Assisting the Bosshole

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Assisting the Bosshole Page 8

by Kristin MacQueen

  “Why the fuck do you always assume it’s me traumatizing people? What about Coleman?” Owen pouts like a child.

  “Lucas couldn’t traumatize someone if he tried. He’s too sweet for that. We both know you’re a bit much, Big Man.” Logan earns a wink from Lucas who isn't nearly as innocent and sweet as he likes to make people believe and a scowl from Owen.

  “You hurt Big Man,” I whisper in her ear.

  “No! Owen! You know I love you! Don’t be mad!”

  “Did you hear that, Parker? Your girl loves me.” His triumphant grin makes me want to punch him in the face. Logan’s eyes snap to mine, fear in her features.

  “I... I... Parker...”

  “Stop, sweetheart, it’s fine. I'm not mad.”

  I’m not, I don’t expect her to tell me she loves me, that’s a different type of love than she has for Owen. I get that and I'm not threatened by her love for him or Lucas.

  “So, Carrie, what do you do for a living?” Lucas comes to the rescue, saving us all from an awkward silence.

  “Oh, uh, I'm a real estate agent.”

  “I wish my real estate agent looked like you,” Owen mumbles under his breath, Carrie’s eyes widen, her cheeks turning a soft pink color. “I would’ve made sure to spend a little more time in the walk-in closet with you.” He winks, making her cheeks darken even more.

  “I swear we can't take him anywhere,” Lucas groans.

  “Um, Logan? What do you want for dinner?” Carrie tries to turn the attention away from her, but Owen has his sights set on her, there’s no getting away from that man once you’re on his radar. The more she ignores him the more interested he’ll become.

  “Let’s just get white pizza and sweet Thai chili wings.”

  “Ugh, I think she was made for Parker.” Lucas rolls his eyes.

  “What’s wrong with pizza and wings?” Logan’s bewildered expression finds me, I shrug but smirk. I know exactly what’s wrong with it.

  “Nothing is wrong with normal pizza and wings, but white pizza? And sweet Thai chili wings? Parker orders the same thing every time we get pizza. That shit is nasty,” Owen grumbles.

  “Well, you can order your own food, Carrie asked what I wanted, not you.”

  “Fine, can we order from Alfrado’s?” We all nod in agreement. Owen walks out of the room and places the order.

  “You alright?” Logan asks Carrie.

  She nods her head but her wide eyes are telling a different story.

  “He’s... he’s a lot to deal with. He came in here staring at my ass and asked me if I was into kinky shit.”

  “I want to say you get used to him... but you don’t. The things that come out of his mouth will never stop shocking and offending you. I’ve known Owen and Parker my entire life and I'm still shocked every time he opens his mouth.” Lucas shakes his head.

  “How can he hold a job? I mean, how does he not get fired?”

  “Easy, he owns the fucking company.” I chuckle. “We couldn’t fire him if we wanted to.”

  “Wait... the three of you own Scott, Powell and Coleman?”

  “I'm Scott.” I grin.

  “I'm Coleman.” Lucas adds.

  “Owen’s Powell.” Logan laughs when Carrie’s already wide eyes widen even more.

  “You guys are worth like a billion dollars.”

  “Twenty... billion.” Lucas corrects, then winces. “Each.”

  Her jaw drops open, her eyes darting from me to Lucas before settling on Logan.

  “Damn, did you tell her my dick size while I was gone?” Owen saunters into the room, plopping down next to Carrie, placing his arm on the back of the couch behind her.

  “See what I mean? I never stop being shocked.” Lucas gestures towards Owen.

  “I know! Right!” His eyes widen and he nods eagerly. “Every time I take a piss, I'm shocked at what God gave me.”

  “We weren’t talking about your dick.” I roll my eyes, snuggling closer to Logan, she gives me a sweet smile, laying her head on my shoulder.

  “Well with how Carrie’s mouth was hanging open, what else was I supposed to assume?”

  “We told her how we can't fire you because you own a multibillion-dollar company with us.” Lucas rolls his eyes. “She was shocked you could do anything successful.”

