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The Mir Chronicles- The Complete Series

Page 36

by Leisa Wallace

  “We’ve got to get out of here,” Gideon said, as the elevator descended. “Tern do you know a way out?”

  “I’ll find one,” he said.

  The doors opened to a cement hallway. Tern took off running at full speed. The others took off after him. At the end of the hall they turned right. It was a dead end. They went down the opposite hallway. It was another dead end.

  Tern beckoned them to be silent. He turned his head slightly down the hall as if listening to something. Lena strained to hear what he did, but heard nothing. Looking up at the ceiling, he pointed. Large pipes lined the ceiling. Tern immediately helped Suki onto the top of one of the pipes. Tucking her long skirt beneath her, Suki lay flat on the pipe, balancing on its width. Tern pulled himself up behind her and flattened himself on the same pipe. Gideon helped Lena up. She gathered her flowing dress tight around her hips and bunched it in front of her. Laying down on the pipe, she gripped the fabric in one hand to keep it from draping over the sides of the pipe where it would be seen, and kept her balance with the other hand. The pipe was big but didn’t completely hide them. Lena lay as quietly as she could silently cursing the dress’ flowing skirt. She stared at Tern then heard the elevator doors open.

  Aldebaran’s voice echoed through the cement hallway. “Remember, Lucius. You hold no power here in The Port. Defense Soldier or not, you do not have the authority to go outside your bounds here, boy. You or these Defense soldiers you brought with you. If you do, you’ll ruin the treaties that are about to be formed making the Priestess mad. She will take it out on your father. And you will be responsible for ruining his place in her court. Then what will you do?”

  “I can make my way on my own, Uncle. I don’t need to have my father’s influence. Anyway, he’s on probation with the Priestess after his illegal inspection on the facility. I don’t believe he’ll be in power long. Unless he finds the girl of Everleigh himself,” Lucius responded.

  Lena heard many heavy footsteps moving towards their hiding place. Tern motioned for them to stay completely silent. Lena didn’t dare breath.

  Aldebaran, Lucius, and several Defense soldiers were right underneath them. She couldn’t see from where she was on the pipe but she guessed that there were about five men below her. She bit her lip. She needed a breath but didn’t dare. Her lungs ached.

  Lucius’ voice came from right beneath her. “Keep looking for her. Don’t stop until you find her. Do you hear?” The soldiers divided themselves among the hallways and she heard Aldebaran and Lucius talking about checking security footage as they went back to the elevator. Lena slowly exhaled, and as quietly as possible took as big a breath as she could.

  After minutes of silence, Tern jumped down and snuck along the halls edge signaling them to stay put. Lena’s legs cramped where she balanced them on the pipe. She stretched them behind her, kicking Gideon’s face in the process. He swatted her foot to the side. Minutes later, Tern returned. Reaching up, he grabbed for Suki and helped her down. He did the same for Lena. Gideon jumped down on his own.

  “They’re checking all the rooms,” Tern said. “Hurry.” Tern led the way back up the same hall they’d taken to get there.

  “How did the Defenses get here so fast?” Lena whispered as they ran.

  “I don’t know,” Gideon said. “They could have already been inside The Port monitoring the party.”

  “But they have no jurisdiction here,” Lena said.

  “Lena, I don’t know, and now is not exactly a good time to figure it out,” Gideon snapped.

  They reached the elevator when Lena heard the sound of the soldiers running towards them from both adjacent halls. The buzz of the elevator signaled it was descending.

  Tern pushed Lena towards Gideon. “Hide her,” he said pointing to the stairs that ran alongside the elevator.

  Gideon grabbed Lena’s hand and pulled her into the stairwell. Pushing her to the ground, Gideon motioned her to the empty space under the stairs. Lena scrambled into the hiding place. Her dress got caught under her knees. She yanked on it and heard it tear. She scooted so her back was against the wall. Gideon slid in beside her, folding his body to fit in the tight enclosure.

  “What about Tern and Suki?” Lena whispered in a panic.

  Gideon placed his finger to his lips and motioned for her to listen. She heard Tern’s voice. He was still by the elevator.

  “Ya ready ta create a diversion?” he asked.

  “Absolutely,” Suki responded.


