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Falling for Aiden

Page 8

by Allie Everhart

  "Yeah, he is." I glance at the door, wondering what's taking Bianca so long.

  Just then, she races in the room. "Celine, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were here." She gasps. "Oh, I love that dress! Where did you get it?"

  "From one of my designer friends. It's not available in stores."

  "Who are these friends of yours and how do I make them mine?" Bianca says with a laugh.

  "I could introduce you. We should all meet for drinks."

  "I would love that," Bianca says. "Shoot me a time and I'll be there." She smiles. "Shall we get started? Sophie, don't just stand there. Take her coat."

  Celine hands it to me and I walk out to the hall and hang it in the closet. I'm tempted to not go back to the meeting but if don't, I'll probably get fired. I wish I'd never told Bianca about the job with Celine. I got a hundred dollar bonus for it but the money isn't worth putting up with her.

  "Sophie, shut the door," Bianca orders.

  I shut it behind me and go back to my place at the table, sitting in front of the laptop to take notes.

  "So," Bianca says, staring across the table at Celine. "What are your thoughts on the latest list of caterers? If you're not thrilled about any of them, we're happy to find others."

  Is she crazy? We don't have other caterers and the dinner is in a few weeks. It's almost impossible to find someone this late, and we're paying the ones on the list to hold that night open until she makes a decision. Celine's costing our business a lot of money, which she doesn't know, but if she did, I doubt she'd care.

  "There's no need to keep looking," she says. "I'm choosing Gerard."

  "Gerard Dupont," Bianca says, resting her forearms on the table. "Excellent choice, but may I ask, why Gerard?"

  "Have you seen him?" Celine says with a laugh. "But seriously, I've heard he's soon to be one of New York's most in-demand caterers."

  "He already is. He's booked solid for the next six months."

  "Then how were you able to get him?"

  Bianca leans forward and lowers her voice. "Just between us girls?"

  "Of course."

  "Gerard and I recently shared a night together. He's begging to see me again, which I told him might be possible if he does this one tiny little favor for me."

  This is the first time I'm hearing about this but it doesn't surprise me. Bianca will do most anything to get what she wants.

  Celine gasps. "You didn't."

  "I did." Bianca sits back in her chair, her red lips rising to a smile. "I've been holding out on him until I get your answer."

  "Oh, you are truly one of the best!" Celine says, her voice rising. "Father is going to be thrilled we're getting Gerard! This dinner is going to be the best we've ever had."

  "Trust me, it will be, which is why I'm hoping we'll be planning your next big event as well."

  Celine smiles. "I'd say there's a good possibility of that happening."

  "Great! Now let's go over the details for the dinner. I know we already discussed the menu but Gerard wanted to offer some alternatives." Bianca turns to me. "Do you have the menus?"

  "Yes." I reach across the table and hand them to Celine.

  She doesn't even glance at me as she takes them. Bianca goes over the menus with her, acting like I'm not even there. When Bianca's in work mode, it's like I don't exist. I'm just there to get her stuff and follow her around. The only time she treats me like a friend is when we go out for drinks, but even then, if she gets distracted by work, I turn back into her employee.

  Ten minutes later, the meeting ends and Bianca walks Celine out.

  I get her coat from the closet and hand it to her. "Here's your coat."

  "Oh. Thank you." She puts it on.

  "See you next weekend," I say, smiling at her.

  "What do you mean?" she asks, seeming confused.

  "Vermont? The court hearing?"

  "Yes, that's right." She looks at Bianca. "Aiden and I are having a romantic weekend in Vermont."

  "You're clearly in love," Bianca says with a laugh. "There's no way I could survive out in the country like that, even for a weekend. And even for a man."

  Celine sighs. "I do what I have to."

  The two of them walk out to the hall.

  My phone dings and I see Tanner's name on the screen. His text reads, Want to go to dinner tonight? Maybe around seven?

