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Sparks of Love

Page 11

by McKenna Rogue

  “I’m Blaze’s boyfriend, Jason.”

  Blaze’s eyes widened, and she blinked at me. I moved toward her and wound my arm around her waist.

  “She wasn’t quite ready for me to meet the parents, as it were, but I didn’t want to let her out of my sight today. It’s her birthday. It’s my fault you didn’t know I was coming. I wanted to be a surprise.”

  “A surprise it is, but it’s so nice to meet you. I’m Sylvia, Blaze’s… father’s wife.” Whoa, that was a cold introduction. I wondered if it was because of Blaze or Sylvia. The tension in the room was thick, like we’d have to swim through pea soup to get to dinner.

  We shook hands.

  Allison was bouncing, foot to foot. Clearly, she had something she wanted to say to Blaze.

  “Why don’t we all go into the living room? May I bring anyone a drink? We don’t have any alcohol, Jason, but I’ve got soda.”

  “Actually, water would be great. I don’t tend to drink a lot when I’m in the middle of a season.”

  “A season?” Sylvia blinked at him.

  “I’m a baseball player for the Jubilee Falls Coyotes.”

  “For now. He’ll be a Meadowlark before summer is over,” Blaze said.

  I winked at her. “Fingers crossed.”

  “Then what? You’ll be in Omaha and constantly on the road? What does that mean for you and Blaze?”

  “Sylvia, we’re not really talking about the future right now.” And it was none of her goddamn business.

  “We think we might try to find her a job in Omaha. She could work with athletes all the time if she were in Omaha.”

  Blaze stiffened in my arms but didn’t say anything.

  Sylvia looked completely distraught. What the hell was her problem? Shouldn’t she be happy for her stepdaughter?

  A couple of male voices traveled down the hall behind me. I glanced back to find a gentleman who reminded me a lot of Blaze, her father, no doubt, and another guy. Blaze never mentioned brothers.

  “Mom! Blaze’s car is outside!” Another voice came from up the stairs.

  “Kaity, grab Jill. Blaze is here. We’re all here, it would seem.” Sylvia gave Blaze and me another concerned look before she headed off.

  Blaze crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her hip. She was ready for something. A fight? Something was off here. Allison sat down on the couch, looking miserable too.

  The man I presumed was Blaze’s father said, “Who is this young man?”

  Blaze glanced at me but didn’t hold my gaze. I could tell she wasn’t okay.

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “Oh, hi, honey.” He moved toward her and kissed her on the cheek. “Happy Birthday.”

  I checked out the guy who was standing in the doorway, glaring at me. The man couldn’t be taller than five foot six with a sharp nose and eyes too close together. He looked like a weasel. He was all sorts of disproportionate. His arms were long, and his meaty fists looked like they should drag on the ground like a gorilla. He was round through the middle, dressed in a pair of slacks and a polo shirt, and clean shaven with beady eyes, still glaring at me.

  “Honey, this is Blaze’s boyfriend, Jason.” Sylvia’s voice had a ‘can you believe it’ tone to it.

  Her dad raised an eyebrow as he took me in. “Jason Calaveras?”

  I managed a smile. “Yes, sir.” I reached out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Owen Whitfield.” He shook my hand, squeezing a little roughly. “You’re a great player.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Owen shifted and gestured to the weasel man. “This is a colleague of mine, Larry Jones.”

  “Larry, it’s nice to meet you.” I shook his hand. “You must be a good friend of Blaze’s if you’re here to celebrate her birthday.”

  Larry yanked his hand away from me. Blaze’s dad was trying to set her up with this asshole? What the hell? Did he even see his daughter? I know I didn’t know Larry from a hole-in-the-wall, but I knew a scumbag when I saw one.

  I moved over to Blaze and slung my arm around her waist again and pulled her close. Allison moved into my peripheral. She leaned back in her seat, and her hand was trying to cover a smile.

  “Blaze!” A little girl who looked a little like Blaze and Sylvia mixed together ran right into Blaze’s arms, cutting the tension in the room. Larry leaned in the doorway, seething, while Owen disappeared into the kitchen, no doubt to find his wife and discuss their failed plan.

