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The Mir Chronicles- The Complete Series

Page 60

by Leisa Wallace

  "We're surrounded," Azara said. "And Gideon. You were right, that is not Gideon.”

  "I know.”

  "Lena, get out of here," Thora yelled.

  "No!" Gideon screamed.

  Lena hadn't noticed Gideon coming up to her. His hand clamped around her throat as he threw Azara to the side. He pushed Lena into a pillar.

  Lena couldn't talk. She could barely focus on getting her next breath.

  Gideon lifted her so her toes only brushed the floor. His brown eyes were full of rage. "You will not win," he yelled.

  Lena's vision started to darken. "Gideon," she gasped. She tried kicking him but it only made his grip on her stronger.

  A shot rang through the air.

  Gideon jerked and released his hold long enough for Lena to fall to the ground and roll out of his way. Blood dripped down his hand.

  Azara jumped on Gideon's back and let out a terrified shriek. "Run!" she yelled.

  Lena looked around the room, Port soldiers had arrived and were helping Divitians push back against the Priestess' Defense soldiers. Nobody seemed to know who to listen to. Lena ran towards the servant's door on the side of the room. She heard soldiers running after her, so she pushed herself to run faster and harder into the day-lit streets of The Port.

  She prayed that Suki had been watching what had happened. "Suki, Evren, can you see me?" Lena said. "I need help."

  A map appeared in her vision highlighting which streets to run. Lena followed without breaking her stride. The further she ran the less chaos she heard until she was outside the shimmer of The Port's shield with Suki on the other side. Suki already had a hole in the shield for Lena to jump through.

  Suki grabbed Lena and put her on the glider. When they finally stopped, Lena stumbled off the glider, fell to the ground and began to sob uncontrollably.


  Lena sat at an empty table in the safe house Suki had led them to. She felt bruised and battered but above all, she felt defeated. She'd left both Thora and Gideon and could save neither of them. Who was she fooling that she thought she could defeat Selene when she couldn't even save her friends?

  Suki sat in front of her, gently attending to the cuts and bruises on her face and neck.

  Lena had spent most of the night pacing the safe house, refusing aide. But as the morning came she finally let Suki take care of the few cuts and bruises she had.

  She didn't need to tell Suki what had happened. Suki and the rest of the zoons had seen it through the lens. She was glad she hadn't needed to explain. She couldn't explain. It was too much.

  She glanced across the mostly empty safe house to where Tarek sat with Bates. He had spent the morning contacting his home planet's consulate and his father, trying to tell them about Azara. Who—according to the Zoons—was still inside the Divitian consulate with Thora and Aaron.

  Suki had accessed various communication channels within The Port. It seemed the whole place was in chaos from the assassination.

  "I messed up," Lean said. "I should have never gone with Azara to save Thora."

  Suki stopped cleaning one of Lena's cuts and stared at her. It looked like she had a million things she wanted to say. Instead, she took a deep breath and answered, "No one could have known what was going to happen."

  "I should have stayed back. Azara could have hid me somewhere and gone herself. I didn't need to be there. It is all my fault." Lena rested her head on the table and closed her eyes. But as soon as her eyes closed visions of Gideon's face filled her mind. She opened her eyes again wishing she could turn back time so that it never happened. "Do you think I ruined our chances to save Gideon? Is anyone going to join the Rise when I've failed so miserably?"

  "I don't know if anyone really knows what happened inside the consulate," Suki said. "The Priestess is pretty controlling of what information is available on Mir. As for the people in The Port, we're just going to have to wait and see."

  The day seemed to creep on. Slow and anxious as they awaited word on Thora, Azara, and Aaron.

  It was nearly night when Bates called them over. Evren was on a hologram.

  "Evren," Suki said.

  "Azara has contacted us through our secure line. I'm going to patch her through," Evren said.

  Evren's image was replaced by Azara. She looked to be in her room at the Allayan consulate. She had a bruise high on her right cheek. The haughty confidence she usually wore was gone. She looked sad but when she saw Lena on the screen the sadness changed to relief. "You made it out," she said.

