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Lesbian Billionaire

Page 50

by Olivia Hampshire

  This was why the Black Ops prison needed a special set of villains to control the place. They were nothing more than pawns of the system, not really villains per say, but they kept everything in line and they controlled the place. There was the warden and his hot male secretary. They were occasionally checked in on by the warden’s boss, but he just came to make routine inspections and never stayed more than a few hours at a time. His rare visits meant that the warden basically had limitless control over the prison. But the warden could be lazy at times. Far more menacing, and meanest of all, was the captain of the guards. Everyone wanted to avoid an encounter with him, and you definitely never wanted to get on his bad side.

  Among the good guys was the group of gay men Grace knew. Their leader was Captain George Quick, but there was also a British man named Oliver Hangstun, a Mexican named Edarodo Artes, a Vietnamese named Kim Moon, an African American named Vinny Jefferson, and a Caucasian American named Lester Parker. They shared a condo, and they were all extremely handsome, buff, and intelligent.

  On this particular day, they happened to be sitting in their large, luxurious, secret control room. There was a large screen of computer monitors that the men had rigged up to function without the knowledge of the surveillance crew, and on the walls were maps, charts, and graphs, as well as photographs of different faces.

  “Captain Quick,” Kim Moon notified, “we have an incoming.”

  Suddenly, a trap door in the center of the room popped open with a loud whoosh. Out of the hole in the floor emerged a large, tubular cylinder. It was human sized, and when its opaque doors opened with a whoosh, out stepped Debbie Brown.

  Captain Quick, a man so ravishingly handsome that he made Debbie do a double take, with his dark black hair, his bright blue eyes, his tan olive complexion, and his toned chest covered in curly black hair. “Who are you?” Captain Quick demanded.

  “I am Brown, Debbie Brown,” Debbie replied, regaining her composure.

  She explained to Captain Quick that she was an acquaintance of Claudia and Grace from the Hotel of Nymphos, and Grace had guided her to this location. She told them that she was a professional spy who worked for the wealthy billionaire Harriet Rothchild. Captain Quick nodded his acknowledgment, he was familiar with the name. Debbie told him that she was one of Harriet’s top spies, and she had been assigned to a mission to recover a woman named Susan, who was a scientist and engineer that worked for the Chell Oil company. She informed Captain Quick that her mission was to bring Susan back home to her fiancée, who had been devastated when Susan did not show up at the wedding. She requested that Captain Quick explain to her exactly what this compound was.

  “It may not look like it,” Captain Quick informed Debbie, “but this is a super prison. This compound hosts people that the powers that be, the powers that control the world behind the scenes, do not want people to know about. People who have liberating thoughts and ideas that could transform the world and make a lot of people’s lives better. These ideas don’t sit well for the companies and governments that control the world, so whenever someone has an idea that seems not only too dangerous but also like it will actually work, they are kidnaped and impounded on this Black Ops island prison.”

  Debbie nodded, she was amazed. This was some seriously heavy shit.

  Whatever was going on in these guys’ condo was also some seriously heavy shit. Debbie marveled at all of the video screens on the wall, monitoring different activities. She saw an image of a woman that matched the photograph of Susan flash up on Kim Moon’s monitor. “That’s her,” Debbie exclaimed. “Yes, that is correct,” Kim Moon confirmed. “Susan is being held on this island, she is in the woman’s compound, in condo number seven.”

  “That’s great,” Debbie said. Now all she had to do was to make her way to condo number seven and bust Susan out of this whacky luxury prison. Hopefully Susan wouldn’t mind leaving.

  Captain Quick quickly burst Debbie’s bubble.

  “Hey sister,” he said, “if you want to get her out, we can find a way to do it. But I am telling you right now, it is not going to be easy. No way, no how.”

  Before Debbie had a chance to respond, Lester Parker called out in an alarmed voice, “Captain Quick, we have official visitors, approaching fast.”

