okay, Sam. Over.”

  “Plan B. Get Mike Andrews online for me STAT.”


  LUCI OVERHEARD THE conversation Mike had with Raven.

  “Okay, let’s have it.”

  “Our plan has changed. Looks like we’re no longer a glorified water taxi service! We get to play.”

  Mike smiled at Luci. He remembered how cautious she’d been with the little lady Alice who clung to her dolly like a lifeline. Mike saved Luci’s life once and wasn’t about to let the cartels take little Alice. He had a team of four Navy SEALs on board and enough equipment to mount a moving cargo ship. It wouldn’t be easy. But then everyone knew the only easy day was yesterday.

  “Lorena, Tasha, I know you both have skills in hand-to-hand. We have no idea how many crew members are on board or how skilled they are. What’s your killing instrument of choice ladies?”

  Luci spoke first, “Mine’s a knife or my hands.”

  Lorena added, “I like a display of force, an AK-47 is where I’m at home. Fully automatic. Take no prisoners.”

  “What about you Tasha?”

  “I like my Sig, but I’m really good at Krav Maga. Bring them on! I’m ready!”

  “Who’s quickest at climbing?”

  “No question, I am!” Luci stated. “I can get up the side of that ship like I move up the side of buildings. Fast, efficient and quiet. Then I’ll secure the ropes for the rest to move up. Commander, I’ll be in charge if it’s all the same with you. No, to answer your unasked question. My emotions go stone cold when I’m pissed. They’ve got my child, and I’m getting her back!”

  Luci could see Mike hesitate. His team remained at ease waiting to see where this would go.

  “I also worked with Mossad, part of a killing squad. We routinely rescued Americans and Europeans who were stupid enough to sail their yachts close to the pirate territory. I’ve taken back fifteen vessels and killed over fifty Somali pirates. I’m qualified.” Luci spoke defiantly.

  “That settles it then.” Mike tapped in his secure cell to advise Raven of the plan.

  “ETA on board ship is thirty minutes.”


  “WHAT DO YOU think of the product Jorge?”

  Jorge, Alex, and two security men drove like maniacs through the streets of Manzanillo. No one in their right mind would be out in this tempest. Everything was black and dangerously flooded.

  “Tastes good boss.” Jorge never admitted to using. He thought it would make him appear weak. He smiled, foot on the metal, careening around corners. The guys in the back were gripping the handholds, and Alex laughed.

  “Hey what kind of wimps are you guys? Everything okay behind us?”

  “Yeah, all looks good. Smooth operation. Now we need to continue north to Colima. We can secure the cargo in a warehouse and continue tomorrow night. I’ve got everyone paid off all the way to the border town. I don’t want to be on the road tonight any longer than we have to be.”

��No problem Guapo!” They continued on the Highway another fifteen minutes.

  “Bet you’re gonna wish you’d kept Miss Jalisco. She was hot!”

  “Nah, too much trouble. The girl's dad’s a judge. Even if he’s on the payroll, it’s a complication we don’t need. If we didn’t have those losses in the Chinese market crash, we could have had some fun and sent her home. This way I sell her and get the money instead. Expensive pussy!” The boys laughed.

  “Anyways, the Contador is dead. I need to find someone else to launder our cash. I cleaned out his accounts, so that wasn’t a bad payday. That’s what happens when you make money from dirty money, a storm comes along, and the money is washed away!” Everyone guffawed.

  “Hey, boss, it looks like an accident up ahead. Call behind to slow down. Don’t want the tanker to spin out.”

  Along the coast of the Pacific, black Sierra Madres towered to their right. It looked like a vehicle had rolled off the highway. Partially spun around facing the wrong way, and part of the truck was listing over the edge of a cliff.

  “Wowzers! Can we stop and look? Maybe just for fun, give the truck a pushover and watch it fall two hundred meters into the sea!”

  They were so busy rubbernecking they didn’t see the fifty Special Ops troops until it was too late. Jorge saw them first. They were thirty meters up the highway behind a wall of clear impenetrable barriers.

  “What the hell?”

  “Oh shit!!”

  The troops were only there for cleanup. One of the hi-tech companies Raven owned was working on some new drone technology. Might as well test it on a worthy cause.

  In the blink of an eye, two GMC SUV’s and one battered oil tanker were obliterated.

  The Spec Ops guys were speechless.

  Tapping communication gear, a voice said: “Whatever you have seen and heard tonight stays here. Understood? Any leaks, you will suffer the consequences.” Double clicks came in acknowledgement of a voice few would ever hear in combat.

  “I told you I’m serious about cleaning up the cartels and I mean it! Now bulldoze this mess into the ocean. And you know how to set fire to take care of the rest. Keep your masks on. I understand inhaling heroin is bad for your health.”

  Samuel Ramirez Ortega, the President of Mexico, returned to his helicopter, destination Mexico City.


  Port of Manzanillo, Mexico

  TWO SIKORSKY HELOS took off from the deserted Marina parking area. Luke and Zach boarded the first, RB and George, the second. Luke had no idea if the crew of the Green Star was armed and dangerous or simply sailors working for the shipping company. They would come in from three directions. Luci, Tasha and Maggs would keep the crew off kilter if need be, while they repelled from the helicopters. If there was high resistance to one SK, the other two teams were still able to get the job done.

  “Raven, good to go.”

  “Here, too. I’m checking with our satellite to see the body layouts. Will get back to you in two minutes, RB. Everyone suited up for the party?”

  “Yeah, we know how to roll. Ready for anything.”