  Lena waited to see a hint of nastiness or malice in Azara's face. But all she saw was genuine relief. "I'm sorry I put you in danger," she said. "Thank you for helping me get away. Are you hurt?"

  "I'm ok," Azara said. "It looked like someone shot Gideon's hand though. That's what made him drop you."

  "He got shot?" Lena said.

  Azara huffed her confidence returning. "He was fine. Strong enough to give me this, anyway," she said pointing to the bruise on her face.

  "Do you know what has happened to Thora and Aaron?" Suki asked.

  "Aaron has been taken into The Port custody," Azara said. "I don't know what will happen to him. But he's a citizen of Mir, and killed the leader of another world so the IM was called to The Port to investigate. I myself was questioned most of the night and wasn't released until a few hours ago. My father is on planet." She glanced at her brother with a worried look. He nodded back as if saying he already knew, but didn't explain further.

  "As for Thora," Azara said. "She's being questioned. It only complicates things that she could possibly be Divitia's next ruler."

  "What about Mir's Defenses?" Tarek said.

  "They were cleared almost immediately," Azara said.

  "What?" Tarek said. "That's not right,"

  "You're not the only one who noticed they got off so easily," Azara responded. "It has people questioning Selene's influence over The Port leaders."

  Suki grabbed Lena's hand. "You got the people of The Port talking, Lena. This is a good thing."

  Lena only felt slightly comforted with the remark. But at least it was something.

  "What about Lena?" Tarek said.

  "Well, while there are eyewitness accounts that she was there, she isn't on any of the security footage. The Port authorities don't know what to think."

  Suki grinned. "Hmm, I wonder how that could happen."

  Lena rubbed her thumb over the insignia. Dorry really had given her a gift even if he didn't have any common sense.

  "Azara? Now you have seen the control device in action. You know Gideon would never have done that," Tarek said.

  Azara paused and turned serious. "It was hard to see Gideon that way. You were right, the Priestess is dangerous. She needs to be stopped.”

  "Then you'll join us?" Tarek said pausing to wait for her reply. When Azara didn't answer, Tarek continued. "We need you to find those inside The Port who will believe. People—who when the time comes—will take action against Selene. And when a war between the Rise and Selene comes, they'll stand with us."

  Azara's eyes went wide and she paled. "If I'm caught..." she didn't finish.

  Lena cleared her throat and looked sympathetically at Azara. "Gideon told me about you. When we were at the facility, he told me of his girlfriend, Azara. The girl who was great at negotiating peace treaties. I figure you have the same talent for negotiating war. You have influence. Your personality demands others listen. You know how to get people to see what you need them to see. You are the one who can turn this world around. And history will know it."

  Azara looked up holding her head slightly higher than before. "And if I get people here to believe what Selene is doing, then what?"

  "Hopefully, they'll stand with us when we go to war. Our goal is to get the Military Academy to initiate martial law, run their own investigation into the allegations, and force Selene to step down until another government can be formed."

  Azara straightened. She paced in front of
the window, her arms folded Every once in a while she would talk under her breath and nod as if she were working out the problem in her mind before answering.

  Lena didn't disturb her thinking but watched.

  Azara spun towards Lena. "Okay," she said. "I've seen the device in action. It won't be hard to substantiate what I saw with rumors that our very own alliance is being controlled by Selene. Get me the plans to the device. I will show it to everyone. The people in The Port will demand answers of their council members. Then, if they don't get answers, they'll take a stand against Selene."

  Lena couldn't believe Azara had joined the Rise. Everything was a blur to her after that. Tarek arranged things with Evren to have a copy of the same plans Thora had sent to Azara. The few people inside the safe house seemed spurred into action.

  Lena felt Suki's hand on her shoulder. "We have work to do," she said. "Come on."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lena returned to the caverns the next day. As she passed Evren's work room, she glanced inside.

