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The Mir Chronicles- The Complete Series

Page 61

by Leisa Wallace

  Tarek nodded. "And then, if all goes according to plan, the IM will step in, investigate the complaints and remove Selene from power. They will act as Mir's government until a new one can be set up.”

  Birdee whistled from her hologram. "Well that's as easy as trackin' a bird flyin' through the air."

  "At night," Tern added. "Blindfolded."

  "You are assuming," Lucius cut in, "that Lena, the only one capable of infiltrating her comms system, can actually do what she says. Without getting caught."

  Lena took a deep breath. This was risky. She knew it, she knew the people surrounding her knew it. The whole plan rested on her shoulders. "I will get into the fortress," she said. "I can do it."

  "And what if you see Gideon again?" Azara said. "Will you be able to get the job done and leave without him?"

  Lena bit her lower lip. She wanted more than anything to save him. She could save him, now that the nullifier was working.

  "She'll have to," Tarek answered before she could say anything. "It is not our plan to rescue Gideon. We cannot risk it this mission. But we will save him once we remove Selene."

  Lena felt her heart tear in two. She had the nullifier that would fix him.Yet she was purposely leaving him under his mother's control. Even though she knew it was the best plan, it was hard.

  "Everyone knows what they're doing?" Tarek said. When everyone nodded in confirmation, he dismissed them. "Then I'll see you all in the morning."

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lucius entered his room and plopped down on the small sofa. It had only been a few hours since his last meeting, but he hadn't had a chance for a break. He turned so he could recline his feet on the couch.

  He was more tired than he had been in a long time. He had been working non-stop with Bates and Suki finding Rise headquarters in each town and planning recruiting missions. He looked at the clock. He had about fifteen minutes before he was to meet with them again. He closed his eyes.

  A ring jolted him awake. It was the communications hologram. He looked at the clock, he still had five minutes. Annoyed, he sat up straight and opened the screen

  General Carina glared at him from the hologram. "Interesting," she said as she looked over his shoulder at the room. "I would think you'd have been given a better room than this." His room wasn't big. Four beds, a table, a small couch and kitchen. As far as he could tell, it was just like the other rooms in the caves.

  Lucius hid his surprise at the General contacting him. He had always been the one to contact her. "I haven't been here much," he said. "I've been busy planning a war. Something you'd know if you involved yourself more."

  General Carina pursed her lips which made Lucius' annoyance flair. He was mad she hadn't recognized his efforts. Over the last few days, he had worked endlessly instructing both Cimmerians and Zoons until he was confident both groups knew what they were supposed to be doing. Carina hadn't praised him at all for it. In fact, he doubted she even knew what a great job he had been doing as liaison. What was worse is that Lena did notice. He didn't want Lena's praise.

  "What did you want to talk about Carina," Lucius said purposely leaving out the General part of her name.

  "This plan with the Rise. It's not going to work," Carina said.

  "The Cimmerians are more than prepared to fight, even without all the people you requested," Lucius said defensively. He was tired. He had hardly slept and the one moment he had to take a break for himself, she had interrupted just to insult him.

  "It's not my Cimmerians I'm worried about," General Carina said. "It's who they're fighting for."

  Lucius glared. "I'm more than adept to lead."

  "Not you, boy," Carina said. "Obviously, you know what you're doing. It's Lena. She's building more loyalty with the people of Mir than I anticipated."

  Did the General just compliment him? He wasn't sure but he was going to take it as one. "That's a good thing, considering we need them to fight Selene," Lucius said standing up to grab a drink from his fridge.

  "Don't you understand? Lena has the people's loyalty, which means the Cimmerians won't have the support we need to form the next government. She will."

  "You think Lena will want to be the next ruler?" Lucius said doubtfully as he opened his drink and sat back down.

  "Whether she wants to or not, she will do it if the people ask her to," General Carina said.

  "She's annoying that way," Lucius said rolling his eyes. "But that doesn't mean the people would choose her. You have the authority, you have the army, and it's your Cimmerians that are making this possible."

