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Top Trouble: A Submissive Series Standalone Novel

Page 11

by Me, Tara Sue

  “You’re fucking perfect,” Evan whispered above her as he slipped a finger inside her tight back hole. Though his fingers were larger than the toys he used previously, he had no trouble fitting them in.

  “You are so damn perfect. I might never let you out of my bed.”

  He took his time fucking her with his fingers, but she found it wasn’t enough to allow her to come a second time. “Please,” she begged, knowing it was close but that she needed more than his fingers. “Please, Sir, fuck me.”

  “You think you’re ready for me?” he asked, his voice much rougher than it had been moments before.

  “I don’t know. I just need….” her voice trailed off at the sound of a condom wrapper crinkling. Seconds later he was at her entrance, easing in. “Fuck, yes. Like that, Sir.”

  She took at deep breath as he pulled out and on his next thrust, he was completely inside her.

  “Fucking hell,” he cried out.

  She was so full; she wasn’t sure she could breathe. It didn’t hurt; she was only full. Yet, he remained still; frozen inside her, like he was afraid to move.

  “Please,” she whispered and let out a moan when he slowly retreated.

  “Did you know it’s possible to hit your G-spot from here?”

  She hadn’t known that, but it was believable and she had no doubts he could. He moved in and out slowly a few times. Nice and easy. But she felt the need his hands couldn’t hide, and she felt that need growing deep inside herself as well.

  “I’m going to really fuck you now,” he warned. “However, I won’t come until you do.”

  She’d have loved to have teased him on that. To hold off her own pleasure, forcing him to hold off his. But his mastery of her body left her no way to do so. Especially when he hit a place deep inside and her resolve crumbled.

  He tugged her hair, and she let her body take over. Her release hit ten times harder than it did at the demo. She was vaguely aware of a roar as he allowed himself to follow, but her eyelids grew heavy and refused to stay open.

  “Shh,” he whispered as she drifted off and cuddled into the warm body at her side. “Shh, just sleep and let me hold you.”

  * * *

  A pounding on the door woke Evan up. It took him a second to realize where he was, and another to remember he wasn’t alone. Beside him, Kelly stirred, but didn’t wake. Evan eased out of bed, wanting to let her sleep, when the pounding came again. Only this time, a loud voice accompanied the beating of the door.

  “Evan! I need you to let me in if you’re in there.” It sounded like a very upset Orson.

  Evan looked at the clock while tugging his pants on. Just after nine o’clock at night. It was dark out, but hadn’t been that way for long. Kelly sat up, and pushed the hair out of her eyes.

  “What is it?” she asked, still half asleep.

  “Orson, I think,” Evan said. “I’ll go see what he needs and take care of it all. You can go back to sleep.”

  She sat up higher and gave him a seductive smile. “Not without you. Hurry back.”

  Evan jogged to the door, hoping whatever crawled up Orson’s ass could find a way back out in the next three minutes. He had a warm Kelly waiting for him in his bed and he wasn’t about to leave her longer than necessary.

  But as soon as he opened the door and saw Orson’s expression, he knew there’d be no more warm bed and Kelly tonight.

  “I heard you talking to someone inside,” Orson said, his face filled with the oddest combination of grief and anger Evan had ever seen. “Please, God, tell me it was one of the twins.”

  Kelly appeared at Evan’s side almost instantly, the bed sheet still wrapped around her. “It’s me. Where’s Kiara?”

  “Kelly,” Orson said. “Thank goodness.”

  “Where’s Kiara?” she asked again, her voice an octave higher.

  “They've taken her.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kelly took a deep breath. One. It was all she allowed herself to have.


  Stay calm.


  It’s the only way.

  It wasn’t nearly enough, but it would have to do. At least for now.

  “Tell me what the fuck happened,” she said in the calmest voice she could manage. Which sounded pretty calm to her ears. The only thing exposing her true feelings were her trembling hands. She balled them into fists.

