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Lesbian Billionaire

Page 51

by Olivia Hampshire


  Olivia Hampshire

  Chapter 1, Hidden Secrets

  George Tree and Samuel Lincoln were in bed together with a bottle of champagne, a big plastic tub of fresh cut organic strawberries, and a can of whipped cream. The strawberries were grown by George Tree's aunt on a small, totally organic farm. They were the only strawberries that Samuel, George's boyfriend, would come close to eating. George worked for the CIA and he was very familiar with the high level of toxic pesticides used in strawberry farming, even large scale organic strawberry farming. The California government would accept thousands of illegal immigrants from Mexico each year and send them to work on huge strawberry farms. About two-thirds of them would become so sick with "strawberry lung" they would either die or be too disabled to collect their meager paycheck. Peanuts would be paid for strawberries that were then sold all over the U.S. to hungry kids and their families to devour. And then it would all happen again the next year. It was a cruel, secret cycle and it was poisoning the nation in more ways than one. Samuel would have no part of it. Unfortunately, George was a country boy and he had grown up loving fresh strawberries and cream, and he could not imagine a romantic encounter or celebration without them. He and Samuel had fought over the issue on multiple occasions, and it was not until Samuel had taken a tour of George's aunt's strawberry farm that he agreed to ingesting up to twenty strawberries a year.

  Currently, George was making the strawberries extra indulgent by covering them in a heavy spray of whipped cream and popping them sensually into Samuel's mouth. Sam had to admit, champagne and strawberries were quite the pair, and before long the two were licking whipped cream off of each other. It was so messy, Sam feared they would have to burn the sheets afterwards and use a soapy, high powered enema to clean out their sugary bums, but what the heck. They were celebrating.

  It was 2014, and the Tree family had just announced that their prodigal son, George's older brother Jeb, was going to be running for President of the United States of America. To the Tree family, that meant money, power, and fame. To George specifically, it meant years of privacy, as Jeb and the family would be way too busy on the campaign trail, and later in office, arranging the world's affairs. There would be no time to bug poor George about how gays are destroying the fabric of American marriage, or how he was risking his immortal soul in hell. No more busty prostitutes hired to seduce him at family gatherings, no more desperate match making efforts from his aging mother who still refused to accept that George was a homosexual and not simply "waiting for the right girl." Yes, he would enjoy a nice, long break from his family's prying and meddling. They would be too busy with Jeb to care about anything else. Sweet freedom, it tasted delicious. It tasted like sugary sweet strawberries and fine champagne.

  The two fell asleep close together on the plush sheets of the queen bed in the guest bedroom of George's penthouse apartment. They both smelled fresh and clean, and they had sweet smiles on their faces. Sam had his arm wrapped around George in a protective gesture as they slept. Both of them had sweet dreams. They had no idea that in the near future they would be cruelly pried apart from each other.

  Chapter 2, A Planned Mass Murder

  At Condo #7 at the special black ops prison on the island of Skyros in the Greek Isles, Captain George Quick and his boys were watching breaking news on the video monitors of their amazing, upgraded work stations. The boys were prisoners on Skyros, but unbeknownst to the guards and wardens of the island, they operated a super secret, very powerful spy network from their Condo. Captain Quick, the ruggedly handsome leader of the group of prisoner spies, had recently upgraded all of their computer and internet systems, as well as the furniture for each of the boys work stations, and they had been more productive than ever.

  Right now they were catching the aftermath of another mass murder on an American college campus. This time there were forty one people reported as dead on a campus in Michigan. The shooter had targeted members of the Straight Gay Alliance, an on campus organization devoted to promoting tolerance and friendship among the campus residents. The Straight Gay Alliance had recently got a huge membership boost, and a lot of publicity, when the college's star quarterback had come out of the closet as gay. The whole football team had joined the Alliance, and a number of them were now dead. The star quarterback was among the casualties. The incident was being blamed on Horus, a terrorist organization from the Middle East that was responsible for a number of bombings and shootings around the world.