  "But I need to be the one the people see overthrowing Selene," General Carina said then clenched her jaw.

  Lucius leaned back against the couch, his annoyance flared again. "Then maybe you should be the one doing the work."

  "That's what I want to talk to you about. I'm working an alternative option," General Carina said.

  Lucius raised his eyebrows. "What alternative option?"

  "I want Lena captured by Selene. Killed if we can manage it."

  Lucius was shocked. He couldn't speak. He stared at the General.

  "Not only that," she continued, "we need someone on the inside of Selene's inner circle, feeding us information. That will be you. The Priestess has promised a place on her court for anyone who brings her Evangeline."

  "Are you kidding me? That's suicide," Lucius snapped. "The Priestess already has it out for me for losing Lena. Twice!"

  "You've failed her before, but you'll only prove your loyalty by the fact that you didn't give up," General Carina said without any hint of emotion.

  Lucius was furious. He ground his teeth together and could feel the vein in his head pulsing. What Carina was asking him to do could kill him.

  "Of course, once Selene is out of the picture, you will be my second in command," Carina said. "You will rule Mir, with me."

  Lucius studied her, but didn't answer.

  The General shifted, sitting taller in her chair. "When Lena breaks into the Priestess' fortress, you'll wait for her to sabotage the Defense's communications, then you will alert the Priestess to her presence. Lena will be captured, hopefully killed. The Rise will proceed without her."

  Lucius didn't know how to react. He felt a twisting in his stomach that he wasn't used to. He pushed the feeling away and considered her offer.

  "Think of it like this, Lucius. Alerting the Priestess would give you a double lead. If the Rise doesn't succeed, you'll still be a leader in the current government with a powerful ally backing you should we decide to replace Selene. If they do, you'll be a leader in the new government with me.”

  Lucius considered her request slowly nodding. "It would benefit me nicely. Consider it done."


  "I'm nervous," Lena said to Tarek and Suki as she readjusted her hair into a high ponytail.

  Tarek had flown them into the trees outside of Ebon. The three of them moved as carefully and quietly as they could. The night was starting to disappear. They had maybe an hour before the sun would light up the flattened earth. They stopped at the edge of the forest and studied the empty space between them and the city.

  "So much is riding on this part of the plan," Lena said. "Everything has to fall into place perfectly for this plan to even work."

  "It will work," Suki said. "We have a solid plan. Get in, intercept her communications and get out. No biggie," Suki said.

  "Yeah. No biggie," Lena said sarcastically.

  "Let's get across this open space before it gets any lighter," Tarek said looking at the barren ground between the forest and the outside walls of Ebon. "I'm not as good as Tern at finding hiding places out of nothing."

  Lena's heart raced as they ran across the dry ground. She could hear Suki and Tarek, both breathing heavy beside her.

  A little more than halfway across, Tarek grabbed the both of them by the arms, yanking them flat to the earth. A spotlight was lingering in the area around them. Going in slow circles as if maybe a gua
rd had seen movement and was searching for the source. Lena pressed her face into the earth, laying as still and flat as possible. The searchlight was right in front of them. Lena could probably touch the light if she reached her hand out. After what felt like an eternity, the spotlight started moving in its normal rotation and Tarek signaled them to keep moving.

  As they reached the gate, they saw the guard on the wall who had been controlling the spotlight. They slipped by him, unseen.

  They moved swiftly through the abandoned streets, Suki leading the way.

  Tarek kept them from patrols.

  The sun was rising when they were finally to the Zoon's safe house. Entering through the back door into the kitchen, Suki went to a control panel and turned on the lights.

  The emptiness of the room gave Lena an unsettled feeling. She took a deep breath and sat at the table. All the Zoons must be on missions finalizing the plans to attack the Priestess' Defenses.

  "Lena, tell me the plan again," Suki said as she ordered breakfast from a food replicator.

