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Centaurius: The Prophecy (Green Galaxy Series Book 1)

Page 13

by SJ McGarry

  Zennibar believed, compared to his power, Konan's strength and magical powers were mere child's play and not a match for what he planned for Princess Nella.

  "Her puny bodyguard is indeed with her," he muttered. "Abigor," Zennibar roared, as he walked over to his SUFS, the Spatial Universal Flight System to begin mapping a plan.

  "Yes, Wizard?"

  "Gather the wing commanders of the Napix fleet and meet in the grand hall at fifteen hundred whirls of time. A troublesome proclamation came in from the General Council of the Universe. Everything we worked long and hard to build over the last six billion rotations will be for nothing. We must stop Mission I-PERM now!" Zennibar's booming voice shook the screen.

  Abigor's curiosity overtook his usual silence; he leaned over the wizard's shoulder to see what was causing his foul mood. A VIV of a young woman and her protector walked down a path towards the Magical Forest in Wethersfield. Something deep and primitive stirred within him as he gazed upon her beauty, and he thought to himself the wizard was indeed beginning to lose hold of reality.

  "This beautiful creature is someone who threatens your empire?" he asked in disbelief.

  "Do not be so easily deceived, demon! The creature to whom you refer to as 'beautiful' is the daughter of King Johan and Queen Megan of Utropia. To make matters even worse, she is the great-granddaughter of the famous and mighty Warrior of Old, Grizel of Wethersfield! I might point out; this woman is the same baby born one thousand and sixteen whirlpool rings past. I remember giving you and your demon warriors a direct order to capture and put her in a satellite galaxy capsule to float in space for infinity! A command you either ignored or failed."

  Zennibar pivoted in his chair to face Abigor. Hatred vibrated sending unseen venom oozing from his body, as his face turned the color of crimson. He faced off with the Duke of Demons and moved in so close they were nose-to-nose.

  Abigor could smell the stench of Zennibar's breath and saw his enlarged pores threatening to erupt and spew out putrid poison from his foul skin.

  "Which is it, my demon traitor?" Zennibar hissed in a guttural warning. "This beautiful creature you drool over is now packed with enough power to change the Universe for the worse and knock you on your butt. If she succeeds with the Mission I-PERM-which the General Council supports-my command of Napix in the Whirlpool galaxy and your precious Fireworks Galaxy will be stripped of our power, taking many of our satellite galaxies with it, and left in the control and governing power of the Centaurian Empire.”

  You could see Abigor’s brain swirling in circles with this added information.

  “You must act now and do whatever it takes to stop her, and don't hold back." Zennibar hissing in pain, limping back over to the screen and with his back turned continued his barrage of insults aiming at anyone and everyone within striking distance.

  "This situation would not have escalated to the proportion it has now if I'd realized you failed to carry out my previous command, Demon! After the fact of what I know now, I should have disposed of you and all your bumbling demon idiots long ago!"

  Taking deliberate steps back towards the portal, Abigor attempted to put distance between himself and Zennibar.

  "I will do as you wish, and summon the wing commanders of the Whirlpool Fleet," Abigor said, turning to leave the command center as quickly as possible.

  Zennibar turned back to view the screen reviewing the scene once again unfold of the celebration of the birth of the prophesied warrior princess sent to save Centaurius and Earth. Poisonous hatred oozed through his slimy being as he started to chant a lethal spell to exterminate the princess once and for all before the Empire destroyed his plans.


  Warrior of Old

  Hidden deep in the forest of Wethersfield, Grizel hovered over magical pools of water she had arranged in a series of bowls signifying the different planets. They served as her scry. She could see Nella and Konan starting their journey in the reflection. To know they were en route to the castle brought her comfort.

  All appeared quiet except for the small disturbance and bright swirls of lights coming from the Whirlpool Galaxy. Grizel's worst adversary, Zennibar, and his legions of demon warriors-under the command of Abigor from the Fireworks Galaxy. The pools of water sent a shimmering vision of the Wizard Demon leaders plotting and preparing for a gross and dangerous attack to destroy the mission and Nella in the process.

