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Hope's First Christmas (Brie's Submission Book 19)

Page 6

by Red Phoenix

  The room was bathed in red light and Brie was thrilled to see Baron was the Dom.

  Glancing around the room, she noticed there were several observers standing in the back as two girls, who must have just finished their scene, stood up and bowed to Baron.

  Baron commanded one of the girls to come to him. He leaned down to give the submissive a kiss and murmured, “Well done,” in a low, seductive voice.

  Brie spotted the mistletoe above his head and smiled to herself, understanding the first part of the scene’s name. However, she had yet to figure out what “Madness” could possibly mean.

  After the two girls left, Brie addressed Baron formally. “We are here to serve you, Baron.”

  His white teeth gleamed against his dark skin when he smiled. “Which scene did you just finish?”

  Brie returned his smile as she answered, “We visited Tono first.”

  “Ah…then I bet you all are feeling relaxed right now.”

  “We are, Baron,” they answered in unison.

  “Well, I’m about to change that,” he said with a sexy smirk. “We are going to play a game, and whoever is the last to successfully meet my demands will be rewarded with a congratulatory kiss.”

  Brie knew Baron was quite the kisser and glanced at her friends, wondering which one of them would get a kiss from his sensual lips.

  “What do we have to do to win your kiss, Baron?” Lea asked.

  “It’s simple, really.” Baron walked over to a large green bag and pulled out three small boxes. “For this challenge, I’m giving you each a vibrator to keep. The first thing you must do is kneel on the mat and slip it under your panties, making sure it rests snuggly against your clit.”

  Up for the challenge, Brie and Lea quickly took the vibrators out of their boxes and knelt on the mat, both of them discreetly placing the toy as he had directed.

  Baron helped Autumn to the floor and told her to find a position that was comfortable. She giggled nervously as she slipped the vibrator into her panties.

  While Baron went to get them something else from the bag, Lea whispered to Autumn, “Nothing to be nervous about. Baron is all kinds of kinky fun.”

  He came back holding three large peppermint sticks in his hand.

  Approached Brie first, he commanded, “Open.”

  Brie immediately opened her lips and he placed the rod in her mouth, commanding, “Hold it there, kitten, and do not let it drop.”

  The sweet flavor of peppermint tickled Brie’s tongue as she nodded to acknowledge his command.

  Once each of them was holding a peppermint stick in her mouth, Baron explained, “You only need to do two things to please me. Hold on to your peppermint and do not come.”

  When Lea groaned, Baron winked at her, adding with a sexy smile, “Naturally, I control your vibrators. The last sub to keep those two simple commands earns a kiss.”

  Brie looked up at him expectantly, waiting for the challenge to begin.

  Baron smiled as he turned a central dial and their vibrators suddenly came to life. Autumn almost lost her peppermint right there, but quickly recovered.

  Expecting Baron to turn up the vibration gradually, Brie was surprised when he purposely varied it. One moment the vibrator was slow and seductive, and the next it was vibrating full blast and rocking her clit.

  Keeping her on her figurative toes like that made it easy for Brie not to come, but it was during one of those heavy vibration blasts that Autumn gasped and dropped her peppermint stick.

  “I’m sorry, but you are out,” Baron told her with a grin.

  He now concentrated his full attention on Lea and Brie, adjusting the vibration to the perfect setting. With Brie’s clit already stimulated by the varied vibrations, it responded hungrily to the constant rhythm that, with each burst of vibration, mimicked the timing of a cock thrusting into her pussy.

  Brie moaned, enjoying it a little too much.

  Lea turned her head and smiled at Brie with the large peppermint stick in her mouth. It was obvious that Lea thought she was going to win, which spurred Brie on to try even harder to beat her.

  Closing her eyes, Brie focused her thoughts.

  It was a hard-won battle between the two girls because they both were experienced in orgasm denial. Luckily for Brie, a group of girls came bursting into the room and caused Lea to lose her concentration. The peppermint stick fell to the floor as she let out a passionate cry of “Yes, yes, yes!” and climaxed.