  Lena took a deep breath. She needed to be positive from here on out. No being scared. "I sneak into the fortress with the servants. No one should notice me," she said. "Then, I'll find where the com room is. I download Evren's virus and that should be it. He'll have access to the Defense's communications without the Priestess knowing it.”

  "And get out fast," Suki said putting juice in front of Lena a little harder than intended. The contents splashed on the table slightly. Suki groaned and grabbed a towel. She was hiding her stress pretty well, but Lena saw through it.

  They looked at the clock. They knew servants started earlier than everyone else.

  "Do you want us to walk to the fortress with you?" Suki said.

  "That would only draw suspicion," Lena answered wishing they could go with her. "It's better if I go alone. I have a map of where the servants entrance is. You can watch me through the lens."

  "Lena if anything happens to you..." Suki started to say. The fear in her voice made Lena cut her off.

  "I won't get caught," Lena answered. "It'll be easy." She felt fidgety. Releasing her hair tie she redid it into a bun, smoothing out the flyaway as she did it.

  "You know you've been caught every time you've tried to not get caught," Suki teased uneasily.

  "Well, that's why it's nice to have friends who know how to get out of situations like that, isn't it?" Lena smiled at Suki as she secured the bun.

  "I wouldn't know," Suki said, then winked. "You'll be fine, Lena."

  "I know," Lena said but felt the uneasiness inside herself. She was scared. Everything hinged on this working. And it was more dangerous than any of them were admitting out loud.

  Suddenly, Suki was wrapping her in a hug. The tightness of Suki's arms around her let Lena know she wasn't the only one who was scared.

  Lena pulled away. "Don't worry, it'll work," she said, reassuring herself more than anyone else. "I'll see you both soon.”

  Tarek also wrapped Lena in a tight hug. "Be safe, come back. And Lena, if you do happen to see Gideon," Tarek paused, he looked at Lena with a grave expression. "You have to leave him. You can't risk it. Not now."

  Lena nodded, she couldn't speak. She knew she couldn't rescue him. In fact, she had left the nullifier back in the caves so she wouldn't be tempted. Saving Gideon had to be another mission. She took a deep breath, wiped a tear from her eye and smiled at her friends. "I know what I'm to do. You don't have to worry."


  Gideon grasped his wounded hand as he sat against his cell's wall. "I was strangling her dad," he said. "She would have died. But the shot forced my hand to release her." He wrapped his bandage to look at the wound. The bullet had only grazed the top of his hand. Had it gone through, it would have killed Lena.

  "Ruddy is the best shot Selene has," Zeke whispered. "He would have been able to do it."

  Gideon closed his eyes reliving the nightmare in his memories. "I'm certain it was him," he said. "He helped me flee with Eves when we were at the facility. For some reason he chose to help me again."

  "Which means he might help once more," Zeke said.

  "I've thought the same thing, though it would be putting him in Selene's crosshairs."

  "Gideon," Zeke whispered. "The old resistance is all organized. We are ready to revolt. We just need someone to let us out of our cells. He can open the doors to the crags," he said. "Selene won't even know it's him."

  Gideon nodded even though his father couldn't see him. He looked at the recruits in their cells across from him. Some of them watched from their doors. Others hid in the shadows. They were dirty and thin. And they all looked to him.

  "Gideon," Zeke said as a coughing fit started. When it finally ended his father said nothing. Gideon knew it had taken all the energy his father had.

  "It's okay, dad," Gideon said. "I know what I have to do. I will talk to him."

  Heavy footsteps echoed through the crags. A wave of darkness seemed to roll through the prisoners.

  Gideon knew it was Ras. The man carried a darkness with him that could be felt long before he was actually seen.

  Several recruits cast an anxious glance his way before scurrying to the back of their cells.

  Gideon took a deep breath as Ras appeared at the tunnel's opening.

  Ras opened up his cell. "Come on your own, or I'll make you," he growled.

  "Either way, I have no choice," Gideon said stepping out of his cell.

  Ras grunted and pushed Gideon ahead of him.

  Gideon's confidence surged. Ras hadn't turned on the device. He was moving on his own. Which meant, if he found Ruddy, he might find a way to talk to him.

