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The Mir Chronicles- The Complete Series

Page 35

by Leisa Wallace

  Gideon’s arms dropped to his side. He took a step back and searched her face. “Eves, I—“

  “We need to be finding a key, don’t we?” Lena interrupted. She didn’t want to hear his excuses. She walked into the crowd. She didn’t look back, but she knew Gideon wasn’t following her. She quickly made her way across the courtyard hoping she wouldn’t cry the tears that were threatening to spill.

  She couldn’t figure out why she was so upset. She knew from the beginning that Gideon wasn’t an option. She shook her head and pushed her unstable emotions aside refocusing on the reason they had come. She needed to find the key. She needed to help Tern find Birdee.

  She needed to save Birdee.

  She looked around still not exactly sure what to look for. How did Suki expect her to find a key to this place? A man with a gold chain hanging from his pocket walked by. Lena had never seen him before but he gave the impression of power. The lens told her his name was Aldebaran. And that he was the one who bought the Priestess’ computer system from the Zoons.

  His eyes fell on Lena. He stopped mid-step turning to greet her.

  “Excuse me,” Aldebaran said. “I don’t believe I’ve had the opportunity of meeting you.” He spoke respectfully and grabbed her hand to kiss it. Lena felt heat rising to her cheeks. “I am Aldebaran, leader of the Genossian group here on Mir.”

  “Um, yes. I’m Essie.” Lena sputtered the first name that came to mind.

  “Essie.” Aldebaran nodded. His eyes fell on Lena’s neck, where her medallion hung. His eyes widened then relaxed just as quickly. “Welcome to the Genossian Consulate. I’d love to be able to show you around. But unfortunately my plate is already full. However. my sister’s child is here with me this evening—apparently on leave from his military training. Surely he wouldn’t mind showing around such a lovely thing as yourself, Ellie.”

  “It’s Essie,” Lena said under her breath. The man didn’t listen as he scanned the crowd. Lena wished she hadn’t left Gideon’s side. She searched for Gideon or Suki but saw neither.

  “Where is he? My nephew Lucius was at the top of his class at defense training. I’m sure he’d love to tell you all about it.” Aldebaran kept his eyes on Lena as he raised his hand and called for Lucius.

  Lena counted her breaths forcing herself to stay calm hoping it wasn’t the same Lucius who bullied her at the Training Facility. She wasn’t going to take any chances.

  “I’m fine, but thank you,” Lena said pulling away.

  Aldebaran gently pulled her back by the elbow. “It’s no bother, here he comes now. Lucius, I’d like to introduce you to Essie. She’s just arrived at the consulate.”

  To Lena’s dismay, it was the same Lucius who had bullied her at the Defense Facility. Luckily he had his eyes trained on his uncle and hadn’t noticed her. Lena quickly turned her back. As she spun, she stumbled on the edge of her heel. Leaning forward, she used her hair to veil her face.

  “Are you okay, dear girl?” Aldebaran asked, kneeling down to look at Lena’s ankle.

  “What is it, Uncle?” Lucius said, stepping up behind her. Lena felt her heart race. Lucius, the very recruit who had attacked her when she was working as a servant. The boy who had tormented her and then found out her true identity. The boy who had called the Priestess and, consequently, had Birdee captured. He was here and she was going to be caught.

  “Looks like this girl has been hurt. Can you find a place for her to sit?” Aldebaran asked his nephew.

  Lena kept her face averted from Lucius. Her eyes searched for an escape.

  “I’m not your errand boy,” Lucius said.

  “Lucius!” his uncle snapped at him under his breath. Before he could continue, another voice interrupted. It was a familiar voice and she felt a wave of relief.

  “I’m sorry,” Tarek said, his voice as calm as always. “Our friend isn't used to the atmosphere of Mir yet.” Tarek moved his body between Lucius and Lena’s. Lena looked up to see Tarek holding out his hand to her. She grabbed hold of it and stood. Suki stood next to him, also blocking Lucius’ view.

  Lena heard Lucius huff and his retreating footsteps.

