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Homeless #1

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by Christopher Lee Cousino


  By Christopher Lee Cousino


  Homeless Short Story Series


  Christopher Lee Cousino


  Homeless #1

  Homeless Short Story Series

  Copyright © 2016 by Christopher Lee Cousino

  HOMELESS is a work of fiction.

  Names, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.




  Billie Sue Cousino



  “Show me a hero and I shall write you a tragedy”


  Chapter 1

  “I am seventeen years old and you cannot tell me what to do! I’m not some damn baby anymore, Daddy, and I’m going out with Mark whether you like it or not!”

  “Don’t you speak to me that way, Rose! You will obey me and your mother’s rules as long as you live under our roof!” Randy Hudson said as he followed his daughter through their home as she grabbed her purse, coat, and cell phone.

  “Well maybe I won’t live under your roof anymore! Mark has his own place and would love to have me move in with him. You and Mom can go to hell!” Rose screamed.

  Then she spun around, opened the door and sprinted down the walkway to the waiting car of her boyfriend Mark. Randy stood in the doorway and yelled his oldest daughter’s name, then locked eyes with her boyfriend. He gave the weasel the worst look he could muster.

  Randy hoped that it conveyed he would rip the punk’s heart out if he hurt his little girl. But the smug son of a bitch just smiled as Rose buried her face in Mark’s shoulder. Then they sped off. Randy hung his head a minute, then shut the door and headed back inside.

  Randy knew there was something off about that little bastard. Didn’t matter much though, his daughter still wanted to spend all her time with Mark. Hopefully, Rose would come back before too late, or he’d have to go looking for her. Sighing, Randy rubbed his temples, hoping it would dull the pain of too much worrying about his quickly growing daughter. He knew she thought she knew everything there was to know about life and love, but she didn’t. She was still just a baby, his baby…one of them at least.

  Randy smiled as he walked into the kitchen and saw his younger daughter Daffodil working on homework at the table. At thirteen she was so much more level headed and mature than Rose, maybe even more than him. She was always the calm in the storm called Rose.

  “Hey Daffy, what are ya workin’ on?” He asked.

  Daffy had always been Randy’s nickname for Daffodil, since the day she was born.

  “A little math, just exploring the exciting world of geometry,” Daffodil answered. Without looking up from her homework, Daffodil continued. “Dad, why does Rose have to be such a bitchface?”

  Randy scoffed.

  “Honey, don’t talk like that.” Realizing he didn’t mean to sound so stern, Randy softened as he continued. “Sorry you had to hear all that. Where are your mom and little Lou at?”

  Lou was Randy’s youngest child, and only son. He was seven, and after his wife Mallory named the two girls after her favorite pastime, gardening, Randy finally got to name their son after his. Lou Whitaker, Randy’s favorite Detroit Tigers player of all time.

  “Lou ran to his room when you and bitchface started arguing, and mom is in your guys’ room,” Daffodil said. She stopped writing, and then looked up at Randy. For a moment, he could see a crack in the tough armor of his little tomboy as she continued. “I think she is crying again.”

  Randy sighed.

  “Hon, don’t use that language, alright? No matter how mad you get, it doesn’t make it okay. Well, get back to work darlin’. I’m gonna go check on the rest of the Hudson clan,” he said.

  Randy passed Daffodil and kissed her on the head. As he did, he noticed her book bag out of the corner of his eye. It was an old Power Puff Girls book bag she had gotten 5 years earlier. The ratty thing had seen better days. Randy chuckled and shook his head.

  “When are you going to get rid of that old book bag and get a new one, honey?” He asked.

  Daffodil smirked and patted her bag.

  “Don’t talk about PPG that way, Dad. She and I have been through so much together. I will never get rid of this beauty,” she said.

  Randy just smiled.

  Daffy was cut from a different mold. He was willing to bet that she was more into the kick she got out of people’s reactions at the bag than she was at the bag itself. She loved to joke around and no doubt enjoyed the humor the old bag allowed her to work with to make her classmates laugh. She also didn’t like to go with the crowd, and what better way to stand up to the majority than to have an outdated, ratty old back pack on when you walked through the halls.

  “Good for you, honey. Alright, I’m gonna go check on Lou and Mom now,” he said.

