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Falling for Aiden

Page 7

by Allie Everhart

  "Bet it wasn't. My town only has 500 people."

  "Okay, you win. Mine has about 50,000."

  "That's not a small town," he says, still smiling. "That's a city."

  "Not compared to New York."

  I glance over at Aiden and notice him staring at me. His girlfriend's eyes are on her phone. Pete's talking to Griffen and John.

  I look away and pick up the bar menu that's on the table.

  "Can I get you something?" Tanner asks.

  "Um, yeah, I'll have a glass of merlot. But I can get it."

  "Let me. I'll be right back."

  "No Manhattan tonight?" Aiden says as Tanner heads to the bar.

  "I don't usually drink those. I was just stressed that night after everything that had happened. I needed something stronger than wine."

  Aiden's eyes are still on me. It's like he can't look away, but he should because his girlfriend's going to notice. Why is he staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?

  "It's the house merlot," Tanner says, appearing with my drink. "Is that okay?"

  "Sure. Thanks for getting it."

  "No problem."

  Celine looks up from her phone. "The boys insist on coming to this disgusting rat-trap of a bar."

  "Because we can relax here," Pete says, "And we don't have to spend half a paycheck to buy drinks."

  "The wine selection is worse than you'd get at a gas station," Celine says, her eyes returning to her phone.

  "So what are you doing this weekend?" Tanner asks, turning to me again.

  "I have an event to work at Saturday night. And on Sunday my boss wants to meet for a couple hours to go over some planning."

  "Have any interest in rock climbing?"

  "I don't know. I've never tried it."

  "I don't mean on an actual rock. It's one of those rock climbing places. I'm going there on Saturday. Would you like to go with me?"

  I'm pretty sure he's asking me out, which is what I said I wanted. I told Aiden I needed to meet someone, and here I am, sitting next to a cute guy who seems nice and is interested in me. The only problem is, I'm interested in the guy sitting across from me. The guy with the girlfriend.

  I glance over at Aiden. His arm is resting on the back of Celine's chair as he takes a drink of his beer. Celine leans over and gives him a peck on the cheek, then looks back at her phone. A twinge of jealousy courses through me and I yell at myself for it. I need to stop this. Aiden is taken. And I'm here to find someone new.

  I look back at Tanner. "I'd love to go. It sounds fun."

  "Great!" he says, sounding surprised. "I was thinking we'd go in the afternoon. Could I take you to lunch first?"

  "Sure. I just need to make sure I'm back to my apartment by five."

  "No problem. We can leave whenever you want." He smiles at me. "So tell me more about Kansas."

  Tanner and I continue to talk as the other guys have their own conversation. Occasionally I look over and see Celine leaning over to kiss Aiden or whisper something in his ear. He's not doing the same to her. In fact, he isn't affectionate with her at all.

  A half hour later, Celine gets down from her chair. "Babe, I need to go."

  "Okay, see you later." He gives her a peck on the lips.

  "We're both going," she says, picking up her purse. "Hurry up."

  "I'm staying. I'm not ready to leave."

  "Aiden, it's Thursday," she says, lowering her voice.

  "I'm staying at my place tonight. I need to do some work when I get home."

  "Are you serious?" she says, getting angry. "You'd rather do work than—" She stops, noticing we're all listening.

  "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

  She glares at him.

  Aiden gets up. "I'll walk you out."

  As they leave, Tanner says to me, "They have kind of a volatile relationship."

  "It's shitty if you ask me," Griffen says, taking a swig of his beer.

  "I can't believe they schedule it like that," John says. "And that Aiden goes along with it."

  "Schedule what?" I ask.

  "Just forget it," Pete says, his eyes on his phone.

  I look over at Tanner to see if he'll tell me but he doesn't. Instead he gets up. "You want another wine?"

  "Yes. Thanks."

  When he's gone I turn to Griffen since he seems the most likely to answer my question.

  "What was Celine talking about? What's on Thursday?"

  "It's when they're..." He laughs a little. "Intimate."