  On his monitor was clearly displayed a man dressed in a military uniform standing outside of the doors of their condo, ready to come in.

  “Positions!” barked Captain Quick to his men. Then he grabbed Debbie with his strong, muscular hands. “You get in here,” he instructed her, opening up a secret compartment in the wall. He pushed her inside and the door sealed behind her. It was an amazing little room. From inside of it, Debbie Brown could see outside into the room and everything that was happening in it, but no one could see her.

  Debbie watched in amazement as all of the computer monitors and graphs and charts she had seen when she first entered slid into the floor. A large television screen popped open on one wall, and it was playing an episode of Desperate Housewives.

  The man in the uniform walked into the room and greeted the men. He seemed very happy go lucky and not very intelligent. He smiled at Captain Quick and his boys with a big dopey grin, and greeted them, “hello my Gay Blade Friends, how are we all doing today?”

  Suddenly, all of the buff, strong, super intelligent men that Debbie had met only moments before transformed into ultra dandies. They were acting very silly and feminine, playing a stereotypical flamboyantly gay role.

  “Sergeant Korkel,” they greeted the man in the uniform, bubbly and happy. “Don’t you look sweet today!” Korkel thanked them, and Debbie thought she saw him blush a little bit through her hiding space in the wall.

  Captain Quick took charge of the situation, and he told Sergeant Korkel that they were just enjoying an awesome episode of Desperate Housewives while they waited for their brownies to finish baking.

  “Brownies?” Korkel asked, his appetite piqued. “Oh yes,” Captain Quick responded, “but you know we have to use a low calorie, low sugar recipe. Got to watch our figures after all?” He laughed a sweet, tinkling laugh. Korkel wrinkled his nose at the idea of low sugar brownies, and decided against sticking around to have one.

  “I suppose the calories don’t matter too much though,” Captain Quick continued, “after all, we are going to work up a big sweat and burn a lot of energy during our afternoon group butt fuck! I heard passionate sex can burn up to six hundred calories an hour. Can you believe that?” Sergeant Korkel shook his head no. “Well, perhaps you would like to join us?” Captain Quick suggested.

  Korkel shook his head again, and gave off a friendly laugh. “Oh no boys,” he informed them, “that stuff isn’t for me. You all have a good time though.” Sergeant Korkel gave them a wave, and then he sauntered out of the room.

  Once they were sure that he was gone, Captain Quick pressed a button and the computer monitors and graphs re-emerged, and the television went back into the wall. Captain Quick pulled Debbie out of her hiding compartment in the wall.

  “What on earth was that?” Debbie asked, amazed, “What is with the gay act?”

  Captain Quick laughed. He told Debbie that all of the guys were gay, but they were certainly not stereotypically gay like the media liked to pretend. “Especially the media they show in this place,” he added, rolling his eyes. “But you know, if we do not act like the super fruity faggots they want us to be, things will be harder on us. As long as we maintain the flamboyant, empty headed gay dude act, they leave us alone. We get a lot more work done that way.” He finished this sentence with a wink at Debbie.

  Debbie understood. She did not have many friends who were gay males, not in her line of business working as a top international lesbian super spy in a giant mansion full of classy lesbians, but she knew enough about the type that Captain Quick was describing. No one would suspect guys like that of doing more than drinking cocktails, counting calories, and sucking dong. All while watching their favorite soaps and melodrama
s, of course.

  To Debbie, however, their tough, hard bodies belied who they really were. But she suspected that many of the ideological prisoners held captive on the island got into great shape, out of sheer boredom alone.

  The group of half a dozen super buff gay men, who seemed to really double as their own self organized team of spy agents, had found the perfect environment where they could live and work totally undetected.

  Chapter 12, Condo #7

  Captain Quick had figured out the perfect route to get into Susan’s room. The route had been planned out by Kim Moon, and now Captain Quick had him on a small, almost invisible ear piece, guiding their moves and motions. Although most prisoners followed an unspoken rule not to report to the guards anything they saw, you could never be too careful. Everyone on the island had their own motives, and if any of the prisoners saw a shocking red head super spy making her way across the compound, they might just feel inclined to say something.

