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Kissing the Lass (Scot to the Heart #2)

Page 13

by Charles, Jane

  “Miss Arabella, when will you learn that I do not offer anything that I don’t wish to give?” he teased her.

  “It would be delightful to visit the coast with ye, Lord Gideon, if my uncle approves.”

  “With proper chaperones, how could he refuse?”

  Arabella snorted. “I doona believe he’s so worried about chaperones.”

  However, until he was certain of his future, a chaperone would be their constant companion. A chaperone who was not with them now. Had the rest of the family gone off without them? It would be something MacGregor would do and then insist his niece had been compromised. “We should find the others.”

  Some of her smile dimmed with disappointment and Gideon found he mirrored her emotions, but they’d have plenty of time to be alone to talk and do anything else they wished, if he followed where his heart was leading.

  As he stood and offered his hand, so did Bentley and Donovan, who sat on a bench not far away. Gideon hadn’t even noticed that his distant cousin had entered the park.

  He gave Gideon a knowing look. Who had come to chaperone whom? Gideon didn’t bother to ask, but offered Arabella his arm to return her to the shopping district.

  Chapter 18

  “Nay, ye willna be travelin’ to Ayr,” Cameron objected when Arabella suggested the day they returned from Edinburgh.

  “Why no’? Ye’ve mentioned how ye liked it.”

  “It’s no place for ye.” He cast a glance a Gideon. “There are other coastal towns that ye would enjoy more.”

  “If they are more enjoyable, why do ye not go there?” Arabella demanded.

  “Just because I happen to like Ayr, that doesna mean ye will. Troon might be more to ye likin’.”

  “Nay,” she argued then turned to Gideon. “Cameron hasna liked Troon since the Duke of Portland built docks for incoming merchant ships. Its constant activity with his horse-drawn railway connecting the Duke’s coal mines in Kilmarnock to Troon.”

  Cameron frowned.

  “It is a more industrial area?” Lord Gideon asked.

  “Aye, and filled with…” Arabella trailed off when she realized the reason Cameron didn’t want a former Revenue Man accompanying them to Ayr. They used to ship their illegal whisky out of Troon, those barrels being delivered to the south of England. When the ports became too busy and watched by Revenue Officers, Cameron began shipping the barrels out of Ayr. Of course Cameron didn’t want Lord Gideon to learn their secrets. “…people,” she finally answered. “But, if Cameron doesna thin’ we’d like Ayr…,” She looked over at Cameron. “Is there another town ye’d suggest?”

  “Aye, Dunure, if ye are lookin’ for peacefulness. It’s a small fishing village but the beaches are quiet. Few live there, but more homes are being built as of late.”

  “How far away from Ayr is it?” Lord Gideon asked.

  “Less than thirty minutes south.”

  Lord Gideon turned to Arabella. “Shall we visit Dunure then?”

  “I doona understand why,” Sheena huffed. “Glasgow, Troon, and even Ayr sound much more excitin’.”

  “Because I wish to experience the coast, not a town,” Arabella answered her cousin before focusing on Lord Gideon. “Dunure it is.”

  “When shall we go?”

  Arabella glanced back at Uncle Aiden.

  “In a few days perhaps,” he answered begrudgingly. Uncle Aiden didn’t like to travel any more than necessary and she suspected he did not consider this holiday essential.

  “I canna leave so quickly after just being gone for two days.”

  “Lovely,” Rose brightened. “I’ll prepare and plan. Perhaps we can stay the night in Glasglow, travel to Dunure, then return to Glasgow for the remainder of the day and come back to Anagburn on the third.”

  A thrill shot through Arabella. Not only would she be able to visit another location, but she’d be with Lord Gideon and away from Anagburn for three days.

  MacGregor finally set the day for their trip to the coast four days later. In the meantime Gideon continued to rise with the sun, brew a pot of tea and put quill to parchment until it was time to break his fast. He then returned to the cottage where he wrote some more. Stories had never developed this quickly for him in the past. In the afternoon, he and Arabella would hunt with her falcons and they spent more time getting to know one another. Each day he became more and more certain that she might just be the person he was meant to be with.