  “Stay where you are,” a soldier yelled.

  Lena froze. Gideon placed a calming hand on her leg.

  “Where are your friends?” The soldier asked.

  Lena wished she could see. Gideon pushed her further into the empty space. Her head hit the undersides of the stairs and her shoulder pushed against the wall.

  “Our friends?” asked Suki, her voice held a mixture of innocence and mockery. “I don’t recall having any friends. Do you?” she asked Tern.

  “Let me see. Friends...” Tern hummed for a moment. “Na. Absolutely no friends tha’ I can think of. Well, except for you, of course. Do ya count as a friend or not?” he asked her.

  “That’s a good question,” she replied. “We did just meet.”

  “Stop it,” the soldier yelled. “There were two more people with you. Where are they?”

  “Oh, them,” Suki said. “They got bored of this party and decided to bolt. They heard the Allayan consulate had free drinks.”

  “Move,” he said cutting her off.

  “I actually like where I’m living,” Suki said. “How about you?”

  “I actually was thinkin’ of findin’ somewhere new. Last place was a little crowded fer me.”

  “Bummer,” Suki said.

  Lena heard the sound of someone being hit. Tern grunted. Was Tern being hit, or did he grunt when he was hitting?

  “Owe,” Tern said. “That was uncalled for.”

  A gun went off and Suki screamed. She heard someone fall to the ground. Lena’s eyes went wide and she bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming out. Gideon wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pressed his hand over her mouth.

  “If you keep diverting the questions, I’ll shoot her other leg. Pick her up and get moving,” the soldier said. Lena heard Suki whimper as Tern picked her up. “Take them to Lucius and search every floor. She’s here somewhere.”

  Lena stayed silent until she no longer heard their footsteps. Gideon released her mouth and pulled himself from under the stairs. Sliding out after him, she wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Lucius has them,” she said. “Suki—she’s been shot.” Lena’s hands were shaking.

  Gideon faced her and took her hands in his.

  “He’ll turn them over to Selene,” Lena said.

  “Calm down,” he said. “We’re not going to let Lucius take them.” Gideon grabbed her hand. “Come on.” He ran up the stairs pulling Lena behind him, taking the stairs two at a time. At the top of the stairs was a door that opened onto the upper level of the courtyard. The door was set in the wall that went around the consulate. The music still played below and the crowd seemed to be louder and more relaxed than the last time she’d heard them. Gideon, still holding Lena’s hand, pulled her along the edges of the wall.

  Lena saw Lucius first. She pulled on Gideon’s hand to stop. Lucius spotted them and came toward them. Gideon yanked on Lena’s hand to run. They only got a few steps when a Defense soldier materialized from the shadows and planted himself in front of them. Looking over her shoulder, Lena saw another Defense soldier behind them. Lucius pushed back his suit coat to reveal a gun. The Defense soldiers had their guns holstered but had their hands on the handles. They were surrounded.

  “That’s the funny thing about security systems,” Lucius said. “When you know where to look, you can find practically anybody.”

  Lena braced herself. Widening her stance, she readied herself to fight.

  Lucius raised his eyeb
rows like he was amused. “I have your friends. On my word, they will both be shot. Unless you come to me without a fight.”

  Lena stayed silent. Moving her eyes, she analyzed the situation. She and Gideon could fight three people and win with ease. But would they shoot Suki and Tern? She looked to Gideon, he also scanned the soldiers and Lucius. Gideon relaxed, Lena raised her hands.

  “Take the Captain and put him with the others,” Lucius ordered. “I’ll keep Lena with me. I want to present her to the Priestess myself.”

  Lena jerked her eyes to Gideon. He looked panicked. Both soldiers enclosed him and grabbed his arms. As they pulled him away, she could see his fear. She felt it too, but she didn’t know if it was the fear of facing the Priestess or of loosing Gideon.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Lena stood on the top of the stairs that looked down on the courtyard below. Lucius stood next to her. His gun was still hidden in his suit coat, but now he pressed it into her side. Party goers barely gave her a passing glance before returning to their cocktails and dancing. It would have looked to them like Lucius was escorting her through the party. Nobody would know she was being held captive. Lena’s eyes were focused straight ahead.

