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Mr. July: An MMA Sports Romance (Calendar Boys Book 7)

Page 6

by Nicole S. Goodin

  “That’s life for you,” I repeat his words back to him. “It’s not like they were horrible to me or anything like that. I had everything I needed. They bought me a car when I turned sixteen, they paid for college… I dunno – I guess I just missed out on anything genuine from them.”

  “I see him around a lot – your dad.”

  “I bet he loves you,” I say with a roll of my eyes.

  He winks at me. “He’s so far up my ass it’s almost embarrassing.”

  Laughter bubbles out of me. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you just said that.”

  He chuckles. “It’s true. He’s like that with all the pro guys who train there.”

  “He was heartbroken when Justin got that injury and couldn’t fight anymore. He had plans for him to be a big-time champion. Maybe he’s living through you to fill that void his disappointing children left.”

  The smile slides off his lips and he looks at me hard. “You could never be a disappointment, Ramsey – not even if you tried.”

  A nervous giggle escapes my lips as I try to brush away his comment, but he isn’t having it.

  “You’re smart, funny and beautiful. Don’t let your dad acting like a dick ever make you believe otherwise.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  He raises his brows at me.

  “Okay,” I say with more volume.

  “Okay,” he repeats.



  “My sister fixed you up yet or what?” Justin demands as I stroll into the gym.

  “Almost as good as new.” I nod.

  I already am as good as new if I’m being honest, but I may or may not be holding onto these injuries with everything I’ve got so I can justify visiting her house every couple of days like I have been the past few weeks.

  She schedules me in at the end of her work day and then we hang out afterwards.

  Sometimes Juliet is with us, Justin too on the odd occasion, but more often than not, we’re alone, and it’s the highlight of my week.

  We even went to the gym for a workout together earlier in the week so she could check on my form and run me through a few stretches.

  I realised the minute I got there that I’d made a grave mistake. She works out in the tiniest pair of shorts and a crop top. Her whole body was right there for me to ogle and ogle it I did. Especially that sexy damn ass of hers that looked too good in those shorts.

  “You ready to get back into some light sparring?” Justin asks, excitement shining in his eyes.

  “Give it a few more days until Ramsey gives me the all clear.”

  “She’s babying you,” he grumbles. “You look fine to me.”

  “She’s the one with the degree.” I cross my arms across my chest and shoot him a smug look.

  He mutters something else under his breath.

  “You’re doing some weight training then, you look weak.”

  “Fuck off,” I shoot back. “I could still kick your ass and you know it.”

  He grins. “Put your money where your mouth is then, big shot.”

  “I’m not stupid, I know when I’m being baited, shithead.”

  He chuckles. “You’ve been spending too much time with Ramsey; you’re starting to sound like her.”

  That gets a laugh out of me.

  Justin has chilled out about me and Ramsey hanging out. It’s been about a month since we met now, and nothing has happened between us – not since that night at my house.

  I figure he thinks he’s in the clear.

  He obviously hasn’t taken a look inside my mind lately. I’d be a dead man if he had.

  I’m craving her.

  Every minute I spend in her company only intensifies the feelings growing inside my chest.

  Every time she laughs, I find myself smiling wider.

  It’s as though every action of hers has a direct reaction inside of me.

  I’m becoming obsessed with Ramsey Ashton and there’s not a damn thing I can do to stop it.

  “You’re coming to watch Rusty tomorrow night, right?”

  “For the hundredth time, yeah, I’ll be there.”

  Justin has been helping out with Rusty’s prep for the past few weeks while I’ve been out of action.

  It’s not a top-class fight, but it’s his toughest fight to date.

  Hell, I think even he’s realised that and started to put his head down and get some work done these past few weeks.

  “He gonna make weight?” I question as I glance across the room to where Rusty is skipping, about four layers of clothing on his body.

  “He fucking better. I caught the bastard eating chicken nuggets last week. He was a kilo over this morning, so the fucker has been skipping for the past half hour.”

  “He’ll sweat it out.”

  “I’ll kill him myself if he doesn’t make that fight.”

  “You’re awfully filled with rage today, what’s up your ass?”

  He scowls at me. “Nothing.”

  “Girl problems?” I ask, the corner of my mouth twitching.

  “Nope,” he grinds out.

  Definitely girl problems.

  “Well I’m headed for the weights. Let me know if you decide it’s female related after all.”

  I get about three steps away when he cracks.

  “So, there’s this chick, right?”

  I turn back around. “Alright.”

  “We’ve kinda had a thing going for a while now.”

  We both know he’s talking about Juliet.

  I don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling, but I’ll humour him.

  “I dunno, man.” He runs his hand through his dark blond hair. “Maybe she finally got sick of my shit… she’s going on a date tonight with some dude she met at work.”


  “What the fuck am I meant to do about it?”

  “I assume you’ve considered manning the hell up and telling her how you feel?”

  He scowls at me. “You make it sound like it’s as simple as that.”

  I shrug at him. “The only one making it hard is you.”

  “Fuck off.”

