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Top Trouble: A Submissive Series Standalone Novel

Page 10

by Me, Tara Sue

  “Okay, you’re on,” she said.

  He laughed. “We haven’t even discussed what happens if I make you come.”

  It was such an improbability she didn’t see the point in discussing it, but she supposed she should, to make it look fair.

  “Okay then,” she said. “What do you think would be appropriate if you’re able to make me come?”

  “I’m not sure what you know about the demo today.”

  “Nothing other than what you told me. Sensual, not punishment. Anal, of course.”

  Evan nodded. “Orson asked me to only use toys and fingers.”

  She couldn’t resist dropping her gaze to his crotch which already sported the beginning of an erection. “So you’re not allowed…?”

  “My dick stays in my pants for the entire scene.” He leveled his gaze at her. “At least the public part.”

  The lightbulb clicked on in her head. “As opposed to the private part?”

  “Yes, if I can make you come in public during the demo without my cock in your ass, then you will also allow me the chance to make you come in private with it in your ass.”

  “Seems fair,” she said, but suddenly she didn’t know if his failure was as certain as she’d thought seconds before.

  Ten minutes later, naked and bound over a smooth spanking bench, in front of people she didn’t know all that well, Kelly’s confidence in her ability rapidly regained strength. Kiara was at a meeting with the rest of the medical staff, and with Kelly and Evan both involved with the demo, Orson had also gone with her.

  Evan was out of his mind if he thought there was even a remote possibility of her reaching orgasm in their current situation. He finished strapping her ankle and asked if everything felt okay. She assured him it did.

  He turned and addressed those in the room, explaining what the demo was, and briefly that while the two of them knew each other, they had never played in public before. He never once mentioned whether she was a submissive or a switch, and though they hadn’t discussed it, she was glad he didn’t feel the need to explain every detail of their relationship.

  Nor did he mention the bet. Not that she expected he would.

  She had almost gotten to the point of tuning him out entirely when he got her attention with a question he asked those present.

  “How many females here have ever had an orgasm from anal sex?”

  No one seemed shocked with the relatively few positive replies.

  “That seems to be a common problem,” he continued. “So, this afternoon we’re going to look at ways to remedy that.”

  He turned toward her. She saw the blindfold in his hand, and at once she knew he'd won.

  “I should have lied when you asked me how any orgasms I’d had from anal sex,” she said in an angry whisper.

  “No,” he replied just as softly, leaning in close. “You should have asked me how many of my anal sex partners have never orgasmed.” He tied the blindfold around her head, nibbled her earlobe, and whispered. “The answer is none.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Years ago, before the Partners Group had ever entertained building a private club, parties and meetings were typically held in the member's private residences. Evan remembered at one party held at Kelly’s house, he’d ended up pulling door duty because he called Kelly a she-devil numerous times.

  He couldn’t remember why he’d settled on that name instead of the other things he could have called her. More than likely it was another jab at her hair. However, he’d never seen her look more like she might actually sprout horns and use a pitchfork to toss him in a lake of fire than she did at that moment. And that was with a blindfold on.

  Fortunately for him, the audience couldn't see her face the way he had her positioned. They knew who she was, at least they did if they’d been in the room when she walked in. But he’d picked up on her sensitivity surrounding anal sex and he’d wanted to shield her privacy as much as possible during the demo. Especially since he had all intentions of ensuring she had an orgasm.

  Hoping his touch would cool her ire a bit and assuming it had a better chance of working with the blindfold on, he lightly brushed his thumbs across her forehead. “Relax, Kelly,” he said. “Take deep breaths and let all the tension drain from your body.”

  “It’ll take more than deep breaths to keep me from tying your balls into a knot when you release my hands.”

  Some of those gathered gasped, and a few snorted.

  “Shit,” Kelly said. “Everyone heard that, didn't they?”

  That made the entire audience laugh. Evan decided there was nothing else to do other than to roll with it.

  “Like I said,” he told them, hoping he could carry off the not-so-quite-real smile he wore. “Kelly and I have known each other for years, but this is our first time playing together.” He tapped her ass. “One more outburst like that and we’ll make this an anal discipline session.”

  She wisely kept silent.

  He addressed the audience again. “I've been asked to limit this demo to my fingers and toys. I think that’s a good place to start if you or your partner are new to anal or have had a less than enjoyable prior experience. I’ve also found a submissive is more likely to relax if they know from the start the session won't end with a cock up their ass.”

  While talking, he’d kept his hands on Kelly. In his experience, any type of anal play was typically more enjoyable for a sub when they’d already had at least one orgasm. It was a given in his mind that at this point he had less than a snowball’s chance in hell of Kelly having an orgasm soon. All he hoped for was to get her as relaxed as possible.

  Orson had ensured that those working at the ranch on weekends all had significant lifestyle experience. The training and demos were more to get everyone started on an equal footing. As a result, all of those watching him at the moment knew his primary focus was Kelly and not them.