  “Ambassador Aldebaran,” Tarek said. “Is there a room I can take my friend to sit for a moment?”

  “Of course,” Aldebaran said. He led the way. “Sorry about my nephew—my sister’s son. He’s only half Genosee and he takes after his father.” Aldebaran took them to a side door. Pulling out an access card, he opened a door that led into an empty hallway. He then led them to the first room on the left, which he also opened with a card. “Here you are Tarek. Say hello to your father for me, will you?”

  “Of course,” Tarek said, with a slight bow. He brushed past Aldebaran and led Lena into an ornate sitting room.

  The door closed. Lena flew into Tarek’s arms. “Tarek, you’re safe. What are you doing here? And how do you know Suki?” She pulled away from him. He seemed flustered by the sudden show of emotion from Lena.

  “Suki, you say?” Tarek turned towards Suki and gave her a small bow. “Nice to meet you.”

  Suki smiled and nodded, tilting her head to the side.

  “Stay here,” he instructed Lena. “Suki can answer your questions. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  Lena turned to Suki. “Honestly, what are the chances?” Suki said. “Your friend and I were dancing and I saw Gideon trying to catch my attention. You can imagine how shocked I was to find Tarek looking at him, too. We didn’t really introduce ourselves, but it was obvious that Gideon knew him. We didn’t have time to plan anything. But there was no doubt we were on the same team.”

  A few minutes later, Tarek entered followed by Tern and Gideon.

  “Gideon filled me in. I don’t think you’ll have much time before Aldebaran realizes his access card has been stolen.” Tarek looked at Suki who shrugged her shoulders and pulled the access card out of the top of her glove. “You’ll need to hurry,” Tarek said. “I must get back to the gathering. My absence will be noticed. I’ll try to keep the ambassador occupied while you get the information you need to find your friend.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Gideon opened a door and looked down the hallway. He grabbed Lena’s hand and motioned for the rest of the group to follow. Lena pulled her hand free and walked behind Gideon until they found an elevator at the end of the hall. Tern called for the elevator. The security system denied him access. Gideon scanned the card that Suki had pulled out of her glove earlier. The door opened and they all stepped inside.

  “Which floor Suki?” Gideon asked.

  Suki pushed the button to the level below them.

  “What is Tarek doing here?” Lena asked Gideon.

  “I haven’t had the chance to ask. But I would not be surprised if his father asked him to come since he was in The Port anyway,” Gideon answered.

  “Is Azara here, too?” Lena asked not looking at Gideon.

  “Azara?” Suki blurted out. “Like the girl you’re dating. That Azara?”

  “Yes, she’s here. I saw her dancing,” Gideon answered, ignoring Suki’s outburst.

  “Her brother is Tarek?” Suki said, with an interested smirk. “So, wait. These are the same two that were captured by the Cimmerians with you?” Suki’s eyes were wide. She looked at Gideon and whistled. “What are the chances that they’d be at the same party we were breaking into?”

  “Pretty high, actually, considering who their father is,” Gideon replied.

  The elevator door opened. “Where is security?” Suki whispered.

  Tern stepped out into the hallway. “They’ve all been relocated to the party,” Tern said, indicating it was safe to follow.

  Suki motioned them in the direction they should go. “Follow me,” she said. The group moved to the end of the hallway and turned right.

  Lena had her eyes fixed on Gideon’s back. He knew the whole time they were dancing that Azara was there. “Well, are you going to try and see her while you’re here?” Lena asked, trying
not to show her anger or jealousy. But it came through anyway.

  They kept moving down the hall, Suki in the lead looking for potential threats.

  “I don’t see any reason why I should,” Gideon answered tersely.

  Suki hushed them as they turned a corner.

  “The fact that she’s your girlfriend is one,” Lena countered, ignoring Suki. “Plus, you may not be seeing her for awhile, since—once you’re rid of me—you’re leaving to do your own thing. Whatever that is.”

  “We’re here,” Suki said, cutting Lena off.

