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Mr. July: An MMA Sports Romance (Calendar Boys Book 7)

Page 7

by Nicole S. Goodin

  Beast is there with him and a couple of other guys I don’t recognise – trainers from the gym most likely.

  “Let’s go, Rusty, you’ve got this!” Justin yells as Rusty starts jogging around the cage, the crowd going crazy.

  He shrugs off his blue and gold robe, and Beast takes it from him.

  His body is ripped to shreds, and I’m glad that Juliet is getting the view she was hoping for – at least one of us might enjoy this event.

  “You good?” Hudson asks, his arm finding its spot around me again as we sit down.

  “Not really,” I admit.

  He chuckles.

  “Tell me if you think you’re going to puke.”

  “No deal.”

  There’s no way I’m spewing in front of him. And besides, I’m more likely to faint than I am to blow chunks, but passing out again would be more than embarrassing enough.

  I just have to remember to keep my head down when they start throwing punches.

  My stomach lurches at the idea of it.

  Damn Rusty. He owes me big time for this.

  The two men dance around the cage, working combos and playing up for the crowd.

  I can feel my pulse racing and I decide that I’m going to pick a spot on the floor to look at right now before they get this thing started.

  I find the remnants of an old piece of chewing gum squished and dried on the ground just in front of my feet and I stare at it as though my life depends on it.

  “Here they go,” Hudson murmurs in my ear, his hold around my shoulders tightening slightly.

  As much as I hate coming to these things, I’d probably do it all again if it meant I got to feel safe and protected in his arms like this.

  The crowd starts going wild as the fight gets underway and I hear the unmistakable sound of punches and kicks being thrown.

  Justin is screaming something about a right uppercut, but I can’t look.

  Hudson yells for Rusty to take it to the floor, and I hear a loud thud that sounds suspiciously like two bodies hitting the mats.

  Juliet gasps and squeaks the word, “No,” and I don’t know what the hell I’m thinking, but I look up.

  Rusty has his opponent pinned to the ground, and there is blood everywhere. I don’t even know whose blood it all is, but I know it’s more than I can handle.

  My mouth starts to salivate and yellow splotches appear in my vision.

  “Shit,” I hear Hudson say before everything goes black.



  “C’mon, pinky, wake up, beautiful.”

  I blow gently in her pale face.

  She’s as white as a ghost.

  This is the second time I’ve seen her drop like this, and I can’t help but think of the irony of it all; she’s got one foot in the world of fighting, yet she can’t stomach a single thing about it.

  She makes a small moaning noise, but her eyes don’t open.

  I glance around the empty foyer where I’ve carried her and assess my options.

  I could take her to the team doctor, and have him look her over, but judging by that knee to the ribs that Rusty took out there, I’d say he’s going to have his hands full already.

  I’m sure she’ll be fine when she wakes up, I’d just prefer that she got the fuck on with it already.

  Juliet bursts through the door, a giant smile on her face. “He won!”

  “Tin-ass bastard.” I grin.

  “It was so gross.” She shudders.

  I chuckle. She doesn’t look like it was too much of an effort for her to be a part of.

  “Where’s Justin?”

  “Rusty wanted him out back for something so I thought I’d come check on sleeping beauty.”

  “She’s still out.”

  “She’s probably faking it – she’s going to die of embarrassment.”

  I glance back down at the woman in my arms. Some of the colour is returning to her cheeks.

  I gently run my finger down the side of her face.

  “You really care for her, don’t you?”

  My eyes flash to Juliet in surprise, denial quick on my lips. “She’s Justin’s sister, he’d kill me if I didn’t look out for her.”

  Juliet snorts out a laugh. “Is that how this is going to go? You’re going to sit there and pretend this is about doing a favour for your mate? Please.”

  I scowl at her.

  “You don’t fool me, you might look like a big tough guy, but you’re soft as a marshmallow when it comes to that girl and you know it.”

  She’s one hundred percent fucking right. I’m just not willing to admit it.

  Not to anyone other than myself anyway.

  She sighs when I don’t answer.

  “What are you going to do with her when she wakes up?”

  “I’ll take her home.”

  “I can drive you,” she offers.

  I shake my head, my gaze falling back to Ramsey. “Nah that’s okay, you stay and watch the rest of the card with Justin, I’ll walk her home – the fresh air might do her good.” I tip my head in the direction of the front door.

  It’s not too long of a walk – might feel that way if I have to carry her though.

  She eyes me knowingly. “Alright then, hot shot.” She tosses me Ramsey’s jersey and turns to go back through the doors and into the main arena but pauses and looks back at us. “I’m just going to say this once…”

  I nod for her to go on.

  “Please don’t break her heart. I know she acts tough, but deep down, she’s not – so just don’t hurt her, okay?”

  I don’t know how I could possibly break something I don’t have, but I find myself nodding my head regardless, the warning I didn’t know I required has been heeded.

  “And thanks, Hudson, for taking care of her… I know she’s safe with you – physically at least.”