  They got through the men’s complex, which was the largest part of the island, through an underground labyrinth of mazes. But the guys had not built any tunnels in the female area. For that, they had to go above ground, with Kim Moon keeping close surveillance. After what seemed like painstakingly slow minutes of time, they found themselves outside of Susan’s window at condo number seven. The condo was gorgeous, like the guy’s condo, and it had a killer view. Debbie hoped that Susan’s love of Beatrice had kept her head straight, and she had not been won over by the lure of beautiful scenery, good food, and time to just do pure research uninterrupted by the necessities of normal life.

  Susan’s window was slightly cracked open, and Captain Quick used his muscular biceps to easily pry open the window and launch Debbie inside. Debbie saw Susan laying down on her bed, she looked depressed and had a startled, confused expression on her face when she saw Debbie. Debbie quickly motioned for her to be completely silent, and then approached her, whispering in her ear, “Beatrice sent me to get you, come on.”

  The women exited the window. Debbie helped Susan down first, and Captain Quick caught her in his arms. Debbie was able to jump out the window and dismount by herself. Then they headed back to the entrance to the underground labyrinth beneath the men’s complex. They barely missed getting caught by a female guard, especially since Susan seemed dull and uncooperative, not up to the excitement of the escape.

  When they got into the tunnel things were safer, and she and Debbie were able to talk more freely about what was going on. To Debbie’s chagrin, she discovered that the people at Chell Oil had brainwashed the woman before they deposited her at this island prison. They had convinced her that Beatrice had turned on her and was out to steal her grand ideas and make a fortune. They put it in her head that Beatrice was going to steal all of her ideas and then murder her, and she was only being kept safe from certain death by hiding out on this island.

  Of course, a smart girl like Susan had begun to unravel this story by now, and from talking with the other women in her condo she realized she was a prisoner and not a refugee. But she was still fairly confused. She and Debbie were now arguing with each other, in a confrontation in the maze, about what was going on.

  Suddenly, flashing red lights filled up the underground tunnel and a siren began to blare. “What the--?!” Debbie looked at Captain Quick with big round eyes full of questions. “Someone must have spotted us,” Captain Quick said. Then, a report came through on his ear piece from Kim Moon. One of Susan’s condo mates had gone into her room to ask her something and saw that Susan was gone and the window was opened. They had called a guard, who was now coming to check in on the situation.

  “Shit,” Debbie exclaimed at the same time as Captain Quick. “We will have to take the underground tube and escape before anyone catches on,” she said.

  But Captain Quick shook his head no. “It only fits one person and it takes a very long time,” he informed her.

  “Well, then I will hide in the wall container and wait for Susan to finish her turn,” Debbie suggested.

  Captain Quick turned this idea down too. “No, Debbie. She is too confused, she needs someone with her at all times. You two need to leave together. There are no other option, you are going to have to use ‘The Toy.’”

  Debbie had no idea what “The Toy” was, but she supposed she was about to find out.

  When the three of them arrived back in the guys’ condo, Captain Quick ordered Oliver Hangstun to get “The Toy” ready. Debbie could see one of Susan’s condo mates welcoming a guard into their home, and leading her to the bedroom. She knew that they needed to hurry.

  It turned out that “The Toy” is a drone for human use. It could comfortably sit two people, and it operated by internal command or by remote control with an auto return function. Debbie could fly Susan to safety, and then one of the guys could command “The Toy” to return to their condo.

  Oliver notified them that “The Toy” was ready, and Captain Quick led Debbie and Susan inside of the flying machine. Pressing a special button, a secret panel on the roof of the condo building opened, and Oliver navigated “The Toy,” with the two women inside, out into the open air. Once they were clear of the compound, he radioed through to tell Debbie to take control and get the women to safety.