  Another woman appeared, this one looking just like Sylvia, willowy and polite.

  “Hi, Jill. Let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Jason. Jason, this is my… sister, Jill.”

  “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” She shook my hand though she still seemed confused.

  “I guess this is sort of our coming out party.”

  I squeezed her a little. “She wanted to keep me all to herself.”

  Jill lifted a brow. “I can see why.”

  Why did Blaze’s family think so little of Blaze? She was gorgeous, outrageously kind, and devoted. She was smart and with her healing hands… it was clear to me now why Blaze hated being here so much.

  “Happy Birthday, by the way.”

  “Thanks.” The tightness in Blaze’s voice didn’t go unnoticed.

  “We set everything up outside. Why don’t we head out there? I’ll get everyone drinks.” Jill disappeared to the same place her parents had.

  “You’re tall.” The little girl stood toe to toe with me and looked up.

  “You’re short. Do you have a name?” I asked.

  “I’m Kaitlyn.” She beamed at me, then looked over her shoulder. “Blaze is my favorite sister.”

  “Yeah? I bet you’re hers too.”

  She grinned and swung her body back and forth like she had too much energy and not enough to do. “Just how tall are you?”

  I held my hands out to her. “You want to see the world from up here?”

  She smiled and nodded emphatically.

  I reached down and lifted her into my arms, then stretched her up over my head and onto my shoulders.

  “Watch your shoulder. I just spent a lot of time fixing that,” Blaze hissed.

  “You were her client?” Larry asked with a sneer.

  Blaze cringed. Allison shot a daggered glare at Larry.

  “I was her boyfriend first. When the coach and doctor decided I needed rehab, they picked the best in Jubilee. I guess I just lucked out all the way around.”

  Larry harrumphed. “I guess so.”

  I knew his type. He hated men who were good looking and successful because he wasn’t. Why on earth would they set up a weasel like him with Blaze? Didn’t they think she could do better?

  “Let’s go outside!” Kaitlyn cried, acting like I was her royal steed.

  “Do you want to lead the way, birthday girl?” I chuckled.

  Blaze nodded; her eyes filled with something I couldn’t recognize. She grabbed Allison and hauled her to her feet, then led the way out the back door. There was a long table set for a birthday party. It looked more like it was for a twelve-year-old. There wasn’t an ounce of respect or love here for Blaze. I understood why she dreaded coming here at all. I wished I’d talked her out of it.

  “Look how tall I am, mommy!” Kaitlyn called out. She wiggled on my shoulders, and I was glad to feel no pain. I thought I was going to be okay, though I was a little nervous about getting back on the field. The team had moved on without me for quite some time. They already didn’t like me. Would they be pissed I was back?

  “Oh!” Sylvia clutched her chest. “Please be careful with my baby, Jason.”

  “Of course, ma’am. She’s safe with me.” I met Blaze’s eyes. “Always.”



  I couldn’t wait for this evening to be over. What on earth was Dad thinking, bringing over Larry again? And on my birthday!

  Sylvia and my dad looked at Jason like he was some sort of bug in need of squashing,
which was completely weird. Wasn’t Jason a catch? He would be under any normal circumstances. He’s hot, successful, independent, and definitely had his own life and passions. What else could I ask for? He wasn’t even my boyfriend, but they didn’t know that. I couldn’t believe he made up the story so quickly.

  More than that, I wanted it to be true. I wanted Jason to be mine.

  I was going to have to show him all sorts of gratitude—all night long.

  We sat down for dinner, and Jill sat on the other side of Jason, trying to engage him in conversation. Jason just kept turning the conversation back to me.

  Allison and I stole a couple of minutes alone once we were done eating, standing out of earshot from everyone.

  “What the hell? You couldn’t text me?!” I snarled in a low voice.