  Turning in front of a locked door, Gideon scanned the card to open it. The door slid open and they all shuffled inside, conversation put on hold. The control room was filled with computers. Lena felt out of her element. These computers were technologically different than what she was used to. They lined the walls. There was only one computer that looked familiar. There was no question that this was the system the Zoons had sold to the Genossians.

  Lena hurried to the computer punching in codes and scanning her insignia. A hologram opened in front of her. She bypassed security screen after security screen until she found the prisons. Then she typed in Birdee’s name. The four of them sat around the screen shocked.

  The footage showed Birdee, laying on top a tower that stood in the center of a city. Lena estimated that the tower was about thirty feet tall. On top of the structure was a small horizontal ledge, only big enough for Birdee’s curled up body to lay on. Her arms were cuffed behind her. Purple bruises covered her face, and her eye barely opened due to the swelling around it.

  Tern gasped.

  Gideon cursed under his breath. “She’s using Birdee as an example. A warning to those who stand against her,” Gideon said.

  “A warning to us,” Lena added.

  Tern didn’t speak. His eyes oscillated between anger and worry. He grabbed the edge of the table. His hand gripped it so hard his knuckles turned white.

  “Did you get a hit on her location?” Suki asked.

  Lena typed something else into the computer. The computer instantly brought up an image of a curved courtyard. At the side, a magnificent stately building towered towards the heavens with a gorge running behind it.

  “She’s in Ebon,” Gideon said. “That is Selene’s home. Look at this gorge that runs through Ebon. At the bottom of this gorge is a prison. I suspect anyone they took from the facility is in there.”

  Lena pulled up more security footage. Several guards stood in front of the tower.

  Suki stepped forward. “It looks like there is a forcefield over that tower. Nothing we can’t get through. We’ll take a glider and fly right up to get her. Her cuffs probably have a code attached to them. Lena, you can probably get through them with your tricky little all-access pass. Easy in, easy out. We can save her without a problem.”

  “Except I’m leaving,” Lena said.

  The room went quiet. Tern took a step away from the console visibly shaking. His hand clenched and unclenched at his side. And at the same time, his eyes filled with tears.

  Lena’s eyes filled with tears as well. “Maybe I can go...”

  “No,” said Tern. “You need ta go. You need ta be safe. I’ll figure out a way ta free her.”

  Lena blinked and this time, she couldn’t stop the tear that slid down her cheek. Tern nodded his head. “We don’ have much time. Find out what ya can about Gideon’s father.”

  Lena nodded and sniffed back her tears. Moving her fingers as quickly as she could, she exited the screen showing Birdee and began typing in commands to search for anything to do with Zeke’s odd behavior. Her eyes whipped over the screen, opening page after page. She stopped at an image of a destroyed outpost.

  Gideon let out an audible sigh. He placed his hand on her back. “Is that where I think it is?” He asked. Lena only nodded in response. It was the same facility that was bombed and had a server stolen. Back when they were at the Defense Training Facility, she, Birdee, Jonah had been assigned to study the footage of the stolen server. On the footage they had seen Thora with the server in Everleigh.

  “Thora has it. Thora has the information about your father,” Lena said.

  They heard a throat clear behind them. Lena jumped and turned. Aldebaran stood in the doorway blocking their escape.

  “You are full of intrigue, young Adhara,” Aldebaran stated.

  Lena raised her hands. The others did the same. Gideon and Suki both looked ready to fight, but they back down when they saw he wasn’t there for a fight.

  Aldebaran looked calm and collected. “You bypassed the Priestess’ system in a matter of moments,” Aldebaran said, stepping towards them. His hands were clasped casually behind his back as he studied Lena.

  “Evangeline Adhara,” he said. Everyone tensed at the name, causing Aldebaran to chuckle. He held up his empty hands and moved around the perimeter of the room. “I promise, I am no threat to you or your friends. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions.”

  “Suspicions?” Lena questioned, lowering her hands.

  “Yes, that the famous Evangeline Adhara had outsmarted the Priestess and has the help of the Priestess’ own son.” He turned a curious gaze to Gideon. “Captain Merak, I assume?”

  Gideon didn’t respond. He crossed his arms over his chest and flexed his arms beneath his suit coat.