  “Wow, that hurts, darling. You barely know me, and you think so lowly of me. At least Little L loves me.” Owen shoots me a shit-eating grin, I growl under my breath, making Logan laugh.

  “All the love in the world, Big Man.” She blows him a kiss, earning herself the biggest smile I’ve ever seen from Owen.

  “What’s your boyfriend do?” Owen asks Carrie.

  “I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “Good to know,” He whispers, sliding closer to her. Her gaze snaps to Logan and she mouths help me!

  When the doorbell rings she jumps off the couch and rushes to the door, but Owen isn't deterred in the slightest. He saunters after her, pulling out his wallet as he goes.

  Logan pulls away, but I tug her back.

  “Parker, I need to get plates and drinks.”

  “I’m sure I can find them.” I kiss her forehead and leave her on the chair while I figure out where the hell anything is in this kitchen.



  “YOU GUYS DON’T NEED to do so much for me,” I whisper to Lucas.

  “Let us, but especially Parker. He’s been drawn to you since the second you met; he’s had this overwhelming need to take care of you. If you don’t allow it, you’re gonna hurt him.”

  “Why does he feel like he needs to take care of me?”

  “I don’t know, darling. I don’t question good things crashing into our lives though, only the bad.”

  My brows slam together, my gaze locked on Lucas, what the hell does that mean?

  “I'm good things?”

  “You’re fucking great things. Probably the greatest thing that’s ever happened to us.”

  “But... why?”

  “You give Parker someone to protect, Owen someone to joke around with and me someone to care for. You’ve completed us in this weird way we didn’t know we needed. You make us stronger and more relaxed. You can't get rid of us, L, we won't survive without you.”

  “What if I don’t survive? What if the cancer has already spread too far?”

  “Honey, don’t think like that. You said they caught it early, let’s just assume it’s all going to be alright, at least until we know for sure.”

  “Ok,” I whisper.

  “And trust me, if there’s one thing I know, it’s that money gets shit done. The three of us would spend our entire fortune if it saved you.”

  Tears well in my eyes at Lucas’s words. I’m overwhelmed by the love they have for me in such a short time. I can't even remember what it was like to not have these boys in my life.

  “For fucks sake stop grumbling about me paying. Didn’t they just inform you I can afford dinner? I’ve never met anyone who fights so much about a free meal and that’s saying a lot because I know Logan.”

  “Just because you have money doesn’t mean I can't afford to feed myself!” Carrie huffs beside him, Owen’s carrying four pizza boxes and Carrie’s holding two large bags of food.

  “Are you one of those people who try to pay when you go out on a date too?” Owen raises a brow.

  “I-I don’t.”

  “You don’t what, princess?”

  “I don’t date.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? Why not?” Owen practically throws the boxes of pizza on the table before whirling around to face Carrie, hands on his hips.

  Carrie gives him a small shrug and tries to step around him, but he stops her, raising his brows. Her mouth opens and closes several times, but no words come out. My heart breaks for her, I know exactly why she doesn’t date.

  “Because, Owen...” She lets out a long sigh, her eyes squeezing shut. “I’d have to be asked on a date to go on one.” She p
ushes past Owen, marching to the bathroom and shutting the door quietly.

  “Fuck,” He whispers.

  I pat him on the back as I step up behind him.

  “It’s alright, Big Man, she’ll get over it. You poked her sore spot though.”

  “How does she not get asked on dates? She’s gorgeous.”

  “Because guys don’t see past the shy girl.”

  “I see her,” Owen whispers.

  “Good. Show her, she could use the confidence boost.”

  When Carrie comes back, we all sit down to eat. Owen leaves her alone for the most part, he feels bad about pushing her so much. Big Man with an even bigger heart.

  “I have to get going, I have an early showing in the morning.” Carrie gives me a pout. I stand and pull her into my arms, she’s my family, my best friend.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow night.”

  “Deal. I’ll pick you up Monday morning at five.”

  “Thank you.” I squeeze her even tighter.