  “I was with her at the medical team meeting and everything was fine,” Orson said. “We ended around four thirty. Kiara told me she was going to her room to rest before dinner, said she had a headache. I walked her to her room, saw her safely inside, and told her to call for me when she was ready for dinner.”

  Dinner was at six thirty. It was now past nine, Orson needed to hurry. Only her years of experience in talking with witnesses kept her from unleashing on him. She could spare a few seconds.

  Evan, however, had no such experience. “Dinner was almost three hours ago. What the fuck is going on?”

  Kelly moved to stand in between the two men. “Let him finish, Evan. Orson, continue. Quickly, please.”

  Orson nodded, the grief in his eyes clearer than before. “At six-thirty when I hadn’t heard from her, I sent her a text, but she didn’t reply. I waited a few minutes and then I called. No answer.” He shook his head. “I thought she was asleep, and I didn’t want to wake her up. I didn’t eat myself, just stood around talking and waiting for her to call me. At seven, I called her again. When I didn’t get an answer, I made us both a plate and carried them to her room.”

  “Two hours ago,” Evan said, his voice tinged in anger. “Quicker.”

  Orson nodded. “I knocked and told her she needed to get up. I said I had dinner for us and we could eat outside. There was still nothing. I went by Kelly’s room to see if she’d seen her, but you weren’t there and then I remembered I hadn’t seen you at dinner either.”

  Kelly couldn’t help but to cringe at that. Because she and Evan had been too busy fucking to stop for dinner. Beside her, Evan took a deep breath.

  Orson continued, “It didn’t cross my mind to call you. Since I wasn’t sure where either you or your sister were, I used a master key to unlock her room. She wasn’t there. I… I didn’t want to touch anything.”

  “Did you call the police?” Evan asked.

  “I don’t think this area falls in a police district. Sheriff probably?” Kelly looked at Orson and he nodded. Even though she wanted to break down and rage in equal measure, she did neither. This wasn’t time for emotions. Emotions could come later. She had to be smart and distance herself from the situation. “Even if we called someone, Kiara’s an adult. She has every right to leave the ranch if she wants to.”

  “But we know that isn’t what happened,” Evan said.

  “I need to see her room,” Kelly said.

  “I’ll take you,” Orson replied. “But you should probably get dressed first.”

  Kelly looked down. She’d forgotten she only had a sheet wrapped haphazardly around her. With a nod, she turned back to Evan’s room. She refused to look at the large bed she’d recently vacated and under no circumstances would she think about what her and Evan were doing in that bed when her sister went missing.

  With shaky hands, she forced herself to dress, telling herself she had to be strong and keep it together. Her only focus was to get Kiara back safely. She found her phone buried under a quilt on the floor and saw it was still in the silent mode she’d put it in before the demo. Wouldn’t have done any good even if Orson had tried to call.

  There were no notifications from Kiara.

  She pocketed the phone and went back to the main room where both men waited. “I haven’t received anything from Kiara. If she was going off somewhere on her own, she’d have let me know. My assumption is someone took her.” She turned to Orson. “Which is what you said when Evan opened the door. ‘They’ve taken her.’ Those were your words. Not, ‘She’s missing’ or ‘We can’t find her,’ but, ‘They’v
e taken her.’ Why those words?”

  “I’ve talked to your sister quite a bit since she’s arrived and I know her well enough to know she wouldn’t walk away like that.” Orson looked defensive for the first time. “It’s the only other option.”

  Kelly took a step toward him. “Just how well have you gotten to know Kiara?”

  “I don’t like what you’re insinuating,” Orson said. “Why is it okay for you to assume someone took her and not for me to reach the same conclusion?”

  “Because only someone who took her would know she hadn’t tried to reach me.”

  Orson threw his hands up. “Why the hell would I kidnap Kiara? What purpose would it serve?”