  "Oh." I glance back at the door and see Aiden talking to Celine. She looks furious, which I'm assuming is because it's their night to have sex and Aiden turned her down. Why would they designate a night to be intimate? Are they that busy they have to schedule it? And why would Aiden turn her down?

  "Are they living together?" I ask, remembering Aiden saying they weren't but maybe they are now.

  "No, but she wants them to," Griffen says. "And if he doesn't hurry up and give her a ring, she's gonna lose it."

  "Griff," Pete says in a warning tone. "Shut up about Aiden. It's none of your business."

  "Hey, she asked," he says, glancing at me. "And it actually IS our business because if he marries her, we're all going to be stuck with her."

  "You don't like her?" I ask.

  "Like who?" Tanner says, returning with our drinks.

  "Celine," Griffen says. "Hey, did you put those on my tab?"

  "No. I paid for them."

  "I told you tonight's on me. Next round put it on my tab."

  "I don't think I'll have any more after this," I say, sipping my wine. "I usually stop after a glass or two, especially if I haven't eaten."

  "You didn't eat?" Tanner asks. "Why don't I take you out after this? I just had a sandwich for dinner. I'm starving."

  "I'd be up for getting something to eat."

  He smiles. "Great!"

  Tanner seems like a really nice guy, and after talking to him I can tell he's really smart. He's a lawyer, but he also knows a lot about science, specifically ocean life and how it affects life on land. He's passionate about his work but not so consumed with it that he doesn't let me talk.

  "You guys okay?" John asks Aiden as he returns to the table.

  "We're fine," he says, but he doesn't sound fine. He sounds angry.

  "Need another drink?" Pete asks him.

  "Yeah. Whiskey, straight up."

  "Got it." Griffen catches the bartender as he walks by and orders Aiden's drink, along with one for himself.

  "Can't be good if you're going for the whiskey," John says, laughing a little. "You usually save that for the weekend."

  "I'm good," Aiden says. "Just drop it, okay?"

  Pete nudges him. "Why don't we go outside? I need to ask you something without these losers listening in."

  Aiden shakes his head, his jaw tightening as he stares down at the table. "I said I'm good."

  Pete sits back, glancing at the other guys at the table.

  "Do any of you play sports?" I ask in an attempt to get the attention off Aiden.

  "I played football in college," Griffen says. "But I busted my knee sophomore year. Haven't played since."

  "I play tennis at the club," John says. "I'm not great but I get a good workout."

  "I used to play baseball," Tanner says.

  I look at Pete. "How about you?"

  "I played lacrosse. With this guy." He shoves Aiden's shoulder. "He was the star of the team so he got all the girls."

  A smile fills Aiden's face. "What are you talking about? You got plenty of girls."

  "Not as many as you." Pete looks back at me. "He was also valedictorian of our prep school. I hated being friends with him. He was always doing better than me."

  "It wasn't a competition," Aiden says.

  "Everything's a competition with me. You know that." Pete gulps down his beer as the bartender appears with more drinks.

  "Do any of you have girlfriends?" I ask, trying to make conversation. I
feel odd being the only girl here, not that it was any different when Celine was here. She didn't seem interested in talking to me, other than our brief conversation about finding a caterer.

  "I did a few days ago," Griffen says. "But she took off for Sweden. Aiden's the only one left with a girl. The rest of us are single."

  "So what exactly happened in Vermont?" Tanner asks. "Aiden told us his side of the story. What's yours?"

  I look over at Aiden, smiling. "What'd you tell them?"

  "That I messed up. I told them my work papers flew out the window and almost caused you to get in an accident."

  "But instead I got a ticket," I say. "Oh! I got my notice in the mail today. My court appearance is in two weeks."

  "I don't know about mine," Aiden says. "I haven't seen the mail today."

  "Whatever they fine you," John says to me, smiling. "You should make Aiden pay."

  "I'm happy to do it," Aiden says, looking at me. "It wasn't your fault. You shouldn't have to pay."

  "Or you could sue him," Tanner kids. "One of the many perks of going out with a lawyer."