  Brie felt the thrill of victory when the vibration suddenly stopped. She stood up slowly, her pussy still throbbing from the ghostly vibrations of the toy.

  He stamped each of their booklets, stating, “Enjoy the rest of the evening, ladies, and don’t forget to take your new toys with you.”

  Brie retrieved her vibrator and put it back in the small box, slipping it into her red velvet bag.

  She smiled when Baron beckoned her to come to him.

  Lifting her chin, Brie stood on tiptoes to receive his enticing kiss.

  “Well done, kitten,” he murmured seductively.

  Her heart swelled with pride until she realized that by winning, she had denied herself an orgasm, leaving her in a needy state.

  Baron winked at her, knowing perfectly well the condition she was in.

  Grabbing her shoes, she left the room with her pussy still aching with desire.

  As soon as the door shut behind them, Lea gave her a high five. “Well done, Stinky Cheese!”

  Brie grinned, embracing her victory even though she was a quivering mess. “Thanks, Lea.”

  Autumn snorted. “It wasn’t even a contest for me.”

  Lea put her arm around her friend. “Tell Tono you need to practice some orgasm denial.”

  “Nah…” she answered. “I like coming too much.”

  “I agree, Autumn,” Brie said, biting her lip.

  “Where to now, girls?” Lea asked.

  “Why don’t you pick this one, Autumn?” Brie suggested.

  She looked at her booklet and smiled. “I think ‘Christmas Lights’ sounds sweet.”

  “‘Christmas Lights’ it is, then,” Lea said, grabbing Autumn and Brie’s hands as they headed down the hall together.

  When they finally found the correct door, they entered the room quietly.

  Instead of being filled with white Christmas lights as Brie had expected, this room had dark purple ones that produced a sexy ambiance.

  “Oh, I love purple,” Lea purred softly. When she saw the Dom running it, she whispered to the other two, “Who the heck is he?”

  Brie smiled, remembering when Master Nosh had introduced her to Hunter during a special outing with Sir.

  “His name is Hunter. I was told that he was the top student of his Dominant Training class.”

  “Oooh…” Lea said, ogling him more closely.

  “I wonder what makes him the top of his class?” Autumn whispered.

  “I don’t know, but I think we are about to find out,” Brie said as he dismissed the other submissives and motioned them forward.

  “Bow to me,” he ordered in a tone that commanded respect.

  Brie immediately lowered herself to the floor and bowed, instinctually reacting to his dominance.

  “Good,” he told them. “Do you submit to me for this scene?”

  Brie felt goosebumps rise on her skin in response to his question.

  “Yes,” she answered with the other two.

  “You may stand and face your Master.”

  Brie heard Lea whimper excitedly.

  There was definitely something different about Hunter that had each of them responding to his dominance.

  “Stand with your back straight and your hands behind your neck.”

  Brie followed his directions, staring ahead even though she was tempted to check him out.

  Hunter stood behind Autumn and tied a blindfold over her eyes. He moved to Lea next, and then to Brie. His aura of dominance was palpable, causing Brie’s heart to race whe

n he placed the blindfold over her eyes.

  Once it was tightly secured, Brie felt more relaxed. Blindfolds always seemed to have that effect on her.

  She felt him leave her side and waited patiently for his next command.

  Suddenly, the distinctive electric buzz of a violet wand filled the air.

  “Nod your head if any of you have felt a violet wand before,” he stated.

  Brie nodded, smiling slightly because she happened to enjoy the instrument.

  Hunter walked to Autumn.

  “So, this is your first time?” he asked. The low, sensual tone of his voice made Brie’s stomach quiver even though he wasn’t speaking to her.

  “Yes,” Autumn answered meekly.

  “I will start out on a light setting and increase it slowly.”

  Brie heard Autumn gasp as the wand made contact with her skin, but then she began to giggle as she grew used to its ticklish touch. Hunter increased the level three times before turning off the instrument.