  “Of course.” She pulls back so she can look at the guys. “It was nice to meet you guys... some of you more than others.” She glares at Owen.

  “Oh, come on, princess! I said I was sorry!”

  She gives them a little wave, grabs her bag and is out the door.

  “Shit!” Owen grabs his jacket, running after her. “Carrie, wait! Let me walk you to your car!”

  The door opens and a loud sigh fills the air.

  “I can walk to my car all by myself, Owen! I doubt any guys will be attacking me in the parking lot if I can't even get a date.”

  “I never said you couldn’t get a date! I know you can walk to the car by yourself, but I want to talk to you!”

  “Well, I don’t wanna talk to you!”

  “I don’t really give a flying fuck, sweetheart. I’m walking you out whether you like it or not.”

  “Don’t call me sweetheart!”

  “Fine! Let’s go, sweetcheeks.” He drapes an arm over her shoulders. She pushes his arm off her and quickly walks out, leaving him shaking his head.

  “Don’t call me sweetcheeks either!”

  The door shuts on their arguing, blanketing the room in silence. Parker, Lucas and I exchange glances before we all burst out laughing.

  “How long until they start fucking?” Lucas asks with a smirk.

  “Two months tops.” Parker chuckles.

  “Nah, Carrie won't give in that easily. I give her six to nine months if Owen doesn’t lose interest first.”

  Two sets of eyes dart to me, amusement clear in their expressions.


  “Oh, darling, you know nothing about Owen. The more Carrie pushes him away, the harder he’s gonna come after her. She doesn’t have a chance in hell of getting him to back down.”

  “I think Owen’s met his match.” I smirk. I know Carrie, she won't break for him.

  “This will be fun to watch.” Parker leans back into the couch, dragging me with him. His hand splays across my stomach, he kisses my forehead before resting his against me.



  “I’M SCARED... WHAT if-”

  “No, Owen. No what ifs. Not today.” Lucas cuts him off, squeezing his shoulder with a gentle hand. “We need to stay strong for Logan.”

  “I know, but I’m terrified.”

  “Me too, but we can’t let her see it. Be the rock she needs to lean on.” My voice softens. The boys were there for me when mom went through her cancer. They were always by my side, being the shoulders I needed to lean on.

  The sun isn't even up yet when the three of us climb the steps to Logan’s apartment. Why the hell does she need to have surgery so early in the morning? I knock softly on the door, not wanting to wake any of her neighbors.

  “Hey...” Logan swings the door open wide, letting us in.

  “Morning, Little L.” Owen kisses her head.

  “How are you feeling?” Lucas asks, hugging her tightly.

  “I'm ready for this to be over.”

  “It will be soon.” I stand with my chest to her back, my arms folded around her stomach. She melts into my embrace, releasing a shuttering breath.

  Logan’s breaking my heart. She’s terrified, but she doesn’t want us to know. She’s not alone, all of us are just as scared as she is. We’re going to be with her every step of the way though.

  “What are you guys doing here? I thought you were meeting us at the hospital.”

  “We couldn’t stay away, Little L. You mad?” Owen winces, maybe we overstepped the boundaries, but we needed to be here with her.

  “No, I'm not mad. I'm glad you guys are here. I need you.”

  “But mostly me, right? ‘Cause you love me more than them.” Owen smirks.

  “Yeah, Big Man, I love you the most.” Logan chuckles, holding her arms open for him. He steps towards her, but I don’t loosen my hold.

  “Aww, it’s a Logan sandwich! Come over here, Lucas, join the sandwich.”

  The three of us surround Logan, hugging her and surrounding her with our love. The door creaks open, I glance over my shoulder to find Carrie with wide eyes, tip toeing in.

  “Join the Logan hug.” Owen and Lucas hold out an arm, inviting her in. Carrie rolls her eyes but steps into their embrace.

  “Alright, enough hugging, we’re gonna be late.” Logan groans when we squeeze her tighter.

  I text the driver, telling him to pull around to the front of the building. He’s waiting when we get there.

  “What the hell?” Carrie groans. “Why can't we drive to the hospital like normal people?”