  "What the hell?" Aiden pretends to be offended.

  "I'm kidding," Tanner says. "But I agree you should pay the fine."

  "You don't have to," I tell Aiden.

  "I'm paying for it," he says. "I wouldn't feel right if I didn't."

  As he looks at me across the table I get that feeling again, like there's something between us. I'm sure I'm just imagining it, or wishing there was something there.

  "Ready to go?" Tanner asks a half hour later as I take my last sip of wine.

  "Where are you going?" Aiden asks, concern crossing his face as he watches me get up.

  "We're getting something to eat," Tanner says. "Sophie didn't have dinner."

  "Maybe we should go with you."

  The other guys look at Aiden like he's crazy, knowing Tanner is taking me on a date.

  "Maybe some other time," Tanner says. "See you guys later."

  "It was nice meeting you all," I say to the guys.

  As I'm walking to the door with Tanner, Aiden appears. "Can I talk to you before you go?"

  "Um, sure."

  Aiden glances at Tanner. "Can you give us a minute?"

  "Yeah, I'll wait outside."

  When he's gone, Aiden says, "You okay with this?"

  "With what?"

  "Tanner. You don't have to go out with him. I know he asked, but if you're not interested, you can tell him no."

  "I know that," I say with a laugh. "I've dated before, and I've turned guys down before."

  Aiden nods. "I just didn't want you thinking you had to tell him yes because...I don't know. Never mind."

  "I like him. He seems nice, and if he's a friend of yours, he can't be that bad, right?"

  "Right," Aiden says, his eyes meeting up with mine. "So..." He pauses. "I guess you should get going."

  "Yeah." I turn to leave.

  "Hey, about the court hearing."

  "What about it?" I say, turning back.

  "If we have the same court date I'd be happy to give you a ride."

  "Actually, mine is on a Friday. I'm thinking of spending the weekend there. Tom offered me a free room for when I come back. I can't really pass that up." I smile. "I really love that place, and in a couple weeks it'll be beautiful with all the leaves turning color."

  "Maybe I'll do the same. I could use another weekend away."

  "The rooms are sold out. Tom saved one just for me."

  "Well, the offer's there if you change your mind and decide you need a ride."

  "Okay. Thanks, Aiden."

  "One more thing." He steps closer to me and I get a whiff of that cologne of his I love so much. "You don't have to keep avoiding me. I sent you those texts because I wanted to make sure you got home okay. I hope you didn't think it was anything more than that. If you did I—"

  "I didn't," I say, smiling at him. "And I wasn't avoiding you. I just got busy with work."

  He nods, then glances behind me. "I'll let you get on with your date."

  "Yeah. Bye, Aiden."

  I leave feeling sad about what he said. He made it clear his messages the past few weeks were nothing more than a friend checking in, which is nice, but in my head I kept imagining it being something more. But it wasn't.

  Aiden is just a friend. And that's probably all he'll ever be.

  Chapter Eight


  "This woman is a nightmare," Bianca says, racing around her office.

  "Sorry." I open Celine's file on the laptop. "I was just trying to bring in new business."

  "Don't be sorry," she says with a laugh. "I love her! She's just like me. I have a feeling when this is over we'll be friends."

  Is she serious? She really wants to be friends with Celine? The woman's run us ragged the past week with all her demands. We've presented her with ten options for caterers and she didn't like a single one. We sent her five more options and today she's coming in the office to tell us if she made a decision.

  "Did you get her latte?" Bianca asks.

  "Yeah, it's in the conference room." I get up with the laptop and walk to the door, waiting for Bianca. "You really think you'll be friends with Celine?"

  "Absolutely! Haven't you noticed how similar we are? We have the same taste in clothes, we both drink way too much wine, and we can't stand not being busy. I think I might have found my twin," she says with a laugh. "Let's go."

  I follow her to the conference room and take a seat at the table, setting the laptop down. "What if she doesn't like the options we gave her? We're running out of caterers."