  The very name Horus invoked panic in most Americans. It was associated with "rag head" Muslims, dark skinned and backward, shitting in the sand instead of using toilets, and full of hate for everything modern, and everyone who identified as American. Horus was also notoriously anti-gay, and they had been pinned for a number of recent murders of gay and lesbian Americans. Even those Americans, like those Deep South Americans who simply could not tolerate gay people, felt a deep sense of hatred for Horus. There were many Americans who hated gays, but they did not go out and murder them in cold blood. They discriminated against them, refused them the right to marry or adopt children, and preached to them about the flames of hell. That was an American right, after all, and how dare Horus interrupt a system that was already working perfectly fine?

  The boys were familiar with Horus in name only, but they knew very little about the organization itself and its members. They decided to devote the day to doing a little bit of research on Horus to see what they could dig up. However, after a few hours of searching, all of the boys were feeling pretty frustrated. They were not able to find any real leads on the group, and none of their contacts in the outside world were able to provide them with any information. It seemed like no one really knew anything about Horus at all. It was all very confusing. An international terrorist group of such repute should have some background. There should be a trail to follow, leads to go on. Here, it was just nothing.

  Before they could continue looking for clues, Kim Moon notified the group that his alarm had sounded and Captain Cain, the warden for the boys' area and the head of the guards, was approaching the condo. Captain Quick ordered the work stations disappear. Moon pressed a button, and the entire work space disappeared beneath the floor, replaced by the comfortable couches that came with the condo and a large flat screen television. The boys had the television turned on to the Cooking Channel, and when Captain Cain entered the condo to check in on them, they were all sitting down around the television gushing over Bobby Flay and his cute little butt, talking about how much they would like to try some of his gourmet cooking. "I wouldn't mind flaying his burgers," Vinny Jefferson, the hunky, blue eyed, light skinned African American member of the crew laughed.

  "Afternoon boys," Captain Cain greeted them courteously. Cain loved the boys. He had no idea that they were up to anything untoward, and he found them to be his best behaved prisoners. They were all gay, intelligent, good looking, and they got along great. They always seemed to have good advice to provide, and they were fun to talk to. Captain Cain visited them often, just to check in on how they were doing and share some news with them.

  This time, he was here to talk about the latest shooting and to instruct them to turn on the news. "Turn on CNNN, the Cable National News Network, boys. It is channel 21," Captain Cain told them. There was something that he wanted them to see. Kim followed Cain's instructions, and on CNNN they saw Jeb Tree on the television screen. He was at a podium, giving a press conference. In addition to discussing the tragedy of the recent shooting and noting how important it was that the United States government stand up to terror and especially to this new group Horus, there was another piece of breaking news. Jeb Tree's brother, George, was missing. No one had any idea where he went. He had disappeared from his apartment five days ago, and no one had heard from him since. Jeb believed that it was an act of terror, perpetrated by Horus.

  "Horus knows that I am running on the Republican ticket for the position of the next President of the United States of America, and the
y are very afraid. They are afraid of the Republican party, who they know will be so much tougher on terrorism than the dinky democrats, who have let things go way too far and roll over like an old dog every time the Muslims challenge us. Even more, they are afraid of me, Jeb Tree, and my family. They know that the Trees are tough guys. We won't accept threats to American citizens, and we certainly will not tolerate attacks on American soil. We have no problem going to war. Horus knows this, and in an attempt to intimidate me and get me to remove myself from the race, they have kidnapped my brother. This is an extreme act of cowardice, and I am calling on any American citizen that had information about George's disappearance to come forward. In light of this emergency, we will be employing the Patriot Act to its fullest extent and searching through all of the digital records we have available to see who might know about this horrible crime. It would be much more helpful for us if those citizens with information would simply come forward. Part of being an American is fighting against Muslims, those terrorist bastards. Don't turn on your own country. Join me, and let's defeat Horus together and make America a strong country that the world fears!" Jeb Tree finished this little speech to a burst of applause. The boys were shaking their heads, tired of the typical Republican baloney, but Captain Cain was staring at the screen, his eyes wide with admiration.