  “Why the hell is it almost nine-thirty and I’m only now hearing about this?” So much for keeping her emotions in check.

  “Because you were too busy -”

  “I suggest you not finish that sentence.” Evan interrupted, stepping in front of Orson. “Let’s all go over to Kiara’s room and see if Kelly can find anything.”

  She should probably thank him for ending that conversation before it got out of hand, and the best thing she could do at the moment would be to look over Kiara’s room for any clues, but Kelly didn’t say anything to Evan on the way to Kiara’s room. It was wrong, so wrong, but part of her blamed him for being in bed all afternoon.

  They had almost made it to the building that housed their rooms when an employee ran up to them.

  “Mr. Kent,” the guy called. He held something in his hand.

  They stopped and waited.

  “Yes,” Orson said.

  “We found this over by the field on the family-side.” He held out Kiara’s watch.

  Kelly gasped and Orson’s gaze latched on her. “It’s hers?”

  Kelly nodded. “I gave it to her when she graduated from nursing school.” The employee dropped the watch into her outstretched hand and she clutched her fingers around the smooth, cool face. “She only takes it off to sleep and to shower. There’s no way she’d leave it in a field somewhere. She wanted me to find it.”

  But why? She could have left anything to be found. Why the watch? She turned it over. Nothing looked strange or out of place. No visible scratches. Nothing broken. All that told her was that it had been taken off. Not forced.

  She looked back to Orson. “You watched her enter her room?”

  “Yes, and I heard the door lock.”

  Did anyone see you? Can you prove it? She kept those questions to herself. “Are there security cameras in that field and are they operational?”

  “Yes, and yes.” Orson typed something on his phone. “Security’s been looking through all the video feeds. I just sent them a text and told them to pull those.”

  “What I don’t get is how did that Randy guy find out she was here?” Evan asked. “We are assuming it’s him, right?”

  No, she was not ready to make that assumption, but based on Evan’s reaction when she’d questioned Orson earlier, she would admit nothing to the contrary. “He’s the most likely suspect,” she agreed.

  “So how did he know she was here?” Evan asked. “I remember you told me you didn't see anyone follow your car on the way here.”

  “I don’t know,” she had to admit. But there was one thing she could do. “Let me go make a quick phone call before I see her room.”

  Without waiting for a response, she walked a short distance to a nearby bench, sat down, and selected a contact in her phone. So far she had played everything by the book. She hadn’t called in any favors or used her position for personal use. However, Kiara was in trouble and that meant all bets were off. She’d move heaven and earth and storm the gates of hell by herself if needed. She would find Kiara.

  “Hey,” she said, when the man answered his phone on the first ring. “It’s Kelly Bowman. I need you to look into something for me.”

  Five minutes later, she stood in Kiara’s room, committing as many details to memory as possible. She didn’t want to touch anything if she didn’t have to; she was only looking over things. Orson and Evan waited for her outside. She’d told them it wouldn’t take her too long, it was such a little space, and her time would be better spent on other things.

  “Okay,” she said a few minutes later, walking outside. “I’m finished.”

  Evan walked to stand by her side. She wanted so badly to bury herself in his arms, but she couldn’t. Not right now. Not yet.

  “Let’s go to my office,” Orson said.

  No one said anything until they’d all sat down at a small conference table in Orson’s office. Evan took a seat beside her. He didn’t touch her or tell her it would all turn out okay. He was simply there. Which was what she needed at the moment. Orson sat across from them.

  “Did you see anything in her room?” Evan asked.

  “Her phone was gone,” Kelly said. “She has a case she carries it in that holds her ID, some cash, and a card or two. That was also gone. But her toiletries, clothes, everything else was in its place. Wherever she planned to go when she left, she didn't think she'd stay long.”

  “So the question becomes, why did she leave her room?” Evan mused. “Did she get a text or did someone knock on her door?”

  “To say someone knocked on her door is to suggest either an inside job or a security breach,” Orson said.