  “Did you like that?” he asked her in a seductive tone.

  Autumn sounded surprised when she answered, “Yes…”

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, Master.”


  He moved on to Lea next. “You are familiar with my instrument?”

  “I am, Master.”

  “Do you like it more intense?”

  “I do,” she answered breathlessly.

  The violet wand began to buzz again. Brie could hear that the intensity was much higher, based on the sound it made on contact with Lea’s skin. Instead of crying out, Lea moaned in pleasure.

  “Higher?” he murmured lustfully.

  “Yes, Master,” Lea begged.

  Brie stood stock still as she listened to the sensual exchange between Lea and Hunter as he continued to tease her with the violet wand.

  Before Lea was ready for it to end, he turned off the instrument and she whimpered.

  “I believe you would benefit from a longer session.”

  “I agree, Master,” Lea answered.

  Just like that, a future BDSM date had been set.

  Brie’s happiness for Lea was soon eclipsed by Hunter’s presence as he moved to her. She felt chills when he murmured in her ear, “You are familiar with my instrument?”

  “I am, Master,” Brie answered, her attention now focused solely on him.

  “Do you like it more intense?”

  “Not as intense as my friend, Master.”

  It pleased her when she heard his low chuckle.

  “Do you like to be challenged, sub?”

  Brie answered truthfully, even though she was afraid of the consequences. “I do, Master.”

  “Then I will challenge you.”

  Brie’s heart skipped a beat. She wondered what she had just gotten herself into. Thankfully, she could always call her safeword if things got too intense for her.

  When the wand began to buzz, Brie could instantly tell by the sound that it was at a lower setting then what he used on Lea and she relaxed.

  However, that all changed when he grazed the instrument against her sensitive stomach making her insides jump.

  Hunter continued to graze the instrument against her skin, picking ever more sensitive areas such as the back of her knees, her inner thighs, her tailbone, her hard nipples, and then, finally, her neck.

  By the time he was done, her skin was covered in goosebumps and she was quivering with an even greater need.

  “Did you enjoy the challenge?” he asked in a gruff voice.

  “Yes, Master. Very much.”

  “Good,” he answered, undoing her blindfold.

  He stood back to address all three. “I release you from my service.”

  Brie heard Lea sigh as he stamped her booklet and they turned to leave so the next set of submissives could take their place.

  Once they were out of the room and at a safe distance away, Lea squealed. “O-M-G, is Hunter amazing or what?”

  “He certainly is,” Brie agreed wholeheartedly. “I understand why Master Nosh holds him in such high regard.”

  Autumn nudged Lea. “And someone just got an invitation for a second round with him.”

  Lea grinned, her eyes flashing with excitement. “I about died when he said that.”

  Brie wrapped her arms around Lea. “I hope he knocks your socks off next time around.”

  Lea started fanning herself. “He already did, Stinky Cheese. If you were to push me with your little pinkie, I’d fall over right now.”

  “What’s all the fuss about?” Mary asked, walking up to them.

  “We just had an amazing session with Master Hunter,” Autumn told her.

  “What? Which one is he doing?”

  “‘Christmas Lights’,” Autumn answered.

  “Funny, I was going to skip that one because it sounded so lame.”

  “It’s not lame at all,” Brie assured her.

  “Huh…I might have to give it a try after I hit ‘Naughty or Nice’. I hear Mistress Lou is doing that one and she’s particularly good at punishing naughty girls.”

  “That sounds just up your alley,” Lea agreed.

  “Where are you headed next?” Mary asked.

  “I was thinking we could go to ‘Whipped Cream Topping’. I’m figuring that has to be Master Anderson,” Lea said.

  “It’s got to be,” Brie agreed.

  “We’d better head there now because time is running out,” Autumn stated.

  “You guys go on without me,” Brie told them, wanting to spend time with Mary.

  As they headed off, Mary got out her booklet and asked, “Which one are you looking at, Stinks?”