  Was there a magic in Scotland that nobody had told him about? Lovely lasses and a peacefulness that had been missing for his life. And, he could write again. It was as if all his troubles and concerns had fallen away, when he hadn’t been aware he had any in the first place.

  After the evening meal, they always walked and then he’d once again return to his cottage where he wrote until his eyes blurred. Gideon had never felt so alive in his life, nor had anything ever seemed so perfect.

  “Are ye lookin’ forward to the trip to the coast?” Arabella asked as they stood in the moonlight.

  “I only wish there was a place to stay along the coast so you could experience falling asleep to the sound of waves and salt in the air.” But, even if he could spend the night by the sea, he’d probably remain awake most of the night writing.

  “I ken that the circumstances for ye bein’ here were not of yer choosin’, but I canna be angry any longer.”

  Gideon turned to look down at her. The light of the moon reflected off her upturned face, bathing her in white light so that she appeared almost ethereal. There was no other miss in all of England or Scotland as beautiful as Arabella and Gideon finally had to admit to himself that he’d quite lost his heart. If Dunure was as perfect as he hoped, and Arabella liked the sea, MacGregor might get the betrothal he’d hoped for. The only concern was that they hadn’t even known each other a fortnight. How could anyone know their heart in such a short time and how did one distinguish between infatuation and love? There was still so much he needed to learn about Arabella and she didn’t even know his true profession.

  Yet, every time he looked at her, held her hand in his, or was even in her presence, Gideon knew that he was quite lost and that she was meant for him. However, because he approached everything in his life with caution and thoughtfulness, his mind warred with his heart that it was too soon to consider something that could alter his life so permanently. The magic of Scotland would not necessarily transfer to anywhere away from Anagburn and then where would they be? A spell broken and two souls that didn’t complete the other.

  He’d not face a life of misery no matter how perfect that future looked at this moment.

  Arabella studied him as worry began to cloud her eyes. Too often he let silence lay between them when lost in his thoughts and especially struck with desire.

  “Is all well?”

  “Aye.” Then, for the first time in days, he lowered his mouth to hers. Arabella’s lips parted and he delved. Passion rose, and for this moment, his heart won out over his mind.

  A simple kiss was not enough, especially when Arabella’s hands came around his shoulders and Gideon pulled her tight against his body, her breasts pressed against his chest as his hands caressed her back and sides.

  Gideon couldn’t deny how perfectly they fit against each other. A haze of desire clouded his brain and reason abandoned him as he cupped the perfectly rounded globes of her bottom, bringing her against his rising need. Arabella lifted, her fingers threading through his hair and Gideon slid a hand up her side until he was able to cup one of those perfectly rounded breasts. Already her nipple was tight against his palm. He nearly groaned in answer to her moan, wishing he could take her up in his arms, carry her to the cottage and lay her on the bed. Those thoughts were the very reason why he pulled away and broke the kiss. Arabella’s hands fell away as she took a shuddering breath and stepped back.

  Passion lay in the future but it should not take place in the gardens of Anagburn.

  Arabella glanced up, blue eyes wide and
filled with a mixture of desire and vulnerability.

  So precious, and Gideon could not help himself and lifted both hands to cradle her delicate features as he leaned in to kiss her gently once last time.

  “I assume this means ye’ll be marryin’ my niece.”

  Chapter 19

  Arabella jumped from Lord Gideon at the bark of her uncle’s voice. How could she have forgotten herself?

  “Yes. Of course,” Lord Gideon answered. It was immediate as if he didn’t even take time to consider his response and simply conceded.

  She blinked as her brain became more alert, as if she were waking from the most pleasant dream she’d ever experienced.

  “Yes to what?”

  “Ye’ll be marryin’ Lord Gideon.”

  Arabella’s heart lodged in her throat. “Nay!”

  “Nay?” Lord Gideon asked quietly.