  Ras stepped closer and grabbed Gideon's elbow, walking beside him now down the tunnel and to the elevator to the fortress.

  Gideon didn't fight him.

  As they neared the training room he heard his mother's voice. "Thank you Ruddy for bringing the young man to me," she said.

  Gideon's heart started pounding. He didn't realize he'd be able to find Ruddy so soon.

  "Are you certain?" his mother continued.

  "I promise. She will be breaking into your facility within the hour."

  Gideon froze. The voice belonged to Lucius.

  "You've promised things before, and yet Evangeline still isn't in my custody," Selene said.

  "I wasn't wrong before. She got away, but I wasn't wrong. I've always kept my promises. You know I have. And this time I want you to keep your promise."

  Ras tightened his grip and yanked Gideon into the training room.

  Lucius, Ruddy and Selene were standing against the opposite wall.

  "And what is that?" Selene said. She turned to Gideon and a smile crept across her face.

  Lucius turned now, too. He was talking to Selene, but he looked at Gideon. "I will give you Lena. You will give me the spot on your council. The one you promised for her capture."

  Gideon spun out of Ras' grip. He rushed toward Lucius, grabbing his collar. "You snake," Gideon yelled.

  Lucius tried to cover his face, but Gideon punched him again and again.

  Selene started laughing. Low at first and then turning into a shrill cackle.

  Gideon felt a calm hand pulling him away. "Captain Merak, you need to breath."

  Gideon stopped himself. Blood covered his fists. He watched Ruddy walk back to Selene's side.

  "You call him a snake, and yet you're the one striking him," Selene said is an amused voice.

  Shame filled him. He let go and took a step back.

  Lucius wiped his bloody face with the back of his hand. He had a cut across one eye. His lip was split and his nose poured blood. Still he straightened his clothes as he stood and raised his head in a condescending stare. "I guess you heard us talking," he said. "Your little girlfriend is going to pay us a visit today.”

  Gideon felt sick. "That can't be true. How would you know such a thing to begin with?" Gideon tried to sound bold, but the fear was to strong.r />
  "She's coming to save you," Lucius said.

  "What? No. You would have no way to know what she is doing," Gideon said.

  Lucius gave him a malicious smile. "Are you upset that I know more about what's going on inside the caverns than you do?"

  Gideon's heartbeat spiked. How on earth would Lucius know where Lena was? "You don't know anything," he said with more doubt in his voice than he wanted to portray.

  Selene looked at Gideon. "I said you'd be the one to kill her. And now she's coming to us. I didn't know it would be so easy."

  "No." Gideon's heart was racing. "Mother. You can't."

  Ras had caught him by the arm again. His hold was unrelenting.

  Gideon twisted and pulled, doing everything he could to break the hold.

  Selene put on the headband.

  Gideon felt the control take place. He stopped struggling and stood up straight.

  Ras released him.

  "You may call me Priestess," Selene said. She turned to Lucius. "Now we have him under control. Do give us the details," Selene said nodding towards Gideon.

  Lucius turned towards Gideon and smirked.

  Gideon filled with despair. He had failed. Failed to talk to Ruddy. Failed to free the recruits and now failed to save Lena. And there was nothing he could do about it.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Lena followed the map on her lens towards the fortress at the center of the town. Suki had given her a black outfit to wear to the fortress where she would change into a servants uniform. The edges of the sleeves were frayed and the color was washed out. Suki explained that servants were still poor, even in Ebon, and she needed to look the part.

  Lena looked for others headed in the same direction. It wasn't until she was nearly to the courtyard surrounding the fortress that someone caught her eye. The girl looked familiar but she didn't know why. The information displayed on her lens said her name was Merina and she worked in the laundry room of the fortress.

  Merina saw Lena staring at her.

  Lena quickly turned away.

  Merina approached her anyway. "Are you new?" she said. "I mean, you look like you might be new. Are you working at the fortress? I haven't seen you around before and I've worked here for years.”


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