  Evren was still working on fixing the nullifier. He still looked like he hadn't slept. His hair was poking out in odd angles and he had dark circles under his eyes. "Ahh, Lena," he exclaimed."I think I've worked it out." He growled and ran his finger through his hair and pulled. "I mean, I've fixed it according to the plans, but I can't seem to get it to work.”

  "You figured the nullifier out?" Lena said excitedly.

  "Well, I've repaired the damaged bits according to the plans, but what I can decipher of Dorry's writing, it will only work with some type of outside source turning it on. At least that's what I think. I can't seem to get it to turn on myself."

  Lena picked the nullifier up from where it lay on the table and held it in the palm of her hand. It immediately lit up and made a noise. Two tiny arms extended from the nullifier and wrapped around Lena's palm securing itself to the back of her hand.

  "Your insignia seems to be the outside source," Evren groaned. "Of course, Dorry would make it so only you could use it." He looked closer at the machine wrapped around her hand.

  "How does it work?" Lena asked lifting her hand and rotating it in front of him.

  "Since no one here currently has a device on them, it's hard to know exactly how it will work. But I believe you place it where the control device was inserted. It looks like it sends a small pulse to counteract whatever the controller is telling it to do."

  "Do you think it'll work?" Lena said excitedly. She gently pulled the nullifier from her hand and it's arms released and retreated. She sat it on the counter to the side of Evren.

  He picked it up and looked at it again. "Yes, I do," Evren said. "If you can get close enough to touch the back of the neck."

  Lena could barely contain her excitement. She wrapped her arms around Evren and hugged him tightly. "You did it, Evren," she said. "We can save Gideon."

  Evren stepped out of her hug, placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back. "No, you can save Gideon."


  Gideon stood in the council chamber once again. This time he stood behind his mother. He wore gloves to cover his bandaged hand. The leather irritated the wound, but he didn't mind. The wound reminded him that Lena was still free.

  His mother sat at the circular table of The Port's council chambers. All the worlds leaders sat in their assigned seats with one glaringly emptied one. The one belonging to the murdered leader Kaghan.

  "Captain Merak, I'm glad to see you here by your mother's side," Aldebaran said. "It's where a son belongs. After our last meeting with you, I was afraid you'd forgotten that."

  Selene sat between them, her fingers brushing the gold headband.

  "I misspoke the last time we met," Gideon was forced to say. "I stand by my mother."

  Gideon heard the door to the side of him open and all the leaders turned towards the sound. He couldn't turn on his own to see who it was. His mother was still controlling him. The headband she wore to do it was adorned now with jewels making it seem more like an accessory than the evil it was.

  He heard an unfamiliar voice. "May I present Queen Toralei, also known as Thora, representative of Divitia,"

  Gideon wanted to look at her. To run to her. To tell her how sorry he was. To make sure she wasn't hurt. But he could do nothing. From what he could see in front of him, no one looked surprised to see her.

  Thora appeared at the edge of Gideon's vision and stood at the empty seat. She raised her head high. "I am the rightful heir and ruler of Divitia. With the support of my people, I will take my place on the council." She grasped the back of the chair. "You may continue the meeting."

  Aldebaran spoke again. "We must delay a moment. I'm sure you can understand why we need to verify with the Divitian court before accepting you as a council member."

  "I know you all have heard that Kaghan is dead," Thora said. "I have therefore accepted my claim to the throne of Divitia." She scanned the crowd and stopped at Selene who was now standing at the edge of the table. "Before Kaghan forcefully took over all of Divitia and Selene and I were unwillingly taken off planet, the law had been passed that the older daughter of the king would lead. I have spoken to Divitia and have the same support of our citizen now as I did then. I reclaim my throne."

  "You have no throne, sister," Selene snarled.

  "I am Queen Toralei of Divitia," Thora said. "And I take my place on this council as ruler of my world." She opened a hologram. "You will find all the necessary documentation here. You are welcome to verify with Divitia, but you will find it's the same."