  Brie looked over her shoulder and pointed to the top one. “I’m curious about ‘Candy Canes’.”

  Mary turned around and wiggled her ass, showing off the pink stripes on her butt. “Marquis Gray at his finest.”

  “Nice stripes,” Brie complimented. “What was ‘Carving the Goose’ about?”

  Mary gave her an odd smile. “That’s the next one you should go to, Stinks. Trust me.”

  She suddenly turned and walked away, stating, “You’ll find the room next to the auditorium. I suggest you run. There’s no time to waste.”

  Brie chuckled to herself.

  So much for spending time with Mary…

  Brie shrugged and made her way to ‘Carving the Goose’, wondering why Mary had been so adamant about it.

  Unexpected Surprises

  Boa stopped Brie in the hallway on her way to check out “Carving the Goose” and asked, “Are you having fun, Brie?”

  “I’m loving it!”

  “Me, too. Where are you headed next?”

  “I thought I’d try ‘Carving the Goose’.”

  “Oh, that one is great—it’s going to blow your mind.”


  “Oh, yeah.” He chuckled. “Definitely can’t miss that one.”

  “Which one are you headed to?”

  “I’m feeling a real craving for ‘Whipped Cream Topping’.”

  Brie grinned, knowing firsthand how much Boa enjoyed the bullwhip. “Lea and Autumn are headed that way, too. Maybe you can catch up with them.”

  “Catch you later,” he said, walking faster in that direction.

  Hurrying herself, Brie finally found the right room and was shocked when she opened the door and saw who was running the scene.

  Faelan looked up from four subs he was playing with and nodded to her. Brie shut the door quietly and stood watching him, curious now about how it went down for him when his ex, Mary, showed up in the room.

  Unlike the other holiday rooms, this one was brightly lit. Lights on the floor produced stripes of blue against the walls. For background music, Faelan had chosen dubstep versions of Christmas songs. Brie loved the beat of the hard base of Capital Kings amping up one of her favorite tunes, “Carol Of The Bells”.

  The edgier music went perfectly with his instrument of choice to
night—a blade.

  The subs were all blindfolded. Brie knew that it would make the scene that much more intense for them—not knowing where he would drag the knife across their skin.

  Faelan was highly experienced with knives and could leave light scratches on the skin, or even deeper ones that would sting but not draw blood.

  As she watched, she was struck by how dashing Faelan looked with his new eyepatch. But what caught her attention more was the expression on his face as he played with the sub. It was obvious by his smile that he enjoyed the thrilling fear he evoked from his submissives with his blade.

  The girls continually gasped and cried out, but not one of them called her safeword. He had them eating out of his hand.

  “Mrs. Davis, I need you to step out of the room for a moment,” Faelan stated.

  Surprised by the request, Brie nodded to him and left, curious as to why she had been asked to leave. Suddenly, Brie heard cries of nervous laughter. A few moments later, the girls, all smiling, left the room looking at each other in disbelief.

  What the heck had Faelan done to garner that kind of reaction?

  When Brie reentered the room, she found herself alone with the Dom.

  “What just happened?” she laughed.

  He smiled charmingly. “Just a little friendly knife play.”

  “Well, everyone is raving about your scene.”

  “Would you like to experience it yourself, blossom?” he asked, pointing to the chair beside him. “Come, sit in my chair and let me do wicked things to your body.”

  There was a time when she would not have trusted him, but things had changed between them. She trusted Faelan with her life and stepped up to the chair without hesitation.

  “I enjoyed my scenes with you here at the Training Center,” she told him as she sat down.

  “As did I, blossom.”

  Faelan picked up a dangerous looking knife and informed her, “I promise not to cut you, but it will hurt. Do you consent?”

  Tingling with fear, but still curious, Brie nodded.

  “Do you remember that time when I used a blade on you?”

  Chills crept over her skin as she thought back on it. “I do.”


  He set the knife down and picked up a blindfold. “I know how much you love these.”


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