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Centaurius: The Prophecy (Green Galaxy Series Book 1)

Page 12

by SJ McGarry

  "How can Nella pass safely to a higher astral dimension with her inexperience in magic?" the Council member over rings Seven and Eight asked.

  Once again, a highly energetic debate broke out among them. Montrobius had to raise his hands, sending out an electrically charged whistle that quickly rotated around the room at a high frequency that made the Council members cover their ears, stopping their banter.

  All talking ceased, and Montrobius addressed the board members while slowly lowering his arms to his side. "In that case," Montrobius continued, "It is even more expedient that Nella starts her travel preparations to her great-grandmother's castle. I'm surprised that as wise and esteemed Council members you doubt her magical abilities, let alone her warrior skills to solve these problems."

  The Council members bowed their heads to avert Montrobius rebuke and disappointment considering the knowledge and power they had access to within their positions.

  Montrobius turned his attention back to the matters at hand. "Nella, you will pass through the forbidden Magical Forest of Wethersfield, and you will be entering another dimension to obtain the power that you need. It will be a dangerous trip. Only Konan may accompany you, and by no means can you use any modern technologies of communication or transportation as I stated earlier."

  "I understand," Nella replied.

  At this point in the meeting, after the Council members had discussed all the critical issues and concerns, they then began the special ceremony and bestowed upon Nella a beautiful medallion made out of pewter. Bright colored letters spelling "I-PERM" sat swirling in perpetual motion within the letter ‘C’ for Centaurius.

  From inside the hologram where the Seer transcribed the rules, the hand with the quill sent Montrobius official-looking documents magically appearing in his hands. Placing the parchment papers in Nella's hand, Montrobius stated, "Here are your official documents of commission for Mission I-PERM. By placing your signature, you are acknowledging that you understand the scope and dangers involved and will be loyal to the Empire in fulfilling the mission. Princess Nella. The General Council sends you on your way, confident that you will accomplish great things for the future of Earth, Centaurius, and all the galaxies in the Universe."

  Nella bowed as Montrobius took out the royal sword and placed the tip on her left shoulder and then her right, repeating the Universal Creed of Centaurius and officially completed the legal dubbing and bestowed the royal title of the ‘Princess Warrior of Centaurius.’

  THE SILENCE TAKING hold of the moment within the confines of the Airstream gave pause as the Royal Family returned to Utropia. Each of their minds methodically wrapping around all their worries and thoughts regarding this gigantic undertaking and the dangers Nella was about to experience kept running in overdrive.

  Sensing her parents' fears and concerns, she broke the silence and said, "Father, Mother, don't worry needlessly. I know the many obstacles make this mission seem impossible for me to overcome. By oath upon the North Star of Centaurius and upon my life, I will succeed in this mission. One day I will return to Utropia and the new galaxy that will become the model for all galaxies."

  Both parents looked into their daughter's eyes and saw the determination, bravery, and truth implanted in her mind; Nella was truly confident she would succeed.

  King Johan cleared his throat to hide the fear in his voice. "Nella, I am so proud and honored to have a daughter like you, beautiful, wise and brave beyond her rings, and if that wasn’t satisfying enough, you will also become a part of Utropia and the planet of Centaurius' history." He kissed both Nella's cheeks and tenderly wiped away the tear traveling down the side of her face.

  Megan quietly remarked in a voice just above a whisper, "You remind me so much of your great-grandmother." She reached out and embraced Nella, never wanting to let go, bringing back memories of the earlier rings of Nella’s childhood. Tears now trickled freely from both of their eyes as each of them promised to do their part for the great mission.

  PREPARATION BEGAN IMMEDIATELY. King Montrobius and the General Council sent out a proclamation throughout the Universe that the Princess Warrior from the planet of Centaurius would begin her departure to planet Earth on a vital mission called "I-PERM"-a mission of hope and love, aimed at preserving all life forms.