  Moving her hand through the mist to receive a clearer visual, she gazed into her magical pool of waters.

  "He's up to no good," she stated to the tall warrior standing by her side.

  Bedad, who was Grizel's trusted protector and feared by their enemies, stood two heads taller than Grizel as he looked into the pools of water

  "Isn't he always, my Queen? One would think old Zennibar would get the hint he is not going to make any headway with his reckless plans after so many failed attempts in the rings in time. He doesn't have much more in the way of physical strength or capabilities left to carry out any hostile hand-to-hand combat to take over the Centaurian Empire."

  "True as far as Zennibar is concerned. What bothers me, is he hired other demons and warriors from distant galaxies to join him in his quest for power. I can't understand how others would benefit at all by helping him."

  Grizel gathered her long, silver-platinum hair-which shimmered like sugar crystals-and wound it in her slender hands, piling the soft locks on top of her head. She fastened it with the ancient royal crown which sparkled with amethysts, diamonds, and other precious stones & magical crystals surrounded by gold. Besides the power it yielded to its rightful owner, it served a dual function as a hair clip. It was the emblem of her strength and lineage dating back billions of years in the infancy of the planet Centaurius.

  She removed her purple robe, revealing a body still strong and agile. She donned herself with the body armor handed down from her mother, and many generations before her. The protecting covering was of organic origin, meaning it was a living and breathing entity. It fitted snugly and molded to the owner's skin like a glove, and bonded to the warrior. It was light and easy to move around in and perfect for battle. However, the material's strength was otherworldly and enhanced with magic so no sword, knife, or other weaponry could penetrate any part of the armor.

  Grizel decided it was time to contact Montrobius and seek permission to assist Nella in her travels to the castle.

  She walked over to her GIS. With a wave of her hand, a hologram appeared. As Montrobius' face filled the screen, a flood of warm emotions and memories reflected in the smile that spread across her face.

  "Hello, Grizel. You look lovely as usual. To what do I owe this honor? "

  "Greetings, Montrobius. It is nice to see you again. Many rings have passed.”

  "Yes, I agree. Knowing your busy schedule, and not being one to mince words: what is it I can do for you?"

  "I have a favor to ask." She paused, noticing the lines etched around Montrobius' eyes and mouth, only giving more meaning to the word handsome. Time had not taken away his warm and relaxed smile, which she had missed seeing.

  "I seek permission to assist my great-granddaughter, Princess Nella of Utropia through the magical forest. Since she will not receive any instruction in magic or made aware of her full abilities while entering a higher dimension within the rings through the portal gate until after she arrives here in Wethersfield, I am requesting your understanding for I am in fear for her life. She is en route to receive her training, as per your instructions for the ‘I-PERM’ mission.' You and I both know Zennibar is up to no good," she continued, "and his attempts to thwart this mission could result in Nella's premature demise. Trouble is brewing from the Whirlpool Galaxy, churning and gathering force in the pools of water. Pure evil is heading towards her."

  "Grizel," Montrobius shook his head. "You above all others should understand the wisdom behind the Council's decision for Nella to travel by foot with no physical help from anyone except Konan-and only if need

  Bedad felt the energy his queen emitted as she bristled at the King's polite yet firm warning. Oh boy, Montrobius isn't aware of the full powers she’s accumulated through the rings of time. I'm glad it's him and not me, he thought to himself.

  Grizel sensed her protectors shifting of feet and paused before replying.

  "May I remind you Your High Majesty - she never called him Your High Majesty unless upset - you are talking about my great-granddaughter, who is still young and inexperienced. She will need assistance in fighting against Zennibar's warriors and demons along the way. Once she gets to the castle, I can teach her all I know to prepare her for the flight to Earth and whatever battles she must face."

  "Queen Grizel of Wethersfield,”- her full title Montrobius also only used when upset over her stubbornness. “I have always admired your strength and courage, but may I remind you of a time long ago where a similar decision proved to be the right choice?" Montrobius presented the question to her.