  I shake my head at him. “I’ve got shit to do today, bro, can’t stand here all day giving you advice that you’re going to ignore. You either let her go and enjoy her date, or you find your balls and go get her before it’s too late. Your call.”

  I carry on heading for the weights equipment.

  This is a fucking gym not a therapy office, for fuck’s sake.

  I need to get back into some gloves, no one bothers me with this kind of shit when I’m throwing punches.

  “Horror,” Justin calls.

  I huff out a breath. He better be done with this deep and meaningful shit.

  “I’ve got your ticket for tomorrow.”

  I tip my chin to him in thanks from where I am.

  “You’re seeing Ramsey again tomorrow, right?”

  I nod.

  “I’ve got tickets for her and Juliet too, can you take them?”

  I shake my head in amusement. “Why the hell is she coming to another fight?”

  “Rusty made her feel guilty.” He grins.

  “You guys are assholes,” I reply as I slip my earbuds into my ears and hit play on my workout playlist.

  The heavy beat takes over and blocks out everything. Well, almost everything.


  “I don’t know why I do this to myself.” Ramsey sighs as she slips on her jacket.

  Juliet giggles. “Just think of all the abs.”

  Ramsey’s eyes dart to mine and she laughs. “I told you she only wanted to come to perve.”

  Juliet blushes.

  “How was your date last night?” I ask her casually.

  “It was okay...” She frowns at me. “How did you know I had a date?”

  “Word on the street.” I smirk.

  Ramsey eyes me curiously.

  “You gonna see him again?” I question.

fiddles with a loose thread on the bottom of her skirt. “I’m not sure… I guess I’ll just see how it goes.”

  “Holding out for something better, Jules?” I ask with a wink.

  She blushes a deep scarlet and virtually leaps to her feet. “I forgot to put something in my bag,” she says as she rushes from the room.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Ramsey demands.

  I glance at her over the back of the couch and shake my head in amusement at the look on her face. “Nothing you need to worry about.”

  “Do you know how long it took me to convince her to go on that damn date? And here you are, encouraging her to ditch the guy. What the fuck, champ?”

  “You’re a smart girl, pinky, I bet you can figure it out.” I smirk.

  She narrows her eyes at me and points her finger at my chest. “If you even so much as utter my brother’s name, I’m going to skin you alive.”

  “Would it be so bad, your brother and your best friend?”

  “It would be wrong on so many levels; he’s always looked out for her like a brother – since she was about ten years old. It would be like kissing a sibling.” She shudders.

  I chuckle. “Well maybe they don’t see it that way.”

  She takes a step towards me, her finger jabbing into my collarbone. “Wash your mouth out.”

  I wrap my hand around hers and tug. She stumbles forward, and I grab her hip, dragging her over the back of the couch and half into my lap.

  She shrieks with laughter, shoving at me as she lands.

  She’s so close I can smell her perfume.

  She wiggles against my hold and grins up at me. “Brute.”

  I can’t get over that smile on her face – especially when it’s directed at me.

  She’s like nobody else in my life.

  She sees past the tough exterior to the man inside, and when she looks at me like that, it’s easy to believe she likes what she sees.

  I reach out and twist a strand of pink hair between my fingers.

  Her lids close momentarily before fluttering open again, her golden eyes burning into mine.

  I could lean in and kiss her right now, consequences be damned. I know she feels this between us, I can see it in her eyes – hear it in her voice when she talks to me.

  She wants me as badly as I want her.

  I lean in.

  “Alright, let’s go!” Juliet yells from down the hall, snapping us both out of the moment.

  Ramsey scrambles from my lap to her feet, smoothing down her jeans and top as she goes. I copy, standing a foot away from her.

  Juliet strolls through the room towards the front door, totally oblivious to the sexual tension in the air.

  “You two coming or what?” she yells when we don’t follow.

  “Just grabbing my bag,” Ramsey yells back, but she doesn’t move an inch.

  She just stands there, staring back at me.

  We’re both still on our own side of the invisible line we’ve drawn in the middle of our relationship, but we’re so close to the edge.

  I for one, am pressed so close up to that line I’m almost standing on it, and she’s right there with me, toe to toe.

  I know she’s doing the same thing I am – weighing up in her head about whether or not we can do this… how we can possibly be together when we both know what it would do to Justin.

  “We should go,” Ramsey whispers.

  “We should,” I agree.

  “Hudson,” she breathes as I take a step closer – effectively crossing the line.

  “Ramsey,” I murmur.

  “That’s it, I’m driving myself!” Juliet yells from out front.

  Ramsey huffs out a laugh and smiles sweetly up at me. “Let’s go, champ.”

  She steps around me and walks to the door, and I release a deep breath.

  I just came so close to fucking everything up and I honestly don’t even know if I care enough to make sure it doesn’t happen again.



  “I’m just going to go check in with Rusty,” Hudson tells us once he’s escorted us to our seats – front freakin’ row – again.

  I already feel nauseous and there’s not even any fighters out here yet.

  Fucking Rusty and his guilt trip.

  He better not bleed tonight or I think I might actually puke.