  The announcement went out to all intelligent life forms. Shooting stars fell from the heavens; thunder roared the declaration through the spiraling waves among the planets of the Universe, and lighting sealed the agreement. All creatures great and small from the land, air, and sea waited patiently for a sign that would herald the arrival of the Warrior Princess on Earth-the one who would act on their behalf, saving them from the destruction of their beloved planets.


  Follow the Cobblestone Path

  With the feeling of fear buzzing around in her head from the data they received during their meeting, Nella went to her room to meditate and make sense of everything she learned through the BCMP viewed earlier. A killer headache claimed her thoughts - way too much to digest, she reflected. Time wasn't on their side to come up with a solution to the problems they faced.

  Making her way over to the window seat, she sat down, and her eyes took in the expanse of the gardens and the beauty and peace they provided at the castle - her home since birth. A far different and hostile environment awaited her with the commitment of dedication she made to serve her country. Doubts of her abilities continued to swirl in her head.

  Nella reread the orders and rules given to her. With a shaky hand, she started to place her signature upon the document; her hand hesitated for a brief moment. She breathed deep, and with a lift of her hand, she sent the final signed copy to Tessie with instructions to forward it through the command center’s automated communication spiral wave to Montrobius. One by one she checked off the items she needed to concentrate on and made mental notes of everything she had to consider before starting her long and dangerous journey to Wethersfield.

  Nella thought about the Earth's slow progress through the centuries of outdated modes of transportation. Inventors continued to fail while attempting to build personal flying machines, such as the Discopter or the Gyrocar.

  She ran across an old Earth article with predictions of cars with the ability to fly predicted for the Earth year of 2020. The technology of this design allowed millions of Earthlings to take to the skies whenever they pleased in their personally own vehicles. A prediction of interest, Nella mused. It is probably a good thing as most humans lacked the monetary Earth funds to own or operate such a vehicle. More than likely a few in their upper 1% bracket would brace the luxury until they became commonplace and affordable.

  A remarkable achievement came in 2005. NASA built something called ‘The Highway in the Sky,’ using satellites and global positioning systems. The progress was the beginning of the air pathway's structure involving the Class G airspace (defined as under 1,200 feet above ground-level) which is uncharted territory and used for Earth's latest invention of the Drone. One could only imagine the chaos if everyone starts flying with no system or structures in place. Nella wondered how they would accommodate the contraptions or drones into the airspace by tapping into the so-called 'Internet of Things.'

  One day, while researching the airwaves of past news stories, she marveled at a remarkable advancement achieved by Earth's scientist and engineers. She saw what they called an ‘autopilot,’ which was nothing more than a computer system installed into any new airborne vehicle making flying easy. It managed all the air traffic on Earth.

  The best invention made came during the twenty-first century with the Moller M400 Skycar, similar to the Airstream. Nella researched this model and read the article claiming the newer design was the first flown in free, non-tethered flight. In talking with Konan, she learned Centaurius far surpassed Earth's testings’ or success with personal flying machines and the air and space probes. She realized she would need to be strong and rely on her own two feet and physical strength and wisdom
to travel to another realm within the Rings to her great-grandmother's castle. She believed if she followed the directions of the General Council, a way would open for her to accomplish all her assignments.

  The overhead screen lit up, showing her mom and dad outside her bedroom's portal.

  “Nella, may we come in?" her father requested. She activated the switch lifting the safety shield, changing it to shimmering waves allowing entrance.

  Megan's arms wrapped around her daughter and not wanting to let her go, she kissed the top of her head and whispered, "Darling, we wanted to wish you success on your journey and mission."

  "Yes, and we also wanted to go over a couple of additional details with you," her father interjected, his voice cracking mid-sentence as he leaned over and wrapped his arms around them both.

  Hiding behind her chessy-cat smile smeared across her face, Nella tried to mask the fears and insecurities she had about this vital task. "Don't worry Mom and Dad. I've got this under control here. Do you want me to summon Konan?" she inquired.