  “We have the ship on the radar, not too far out yet. With this fast beast and the SDV, we want to rendezvous in fifteen minutes. Let me connect with Mike.”

  “Mike, Raven here and RB on the other S-97. I’ve got heat signatures. Forty-four in one hold, tight. One in what could be the First Mate’s Cabin, and ten crew. Four on deck. Six sleeping. Sat photos coming through.”

  “Got them.” Mike showed what he had to Lorena, Luci, and Tasha.

  RB and George signaled receipt.

  “Okay, here’s the plan. Sam is sending a Mexican Marine Coast Guard boat to take on the passengers. We will try to capture the Captain. The Mexican government will know how to question him. The crew we send to the fishes with their ship!”



  Guadalajara, Mexico. Middle of the night.

  GABE PACED HIS father’s office. Ever since Allegra had been taken, he couldn’t sleep. Gabriel thought about all his dreams for them, and the plans he’d made. Gabe realized that all the ideas had been his plans. She’d nodded but really, now that he looked back, being a Princess in Guadalajara society was not her dream.

  Gabriel vowed that when he got Allegra back, he would listen to her. He would honor her wishes. Whatever she wanted for herself in this life, he would give her. Marriage could wait. Hell, with his life in disarray, and his father’s business a mess, they could both travel. Maybe live in Europe for a year. Whatever Allegra wants.

  His father’s private line rang.


  “Ah Gabriel, I thought I might find you there. Listen, I don’t want to call the judge at this hour or wake up Maria Consuelo, so I will update you.” Gabriel was pulled from his thoughts as he recognized the voice of the President of Mexico.

  “Yes sir, what’s happening?”

  “For one thing El Guapo and his Lieutenants are dead. This information is not for the public, so please keep it quiet. His shipment is destroyed. The challenge we face is that Allegra and the others are on board the Green Star. And the ship had sailed by the time we arrived.”


  “Relax Gabriel. My friends are SEALs, and they will get them back. We are more than halfway there. We know exactly where the victims are, and in another hour, all will be resolved.”

  “Thank you for letting me know sir.”

  “Another thing. I know about your finances. The judge filled me in. I have seized control of the accounts in the islands, and I will return both amounts to your name. I have transferred the money to a trustworthy bank in the Bahamas and will send you the information by secure server to your personal account. You don’t have to thank me. Consider it an engagement gift for you and Allegra.”

  “I was worried for my mother, thank you, sir. I don’t know how you do these things, but we are grateful.”

  “Well, being the President of Mexico has to have some benefits, no?”

  They both laughed.

  “Expect to hear from me in the next couple of hours.”

  “I will be waiting. Thank you, sir.”


  Somewhere in Iraq

  TARIQ MUMBLED HIS prayers. He thanked Allah for his life, the power he has assumed, the role he is playing in leading this great ISIS.

  Finished, his mind turned to more pressing issues. He hated the sand. Why couldn’t he have his headquarters in London, or Paris or Madrid? Desert. Sand. In his food, in his eyes, in his clothes.

  He knew he was being impossible to everyone around him, but he was merely anxious. He turned on his tablet and once again imagined this woman Allegra, in his life. She would be challenging. He liked that. She was a little old for his tastes, but change is good. The American girls were too irrational always whining and crying for mom and dad. This girl looked more independent. A different kind of challenge.

  “Ali! Come here.” Ali rushed to Tariq’s side. The ubiquitous AK-47 slung over his shoulder.

  “Once the satellite has passed, I want the boys training again. We need to be ready. I’m preparing to go to Europe. I have a package to bring back. We will have to plan this carefully. The package will not have papers.”

  “No worries Tariq. Our networks are strong. We can get anyone across borders. Everyone is afraid to cross us.”

  “Go. We will talk later.”

  Tariq arose, donned his kaffiyeh, the rope tightly secured to protect him against the elements. He fought the howling wind, as he made his way to his private quarters. He needed a woman right now.

  Tariq looked up. Where on earth was his newest bride-to-be right now?

  He pulled on his long beard. He would find Salina and have her prepare his bath. He was in the mood for whipping today. And she cringed and whimpered the most. Perfect.

  Enjoy your last days of freedom Allegra. I am coming for you.


  Pacific Ocean, Manzanillo

sp; BLACK MOON RISING. There was no visibility beyond the threatening clouds and sheets of rain of almost hurricane force. The Captain’s men were working hard and already over-tired. But when the cartels demand that you head back out to sea, storms or no storms, you go.

  “Manuel. Keep the deck mopped, or someone will have an accident.”

  The Captain wondered how sailors had worked in the past without electronics. He couldn’t see one hundred meters in front of him. This was a brutal run. It was not the first time for him to bring human cargo back from Mexico. But it was very risky. Still, two hundred and fifty thousand US dollars was too hard to resist.

  He sipped more coffee and checked his charts. This was going to be one rough ride.

  Down below the women and children were stretched out on mats in a big storage room. They had one latrine for all of them, and someone had plugged it already. Eight-year-old Adriana straightened her long black hair in the pink rubber band. She rubbed tears from her tired amber eyes.

  She was worried about her friend Alice. Where had she been taken? She heard someone say an airplane. But she didn’t see any aircraft. The Chinese woman wanted Alice, but she did not look at her with kindness. Adriana understood evil. And this woman was not a good person.

  Maybe these men would take her to a place that really wanted to love a little girl. She hoped they would be kind and not creepy like her mom’s boyfriend. At least here she did not have the smell of cigars and beer, and no stinky men trying to touch her.


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