  "You see boys, that is a great man!" Captain Cain said. "Jeb Tree is a wonderful guy, one of the last stand up hero types we have left in America. An American cowboy, a vigilante! He is nothing like those dinky democrats, those pansies! He's a fighting man, a strong man! He is going to fix all this craziness that has been going on and make America a powerful country once more. Those sick-o terrorists will never mess with Americans ever again! You know he has my vote. I am sure you boys will vote for him too, right? After all, you must be just devastated by all of these recent attacks those Horus cowards have made on the gay community. Jeb's your only hope for vengeance!"

  The boys hardly knew how to contain themselves. Only Captain Quick, Vinny Jefferson, and Lester Parker were actually American citizens, but all of the boys knew about American politics and they all deplored the Republican party. They didn't even know where to start, and they were in something of disbelief that Captain Cain would think they would vote for a politician who wanted to turn back all the gay right's progress of the past fifty years and put gay men back in the dark ages just because some mysterious terrorist group had shot up a college campus. The logic of Republicans eluded them.

  Finally, Lester spoke up, in a slow drawl. If anyone was an American cowboy type, last of a dying breed of stand up guy, it would be Lester. "Now, Captain Cain, I don't want to disappoint you at all, but you should know that many people are not fans of the Tree family. In fact, there are a lot of people who believe that the Tree family worked with other wealthy American families to stage the bombing of the Twin Towers in New York, knowing that it would freak out the American people and cause widespread panic. In fact, when you look at what happened post-9/11, it makes a lot of sense. In addition to being major beneficiaries of the industrial war complex, the Tree family had massive investments in a company that manufactures X-ray machinery. What a surprise it was when the government beefed up airport security after the attacks! Part of that process included the negotiation of a huge contract with the same company that the Tree's held major stock in. That company was ordered to develop all sorts of new X-ray machinery for the nation's airports, and they also trained, supplied, and clothed the staff to operate the machinery and to monitor the new surveillance cameras they had built. It ended up generating billions upon billions of dollars in revenue, not to mention pissing off the average American who now had to spend nearly an entire day at the airport, and was constantly having their breast milk or their shampoo thrown out before they got on a flight. Nope, no one was much a fan of that except for the Trees and their Republican buddies. Same thing with going to war with Iraq. The whole thing was obviously a set up so that the United States could take control of Iraqi oil. At least, that is what many people believe," Lester concluded.

  Captain Cain seemed to have ignored most of what Lester had to say. This was not an unusual practice for him. The reason Captain Cain was such a happy, easy going guy, and probably the only reason he got along with the boys so well, was the fact that he was easily able to block out things that he did not want to hear. Cain just laughed and brushed it all off.

  "Oh boys," he chuckled, "you believe all that conspiracy nonsense? That's a good one! No wonder you boys are all locked up on this island. Please, tell me you're just pulling my leg, Lester. Anyhow, you boys will see the light soon! After all, who are you going to vote for? That crazy lady Penny Carter? Now that's a knee-slapper!" Captain Cain left Condo #7 laughing to himself as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world.

  Once he was a safe distance away, Kim Moon reactivated the work stations. As they got back to work, all the boys were laughing about Captain Cain and how he seemed so brain washed by the Republican party, and especially by Jeb Tree.

  "He thinks it is all silly conspiracy theories?" Vinny asked, incredulous. "Has he never looked into how the Trees get their money? What a gullible fool! How do you vote for someone and know absolutely nothing about them?"

  Oliver Hangstun, the baby faced British hunk, chimed in, "even we Brits know that 9/11 was an inside American job. It was all a ruse to make money for the rich and dupe the poor Americans into being patriotic again!"

  "Everyone knows that the Illuminati set the whole thing up. Have you ever folded up a twenty-dollar bill? It shows the whole attacks. 9/11 was set up way in advance by ancient aliens, and those aliens passed on the knowledge to the Illuminati, who worked with the Trees and the other big political players to set up the whole thing," Kim Moon exclaimed.