  Both her parents shook their heads. "No, you can fill him in later. We want this time with you alone before your journey begins,” her father replied.

  They walked over to the other side of the room and sat down together on the window seat which overlooked the formal gardens of the castle. In the distance, they could all see the beginning of the Magical Forest skirting the property line, where the first part of Nella's journey would begin.

  Johan's voice caught in his throat, "Ahem, your mother and I want you to understand if we could go in your place, we would do so in a heartbeat." Nella gave both her mom and dad's hands a squeeze.

  Megan's beautiful green eyes swirling with flakes of golden dust gazed at her daughter and said, "You chose well to select your great-grandmother, Grizel, as your replacement and contact to take over your assignments here on Centaurius in your absence. She will be so happy to be back working in the field. She will also serve as your mentor and astral guide throughout Mission I-PERM."

  "I figured as much. I have so many questions to ask great-grandma," Nella reflected. "It's been so long since I first met her. I remember it being my initiation and first assignment the council gave to me at the age of accountability when I turned eight-hundred rings and assigned the duty in communicating with all the creatures on Centaurius. She rearranged her complete schedule to attend, which meant so much to me."

  "Yes, I too remember, Megan smiled. She is so proud of you and is looking forward to seeing you soon.

  Together, the Royal Family of three went over all the guidelines one more time. They talked, laughed, and shed new tears as they reminisced about their happy times during her growing rings of time on Utropia.

  King Johan's brows crunched downward, wrinkles forming around his eyes, and his face grew rigid as he warned Nella about the wizard Zennibar's capabilities.

  His name meant "Evil Deceiver" in the Utropian language. He reminded her Zennibar would call upon all his powers to try to stop her and Konan from reaching her great-grandmother's castle and that was only the beginning. The attacks would gain momentum and danger the closer the time came for her blast off to Earth. However, even on Earth, the Wizard and Demon Warrior’s reach could penetrate with dire consequences if Nella didn’t keep alert on all levels.

  "You will need to use your wisdom and master your warrior skills. You must also watch for signs from mystical or astral beings-they will assist you in thwarting Zennibar's attempts to sabotage the mission," her mother confided.

  "Coincidentally," King Johan chimed in, "as the Council, mentioned, Zennibar is responsible for selling Earth and Centaurius' satellites to the smaller rogue galaxies. He hides and stores all the stolen equipment he confiscated through the rings within the dark recesses of many planets within the Canes Venatici Constellations in the Whirlpool Galaxy. He sells them to the highest bidder on the galactic black market. Their mysterious disappearance is causing havoc on Earth's satellite communication programs

  Zennibar uses those stolen satellites to hack into our systems," King Johan said, pausing to let this new information sink in. "I will be looking into this situation and scouting for the missing satellites we need to retrieve, bringing those salvageable back to our planet for Keno to reformat them. We hope this will prevent him from being able to block any future communication with you and your team while traveling through space or on Earth."

  There was a long moment of silence causing alarm to Nella and her mother. "What is it, Dad?" she asked.

  "The Council gave me additional bad news, and I am concerned. They learned the wicked sorcerer from the distant planet of Gemini North GMOS in the Fireworks Galaxy would be joining Zennibar. By combining all their fleets, this will cause an all-powerful magnetic force strong enough to block most-if not all-of the transmissions from Earth to Centaurius."

  According to the Empire's scientist, she learned there were more than one hundred billion galaxies within the total expanse of the Universe. A shudder ran through her body to think of what would happen if a handful of evil leaders from rogue galaxies joined forces to thwart the I-PERM mission.

  "Nella," her mother interrupting her thoughts as she took Nella's hand in hers, "there is one fact I am certain is true. With your great-grandmother, Konan, the two IPGO agents we selected for you, along with your Fur and Feathered Warriors, who have magical abilities we were completely unaware of, you have a dynamic, fearsome, and dedicated crew to assist you every step of the way." Megan noticed her daughter's reaction to her words seeing her eyebrows start to raise. Not to be side-tracked with Nella's strong rolling the eyeball routine she continued.