  “Larry showed up about thirty seconds before you did. I didn’t have time even to process what was going on. How the hell did you get Jason to come here? I thought the two of you were only…”

  “Uh, we were. We are. He wanted to come. I’m not sure why he said he was my boyfriend. I’m not even sure why he wanted to come.”

  “I know why.” Allison laughed. “He likes you and didn’t like that there was another man brought for you.”

  “Oh please, like he has to be jealous of Larry.”

  “He’s not jealous. He’s pissed at your family. That’s why he keeps rubbing in how great he is and how great you are into their faces.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “He’s a great guy is what I’m saying. Kaitlyn loves him. I love him too, I’m afraid.”

  “Well, no one should get attached. He’s playing again, and there are scouts coming over the 4th of July, so he’ll be heading to Omaha after that. You know he will be. Then I’ll just be poor, fat Blaze all over again. They’ll just bring Larry over again.”

  “Maybe you should move to Omaha, B. I love you, and I don’t want you to go, but this is cruel and unusual punishment to watch you put up with this shit. They’re never going to stop.”

  “I don’t know. If I move to Omaha, I won’t have any friends or anything.”

  “You make friends everywhere you go. You’re beloved. And maybe you’ll have a boyfriend.”

  I rolled my eyes. “He’s not my boyfriend. He’s going to get his millions and move to a big city. Eventually, he’ll get traded to another team because that’s what happens, and he’ll go somewhere else. Women will be falling all over themselves to get his attention, and he’ll wonder what the hell he’s doing with the fat slob from small town nowhere, Nebraska.”

  “Not the way he’s been looking at you all night. Why can’t you just admit you like him? That you want more than a fuck buddy.”

  “Because, Allison, I don’t look like you. And I certainly don’t attract men of a higher caliber.”

  “That’s bullshit. Just because you haven’t found someone yet, doesn’t mean there isn’t a guy like Jason. And don’t you dare insinuate my best friend should be with someone like Larry. I might have to deck her. I found a high caliber guy, and he ran off with another woman the night of our bachelor and bachelorette parties. High caliber doesn’t mean shit. You just have to find someone who makes you crazy in all the best possible ways.”

  “I like him, Alli. I like him more than I’ve ever liked a guy. The way he makes me feel… it’s incredible. But he’s going to leave, and I can’t ask him to take me with him and certainly, can’t ask him to stay.”

  “Then maybe he’ll ask you to go with him, or maybe he wants to stay. Stop acting like you can predict the future.”

  “Can’t I?” It certainly felt like I could. Blaze Whitfield, destined to have a long life, making sure people didn’t suffer, but she herself would always suffer and be alone.

  “Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You’re my favorite person in the whole world. And you deserve all the happiness.”

  “I’m glad you came today.” I rested my head on her shoulder. “As far as the rest of it, I’m holding out for happiness. I just don’t think it’s going to be with Jason Calaveras.” Even as I said it, I looked over at him, chatting with Kaitlyn. I didn’t like the image of him playing with a little girl with dark hair and brown eyes that cropped up in my mind. He’d make a good father. He knew what it was like not to have one and would make sure his own child never felt such pain. I knew he would.

  “Well, I hope your prediction is wrong, B. I don’t want to see you sad.” Allison kissed the top of my head.

  “I don’t want to see you sad, either. I still want to kill Dean.”

  “Don’t worry about it. We’ve had enough of my drama for a while. We should stay focused on yours.”

  “I wasn’t going to say anything to anyone, but I was contacted by a sports rehab clinic in Omaha. They work strictly with female athletes, and they want an interview.”

  Allison’s eyes widened. “Are you serious? Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m doing. I love my work here, and I love you, but I really hate being here anymore. I feel trapped, like I’m settling, instead of going for what I truly want.”

  “Then you have to go!”

  I crossed my arms over my stomach, trying to ease the nerves fumbling around. “It’s just an interview. They may not even want me.”

  “They’d be crazy not to snatch you up.”

  I nudged Allison when I caught sight of my dad heading right for us.

  “Blaze, honey, why didn’t you tell me you were seeing someone?”