  Aldebaran stood in the distance talking to some guests. As if feeling eyes upon him, he stopped talking, turned and looked towards Lena. Straightening his posture, he glanced back and forth between Lucius and her. She couldn’t read his emotions, he only looked curious as to what might happen next.

  Lucius pointed to the far side of the courtyard just opposite them. “Are you ready to meet the Priestess?” he whispered. Lena felt her heart stop beating. She looked towards where Lucius pointed. She didn’t dare move. From the entrance opposite Lena, the crowd began to split, and as they did silence followed. Clicking footsteps could be heard above the quieting crowd. The Priestess was here.

  Selene moved straight towards Lena. Her form-fitting gown fanning out behind her as she walked. Her hair was in a tight bun on top of her head making her eyes seem even more daunting. Her walk commanded the attention of all. The crowd silenced as she passed. Lena half expected the large man at the gate to be with her, but Selene was unaccompanied.

  Lena clenched her hands into fists at her side. Lucius leaned in so close to her ear, she felt the moistness of his breath. She shuddered under his touch. “You aren’t so tough now, are you, servant?” he whispered.

  The clicking of the Priestess’ shoes pierced Lena’s ears as Selene climbed the stairs. The Priestess stopped one step below her. She lifted her hand and brushed her finger under Lena’s chin. With a sudden surge, the Priestess slapped the side of Lena’s face. Lena’s head whipped to the side. The throbbing started instantly.

  “Did you really think you could elude me?” she sneered, taking the final step up. She laughed causing Lena’s veins to feel frozen. “You are nothing. Your dad was nothing. And you are going to die knowing it. Bring me the others,” Selene demanded.

  A door in the wall of the courtyard opened. Soldiers pushed Gideon into the center of the crowd, a gun pressed into his side. Two guards dragged Suki between them. Her leg bled freely, dripping onto the cobbled stones of the courtyard. Tern walked next to her with a Defense soldier behind him.

  Something inside Lena surged to the surface. Her friends were going to be imprisoned by Selene. Images of Birdee lying helpless on the tower flashed through her mind. She wouldn’t let this happen. She needed to act. Now.

  “My name is Evageline Adhara,” she yelled. Her words caught in her throat. Her heart pounded. The Priestess snapped her head towards Lucius to silence her. Lucius yanked on her arm, pulling her backward and away from the crowd. She cleared her throat again and tugged against Lucius’ pull straining towards the people on the court below. “My name is Evangeline Adhara,” she yelled. “Daughter of the murdered General Marcus and Lillyanne Adhara. I seek sanctuary,” she yelled.

  Selene grabbed Lena’s cheeks with one hand and pressed against the sides of her jaw. “You will be silent,” Selene said. “Did you really think you were are so important that other worlds would help you?” Lena jerked her head away from Selene’s grip.

  “I will not be silent,” Lena said. “And I will do everything in my power to stop you from hurting any more of the people I love.”

  “Not if you are dead,” Selene said. She motioned to Lucius to take her away. She felt the tug on her arm but held her ground refusing to let Lucius lead her away. He pulled her harder, causing her feet to slip across the stone.

  “Selene, stop.” Aldebaran’s voice boomed. Anticipation filled the air. Aldebaran stepped forward. “You have no claim to her here. I give her the sanctuary she asks for.”

  Selene stood taller and paused as if she hadn’t heard the words correctly. She turned to face Aldebaran giving him a tight smile. “Are you going to stop me from taking my prisoners?” she asked, forcing a pleasant tone that didn’t work. A heavy pulse hung in the air as the crowd waited for Aldebaran’s reply.

  “Yes,” Aldebaran said, stepping up the stairs and placing himself between the Priestess and Lena.

  “And the others?” She motioned to Gideon, Suki, and Tern. She was now scowling.

  “They also have sanctuary. They are not to be imprisoned while in the walls of the Genosee consulate. That includes your son,” Aldebaran said. The soldiers looked back and forth between Selene and Aldebaran. When the soldiers didn’t move, Aldebaran yelled. “Release them or suffer the laws of the Genosee.”

  The Priestess flipped her hand towards her soldiers. They looked scared. Slowly, the soldiers lowered their guns and released Suki.