  "If you use your wisdom and are cautious with the choices you make, the powers and magic within you will guide you. You must take possession of the missing key piece to your royal crown, which the Earth Warrior has in his possession. By combining your powers with the Earth Warrior, you will be successful with the I-PERM mission and come out of this with limited casualties to you or your crew. You must be careful and take precaution in every action or decision you make. Please promise me!"

  Nella nodded and gave her mother the insurance she needed.

  “I promise mom.”

  "It's going to be brutal. Your mother and I will be monitoring your progress, and we will only be a spiral brain chip away if you need to talk."

  "Don't worry Dad. I love you both. I will keep in close contact: I give you my oath," she said as she embraced them one final time. After reassuring her of their love, support, and well wishes, Johan and Megan left their daughter with bowed heads and drooped shoulders. It was the last time they would see her before the launch date.

  Nella glanced around her room and sent a silent BC command to Tessie, to "Shut down and secure."

  "Yes, Princess, message received-shutdown and secure," her computer replied and molded to her arm in preparation for the trek ahead. Nella turned to view everything familiar to her one last time.

  With only the clothes on her back, the magic mirror, and Tessie, she exited her room. Konan appeared and stood by her side as the portals swished one final time and she left her room.

  "Come, Konan, let us begin our journey."

  "I'm at your command, Princess."

  Together they walked outside the protection of the castle grounds and down the long bridge stretched across the water, which acted as the protective barrier. Nella and Konan followed the cobbled road circling to an open field on the other side.

  They could see thousands of wildflowers swaying, caressed by the gentle flowing air swirling around them. Nella waved one last time to her parents, and the people of Centaurius then turned to begin their journey on the cobblestone path.

  The King and Queen of Utropia stood on the highest level of the wall, along with Utropia's Warriors of Peace. In the fields, hundreds of citizens had gathered from the neighboring villages and were waving their hands in farewell. Their voices carried upon the breeze their love and hope for a peaceful future. Blimpbot ban
ners soared across the heavens, streaming messages of support and a safe return.

  “Konan, I’m scared,” Nella remarked as she forced herself to place one foot in front of the other leading down the old cobblestone path. “I mean, I know I-PERM is my creation and seems like a solid plan to intervene and save both Earth and Centaurius, but in all reality, I don’t think I’m the one who should be leading this mission!”


  “Logically looking at this I’m inexperienced...”


  “I feel incompetent since I have so little knowledge under my belt. I know little to nothing about commanding the Phoenix, and the crew has little faith in me, and, and...”

  “Princess, stop!” Konan interrupted as he turned to look into Nella’s ashen face. He couldn’t help noticing the barrage of tears building up and threatening to overflow. He reached for her chin and gently raised her head. “Princess, look at me.” Her eyes raised inch by inch until both their eyes locked.

  No words left their mouth. Only their telepathic brain chips streamed back and forth between Warrior and Princess. Centuries of prophecies and historical data renewed as the silent truth reinforced a promise given from all prophesies foretold from the Book of Twenty.

  Placing the palm of their hands together, sealing their silent oaths, Konan and Nella turned to continue their walk down the long cobblestone path towards the forbidden Magical Forest. Pointing them in the direction of the North Star and the country of Wethersfield, their steps brought them closer towards unexplored dangers awaiting them in the first stages of the I-PERM mission.


  Napix – Zennibar

  Whirlpool Galaxy

  Deep within the Whirlpool Galaxy on the planet of Naphix, Zennibar viewed his GIS screen. The words ‘I-PERM’ flashed. He cursed as an image appeared showing Nella leaving the castle in Utropia and starting on foot, accompanied by her mentor and bodyguard, Konan, the High Warrior of Centaurius.


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