  “Yes.” Kelly spoke the one word and turned back to Evan. “Either way, how did her watch end up in that field? Why would she even be out that way?” She flicked her gaze to Orson. “How close are we on the security camera footage?”

  “I got a text two minutes ago. They’re running it now.”

  “I was thinking about how Randy could know where she is,” Evan said. “Is the phone she’s using now the same one she had when she was with him? And if so, is it possible he placed a tracking device on it or somehow downloaded a program on it, showing her location?”

  Kelly made notes on her phone. “I’m not sure, but I’ll see if I can find that information somewhere.”

  He made a good point. With something to track Kiara, there would be no need to follow her. He’d always know where she was.

  “The other piece to this puzzle,” she said. “And I don’t think we can brush it off as a mere coincidence, is the fact all this happened while the three of us were... busy.” She cleared her throat. “Which again points to an inside job.”

  Orson leaned forward. “No one had any idea you and Evan would be 'busy' after the demo. So you can cross that one off the list.”

  Kelly refused to back down and leveled her gaze at him. “No one but his boss, who he told before the demo that the two of us might not attend the remaining sessions.”

  “Are you still thinking I had something to do with this?”

  “Let me set you straight, Mr. Kent. Right now I’m investigating a potential kidnapping. That means, you’re not on trial. It also means you’re guilty until proven innocent. That’s how things are done in my world, so for right now I need for you to drop the wounded bystander act. Got it?”

  Her phone buzzed on the table in front of her. Without looking to see who it was, she answered .“Yes?” She stood up. “That was faster than I expected. Have you found anything?”

  She remained silent as he talked, only asking if he was certain when he finished speaking. He assured her he was, and she thanked him before ending the call.

  Silently, she put the phone back down on the table. Damn, that hadn’t gone the way she thought it would. She closed her eyes and wondered which path to take next.

  “Kelly?” Evan asked.

  She looked at him. His eyes held worry, not only for Kiara but also for her.

  “I called in a favor with a friend of mine,” she said. “Randy hasn’t left Dallas all day. There have been eyes on him nonstop since he left his house at eight-thirty this morning.”

  She looked straight at Orson, knowing she didn’t have to speak what that meant.

  There was a knock on the door.

p; “Come in,” Orson called out, tearing his gaze away from hers.

  Seconds later two men with cowboy hats clutched in their hands made their way into the office. With heads down and refusing to make eye contact with anyone at the table, they made their way to stand beside Orson.

  “Why are you two here?” Orson asked. “Your orders were to call me when you finished reviewing the security footage, so we could all come and watch together.”

  These two were part of Orson’s security team? They looked like scarecrows. Kelly hoped they only dealt with the cyber part of that team.

  “That’s the thing, Boss,” Cowboy One said. “We went through all the cameras on the family field. They didn’t record anything.”

  Kelly snapped her pencil in half. “What do you mean they didn’t record anything?”

  “Ms. Bowman,” Orson started, but Kelly shut him down.

  “Don’t say a fucking word,” she told Orson. To the men standing at his side, she asked, “Why didn’t they record anything?”

  Cowboy Two replied. “From what we could put together, someone disabled all the cameras with a view of that field after lunch. They were still down when we looked and they’ve only been working again for the last five minutes.”

  “Tell me again, Mr. Kent,” Kelly said in the soft voice her submissives swore could make a grown man pee his pants. “How this could not possibly be an inside job?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Evan didn’t attempt to talk Kelly into taking a break or stopping to rest. He knew how he felt knowing what they were doing when someone got their hands on Kiara. He felt like ten kinds of shit and imagined it was even worse for Kelly.

  He did everything he could to help her: he stayed by her side, ensured everyone followed her commands, got her coffee, and made phone calls. Unfortunately, she’d been right and local law enforcement wouldn’t classify Kiara’s disappearance as suspicious yet, especially with Randy having an airtight alibi.


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