  “I suspected it was you when I saw the medallion around your neck. I just needed confirmation, which is why I called to my nephew, Lucius. When you hid from him, my suspicions were all but confirmed. I followed you myself to see what information you were seeking. I didn’t imagine you’d be able to break past all the security the Priestess has in her system. But you did it with ease.”

  Lena shrugged. “I didn’t do it alone.”

  “Dorrijan is alive, isn’t he? He helped you do this?” Aldebaran stated. Lena noticed the name again, the man she once knew as Dorry seemed to be well known among rulers. “There is only one man I know smart enough to bypass the Priestess’ system. And that is the man who created it.”

  Lena stood taller, refusing to answer.

  Aldebaran smiled. “Ah, I see you’re trying to protect your friend. I believe he goes by the name Dorry here on Mir. You don’t need to worry. He and I are old acquaintances,” Aldebaran prattled. “I’m not surprised he’s still alive, though the Priestess keeps a tight leash on him. Sometime, you should look into the story of the great Dorrijan. He saved an entire world, you know.”

  “What are you going to do with us?” Suki asked.

  “I am going to do nothing with you. I am going rejoin my party. I invite you to do the same. I don’t need to tell you this room is off limits.” He opened his arm and swung it towards the door. “After you,” Aldebaran said.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The four formed a line and walked into the hall. The door slid to the control room shut behind Aldebaran.

  “You’re not going to arrest us?” Suki asked.

  They followed Aldebaran to the elevator. The doors opened and the five of them climbed inside.

  “I have nothing to gain by arresting you. But much to gain if I let you go and you succeed in rescuing your friend.”

  “How so?” Lena asked, even though Gideon, Suki, and Tern seemed on edge.

  “You see, I know about you, Evangeline. A lot of people know about you, and how you threaten the Priestess’ reign.”

  “Why do you know, or care, for that matter?” Suki asked. “This isn’t your world.”

  “It is always wise to know your enemies weaknesses. And the Priestess puts great value on what she thinks you threaten. You threaten her reign. And in turn show her weakness. A weak person cannot influence the treaties that govern The Port. Genosee is one of many planets that would like to control The Port. So, as you can see, it’s beneficial to help you.”

  “You want the Priestess to lose control of Mir?” Suki asked.

  “I want to control the treaty,” Aldebaran stated. “Which I cannot do with the inf
luence the Priestess has on the council.”

  “Why are you telling us this?” Gideon asked. “You know I’m her son.”

  “The son that defied her. I doubt she holds much motherly sentiment for you. I’m telling you this because it’s no secret—the person or planet that controls Mir controls the interplanetary treaties.”

  “And you want to be that person?” Gideon asked.

  The elevator doors opened.

  “I’m not the only one,” Aldebaran stated, standing in the open doorway. “You, Evangeline, have a great deal of power all on your own. You defy her. You both do.” He looked between Gideon and Lena. “You, without knowing it, have given people hope for change. Word is being whispered that Evangeline Adhara lives. That she defied the Priestess. Again. We’re all anxious to see what you will do next.”

  Lena swallowed. She didn’t know what to think. If she left, like Gideon wanted, what would happen to those people she had given hope to? She again resolved to find a way to stay before the night was over.

  “Uncle I...” Lucius stepped into the opening of the elevator door. His eyes bulged as he recognized his uncle’s companions. They stood silently staring at each other, the only sound was their heavy breathing. Gideon stared, Lucius sneered. Everyone stood tense. Lucius was the last person Lena ever thought or wanted to see again. Yet here he stood, a plague on her life. She’d never seen anyone look so angry as Lucius did at that moment. Every muscle in his face was clenched in rage.

  “Lucius,” Aldebaran said, holding out his hand in a placating manner.

  “Guards,” Lucius screamed.

  Gideon moved fast. He shoved Aldebaran out of the elevator and into Lucius, knocking Lucius down. Spinning around Gideon pressed the button for the elevator doors to close and lock. He put his arm protectively in front of Lena. Standing with his knees bent he faced the elevator doors and readied himself for whatever fight was next.


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