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Hope's First Christmas (Brie's Submission Book 19)

Page 7

by Red Phoenix

She smiled, giggling nervously. “I do, but maybe not so much right now.”

  “Trust me,” he stated confidently as he covered her eyes.

  Brie sat there anxiously, wondering where she would first feel the sharp blade on her skin, and concentrated on the dubstep music, trying to keep her nerves down.

  “I am going to drag this blade across your skin, but I will not draw blood unless you move. It is extremely important you do not move this entire scene. Do you understand?”

  “I do, Faelan.”

  “Excellent…” he stated huskily, moving closer to her.

  Even though he said he would not cut her skin, it felt like he was doing so whenever he dragged his sharp knife over her thighs, back, and chest. She swallowed hard several times, unwilling to call her safeword because she found it fearfully erotic.

  “You have done well, so let me challenge you now.”

  Brie heard him move away and put down the blade. Her breaths came faster when she heard him pick up something else.

  “Are you ready?”

  She nodded nervously, her breaths now coming in short gasps.

  When he cut the skin across her stomach, the sting of it caused her to bite her lip to stop herself from crying out.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, lifting her blindfold to show Brie what he held in his hand.

  She stared at the white feather, confused. Looking down at her bare stomach, she saw nothing, not even a scratch.

  Brie looked up at him. “What did you do?”

  Faelan chuckled. “I gave you exactly what you were expecting.”

  Brie looked at the feather again and laughed. “How did you make it feel so real?”

  “Do you really want to know?”


  “For tonight’s scenes, I’ve been using dull knives to be safe. Working with so many subs in one sitting, I wasn’t willing to take the risk. Can you guess how I made it feel sharp?”

  Fascinated, Brie shook her head. “Tell me.”

  He pulled a knife out from an insulated bag. “I keep the dull knives cold. Before the scene starts, I show each sub the large, sharp blade and then I blindfold them. When they feel the cold steel of the dull knife against their skin, their minds automatically associate it with the knife they just saw and they feel it cutting them.”

  “That reminds me of my branding at the Center, I swear I thought it was real. Even after I saw there was no brand on my skin, I could still feel the burn of it. How crazy is that?”

  “The mind is a beautiful playground,” he stated.

  “I remember Sir telling me the same thing.”

  “He is an excellent teacher and I still utilize the lessons he taught me when I was starting out.”

  Faelan ran his cold blade against her thigh again and Brie smiled. “I would totally believe that was a sharp blade cutting me if I didn’t know better.”

  “Especially when I pick a place that’s extra sensitive, like this…” He ran it across her throat and Brie shivered with fear.

  “Even knowing it can’t hurt me, that was freaky,” she confessed.

  Faelan gave her a satisfied smile. “It’s all in the delivery, blossom.”

  “Amazing that you went from a knife to a feather at the end,” she laughed.

  “Most subs react the way you did. Their minds are so set on the idea that I am holding a blade, that that’s exactly what they feel. I can’t tell you the number of subs who actually cry out in pain.”

  He chuckled with amusement.

  “But, the kicker is when I take off their blindfold and show them the feather that just ‘cut’ them.”

  “That has got to be fun.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Oh, it is. I enjoy a good mindfuck.”

  The bell rang announcing the sessions were about to come to a close.

  “I’m sorry to leave you, Faelan, but I was told to meet Sir for the last scene.”

  “No reason to apologize. He’s the one who came up with this event, after all.”

  Brie frowned slightly, confused by his statement. “What do you mean?”

  “He approached Marquis with the idea for this Kinky Eve event.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know that—thank you, Faelan, for everything.”

  “Anytime, blossom.”

  Brie left the room feeling as if she was walking on cloud nine as she hurried to meet up with her Master.

  She couldn’t believe that the man who disliked Christmas had created all this—for her.

  When she opened the door to the “Chestnuts Roasting” room, she found Sir performing fire play between two subs lying on separate tables, while a crowd of people lined the room to watch.

  With reverence, she knelt down on the floor where he could see her and silently observed her Master while he made the flames dance across their bodies.

  Brie considered fire play an art form on multiple levels—the wielder deciding the visual patterns and intensity of the flames while also considering the level of heat the sub would experience.

  She loved fire play with Sir—and so, apparently, did a lot of other subs based on the number of people in the room.

  After he finished the scene, Sir announced, “I apologize to those who have yet to scene tonight, but I am ending my session early.” He looked over at Brie. “My sub has just arrived and I promised the last scene to her.”

  Brie’s heart melted when Sir held out his hand and helped her to her feet. With a charming smile, he asked, “Are you ready to burn, babygirl?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Brie trembled with excitement as Sir slowly took off her bra and panties and then bound her curls up in a hair tie while everyone else watched.

  Sir kissed her on the cheek before ordering, “Lay face down on the table, téa.”

  Brie felt the butterflies start as she moved to the table and lay down. She loved the feel of the fiery heat just before Sir swept the flames away.

  Although it took profound trust in a Dom to submit to such dangerous play, Brie did it enthusiastically, having experienced Sir’s expertise multiple times.