  He's asked me to dinner twice this week and I've turned him down. Our first couple dates were okay but nothing great so I've been avoiding him, trying to figure out what to do. There's nothing wrong with him. I just don't feel that spark that I felt with Aiden. I'd never felt that before, but now that I have, I feel like I need to have that spark with a guy if I'm going to keep dating him.

  Maybe I just need more time to feel a spark with Tanner. I should give him another chance. He's better than all the other guys I've dated since moving to New York.

  Sounds great! I text back.

  Really? Okay, I'll stop by at seven.

  He's surprised I agreed to it, given his two failed attempts to go out with me this week. This will be our third date. He's going to expect a kiss tonight, or maybe more. So far, we've only held hands, and on our last date I gave him a goodnight hug. I think he's attractive, but whenever I'm with him I keep comparing him to Aiden. I need to stop doing that but it keeps happening before I'm even aware of it.

  At seven, I go down to the street and wait outside my building for Tanner. I spot him walking toward me, wearing gray jeans, a black shirt, and a black leather jacket. If I could get my brain off Aiden, I'd be totally attracted to this guy. He's good-looking and he smiles a lot, which is rare for New Yorkers. I like that he hasn't lost his small town upbringing where people smile at each other and look at them, rather than look past them. Aiden's like that too, even though he's not from a small town. Damn, I did it again. I just compared Aiden to Tanner.

  "Hey," Tanner says, coming up to me and giving me a hug. "Good to see you again."

  "Yeah, sorry it's been so long. Work has been crazy."

  "You can tell me all about it at dinner." He takes my hand. "I was thinking of trying that new Mediterranean place just down the street from here. Have you been there?"

  "No, but I'm up for it."

  "Great!" He glances at me and smiles as we walk hand-in-hand down the street.

  I know I'm just holding his hand but something about it feels wrong. Why am I being this way? Tanner's a nice guy, has a good job, and he's hot. I should be loving this! Maybe I just need to put in more effort.

  "I'm glad you asked me out tonight," I say, smiling at him.

  "Really? Because I was starting to think you didn't want to see me anymore."


  "You turned me down twice this week, and you never text me unless I text you first."

  "I've just been really busy."

  "It's right down there." He points to the restaurant. It's so new it doesn't even have a sign yet, just a banner suspended over the entrance.

  We go inside and the place is packed. Apparently everyone else has heard of this place but me. Tanner is someone who always knows what's new and trendy. I'm always way behind.

  "You think we can get a table?" I ask.

  "No, but I got us two spots at the bar, if that's okay." He waves at the bartender. "I know that guy. We went to college together. He saved us some seats."

  We walk over to the bar.

  "Hey, man, how's it going?" Tanner says to his friend as we sit down.

  "Can't complain," the guy says. "The place is packed. Been this way since we opened."

  "This is Sophie." Tanner puts his arm around me. "The girl I told you about."

  "Nice to meet you," he says, shaking my hand. "I'm Mark."

  He has a big smile like Tanner's, and reddish-brown hair that matches his beard.

  "What can I get you?"

  We give him our drink orders then look at the menu. It's only one page with five options for entrees. Mark returns with our drinks and we
give him our order.

  "What do you think?" Tanner asks, glancing behind me to check out the restaurant.

  "It's fun. Lots of atmosphere." I have to practically shout for Tanner to hear me above all the noise.

  "I heard the food is great." He takes a drink of his wine. "We can go somewhere quieter for dessert."

  "I might have to skip dessert. I can't be out late. Bianca wants me at work at six."

  "Why so early?"

  "We have an event tomorrow night and she's freaking out. She doesn't think we'll be ready. She wants to get in early to make sure we have enough time."

  "So you're working tomorrow night? I was hoping we could go out."

  "Sorry. Friday nights are big event nights so I'm usually not free. Same with the weekends."

  "I understand," he says, but he looks disappointed. This is why it's hard for me to date. Guys want to go out on weekends and I'm always working.

  "Hey, I was doing some checking about the littering laws in Vermont."

  It's nice that he did that. He knows I'm worried about this court hearing so he used his lawyer skills to do some research. He's really a great guy. I wish I felt more for him.