  Everyone laughed. "Yes, of course. There were already bombs inside of the building set to detonate. They used a cloaking device, also courtesy of the ancient aliens, to make their missiles look like two planes crashing into the towers. It was a total inside job. Blood sport. Kill thousands of American citizens for billions of dollars! Kill even more in a fake war designed to give the engineers of 9/11 even more money. What do you call it? Gazillions of dollars?" Lester chimed in.

  Of course, no one could forget the famous fails of the Iraq War either. Like the fact that no one ever found weapons of mass destruction. Or the nine billion dollars someone shrink wrapped and tried to send through the mail to Iraq. It was a muck-up of extreme proportions, led by some of the most inept people on earth. It was hard to believe anyone could support the Trees after what went down, or even the Republicans in general.

  Chapter 3, Creating Fear

  Meanwhile, at Jeb Tree's campaign headquarters, he and his advisor, Probus Feesbus, the Republican National Campaign Manager, were discussing Horus.

  "What a great idea it was, making up that that terrorist group," Jeb praised his manager. "We have the Americans quaking in their boots. Especially the dumb ones!"

  "Well, sir, you know there is nothing like fear and hate to stir up pride in the American people and get them out to the polling booth. Not that you have to worry. You come from a long line of successful presidents, and you are the favorite front runner for the Republican party. Everything is all under control, you just have to sit back and relax," Probus reassured Jeb.

  "Sit back, relax, and drink some beer while I watch Horus blow up some more pitiful gays," Jeb laughed, extending his arm to give Probus a fist bump.

  Probus accepted the fist bump, and let out a long, deep, vicious cackle. "Oh, sir, we will do much much more than blow up a few gays. Horus is all lined up for a major attack, the kind of attack that will kill tens of thousands of innocent Americans and make another war with the Middle East totally inevitable."

  Jeb joined in on the laughter, and the two enjoyed several minutes of evil, conspiratory chuckles.

  Chapter 4, The Missing Son

  Back in Condo #7, Lester had discovered something quite am
azing. Surveying the local island camera feed as usual, Lester had come across something quite interesting. There was a new prisoner on the island, his entrance had gone undetected, highly unusual. Who knew how long he had been there, but there he was, sitting with his head in his hands outside of Condo #10, looking perplexed and sad. It was none other than George Tree!

  "Boys! Hey, boys!" Lester cried out. "Look at this! Look who it is! How on earth did he get on our island?" Lester marveled in disbelief.

  Before Captain Quick had even given the order, Lester was running out of the apartment to go greet the new guest, the famous George Tree.

  Captain Quick was feeling perplexed. If George was on the island, Captain Cain surely knew about it. But, it just wasn't like Cain to keep information from them. He was extremely naïve about the boys, and he trusted them with just about everything. As far as Quick knew, Cain did not have the acting skills to turn on a television program about the missing George Tree without saying something about him being on the island. The only conclusion was that Quick had underestimated Cain. And that was very dangerous. Quick resolved not to make such a mistake again.

  At Condo #10, Lester was gathering some unbelievable intelligence. First of all, to his surprise, George Tree was gay. "I'm surprised your family hasn't stoned you to death for that," Lester chuckled in pleasant surprise.

  "Well, they did kidnap me and have me disappeared to this island," George said. "Hardly the same as death by stoning, but I had a lover and a life back in the United States. I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to my boyfriend." George let out a soft sob.

  George told Lester that his boyfriend was Samuel Lincoln. Sam worked for the CIA, and he was deep in the closet. Which was beneficial, because Sam had a lot of information, information people might not have shared with him had they known he had a proclivity for butt stuff. What was even better was that Sam had passed most of what he knew onto his lover, George. This was all unbeknownst to the Tree family, of course. George knew all the family secrets, but he also knew a lot of the political secrets that he would otherwise not have been privy to as the gay, outcast, black sheep of the family.


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