  “Aye…as in nay. We canna marry.” If she thought her heart was near to bursting before, when Lord Gideon was creating the most delicious sensations through her body, it was nothing compared to the unpleasant fear of an apoplexy she might very well be on the verge of experiencing.

  How could she have forgotten herself? She’d been so careful not to kiss Lord Gideon again. As much as she did desire him, and aye, she was falling in love with him, he was still English, lived in England, and nothing was going to change that.

  Besides, how was she even certain it was love? It was too soon. How could you love a person you’ve known for such a short time? Aye, she wished to kiss him, often, but that did not mean love was involved. And, just because her heart screamed with the once elusive emotion didn’t mean it could be trusted.

  “This is the third time ye’ve been caught kissin’ Arabella. It is betrothal worthy.”

  The fourth time they’d actually kissed, but she didn’t dare inform her uncle of that fact and prayed Lord Gideon did not either. She also prayed that only her uncle had witnessed that last kiss and not what came before, when Lord Gideon had caressed her in the most scandalous manner.

  “I willna marry him”

  “What of yer reputation?”

  “I have no fear of that unless ye intend to go into Bonnybridge and make an announcement.”

  Uncle Aiden sucked in a breath as his eyes hardened and he took a step in her direction.

  “Lord Gideon has offered to marry ye.”

  “Nay, ye told him that he was and he agreed because of propriety.”

  “Nay, he confirmed my assumption. Bein’ a gentleman, Lord Gideon wouldna kissed ye again without kening what was expected of him.”

  “I willna marry,” Arabella insisted as her entire body began to shake and her chest tightened, her breaths coming short. It was too soon. Too permanent!

  Further, Lord Gideon only agreed because Uncle Aiden demanded. He’d not asked or even hinted at a future.

  Her heart may want him, but Lord Gideon didn’t necessarily want her for the remainder of his life.

  Aye, she was fallin’ in love. At least she thought she was, but this was akin to her uncle banishing her to Cornwall, days away from all that she knew and loved and with a man who may desire her, but not necessarily love her.

  As her throat began to close, Arabella ran. Only if she could get way would she be able to breathe again. Alone, in her chamber, she’d be able to think and breathe.

  Though her relatives called after her, Arabella continued past them, up the stairs, down the corridor and into her set of rooms. Slamming the door behind her, she leaned back against it and placed her hand against her breast, feeling her heart pound against the breast bone as if it was trying to get out, or beat itself to death. Pain engulfed her entire being as she desperately tried to take a deep breath, but her lungs would not accommodate any air and she was left panting shallow puffs.

  Struggling to walk, she pushed herself across the room to grasp the bed as fear layered on top of her pain.

  “What is happening?” she cried and dropped to the floor before she gathered her knees against her chest and rest against the side of her bed.

  Was she truly having an apoplexy? Or, an attack on her heart? Is this how the end would come for her? She’d been blessed with the most magical moments of being in Lord Gideon’s arms, from his kisses to his caresses, only to be plunged into hell a moment later, for that is surely what this was and she might not survive.

  What the blazes? No, he wasn’t a titled lord, but he was still respectable, but Arabella just ran from him as if her uncle had declared she was to marry the local costermonger.

  “What did ye do to her?” MacGregor demanded.

  Given the circumstances, Gideon decided that it was best not to be entirely honest. “Kissed her.”

  Had it been his caresses? If so, why hadn’t she pushed him away, or then run screaming as soon as he’d stopped kissing her before MacGregor came out.

  She’d enjoyed his caresses as much as he enjoyed the caressing. She had moaned when he cupped her breasts--more information that he’d not share with Arabella’s uncle.

  “I doona understand. She likes ye well enough.”

  Gideon thought so. What had he done wrong? Was he only worthy enough to kiss but not marry? How insulted should he be?

  “Whatever is the matter with Arabella,” Mrs. MacGregor demanded as she hurried out of the manor.

  “We have no idea,” MacGregor answered.

  Mrs. MacGregor planted her hands on her hips and narrowed her gaze on MacGregor. “Were you trying to manage and interfere with her life?”