  “Ramsey?” his voice comes again.

  I pull my eyes from the cage and raise my brows at him. “Sorry, what?”

  He searches my face. “I said I’m just going to shoot out back, you girls alright here?”

  “We’re good thanks. Tell him if he starts bleeding, I’m leaving.”

  He grins wickedly. “I’ll be sure to pass that on.”

  Juliet sits down, but I stay standing, unable to pull my eyes from the sexiest man in the world as he stalks across the room, once again turning heads as he goes.

  “You think you’ll be able to see past those love hearts in your eyes?”

  “Probably not.” I sigh as he disappears from sight.

  “Did he finally kiss you on the couch or what?”

  My jaw drops as I sit down in the seat next to her.

  “You saw us?”

  “Hell yes, I saw you… that chemistry is off the charts. Why do you think I shot through the room like a cat on a hot tin roof? I thought the two of you might have finally been going to get on with it.”

  I sigh. “Nope. So close yet so far.”

  “You should try making him jealous.”

  I pop a brow. “What, like you’re trying to do with Justin?”

  Her eyes widen and her cheeks change colour.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Sure you don’t,” I mutter under my breath. “And besides, I don’t want to make him jealous. We’re friends – I don’t want to hurt him.”

  She snorts out a laugh. “Oh please. You two are never going to be ‘just friends’, that ship sailed the moment you saw each other, and you know it.”

  “But Justin—”

  “But Justin nothing,” she interrupts, “he’s a big boy – he’ll get over it. I’m sure he just wants you to be happy when it comes down to it.”

  I’m pretty sure he wants me to be celibate, but whatever.

  “What makes you think that Hudson would make me happy?”

  She sighs wistfully at something over my shoulder. “Look at him… do you think there’s ever been a woman enter his bed and leave anything other than happy?”

  “Ew.” I scrunch up my nose and scowl at her as I think about other women in his bed. “That was a visual I didn’t need.”

  “Even his walk is sexy.”

  I turn and glance at him over my shoulder and my breath gets caught in my throat when he offers me a sexy, devious grin.

  “Girl, when he looks at you like that, even I get turned on.”

  I burst into laughter so hard it hurts my ribs.

  “What’s so funny?” Hudson asks as he slides into the chair next to me, an amused expression on his face as he hands me and Juliet a beer each.

  I wipe at the tears in my eyes before taking the bottle from him. “Thanks, and don’t worry – private joke.”

  He takes a pull of his own beer, his dark eyes never leaving mine.

  He doesn’t question me again, but it feels like he’s somehow getting the answers he wants anyway.

  “Is he ready?” I question.

  “As ready as Rusty ever is.” He shakes his head in disapproval.

  “Did you warn him to keep his blood inside his body?”

  He smirks. “I did. He said to tell you that you might want to close your eyes.”

  “Well that fills me with confidence,” I mutter as I take a big gulp of my drink.

  Maybe if I get drunk, I won’t be so bothered.

  “Where’s the hotties? I’m ready for the show.” Juliet bounces in her seat excitedly.

  “Right here, babe.” I hear my
brother’s voice behind us.

  I don’t miss the way Juliet’s eyes light up, or the way Justin appraises her body, head to toe, before sitting down next to her.

  Fuck it all. Hudson was right. This isn’t just friendly banter.

  My best friend is in love with my brother. My brother has a thing for my friend. For fuck’s sake.

  I turn and glare at Hudson, as though this is somehow his doing.

  He raises his brows at me and holds up his hands in surrender. “Don’t shoot the messenger, pinky.”

  I’m about to start my grumbling when the lights die down and the music starts.

  A spotlight appears in the middle of the cage and I squeeze my eyes shut in anticipation.

  “Relax, Ramsey, they haven’t even come out yet.” His voice is right at my ear, warm and smooth.

  I pry open one eye. He’s right. There’s no one here to bleed. Yet.

  I blow out a deep breath.

  Hudson chuckles and leans back in his chair, his long arm coming around the back of my seat.

  I feel him playing with my hair and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

  I can’t take much more of this silent dance that’s going on between us.

  We’re weaving in and out of reach of one another. Getting just close enough to touch and then darting out of the way.

  It’s exhausting.

  It’s exhilarating.

  It’s not enough.

  His thumb brushes my bare arm and my skin is set alight.

  Jesus. It’s not even close to being enough.

  I hear the announcer speaking – introducing Rusty’s opponent, and the blaring music of his walkout song fills the room.

  He’s got a lot of support here tonight.

  The stadium fills with cheers and whoops.

  “Here he comes,” Justin says, his knee jiggling up and down nervously.

  As glad as I am that he’s not in that cage anymore, it makes me sad to know he’s been forced to give up competing in a sport he loves.

  “And in the blue trunks with the gold trim, we have Rusty ‘Rager’ Gordon,” the voice booms out over the sea of people.

  Hudson flies to his feet, tugging me with him as a loud, pulsing beat fills the air.

  I clap my hands together, nerves flitting through my body as Rusty jogs right past us, Hudson clapping him on the shoulder as he goes.


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