  Without waiting for her response, he raised his hand, and a scene appeared across the screen, showing a beautiful, younger Grizel. Her long golden ringlets flowed down her back, and her white gown swirled with the wind as she traveled along a cobblestone path to the country of Clobias. She was on her way to her great-grandmother Morgan's castle, which sat upon the high peaks of the enchanted Mount Tsereve. Her first protector, Konan, was by her side.

  As the VIV streamed back through history, Grizel couldn't help but remember how steep the climb had been.

  Zennibar first attempt to use magic by illusion failed. He increased his powers using extreme physical and painful methods of torture. The wizard's tactics became more aggressive and dangerous with the intent to end her life. Regardless, nothing could dissuade her from giving up.

  Backed against a wall, she had to either outsmart or defeat the enemy before she met her early demise. She gathered every ounce of knowledge and wisdom she could remember from her warrior and training in magic. Konan had caught the slack where she was still a rookie and sent BC tactical art moves, she needed to accomplish her mission.

  Grizel was young, proud, and-in many areas of combat-clueless. Her magical powers were not yet fully developed or seasoned. Having the determination and perseverance to win somehow, she had the courage and strength to use all her resources to defeat Zennibar in his deadly game. Smiling she responded, "Yes, Montrobius, I remember well. Thank you for reminding me of youth's innocence and power."

  "You are as beautiful today as when your journey first began, Grizel. Your great-granddaughter Nella is the chosen one from your noble lineage to complete this critical mission."

  Heat rushed to Grizel's cheeks at his compliment. She raised her eyes to his. Lost in their yearning gaze, she asked, "Montrobius, would you at least grant me permission to meet her halfway to give her verbal encouragement as she starts the last and most dangerous part of the journey before arriving at the castle?"

  Montrobius' warm feelings embraced the longing he viewed in Grizel's eyes in matters of the heart. "I've never been able to resist your charming smile," he said. Their eyes locked, and an eternity of friendship and years of unfulfilled dreams passed between them.

  Cocking her head to one side with a flirtatious look in her eyes, she asked, "Did I hear a yes?"

  Montrobius let out a hearty laugh.

  "Thank you, my friend-and I might add, you are still as handsome today and haven't aged since the beginning of time," Grizel concluded with a wink and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as the hologram screen went blank.

  "Come, Bedad, we must prepare for the coming of Princess Nella and Konan. Trouble is brewing in the Whirlpool Galaxy. We must help her in any way we can so she can obtain the knowledge needed to give her the combination of authority and power required for I-PERM."

  "What is your pleasure, my lady?" he inquired.

  "I think you should save your original silver dragon form with your two breath attacks for Zennibar. I doubt if you'll need to freeze or paralyze my granddaughter!" She teased him, knowing Bedad always used his magical skills to perfection.

  So, her faithful protector shape-shifted into a beautiful black stallion. He lowered his head so Grizel could hoist herself up on his back, and together they rode off into the heart of the Wethersfield forest.


  Wooden Warriors

  Many Rings Later

  Trees blocked their vision, causing murky shadows to magnify Nella's doubts as she and Konan trudged along the neglected cobblestone path that circled the magical forest of Wethersfield. Shrubs and vines twisted and coiled around each other, snaking their way up the tree trunks and branches.

  The further they walked, the more treacherous it became to maneuver their steps in any given direction. The path seemed to have a mind of its own. They squeezed through menacing, dense thickets, tree limbs that belonged to the land of giants, and overhanging vegetation; it seemed as if they were going in circles.

  "Are we going the right way, Konan?" Nella asked.

  "Yes, Princess. This area skirts around the Magical Forest, and it does not let anyone enter until they pass certain tests."

  "Oh?" Her curiosity piqued. "What kind of tests?"

  "It's hard to explain. Every test is different depending on who requests to enter. Just keep alert and stay close."