  “Why does it matter? You know now.” I was annoyed. I still couldn’t believe he’d invited Larry here for me. This party seemed to be more for Larry than for me. My dad and Sylvia were tripping all over themselves to make him the center of attention—on my freaking birthday.

  “I want to know what’s going on in your life. Are the two of you serious? I mean, he’s a baseball player. He’s going to go to the Majors. He’s good.”

  “I know that. What’s your point, Dad?”

  “Why don’t you get out of this relationship now before your heart’s really in it? Larry is a good man. He’s loyal, makes good money, and he likes you. The two you of you could really hit it off.”

  “Dad, I don’t like Larry that way.” Or in any way.

  “You could learn to love him. Jason is probably fun, but, Blaze, you have to think of the future. A guy like Jason isn’t going to settle down. He’s not going to make a good father. Baseball players aren’t the settling down type.”

  I blink at him. “Dad, most baseball players marry young. And who the hell cares. Maybe I don’t want anything serious. You ever think of that? Jason doesn’t hold all the cards in this…” I couldn’t make myself call it a relationship. “I think it’s time for me to go. Jason had something planned for after the party, and I’m dying to know what it is.” My tone didn’t sound excited, but I couldn’t muster any enthusiasm. I’d been on since we arrived, and I was ready to go back to being me again.

  Jill laughed and kept touching Jason’s chest and arms playfully. If I didn’t know better, I would say she was hitting on him. But that’s not what sisters do, right?

  Jason saw me coming, and his gaze fixed on me. For a second, I felt like the only person in the world. Jill said something to him, but he didn’t even look at her or respond. He headed right for me.

  “You all right?”

  “I, uh, I’m ready to head out.”

  “Let’s go then.”

  “I’ll walk out with you,” Allison said.

  Saying our goodbyes, I tried to be pleasant to everyone, but I was fuming mad. I hugged Allison goodbye in front of her car.

  “Thanks for coming tonight,” I said.

  “Happy birthday, Blaze. We can celebrate for real this weekend.”

  “As long as there are copious amounts of drinking.”

  “You got it, B.”

  She got into her car, and I headed over to mine where Jason leaned against the
driver’s side, waiting for me.

  “If I had a cool red sports car, this would be almost like Sixteen Candles.”

  He slid his hands onto my hips and pulled me into him. He spun, so I was pressed against the car.

  “Your family is watching through the windows.”

  I went to turn and look, but he held me in place.

  “Don’t worry about them.” He reached up, cupping my face. “Don’t focus on all the bullshit they tried to sell you today. I should’ve insisted on taking you out for your birthday. Sometimes, not having a family, I forget it doesn’t mean having a family is always a great thing. I’m sure your family doesn’t mean to be a big bag of dicks.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Aside from Allison, no one really seemed to see the flaws of my family but me. Everyone loved them. I felt like I had to work so hard for people to take me seriously and sometimes, for them to even notice me at all. But Jason saw me. He saw me even when I was with Allison and all her other gorgeous friends.

  “Why aren’t we leaving?”

  “Because I want to give your family a show.” He leaned down and kissed me, his hands tightening on my hips, and slowly, the disappointment of the day slipped away. The kiss was deep, making my body hum. I groaned into his mouth. He broke the kiss. “Now, get in the car and take me home. I’m going to finish what I started.”

  I barely managed a nod—how I was going to drive in this state was beyond me—but I managed to find my keys and make the car work. The wind blowing through my hair helped clear out some of the lust haze—but it was so much more than that.

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  His hands slid over my thigh. “Do what?”

  “Pretend to be my boyfriend.”

  “Labels don’t scare me. I’m more your boyfriend than a fuck buddy or casual dating or whatever the hell. I don’t want to just be friends who fuck. I like you, Blaze. A lot.” His hand slid further north on my thigh, dragging the material of my dress with it. “I definitely wanted to have sex with you, but I’m not opposed to more.”

  My heart fluttered, quickly followed by another defeating thought. “Then you can just turn it off and go to Omaha?” Which wasn’t fair, especially when I was considering the same thing for different reasons.


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