  Since she wasn't as relaxed as he liked, when he finished addressing the group, he turned his attention to her entirely. He didn’t care what was next on the schedule or when it was due to start. He would do everything in his power to bring Kelly pleasure. Which meant the first thing he had to do was get her to calm down.

  And while it was true they’d never played in public before, they had been intimate, and he knew a thing or two about her body. He slipped noise cancelling headphones over her ears. Then, he went about using all the knowledge he’d gained to first, calm her body and, once he felt the tension leave her muscles, to transition to sensual touches.

  She fought him to start, but the body didn’t always follow orders given by the brain and before too long, her body hummed. When he finally had her at the place he wanted, he spoke to the audience in hushed tones.

  He went over basics they all knew: anatomy, the differences between the sexes, and the importance of lube. Again, he kept his hands on her, stroking, and teasing. He detailed to the group the steps he would take and his outline of bringing Kelly to orgasm, explaining he would not talk them through the steps as he preformed them because he would focus only on the submissive in his care.

  It was another thing he loved about being a Dom. Using everything he possessed to bring pleasure where there was none before. Even though she couldn’t hear him, he whispered to her as he went through the plan he’d created his mind. In low tones no one would hear, he thanked her for her trust, told her how much she pleased him, how her body’s responses turned him on.

  He used his fingers first, drawing her arousal from her pussy to her ass and then adding more from the tube he brought. Every move he made was slow and methodical, and each one preformed with the sole intention of her orgasm.

  Her breathing sped up as she grew closer and closer. He intensified nothing, watching for her to fight the path her body wanted, and he barely contained his shock when she instead whispered, “Green.”

  The temptation was strong to move faster, to fuck her with one of toys he’d brought, but thus far, she’d responded to slow. He
’d be damned if he’d change his strategy now. “Stay with me, Kelly,” he whispered, knowing she couldn’t hear him. He spoke to her through his touch, telling her he understood her need and he would take her there. But on his timetable. In his own way.

  She became malleable under his hands, and he used that to draw her sighs of pleasure out longer, to make her gasps of delight sharper, and her heart to race faster. He sensed her climax approaching, and he kept his touches slow, beckoning her release by increasing only how hard he touched her.

  When she finally came, he watched as she welcomed it with her entire body. It was without a doubt the hottest thing he’d ever seen. The most telling thing, though, was the absolute silence surrounding them. No one in the audience made a sound. Evan wasn’t even sure anyone dared to move.

  He’d prepared a room earlier for aftercare, so he could tend to Kelly in private. But first he had to get her there. He slid the headphones off first and whispered he’d remove the blindfold next. He smiled at the way her eyes tentatively opened.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Mmm,” she hummed in reply. “That was incredible, Sir.”

  He wasn’t sure which surprised him more, that she admitted readily how much she’d enjoyed it or that she’d called him 'Sir.' They both hit him square in the chest. He bent to unbind her, hoping the action would prevent her from seeing how strongly they both hit. “I’m so glad to hear you say that.”

  “So incredible I’ve decided I’m not going to tie your balls in a knot, Sir.”

  The faint laughter of those watching surrounded them.

  He undid the last buckle, helped her up, and covered her in a blanket. “My balls thank you,” he said, sweeping her into his arms and placing a soft kiss to her forehead.

  * * *

  Though she enjoyed providing aftercare to the submissives she played with, Kelly remembered not caring for it too much herself when she was with her first Dom. Not that she had given it a lot of thought, after all, it had been years since she submitted to anyone in a formal scene.

  Evan had cuddled with her for quite some time after he’d spanked her, but she hadn’t considered that to be aftercare. Though at the moment, she couldn’t remember why. It had been nice, and she’d enjoyed being in his arms. Yet again, when she’d agreed to do the demo with him, she hadn’t thought of the end of the scene nor had she considered that he’d provide aftercare.

  Evan, however, had been leap years ahead of her.

  He’d brought her into a dimly lit room. Too small for a bedroom and too large to be a closet, no doubt Orson had given precise specifications for the building of this room. If for no other reason than it was improbable an architect would design such a room on their own.

  There was no bed, but the space had been outfitted with a comfortable lounger. Which is where he sat with her in his lap, the warm blanket he’d taken from the other room still wrapped around her. Someone had brought the clothes she’d worn earlier. She supposed they should talk about the scene or how she felt or even when he’d want to claim his wager, but for the life of her she couldn’t get her mouth to open.

  Evan chuckled.

  “What?” she asked, finally finding her voice.

  “You think too loud,” he said.

  “How is that even possible?” And why did everyone say that to her?

  “Damned if I know. You’re the only person I know who does it.”

  She didn’t know how to respond to that, so she didn’t.

  His arms tightened around her. “It wasn’t an insult, and I didn’t say it to start anything. I just wanted to point out that there’s nothing wrong with thinking, but don’t do it to the detriment of those around you.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Think all you want, but make sure you’re talking to those you need to.”