  "I'm not worried about it," Bianca says, straightening each chair at the table so they're all perfectly aligned. The woman wears me out just watching her. She can never relax. And she's right when she says Celine is the same way, which is why it doesn't make sense she's dating Aiden. He was perfectly content to sit back and relax during our two hour dinner at the inn. His girlfriend would've been going nuts. She would've been yelling at Tom for not having the food out faster.

  "Bianca, seriously, we don't have anyone else to call. If she doesn't like any of the options we gave her, what are we going to do?"

  "Trust me, she'll pick one." Bianca stares at the window behind me. "There's a smudge on that window. It's driving me crazy." She races out of the room and comes back with a paper towel and bottle of window cleaner.

  "But what if she doesn't?" I ask as Bianca cleans the barely noticeable smudge on the window. "What are we going to do?"

  "Celine turned down everyone on our first list to prove a point." Bianca tosses the paper towel in the trash. "She's telling us who's in charge. It's a power move. I do it all the time. Once she's sure we understand she's the one calling the shots, she'll pick someone from the list. It's as simple as that."

  "She doesn't need to prove she's in charge. She's the client. She's paying the bill. She gets to make the decisions."

  "It doesn't work that way. Businesses like ours try to make the client think they're in charge when they're really not. It's easier for us that way. Only smart clients who can see through our bullshit get what they really want. I knew Celine was one of those people from the moment we met. It's why I gave her the B-list caterers first. I saved the A list for this second round, knowing what she'd do." Bianca smiles. "Just wait. You'll see what I mean when she gets here." She holds up the window cleaner. "I have to get rid of this. I'll be right back."

  While she's gone Celine shows up, wearing a red wool coat over her black dress. Her blond hair is sleek and straight, and big round sunglasses cover her eyes.

  "Sophie," she says as she walks in the room. "I didn't know you'd be joining us."

  "I sit in on most of Bianca's meetings." I shove my chair back and stand up. "Can I take your coat?"

  "I'll keep it for now," she says, removing her sunglasses. "There's a chill in the air."

  "I got you a latte," I say, bringing it to her.

  "No, thank
you. I already had one."

  I set it down. "Bianca will be back in a minute."

  Celine steps closer to me. "Have you spoken with Aiden?"

  Her question takes me by surprise. When she was here for our initial meeting, she didn't even mention Aiden and now she's asking if I talked to him? Why would she think we're talking? Does she think something's going on with us?

  "Only by text," I say. "He said he'd be at court next Friday."

  He also invited me to ride with him since we have court the same day. I haven't answered him yet but I'd like to take him up on the offer. It'd save me the cost of having to rent a car.

  "Did he tell you I'd be coming along?" Celine smiles. Actually, it's more like a smirk, like she's making it clear Aiden is hers. I wonder if he told her he'd offered me a ride and that's why she decided to tag along. Aiden said she refused to leave the city, and now she's suddenly okay with it?

  "He didn't mention you were coming."

  "I wasn't going to, but he talked me into it. That little town sounds adorable, and that inn he stayed at sounds so romantic. It'll be nice for us to get away."

  "You're staying at the inn? I thought they were out of rooms."

  "I was able to get one for the night. I can be very persuasive. Will you be staying there as well?"

  "Yes. I decided to stay for the weekend."

  She nods, eyeing me with suspicion. Why is she acting this way? Does she really think I'm a threat?

  "How's it going with Tanner?" she asks, taking her coat off.

  "I haven't seen him this week. We've both been busy with work."

  "But you've talked to him, I assume."

  "Not really. I haven't had time. We've texted a little."

  She tilts her head. "Are you thinking of breaking it off with him?"

  She definitely thinks I'm a threat. If she didn't, she wouldn't keep asking me these questions. For such a confident woman, she's making herself look very insecure right now. Her relationship with Aiden can't be that great if she's this concerned about it.

  "I don't know what's going to happen with Tanner and me," I tell her. "I'm still getting to know him."

  "I realize he can be a bit annoying with all his lectures about the environment but he's really a good catch. He makes decent money, and he's very good-looking, don't you think?"


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