  “Get used to it, it’s pointless to fight them.” Logan laughs at my side.

  “Come on, sweetness, you can sit next to me.” Owen grins before sliding into the limo.

  “You owe me... big time.” Carrie sucks in a deep breath before she slides in after Owen, Lucas follows her chuckling.

  Logan makes a move to get into the limo, but I stop her.

  “Hey, I'm gonna be by your side the entire time.”

  “Thank you. I couldn’t do this without you.”

  I help her slide into the limo, saying a silent prayer for everything to go well today. We pull up in front of the hospital far too quickly. I want time to stand still so we can have a little bit more before we have to deal with what today might entail. But I also want to fast forward, know what we’re dealing with and our plan of action.

  Logan sucks in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she stares at the hospital doors. Her hands are trembling, her eyes fill with tears. I’d do anything in the world for this woman. If I could take away every fear I would. If I could take away her cancer I would. I’d give her everything.

  “We’re gonna be with you every step of the way,” Carrie whispers, reaching out a hand to squeeze Logan’s.

  She gives a silent nod before moving to the door and climbing out. I'm right behind her, threading my fingers through hers the second we’re both out. Spinning Logan towards me, I cup her cheek, staring into those beautiful gray eyes of hers.

  “I’m here for you, but you have to tell me what you need. I’ll do anything, all you have to do is ask.”

  “I just need you to hold me.” She peeks up at me through her eye lashes.

  “I think I can handle that.” I smirk, pulling her flush against my chest, running a hand up and down her back, trying my hardest to comfort the woman I’ve fallen hard for.

  We walk hand in hand with Lucas, Owen and Carrie behind us. Logan gets registered and we sit in silence until she’s called to pre-op to get changed and prepared for surgery.

  “Can't we come with her?” Owen asks the nurse.

  “I'm sorry, sir. You need to wait until after she’s prepared for surgery, then we can bring you back.”

  “That’s bullshit. She needs us!”

  “It’s ok, Big Man. I’ll be ok for a few minutes; you’ll be back in no time.” She kisses my cheek before she stands and follows the nurse to anothe
r area.

  Owen grips the back of his neck, anxiety rolling off him in waves. I bet he’s going to start pacing the second Logan goes into surgery and not stop until she’s in recovery.

  My gaze drifts to Lucas. His foot is tapping a fast rhythm against the tiled floor. He’s leaning his elbows on his knees, his chin on one hand, tapping the same speed with his index finger on his chin. He’s going to be pacing right alongside Owen.

  And then there’s Carrie. She has her nose buried in a book, but she isn't reading it. She’s checked her watch at least a dozen times in the past two minutes. The calm cool and collected mask is exactly that, a mask hiding the anxiety and fear she’s feeling.

  Leaning my head back against the chair, I let out a slow breath. My eyes drift closed, my mind on my girl and nothing else. Every possibility filters through my thoughts. I’ve been researching everything and anything about breast cancer I can find since Logan told me. I want to be there for her and to help her the best I can.

  I haven’t told her yet, but I already have my condo set up for her to come home with me. I bought a bed and moved around my living room to make it fit. There aren’t steps to worry about or nosy neighbors... Well, that’s not true. My neighbors are nosy as fuck but Logan won't mind them one bit.

  “Logan’s family?” A different nurse calls from the door Logan disappeared through earlier.

  “That’s us!” Owen bolts out of his chair and over to her. “Can we see her now?”

  “Yes, but you can't upset her.”

  “Do I look like someone who’s going to upset Little L? That’s insulting, woman! Take me to my girl!”

  The woman blinks several times, clearly at a loss of words. Owen tends to have that effect on people.

  “I apologize for Owen, he’s a little anxious.” Lucas cups the woman’s shoulder, doing his thing and smoothing things over after Owen or I screw shit up.

  “I completely understand, it’s no problem at all.”

  She leads us straight to Logan, who smiles when she spots us coming through the door. She pats the spot next to her and I sit down on the edge of her bed. Owen sits at her feet on the opposite side, not waiting for an invitation at all, but bulldozing into her space.


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