  She’s safe with me alright – injured or not, I’d kill anyone that tried to hurt her – rip them limb from limb.

  I nod at Juliet once and she disappears back through the door.

  I let out a deep breath and run my hand through my hair.

  I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.

  I’m getting in deep – too deep with this girl and I’m not sure I’ll be able to get back out.

  I huff out another breath and look down to the woman who is slowly but surely, stealing my heart.

  Her wide golden eyes are looking back at me.

  “Finally,” I whisper. “I was starting to get worried.”

  “What happened?” she breathes as she tries to sit up.

  I press down on her shoulder and hold her in place. “Take it easy, you fainted.”

  She groans and brings a hand up to cover her face. “Not again.”

  “I’m afraid so, but in your defence, there was a lot of blood.”

  She grimaces.

  “Sorry. Too soon.”

  She takes a deep breath and relaxes in my arms.

  “Did you have to carry me out?”

  I nod.

  She groans again and turns her head so her face is hidden in my t-shirt. “You could have made Justin do it.”

  “He tried. I wouldn’t let him.”

  She peeks out at me. “Why not?”

  Why not? What a loaded question that is.

  Because I wanted to hold you.

  Because the idea of you being away from me makes me feel anxious.

  Because I want to take care of you.

  Because you’re mine.

  “I didn’t want him to miss the fight,” I say instead, the lie rolling off my tongue like the truth.

  “Oh shit, I made you miss Rusty’s fight?” She tries to scramble from my lap, but I’m stronger than her, and she’s not going anywhere – especially not for a fight I couldn’t care less about.

  “Relax. The fight is over – Rusty won.”

  “He did?” she asks, her voice rising an octave in excitement.

  I nod.
/>   “Oh yay!”

  I chuckle. She’s too fucking sweet. She hates the sport, but she still attends. She faints at the sight of blood, but she’s still thrilled that her friend won.

  Ramsey Ashton is too good.

  Certainly too good for a guy like me.

  “Justin and Juliet are going to stay and watch the rest of the fights.”

  She rolls her eyes, and I laugh.

  “But you and me, pinky, we’re headed home.”

  She shakes her head quickly. “You can go back in and watch, I’ve already hijacked enough of your night.”

  I pin her with my stare. “If you think I’m going to do anything other than walk you home, then you don’t know me very well.”

  “Okay,” she breathes, blinking slowly.

  “You think you can stand?” I ask as I gingerly ease her up so she’s sitting in my lap.

  She blushes as her hand brushes my crotch.

  “I’m fine. I’m really sorry about this.”

  She might be sorry, but I’m not. I’d hold her like this all day if I could.

  I stand, with my arms still holding her against me.

  Her eyes never leave mine as her feet find the floor.

  She’s clinging onto my shoulders and our bodies are flush together.

  If Justin were to walk out and see this, he’d kick my ass.

  “Thank you for taking care of me,” she whispers before her tongue darts out and moistens her lips.

  She’s so sexy, even when she’s not trying to be.

  I’m just about to let her go when she leans in closer, her lips brushing my cheek.

  Justin would definitely kick my ass for that.

  Hell, I’d be dead if he knew what I was thinking about when it came to the woman in front of me.

  She glances at my jacket and her jersey. “You ready to go home?” she asks, and I allow myself for just a moment to believe that it’s an invitation.


  I look down at our joined hands swinging between us and feel like a teenager out with a girl for the first time.

  I’m anything but an innocent teenager anymore, one look in the mirror gets that message across loud and clear, but shit, this woman makes me feel like one anyway.

  I managed to hold her hand under the pretence of her feeling faint, but I think we both know that was a lie.

  She’s fine. I was right, the fresh air was the best thing for her.

  We’ve got a twenty-minute walk ahead of us. I wish it was five times as long, because I know once I walk her to her door, there’s going to be nothing left to do except get in my car and drive myself back to my big, empty house.

  That’s not what I want.

  She’s what I want.

  “How’d you get into fighting?” she asks, her eyes shining in the moonlight.

  “I did Taekwondo as a kid, then Jiu Jitsu and Karate, I’ve got more black belts than I know what to do with, but I was never quite satisfied. I tried boxing, kickboxing and then I found my way into an MMA gym.” I shrug. “I guess I never left.”

  “Justin was the same; he lives and breathes the sport, but it was different for him – he almost didn’t have a choice growing up, but you… you must have been born for it, to find your way to this level with no support from your family.”

  “I could say the same about you.” I squeeze her hand. “You’re the best physio I’ve ever had.”

  She giggles. “You’re hardly going to say I’m the worst.”

  I chuckle. “No, I’m serious, my body is my livelihood – I don’t just let anyone put their hands on it.”

  She dips her head before bringing her eyes back up to mine. “Well thank you for trusting me.”

  I do trust her; I realise in that moment. I’ve let her get close, right into my circle and I barely even noticed the intrusion.

  Considering the small amount of people I let into that circle, it’s a surprising revelation.

  We walk down the quiet street, hand in hand not saying a word for nearly two blocks.