  Did she do that? She supposed she did. “I guess I don’t want to feel like a burden to anyone. It seems easier to work things out in my head.”

  He stroked her cheek, and she tried not to concentrate on how good it felt. “Your thoughts will never be a burden to those who care for you.”

  Does that include you? But she couldn’t form the words. And then she didn’t have to because he dropped his head and brushed his lips across hers.

  It was a nice kiss, but she wanted more. She turned and straddled him, not caring the blanket fell from her body. So what? He’d seen her naked before.

  “I don’t think it’s fair you didn’t get to come during that demo.” She ran her hands down his chest and stopped so they rested on his erection.

  “The demo wasn’t about me,” he said through clenched teeth. Probably because she’d moved and now cupped him.

  “But it should have been about you. You did all the work, I only reaped the benefits.” She squeezed, just a little. “Let me make it up to you.” A delicate lick of his earlobe. “Please.”

  “Damn it, Kelly,” he said. “There’s not a man on this earth who can turn down an invitation like that.”

  “Then don’t.” She slipped her fingertips under his waistband.

  “Not here.” He pulled her hand away. “Not surrounded by peers and colleagues.”

  “Damn.” That’s right, they were on the other side of the door. “I have to be honest, I don’t think I can sit through four hours of techniques, tips, and demos.” She’d go mad. Partly because it would probably be a rehash of stuff she already knew and partly because she’d be horny as hell and that would not be fun.

  “Me either.”

  “But we can’t stay in this room for that long.”

  “Then it’s a good thing there’s a door, right behind me that leads outside.”

  They left as quietly as possible, not wanting to bring any attention to themselves. Not that anyone cared they’d left early. Evan told her he had mentioned to Orson they might leave after the demo and not stay for the rest of the sessions. Thank goodness for that.

  She glanced over to where he walked by her side. Her mind still hadn’t been able to grasp that Evan, the Evan she’d known for forever and a day, was the same man who gave her the most intense orgasm of her life just moments ago.

  They made it to his secluded cabin within a matter of minutes. They didn’t say much on the way but she acutely knew of every movement he made. What the hell was wrong with her when she lived in Wilmington? How was it she had been around Evan for years, talked with him, argued with him, and yet somehow had never seen him?

  He stopped in front of the door and turned to look at her. “Do you want to pick up where we left off? We don’t have to. It’s up to you.”

  We don’t have to have anal sex today, he was telling her, and while that was nice and sweet and everything, he had to be kidding. She meet his gaze. “I want you to take my ass. Take it and make me forget anyone’s ever been there other than you.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Sir,” she added. She had every intention of submitting to him for the evening, that didn’t mean she would make it easy for him to dominate her.

  He nodded. “Once we’re inside, I want you to go to the bedroom and undress. I’ll join you shortly.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, because between his deep voice, the simple command, and memories of what he did to her body not that long ago, there was no other answer to give him.

  Without another word, he opened the door to let her in first.

  * * *

  Minutes later, she knelt on the rug in the cottage’s bedroom, anticipation building with every second he made her wait. It was both similar and not at all like the feeling she experienced as a Top when she made a sub wait for her. Though the differences were obvious, the sameness surprised her.

  “Just when I think you can never look more beautiful, you prove me wrong.” Evan’s voice was smooth and seductive, his tone low and even, working together to sweep over her like a sensual caress. Never before had a voice been so tangible. “Stand up for me, Kel

  She rose to her feet, disappointed to find he stood behind her, making it impossible for her to see him. This was another thing she was not used to in a scene. She’d been the one in charge for years. Not the one who obeyed. And yet, there was an indescribable flutter in her belly now that she was.

  He moved to stand at her back, the nearness of him heating her skin. His hands cupped her shoulders and his lips brushed her ear. “Thank you for trusting me with this,” he whispered. “Walk with me.”

  In that moment, she would have followed him anywhere, but he only took her as far as the bed. With a gentle hand, he pressed on her back.

  “Lean over and made sure you’re comfortable. Keep your legs spread.” As he did in the demo, he kept his hands on her the entire time he talked. “You are magnificent. Every part of you.”

  His hands brushed over her backside. Teasing. Taunting. It was easier for him to do so this time as opposed to the demo. Mostly because then she tried so hard not to let him in her head, and this time she wanted him there.

  By the time his hands made it between her legs, she was already wet and needy for him. He murmured a remark about how hard her responsiveness made him. Between his words and touch she hovered near the edge of her release sooner than she’d thought possible.

  “No holding back,” he said. “Not today. Today you come whenever you can because the more times you come, the more relaxed and ready you’ll be for me.”

  With the next stroke of her clit her first orgasm hit.

  “You’re so sexy when you come,” he said.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “You think that even watching my backside?”

  He gave her ass a playful slap. “I think that especially watching your backside.”

  It was impossible for her to argue back at that point because he had just dribbled lube between her butt cheeks. She tensed but only for a second and then made herself relax with thoughts of how intense her release had been at the demo.


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