  Debbie confirmed, and she had no trouble flying a device like this. It was fun. Like playing with a toy.

  Inside the condo, the guys were preparing for Sergeant Korkel’s entrance in their usual fashion. When he came into the room, they had a tray of warm low calorie low sugar brownies out on the table and they were watching a home cooking show on the television.

  Korkel notified them that there was a security breach in the female sector and they were checking on all of the condos to make sure nothing unusual was going on. All of the guys nodded, and told Korkel that there was nothing to worry about, just the usual thing going on here. They were all so tired from their butt fuck circle, they had not even heard or noticed anything unusual at all.

  Korkel nodded at them and through them a small salute. “I should have known,” he said, “you guys are the best behaved detainees in this whole place!”

  Chapter 13, Big Hugs

  Back at the Hotel of Nymphos, Susan and Beatrice were having a warm reunion full of tears and smiles. Debbie had debriefed Susan on the plane ride over about what had really happened to her, and Susan had begun to snap out of her brain washing. By the time that Susan saw Beatrice she was back to her normal self, and she ran to her fiancée and gave her a big hug and apologized for missing their wedding.

  Debbie was surprised to find that Harriet was also staying at the hotel. It was unusual for her to leave her post in Washington, D.C. However, Harriet had wanted to greet the woman who had unlocked the great secrets of using water for fuel instead of oil. This woman had the key to a new world order, and Harriet knew that she would need protection and help in the future to come.

  Harriet stepped in to interrupt the women and introduce herself to Susan. “Don’t you worry about missing your wedding,” she told Susan, “because I am going to throw you a great wedding here at the Hotel of Nymphos. And all of your guests are invited, I will personally pay to fly them to Barcelona and back. It is my pleasure to help such a revolutionary genius,” she smiled.

  Susan and Beatrice were overjoyed. They hugged each other, jumping up in down and joy. The wedding was scheduled for two days from now, and they had a lot of phone calls to make and plane tickets to book. Plus, Beatrice thought Susan might not mind exploring a little bit of what the Hotel of Nymphos had to offer while they were both still eligible bachelorettes. While Debbie had been off on her daring spy mission, Beatrice had learned a lot about the cool stuff the hotel had to offer and she was eager to share it with her lover.

  “Sounds great,” Susan said, “and I promise, no more big experiments or secret equations or anything like that for a long time! We need to focus on catching up with each other and building a great relationship together!”

agreed. “Plus, we both need to find new jobs!” she laughed.

  Harriet told them not to worry, she would have jobs for both of them working in the technology division of a non-profit enterprise that she oversaw. There, they could both develop their ideas free of the fear of persecution or kidnapping and imprisonment. They were in for an exciting life together.

  Chapter 14, It Always Finds a Way

  The wedding was held on the roof of the Hotel of Nymphos. Susan and Beatrice were in their original wedding dresses, and they both looked wonderful. It took two assistants to hold up the train of Susan’s big gown and keep it from dragging on the floor.

  All of their family and friends were there, and Susan’s father walked his baby girl, now all grown up, down the aisle with tears filling his eyes. All of the guests were dressed to the nines, courtesy of gift cards from Harriet, and they were all beaming and smiling, really enjoying the beautiful Barcelona sun.

  A priest conducted the ceremony, a much nicer guy than the preacher they had hired before when Beatrice got stood up at the altar. They both said “I do,” and then they gave each other a long, passionate kiss, and Beatrice ended up picking Susan off the ground in all of her joy. Everyone cheered and many shed a tear. This was the picture perfect wedding, and it almost made getting stood up the first time all worth it in the end. Almost.

  When everyone was dining on delicious food and enjoying the party after the ceremonies, Beatrice approached Harriet.

  “I just wanted to thank you so much for everything you have done for me,” Beatrice told the woman.

  “My dear love,” Harriet told her, “I told you once before, love will always find a way.”

  The End.

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