  "What'd you find out?"

  "They're really strict about littering. The fine could be several hundred dollars, or they could make you do community service, although I'm sure that wouldn't happen with you since you don't even live there."

  "Several hundred dollars for dropping one plastic bottle out of my car? Are you kidding me?" I sigh. "So much for paying rent this month."

  "If it's that bad, I could loan you some money."

  "No. Tanner, thank you for offering but I'll figure it out."

  "I'd offer to come with you to the court hearing but I can't take off next Friday. I have a big meeting at work."

  "It's fine. I don't need a lawyer for this. I'm sure they'll just give me the fine and that'll be it."

  My phone rings. My pulse ticks up when I see Aiden's name on the screen. He hasn't called me since I saw him at the bar. He's only texted, and just once, to ask if I wanted a ride next Friday.

  "Do you mind if I take this?" I say to Tanner. "I'll be quick. I promise."

  "Go ahead."

  "I'm going to take it outside so I can hear."

  I get down from the barstool and hurry outside to the street. "Hi, Aiden."

  "Hey. Are you busy?"

  "Kind of. I'm out with Tanner."

  "Oh," he says, sounding surprised. "I didn't realize you guys were still going out."

  Did Tanner tell him we weren't? It wouldn't surprise me if he thought that, given how I've brushed him off all week.

  "We're having dinner. I have to work tomorrow and this weekend so this was our only chance to go out. So how have you been?"

  "I've been okay. I don't want to bother you on your date. I was just calling to see if you wanted to use my lawyer for the court hearing next week."

  "You're getting a lawyer?"

  "He's a friend of the family. He lives in Vermont so he knows the laws there. Do you know how serious they take littering there?"

  "Yeah, Tanner was just telling me."

  "I don't want to take any chances so I asked him to show up at court with me. He could represent you too if you want."

  "That's okay. I'll be fine," I say, knowing I don't have money for a lawyer.

  "How about my offer to give you a ride? Any chance you'd change your mind?"

  "I'm good. I've already called to rent the car. And I don't want to intrude on your romantic weekend."

  "You talked to Celine," he says with a sigh.

  "We had a meeting this morning. She told me all about it. It's great you were able to get a room for the night. I didn't think they had any left."

  "She got the room, but honestly, I doubt Celine will go. She'll come up with some excuse for why she can't. There's no way she'll survive up there surrounded by trees and all the tourists there to see the fall color."

  "She sounded like she was looking forward to it."

  "She's not. She's just—" He takes a breath. "She's just being Celine."

  "Meaning what? That she's going for some other reason?"

  "Maybe. Hey, I'll let you get back to your date. If you change your mind about the ride, just let me know."


  "See you next Friday."

  "Yeah, see you then."

  I wish Friday was already here. I want to see Aiden. I know it's wrong but I miss him. I was hoping we could have dinner after the court hearing, just as friends, but that's not going to happen with Celine there. She'll want him all to herself, which is understandable. He's her boyfriend. He should be having dinner with her, not me.

  And I should be having dinner with the guy waiting for me inside. Why can't I just be happy with Tanner? Why do I keep wanting what I can't have?

  Chapter Nine


  It's court day and I arrived an hour early, not wanting to risk being late. I've been pacing the hallway, waiting for my time to appear in front of the judge. I still can't believe this is happening. I've never had to appear in court before. My extent of involvement with the police has been three speeding tickets, which I paid by mail. How could one water bottle falling out my window result in having to appear in court?

  "You're early."

  My pulse quickens the moment I hear the smooth deep sound of his voice.

  "Aiden," I say, turning to face him. He's wearing a dark gray suit with a white shirt and gray necktie. His hair looks freshly cut and his face is shaved smooth. He looks hot. Sophisticated. Beyond handsome.

  My heart beats even faster and I have to force myself to look away. I glance behind him. "Where's Celine?"

  "She couldn't make it. I called you before I left to see if you wanted a ride but I got your voicemail."