  Suki fell to the ground unable to support her own weight. Tern stepped to her side and knelt. Taking off his leather tie, he wrapped it around Suki’s wound.

  Gideon rolled his shoulders and pulled himself free of the soldier’s grip. Straightening his posture he walked up the stairs towards where Lucius held Lena. Lucius lowered his gun. His face had turned an angry shade of red. Lena yanked her arm out of his grip. Stepping forward, she met Gideon at the top of the stairs. Gideon reached his hand out to her. She grasped it in her own. Together they turned to face Selene.

  The Priestess’ eyes turned to ice. “Captain Gideon,” she said.

  “Mother,” he replied. Lena thought she heard a small intake of breath in all those around them, but nobody purposely stood out.

  Selene looked at their clasped hands then back to her son. “So this is where your loyalty truly lies?” Selene asked.

  “Is it even a question?” Gideon said.

  Selene clamped her jaw so tight, Lena thought it might break. “Then you will be the one to kill her,” Selene said.

  She turned to Lena. “You have no idea who you are standing against,” she said. “You may have hidden behind the consulate this time, but next time, who is going to help you?”

  Tarek stepped from the crowd. Walking up the courtyard stairs, he placed himself on the other side of Aldebaran. The Priestess’ eyes flashed when she saw the gold markings stitched on Tarek’s suit. Lena wondered what they symbolized.

  Another man stepped from the crowd and joined Tarek at the top of the stairs. Lena blinked on her lens. His name was Bartolomeu Fuller. He was also from Allayah, the same planet as Tarek. As he reached Tarek’s side, he gave a formal bow. The whole time he walked, he stared at Selene in defiance. A woman joined them. Minako Roi from Genosee. Soon a small band of defiant people stood around Lena. With Lena. Against Selene.

  Lena looked through the crowd. She was surprised to see General Carina standing at one side of the courtyard. The general pursed her lips in a tight line. It was obvious she wasn’t happy about what was happening. Lena stood taller, breaking the general’s gaze. Lena continued to scan the crowd. Her eyes stopped once more. This time on Azara.

  Lena couldn’t help noticing that even with the appalled look on Azara’s face, she was striking. Azara shook her head in disgust, her long black hair swaying perfectly from side to s
ide. Then taking one last look at Gideon and Lena’s clasped hands, she turned on her heel and walked out of the courtyard with her lavender gown trailing behind her.

  “I will honor the law, Aldebaran,” Selene said. “But you must honor it too. They have forty-eight hours to remain at this consulate before law governs that they must be removed to Genosee.” Her eyes landed on each person who surrounded Lena. “And remember, the airspace between here and Genosee holds no such law.” She stepped towards Gideon. Bringing her lips to his ear, she whispered loud enough for Lena to hear, “I do keep my promises, Gideon. It may not be today, but I promise—you will be the one to kill her.” She smirked at Lena, then turned. As powerfully as she came in, she left.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  They were in the room Aldebaran had let them use before, the one just off the main hallway. Suki lay on the couch, her leg having been attended to by the Genosee medic. Tarek sat in an arm chair adjacent to her. Handing her a glass of water, he helped her sit against the arm of the sofa. Taking a sip, she looked curiously at Gideon and Lena who stood across from her. Tern stood on the balcony, looking over The Port.

  “You’ve presented me with quite a problem,” Aldebaran said walking through the room to the balcony overlooking the city. Lena joined him. He smiled kindly at her. “That was a very bold, and brave thing you did Miss Adhara. And at the same time, very, very dangerous. I will honor your sanctuary and give you the ship that you need to leave here. But I can not put my citizens at risk to transport you off the planet.”

  “You won’t need to put anyone at risk Ambassador? I’m not leaving Mir.”

  “What?” Gideon blurted out before Aldebaran could react.

  “I’m staying on Mir,” Lena said, turning away from the view of the city to look at Gideon.

  Aldebaran stepped away. “If you’ll excuse me, the less I know of your whereabouts, the better. It was quite the experience meeting you, Miss Adhara. You are so much like your Father. You are safe within the Port for the next...” Aldebaran glanced at his watch, “forty six hours. There will be a ship for you to do as you wish with. After that, you must be gone from here.”


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