  “Thanks for taking care of me, champ.”

  “You still gonna call me champ if I lose one day?”

  She smiles at me. “I can’t imagine you losing anytime soon, so I think you’re safe.”

  “Everyone loses sometimes. Even me.”

  “Well, you’ll always be my champ.” She giggles and covers her eyes with her free hand as though she can’t believe she just said something so cheesy.

  I chuckle and do my best to swallow my feelings.

  I want to be more than just her champ.

  I want to be her everything.

  “And you’ll always be my pinky,” I tell her.

  “What if I change the colour of my hair?”

  I shake my head. “It won’t matter. It’s stuck.”

  I can see the blush on her cheeks, even out here in the dim light.

  I glance up and we’re nearly at her street.

  My time is almost up.

  She gives me a forced smile, and I let myself believe that it’s because she doesn’t want me to leave any more than I do.

  We turn the corner, still holding hands. This is so reckless, but I’m just doing what I do best – throwing everything I have into the ring.

  “So… thanks for walking me, you didn’t have to,” she says as we walk up the short path to her front door.

  “There was no way I was letting you walk alone.”

  We’re dawdling, the pair of us, I don’t know about her, but I’m dragging this thing out as long as I possibly can.

  She turns to face me when we’ve got nowhere else to go.

  She gives me a small smile and slightly pops one of her shoulders as if to say, ‘what now?’

  “I forgot, I got you something,” I say, my memory sparking.

  “Me? What for?”

  I shrug. “Because I saw it and I wanted you to have it.”

  I shove my hand in my pocket and come back out with the small pink silk bag between my fingers.

  I bring our joined hands up and let go so I can drop it in her hand.

  She looks at me in confusion.

  “Open it.”

  She pulls on the small string and tips it upside down, the small, gold, boxing glove charm falling into her palm.

  Her eyes rise to mine. “Hudson…”

  “It’s for your bracelet.”

  “It’s perfect, but why?”

  “I thought I should have some type of representation.”

  She huffs out a laugh. “But why? Why me?”

  I take a step closer to her. “I don’t see anything around me when I’m in that cage – but I saw you, I saw you before I had any idea who you were… isn’t that reason enough?” I rasp as I tuck her hair behind her ear, my other arm coming around her waist.

  She nods slowly, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.

  I use my thumb to free it, and when I finally press my lips against hers, it’s the rightest thing in the world.



  There’s something in the way I know he could literally snap me like a twig, yet he’s handling me with such care and tenderness, that gets me – weakens my self-control to the point where I can’t even remember why we shouldn’t do this.

  His lips are moving against mine with such softness and affection that I could cry.

  He’s treasuring me.

  The hand that isn’t gripping the sweet gift he just gave me, winds into his hair and holds on for dear life.

  I feel weak in the knees, like I might fall down if he lets me go, and this time it has nothing to do with blood and everything to do with him.

  He’s making me dizzy.

  I tug hard on his hair as I feel his tongue run across my lip.

  He kisses me firmer – more urgently and I open my mouth to his.

  I feel my back hit the wall next to my front door, but I can’t even recall moving my feet.

  He growls, and it’s a deeply satisfied
sound as I devour him the same way he does me until we both have to come up for air.

  “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that?” he asks between planting kisses on my nose, cheeks and neck.

  I don’t know about him, but I’ve been waiting ever since the day I first met him, since I first saw his beautiful dark eyes and his smokin’ hot body.

  “About three weeks, six days, and I dunno, two hours?” I breathe.

  He glances down at his watch. “And twenty-five minutes to be exact.”

  Our breaths mingle in the cool night air between us.

  He’s over-thinking, I can tell in the way he dips his head to stare at his shoes.

  “Come inside,” I whisper.

  His face comes back to mine, and I run my hands down his chest and back up under his shirt, revelling in every glorious inch of his bare abdomen.

  He groans and his head falls forward.

  “You’re making it really hard to do the right thing and walk away from you.”

  “So, don’t walk away… I want you to stay, Hudson. Stay with me.”

  He doesn’t say yes, but he doesn’t say no either.

  He watches as I slip my hand into my pocket and pull out my house key.

  I unlock the door and take a step inside and set down the key and charm on the small table in the entry.

  I look back at him from where I stand.

  This is it.

  This is his moment to do or die… to choose where his priorities lie.

  He looks right at me, his dark eyes burning with desire as he steps surely over the threshold.

  He made his choice.

  I certainly made mine.

  The moment he kissed me, I no longer had one.

  He shuts the door behind him and steps into my body so we’re pressed up against one another again. “Juliet made me promise I wouldn’t break your heart,” he murmurs.

  I giggle nervously as I fidget with the end of my sleeve. “I don’t know what goes through that girl’s head sometimes.”

  He doesn’t laugh. Instead he stares hard, seeing into the depths of my soul, then leans in and runs the tip of his nose from my ear to my throat.

  “I won’t break your heart if you don’t break mine,” he says, his voice gruff at my ear, and I melt into him.


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