  “Not exactly,” he defended weakly.

  “What exactly did you do?”

  “It was me,” Gideon offered before MacGregor offered up an excuse. After all, it had been Gideon who had done the kissing, and touching that MacGregor had not seen, and the uncle had no choice but to decide their fate. Thank goodness MacGregor hadn’t come out sooner or Gideon might have ended up with another blackened eye as well as a betrothal.

  “You, Lord Gideon?” All censure disappeared from her expression as it was replaced with concern. “What happened?”

  “I kissed Miss Arabella and Mr. MacGregor came upon us.”

  Once again, Mrs. MacGregor focused on her husband. “Then what did you do?”

  “I suggested that it was time they married,” the man defended.

  It was far more than a suggestion, but Gideon wasn’t going to advise Mrs. MacGregor of that as it seemed her husband was already in trouble.

  Mrs. MacGregor frowned. “Arabella did not agree?”

  No, she ran as if the hounds of hell were chasing her. “She refused.”

  “I don’t understand.” She frowned as if the very idea of Arabella refusing his suit was the most confusing situation she’d found herself in. “Excuse me.” With that, she turned on her heel and hurried back into the manor. She didn’t need to announce her destination, Gideon only hoped Mrs. MacGregor came away with answers, because truthfully, he didn’t wish to marry Arabella if the very idea frightened her so much. Further, why was she suddenly so terrified of him?

  Chapter 20

  “Come,” Arabella could barely croak out at the scratch in the door. Since she had sunk to the floor she’d been unable to move, nor catch her breath, and none of her body had calmed. Instead, she prayed that this wasn’t the end because whatever ailment had her in its grip wasn’t letting go. She’d not known such pain outside of an injury before and couldn’t understand what was happening to her.

  The door opened, almost as if it were delayed or moving slower than normal and then Rose appeared. Her eyes widened and she rushed forward. “Arabella, what is it? What happened?”

  She wanted to answer but she had no words.

  “Arabella? What’s wrong?” Sheena asked from the doorway.

  Rose rushed to Sheena. “Your sister will be fine. She’s simply ill. Please ask Cook to brew some chamomile tea.” Gently Rose pushed Sheena from the room and closed the door before coming back to Arabella and sinking down on
the floor beside her.

  “Can you tell me what happened?”

  The kissing, the caressing were relived in Arabella’s mind and then Uncle Aiden’s practically demanding marriage and Lord Gideon’s agreement collided and merged, pleasant and panic, sunshine and storm, twirled and continued to keep her unsettled.

  “What did Lord Gideon do?” Rose demanded gently.

  “Do?” Arabella asked, not certain which part she should answer. The kiss or the marriage.

  “Something dreadful happened or you would not be in this state.”

  “Aye.” Tears welled in Arabella’s eyes.

  Rose took Arabella’s hands in hers. “No matter how much you don’t wish to speak of it, I need to know.”

  “Uncle Aiden is going to marry me to him and I can’t...” The very idea of moving so far away from home and being separated from her family increased the tightening in Arabella’s chest and she once again found it difficult to breathe.

  Lord Gideon had been just as determined to leave Anagburn and Arabella behind once the agreed time came to an end. They had discussed how Uncle Aiden would try to trap them and they’d been so careful and Lord Gideon wouldn’t have avoided her as much as he had these past few days if he didn’t fear this exact circumstance.

  How could she marry a man who didn’t really wish to marry her and was only doing so because he’d been forced?

  Then, he’d take her to Cornwall, far away from her family, to live with strangers and a man who didn’t love her.

  “Before your uncle came outside, what had Lord Gideon done?”

  “Kissed me.”

  “What else?”

  Arabella’s faced burned. If she told Rose, then Rose would tell Uncle Aiden and Arabella would never avoid being sent to the furthest part of England to live out her days.

  “There is more. You can tell me,” Rose implored, her eyes filled with concern.

  “If I do, will ye tell Uncle Aiden.”


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