  "You called me?" I check my phone. It's full of messages but I thought they were all from Bianca. She kept calling me on the drive up here but the service is spotty so her calls kept going to voicemail. I see Aiden's call way down on the list. "Sorry, I didn't see it."

  "It's fine. You'd probably already left when I called."

  "I did," I say, checking the time. "I left early so I wouldn't be late." I put my phone in my purse. "So what happened with Celine? Did she have to work?"

  "She didn't want to miss her yoga class."

  "Oh," I say, surprised. "Didn't she already know she'd be missing it when she made plans to come here with you?"

  "She thought we'd be leaving later in the morning. She didn't realize it was a four hour drive."

  I don't buy it. That's something she could've easily looked up. I think Celine knew all along she wasn't coming here. She only said she was to keep me from accepting Aiden's offer to give me a ride. She didn't want us spending all that time together in the car.

  "Are you heading back after the court hearing?" I ask.

  "I haven't decided."

  "I suppose there's not really a reason to stay now that your romantic weekend isn't happening," I say with a nervous laugh. I'm not sure why I'm nervous. It's not Aiden making me nervous but myself. I'm nervous I'll do or say something to give away how much I like him. Just being around him has me feeling breathless.

  "Celine wants me back for a dinner party her parents are hosting tonight. It starts at seven, and with Friday traffic, I'd have to leave as soon as we're done here, which I'd rather not do."

  "Then maybe you should stay. You already have a room, right?"

  "Actually, I don't. Celine booked it for the wrong weekend. That's another reason she decided not to come. I told her we could drive to another town to get a place but..." He looks down, rubbing his jaw.

  He seems frustrated, and maybe a little angry. I would be too if I'd planned a romantic night with my significant other only to have them cancel at the last minute.

  It's obvious Celine never planned to come here. Booking the inn for the wrong night? Celine would never do that. She's a perfectionist, like Bianc
a. She double and triple checks every detail to make sure it's right, which I know after having to work with her the past week. She demands everything be perfect, even the tiniest detail, like how the napkins are folded for this client dinner she's planning. There's no way she'd book the wrong night at the inn. She did it so Aiden wouldn't have a place to stay tonight, so he'd go back to New York and not be here with me.

  "I guess I'll just head back," Aiden says.

  "You could check with Tom. Maybe there was a cancellation."

  "You want me to stay?" he asks with a smile.

  I shrug. "You don't have to but it'd be nice to have a dinner companion. It's either you or the book I'm reading, and although the book is good, I'd rather have you." I feel my cheeks warm as I realize how flirtatious that sounded. I didn't mean to say it that way. This is why I'm so nervous around him. I say things I shouldn't.

  Aiden gets his phone out and makes a call. "Hey, Tom. It's Aiden Mills."

  He's calling Tom? Right now? I guess that means he wants to stay.

  "Yeah, I was wondering if you had a room open for tonight. I'm in town for the court hearing and I'd rather stay overnight than have to make the four hour drive back." He nods, then smiles. "That's great! Yeah, actually she did mean to book it for this weekend." He listens. "No, it'll just be me. Celine couldn't make it. I'll see you soon. Tell Lois I can't wait to eat her cooking again." He laughs. "Yeah, thanks again."

  "You got a room?" I ask as he puts his phone away.

  "It was already booked. Tom knew the hearing was today. When Celine called, Tom assumed she meant this weekend not next, so that's what he wrote down."

  "I can't believe they had a room with all the tourists here to see the leaves."

  "He said he had a cancellation right before Celine called to book the room. Guess it was meant to be."

  What if it was? What if everything lined up this way so that Aiden and I could spend more time together? But why would that happen if nothing could ever come of it?

  "You should probably tell Celine."

  "Already texted her," he says, his thumbs moving over his phone. "And I texted Tanner to tell him I won't be at the gym tomorrow."

  "You guys go to the gym together?"

  "Only if we're playing basketball. We reserved a court for tomorrow morning with some other guys."


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