  The room was tense, nobody spoke as their eyes twitched between Thora and Selene.

  Finally, Aldebaran spoke. "Welcome, Queen Toralei. We were just discussing the changes with the Treaty. Please have a seat," he said with the same snarl that Selene had spoken with.


  Lena walked into the main cavern. Her stomach clenched in disappointment. Lucius walked by her side.

  "The numbers are what she's going to care about," Lucius said. "Numbers that you didn't get. She's not going to help no matter how much you beg."

  "We're close, Lucius. Within hundreds." Lena said. "She must show us some leniency."

  Lucius huffed. "She won't care if it's within ten people. You made a deal that you failed to keep, Servant."

  "It's not over yet. We haven't failed yet." Lena walked to the head of kitchen table in the main cavern. Lucius sat on one side of her. Suki and Tarek were already waiting for them on the other. Several communication holograms were opened around them. Birdee and Tern were on one. Azara was on another with Bates. And General Carina glared from a third.

  "You don't have enough people," the General said. "I said six thousand."

  Lena cleared her throat. "Yes, we know we don't have what you asked for. We're asking that you help us anyway," she said.

  "I will not," General Carina said. "This was a foolish endeavor."

  "An endeavor you personally have made no effort to help with," Suki snapped. "You've sat on your ship while your soldiers and my Zoons have done all the work."

  "It was not my job to recruit to your cause. Only to lead it," General Carina said. She pursed her lips making the wrinkles on each side deepen.

  "As a leader, it is your job," Lena said. "And if it wasn't for Lucius' tireless efforts, your side of the bargain would have failed completely." She couldn't believe she was actually complimenting Lucius. But what she said was true. He had worked non stop to coordinate between the Zoons, Cimmerian soldiers, and people of the woods.

  The General shifted in her seat. "You knew what was expected before I would help."

  "From what I gather, your soldiers would help with or without you," Azara said examining her nails.

  "What are you talking about? They can't attack Mir without my say," General Carina said eyes narrowing in suspicion.

  "Oh, they can," Azara said lowing her hand. "And I am guessing they will. From what I've heard, the Cimmerians will fight with us, with or with
out your approval." She leaned into the screen. "Lucius is the one who's really been leading them to begin with. He's the one they'll follow into battle."

  The General shifted uncomfortably in her chair. "Is this true, Lucius?"

  Lucius shrugged his shoulders and smirked. "The Cimmerians have worked tirelessly with the Zoons to find the people and places to gather. Not an easy endeavor. The Cimmerians are ready to fight Selene. They always have been. And if you aren't the one to lead them they will fight without you."

  General Carina looked furious. The lines in her forehead deepened as she scowled at them.

  "So, will you lead the fight?" Lena asked. She held her breath, and clenched her hands into fists.

  Everyone stared at General Carina waiting for an answer. The moment seemed to go on forever.

  General Carina took a deep breath. "Fine, proceed with your plan. Even without the number of people I requested," she huffed.

  Lena couldn't believe what she was hearing. But Suki let out a whoop next her. "Let's do this."

  "This is foolish," General Carina said. "Lucius, call me later with the highlights." Her image vanished as she closed the communications between them.

  Lena grinned. "We did it," she said looking at Lucius.

  Lucius lifted his head in pride. "Let's get on with it then," he said.

  Tarek cleared his throat and stood from his spot at the table. "It's textbook warfare," he explained still looking at the people who had joined the conversation via hologram communication. "We're going to cut her communications. If the Priestess can't communicate with her troops, then her troops won't know how to act. In addition to cutting her off, we're going to be able to send false information to her.”

  He brought up a hologram of Ebon. "The main station is here in the Priestess' fortress in Ebon. As soon as it's confirmed that the communication has been infiltrated, the Cimmerians will lead an attack on her cities. Troops from within each town will capture the Defenses within that specific town. We'll take the Priestess captive."

  "I'll send a distress signal to the IM that Mir is being attacked," Evren said.


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