  Even though they were still in the early stages of their journey, Nella's shoes were already in shreds. Her bruised and battered toes poked out through the holes that the cutting edges of rocks tried their best to stab or amputate.

  Within the forbidden forest, the sense of time had no meaning. It could have been days, months or years. The foliage in this unpopulated area looked menacing. Shadows slithered from dark corners like snakes, coiling and squeezing their victims in a death vice, making Nella's skin prickle with fear.

  Nella could feel hundreds of eyes staring at her from every lurking shadow. Shivers shimmied through her body, and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Slowly turning around in a circle, she looked for some evil entity hiding within the ominous shadows, but she saw nothing.

  The sounds of churning insects buzzed all around them. Monkeys shrieked, and birds screamed from all sides. ‘Am I paranoid, with an overactive mind?’ Nella asked herself. But the eerie sensation persisted. This area would creep out the strongest and bravest of warriors, she reassured herself, trying to gather her courage. Regardless, her instincts told her someone or something was monitoring their every move. "Do you feel it, Konan?"

  "Yes, Princess. I've sensed it for quite some time."

  "Go. See what you can find."

  At her command, Konan shifted shapes and flew into the density of the trees that appeared to swallow him whole. Her nerves were in shreds, Nella watched for his changed form. 'It shouldn't take him this long,' she thought to herself. Straining her eyes to see through the shadows, she caught a glimpse of a large bird circling high above the treetops of the forest, spiraling in and out of view, its wings spread wide, searching for possible threats lurking on the ground below.

  Returning her gaze to the spot where she stood, Nella felt the air thicken around her, suffocating the forest's sounds. Even the rustle of tree leaves ceased.

  "Who's there?" she called out, her eyes rapidly scanned the area. A movement to the right and the crackling sound of a twig froze her in place. "Who's there?" she asked again. "I command you to show yourself." Her voice echoed through the forest, sounding much stronger than she felt. Still, there was no response.

  It seemed like the murkiness of the shadows took its job seriously of devouring all sounds. Within the void, an ant could crawl over a leaf, and it would sound like an army tromping across foreign soil. The silence sent out shrieks of warning. Nella's survival instincts kicked in. She turned full circle and took a combat stance, bracing herself for whatever was about to happen. It was quiet-too quiet.

  Suddenly, shadows seemed to come out of nowhere, darkening the area where she stood. Nella
looked up and saw a gnarled, imposing tree on the trail directly in front of her blocking the path and possible escape. It there before. Its thick trunk thrust upward, reaching towards the sky, preventing most of the sunlight from penetrating the forest floor.

  Nella's eyes slowly took in the tree's immense stature, observing its large width in wonderment. It was indeed an enormous and old tree that has been around for many hundreds of rings if not thousands. The bottom of the tree's base had split its brittle bark in two distinct directions giving the appearance of two legs with stumps for the feet as if it was human. She noticed little green furry tufts of moss sporadically growing here and there on its rough and worn bark.

  As she stood studying the tree, the bark began to ripple, and then two big crusty eyes plopped open, closed, and then opened again in slow motion. Instinct told Nella to hold her ground and stand still not moving a muscle as if she had turned to stone.

  The stagnant air clung to her like shackles. Not even the wind from the north dared to breathe. She turned to seek the source of this significant shift. To her horror, clusters of trees were slowly moving closer and closer, blocking any chance she might have had for escape.

  The intimidating tree had moved closer. Nella froze in her tracks. "Who and what are you?"

  The enormous tree blinked again, and she saw a wooden mouth open.

  "Maybe I should ask the same question of you?" His branches waved furiously, like a child having a temper tantrum.

  Now the tree was making her mad. "I asked you first," Nella, replied with a loud and steady voice.

  "Oh, my! Well, in that case, I guess I'm supposed to think that makes everything okay!" His brittle limbs moaned in protest as he strained, attempting to bend at the middle of his trunk., The bottom of his left stump impatiently pounding causing the ground around him to shake as he waited for a reply.


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