  Sir traced a line up her right thigh with his fingers before picking up the swab soaked in alcohol and following the same line he had just traced. The coolness of the alcohol caused goosebumps to rise on her skin.

  He lit the slow-burning match in front of her and smiled as he moved into place. He then tapped the base of the line with the flame. Brie moaned in pleasure as the fire raced up the trail he’d just made.

  Just before the heat became too intense, Sir swept it away with his hand. Her pussy contracted in pleasure when he slapped her ass playfully afterward.

  Sir traced a trail up her other thigh with his fingers. “Do you want more, téa?”

  “Yes, Master,” she moaned.

  He grazed the swab over the invisible line he’d just drawn and tapped the end with the fire, murmuring huskily, “Burn, baby, burn.”

  With another sweep of his hand and a swat on her ass, he had her craving more.

  “I believe your ass needs my special attention.”

  Brie purred, nodding in agreement.

  Sir caressed her bare ass with his free hand before giving her a forceful swat. Brie squeaked in surprise as tingles of pleasure shot straight to her groin. She moaned passionately, wanting more.

  Where his hand made contact, the alcohol soon followed. Sir tapped her left ass cheek with the match and spanked the flames out with his hand.

  “Oh…!” Brie cried out in pleasure, enjoying the erotic tingles his spanking created. Having been in an aroused state for most of the evening, Brie was crazy with desire.

  Sir moved on to her right cheek, caressing it lovingly before following it up with the burning flames. Brie moaned even louder this time when he spanked away the flames.

  He waited a few seconds before giving her another well-placed swat. Immediately, the tingles ignited, making her needy and wet.

  She bit her lip when he said, “Whenever I think
of Christmas, I see a log burning in the fireplace.”

  He trailed the swab slowly up her backbone, stopping just below her shoulder blades. This time, after tapping it with the match, he let the flames dance a little longer before sweeping them away.

  The people watching their performance enjoyed the mystical allure of the flames and clapped in appreciation.

  Sir had Brie completely entranced by the thrill of his touch and the heat of the flames. She never wanted it to stop, although she knew the end of the session was drawing near.

  She closed her eyes and smiled when he traced his hand over her skin. Leaning down, he whispered to her, “What did I just draw on your back?”

  Having concentrated solely on the pleasure of the scene, Brie had failed to take notice. She shook her head slightly.

  “See if you can figure it out.”

  Using the cotton swab, he faithfully retraced the invisible line he had drawn before lighting her on fire.

  The infinity symbol.

  He had drawn the infinity symbol to end their session together. No one else would understand the significance but her.

  Condors forever…

  The people in attendance clapped as he blew out the match and thanked them for coming. As they filed out of the room, Sir covered her with his jacket.

  “I ended our session early to give you time to bask in the afterglow before we rejoin the others.”

  “Thank you, Master.” She smiled up at him and murmured, “Condors forever.”

  He winked at her as he cleaned up and put away his tools.

  Brie lay there in submissive bliss, watching him as he worked. “I will never forget this night,” she told him.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Just so you know, I’m going to donate a million dollars in your name to the center.”

  He laughed. “Maybe you should wait on that one.”

  “You deserve that and more, Sir.”

  He walked over to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. “All I need is to know that you are happy, and you look happy right now.”

  “I am, Sir.”

  Sexy Santa

  They were a little late when they joined the party in the commons and found everyone enjoying a variety of desserts as well as after-dinner drinks by the time they arrived.

  Brie slowly sat down next to Sir, still flying on a sub high. She found she couldn’t stop smiling.

  “You’re freaking me out, Stinks,” Mary muttered, taking a sip of her rum and Coke.

  “Ah, leave her alone,” Lea said. “She’s just happy.”

  “Exactly. I can’t handle overly happy people,” Mary grumbled.

  Brie reached out to take Mary’s hand. “I love you, Mary.”

  Mary looked at her in surprise. “Ah…okay.” She laughed uncomfortably as she looked at the other people at the table and muttered, “Love ya, too, Stinks.”

  Brie grinned.

  Marquis Gray gestured for Sir and Faelan to join him at the front while he addressed everyone. “Donations are still coming in, so we will give you a final total at the end of the night.” He put his hand to his heart. “But, let me say that your generosity has been overwhelming.” He looked over at Stephanie Conner and nodded.

  Brie knew by Marquis’s reaction that it must be a very impressive amount.

  Sir raised his hands and clapped to everyone to show his appreciation. Brie smiled proudly at him, her heart bursting with pride. She knew now that he was the one who had conceived this whole idea.

  Faelan spoke up. “To thank you for your generosity, we have a special guest who has come a long way to be with us tonight. You may have heard of him…” He gestured to the hallway. “Let’s give it up for the man who makes everyone’s dreams come true.”

  People started clapping when Santa Claus rounded the corner with the two sexy elves at his side, while the sexy song “Santa Baby” played in the background.

  Brie smiled at Lea and Autumn and the three stood up to cheer Santa on.

  Santa waved at everyone at the tables as he made his way to the gold chair covered in red velvet. When he sat down, his two elves took their places to either side of him and he placed his hand possessively on the big green sack beside his chair.

  “Do you know why Santa’s sack is so big?” Lea asked.

  Autumn looked at Lea and giggled as they both answered, “Because he only comes once a year!”

  Mary piped up, “Damn, he must have some serious blue balls.”

  Brie started laughing hysterically, which caught Santa’s attention, as well as everyone else in the room.

  The jolly old man whispered to one of his elves, who walked over to their table. “Santa noticed someone being naughty at this table and commands you to go to him and receive your punishment.”

  Brie blushed, now suddenly silent as a mouse.

  “I’ll take her punishment,” Lea offered, waving enthusiastically at Santa. “After all, it was my joke that caused her to laugh.”

  The elf looked back at Santa, who shook his head slowly.

  “I’m sorry, no tributes. It must be you,” she stated, looking directly at Brie.

  Hoping to avoid punishment, Brie stood up and said loud enough for everyone to hear, “I’m sorry for causing a disturbance, Santa. It won’t happen again.”

  Santa gestured to her to come to him.

  Brie looked back at Sir nervously before following the elf to Santa.

  While Santa waited for her to make her way over to him, he whispered something to his other elf.

  When she arrived, the second elf told her, “Santa says you must lie on his lap to receive your spanking.”

  All the submissives in the room twittered excitedly, probably wishing they were her. But, the idea of a public spanking made Brie antsy, even if it was being done in fun.

  “I’m sorry, Santa.”

  Santa patted his lap.

  With everyone watching her, Brie glanced at Sir, who nodded. Submitting to her punishment, Brie bit her lip as she lay across Santa’s lap.

  Brie felt his gloved hand rub her ass several times before he lifted it to spank her. Brie closed her eyes, hoping she wouldn’t make a fool of herself when his hand fell.

  “Radost moya…”

  Brie’s eye popped open just as he smacked her hard on the ass and she cried out.

  The entire room broke out in laughter.

  “Rytsar?” She looked up at Santa and saw those mischievous blue eyes twinkling wickedly at her.

  Before she could say another word, he spanked her again, evoking another painful cry of surprise, but Brie didn’t care. She turned in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, his whiskers tickling her face.

  “You are such an evil Santa!”

  “Da,” he agreed. “The evilest.”

  “Have you been here the whole night?”

  He nodded, chuckling, “I was needed to keep everything running.”

  “All night long I’ve been mourning the fact you weren’t here, and you were here the whole time?”

  She could see his smirk under the beard. “What can I say? I like grand entrances.”

  Brie buried her head in his white beard and hugged him even tighter.

  “Would you like to help me pass out presents, naughty girl?”

  She lifted her head to gaze into his intense blue eyes. “If it pleases you, Santa Rytsar.”

  He chuckled as he lifted her off his lap and then stood up, announcing in his Russian accent, “Everyone, I come bearing gifts. No one leaves here tonight without a present from the red man himself.”

  Brie looked over to where Sir was sitting and saw him smiling at her.

  She mouthed the words, “I love you.”

  After all the presents had been passed out and the desserts had been consumed, Marquis came over with the final count, insisting Sir be the one to announce it.

  Sir looked at the paper and raised his eyebrows. He stood up and made his way to the front.
br />   “Miss Conner, would you please come up and join me?” he asked.

  Stephanie walked up to him and smiled graciously as she stood beside Sir. Brie noticed, however, that her eyes were locked on Santa the entire time while Sir spoke.

  “Before everyone heads out, we wanted to give you the final total for tonight.”

  Master Anderson started a drum roll at his table.

  “Adding up the ticket prices, the general donations, and the ones made in honor of Doms here tonight, you have managed to raise over $124,000 for the Tatianna Legacy Center.”

  Everyone broke out in a roar of applause.

  As Brie clapped, she smiled and thought to herself, Plus one million in honor of Sir.

  When the last of the guests were leaving, Brie started to clean up.

  “What are you doing, radost moya?” Rytsar, who was still dressed as Santa—minus the beard—demanded.

  “The more people that help, the less everyone has to do,” she answered.

  He grabbed her wrist and forced her to put the decoration back down. “Hired workers will do that. Do not take away their livelihood.”

  “Okay…fine,” Brie laughed. “I’ll collect my things so we can leave, then.”

  Rytsar rode back with them, having hitched a ride with Faelan to the Submissive Training Center earlier.

  “How did you stay hidden the whole night?” Brie asked him.

  “I entertained myself with the two elves while my minions reported back to me. I heard you were one of the winners of Baron’s challenge.”

  Brie giggled. “I was…unfortunately. Curse my competitive spirit.”

  Rytsar chuckled. “Feeling a little needy, are we?”

  Brie looked at Sir and confessed, “I almost came during my scene with you.”

  Sir smirked. “I could tell, babygirl. I was sorely tempted to brush my finger against your clit.”

  Brie shivered pleasantly, her pussy pulsing with need from just thinking about his touch. “I’m definitely a level ten out of ten in neediness right now.”

  Both men glanced at each other, saying nothing.

  Brie bit her lip as they pulled into the driveway. She hoped relief would be coming soon when Sir asked Rytsar to stay for a nightcap.

  Rytsar agreed but insisted they sit on the couch while he got the drinks.


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