  Randy gave her shoulder a squeeze and patted her back before heading through the kitchen. As he passed the stairway, Randy could hear Lou’s video games in full swing upstairs. He knew his little guy would be okay for a bit, lost in his own world. Randy would check on him later.

  Heading towards the master bedroom, he stopped at the door and took a deep breath. Cracking the door open, Randy peeked in. Mallory was curled up on the bed hugging a pillow, sobbing softly. Randy slipped into the room, closed the door gently and eased into bed beside her, wrapping his arms around the love of his life.

  Rose and Mallory had been inseparable from Rose’s birth. They were like two peas in a pod, with Daffodil and Lou being more like Randy. The two of them loved to work in the garden together, go shopping together, and share a bowl of popcorn and watch TLC and Lifetime together. They were best friends, until Rose turned 15 and it was no longer cool to be best friends with your mom. And of course she started really liking boys.

  Mallory had had a hard time with it, but Randy and her both agreed it was a phase Rose would grow out of, but it had just gotten worse and worse. Her language and disrespectful behavior increased, and it had spun out of control when she met Mark.

  He was two years older than her and he had his own apartment. How he could afford it, Randy was unsure, since the boy had probably never worked an honest day’s work in his life, which led to Randy’s conclusion that he was in a gang, selling drugs or who knows what. The little punk had always been really vague about what he did for a living when Randy had asked him, and always with a smirk on his damn face. All Randy did know was that he hoped this infatuation would end before his little girl got hurt.

  “Rose is gone, babe. She left with Mark. If she isn’t back by 10, I will go find her,” Randy said.

  “What did we do wrong, Randy? All we have ever done is love her. She is going to be graduating high school in a couple weeks. We should be dealing with that, not this Mark crap. Why did that little jerk ever have to come along? Why couldn’t she just date Georgie?” Mallory asked.

  Randy smiled.

  “Mal, you know why she didn’t want to date Georgie. One, he is like a brother to her since they have been pals since they wore diapers. And two, I love the kid to death, but he is kind of a…how can I put this nicely? Well, he is kind of dweeby,” he said.

  “What!? Randy you are terrible. Georgie Nall is a nice boy. Although, he could use a visit from the What Not to Wear team. I guess it might help if his voice wasn’t so high pitched, and if he had better skin, and…okay, well, at le
ast he is a sweet, smart dweeb,” Mallory said as she rolled toward her husband and smiled, wiping the remaining tears from her face before continuing. “Do you think this is really just a phase she is going through, or do you think this is the new Rose, for good?”

  “Nah, she has our genes, she can’t be a pain in the ass for too long. Wait. Whoops, maybe it isn’t a good thing she has our genes then,” Randy said as he smiled and chuckled, but Mallory only gave a weak half grin in response. He sighed and put his forehead to hers so their noses touched as he continued. “Shoot, sweets, I don’t know what is going to happen, but we will get through it together. Come on now, we got two kids who don’t hate us waiting on dinner. What do you want tonight, I figure ordering in always cheers us all up.”

  “Yeah, that sounds good. But it isn’t the ordering in that always cheers us up. It’s you, mister wonderful. Come here and let me show you my appreciation,” Mallory said as she pulled Randy close and spun so that he was on top of her and started to kiss him. Randy pulled away and smiled.

  “Honey, what about Daffy and Lou?” He asked.

  “I think they will be okay for…hmm. What would you say, we probably only need about five minutes, right, big guy?” Mallory asked with a wink.

  Randy smiled.

  “Hey now! That is probably being a little too kind. It’s something to shoot for though.”


  Damn she is a fine little piece, Mark Baker thought to himself. You really are one slick bastard, and not too bad looking yourself. He tore his eyes away from his girlfriend, Rose Hudson, ordering some food to look in his rearview mirror.

  Mark was young and clean shaven, with a strong jaw line, and was athletic and muscular. His hair was painstakingly messed up to perfection. Mark could get any girl he wanted, and he did. Rose didn’t know that. He made sure she thought she was his one and only, his soul mate. What a load of bull that was, and he couldn’t believe how easily Rose ate it all up. She had definitely watched too many rom-coms. But whatever kept her giving him that sweet body was worth the act.

  Mark wasn’t sure what he would tell her if she really wanted to move in with him. He couldn’t have that, not with all the other girls. No, that would really cramp his style. He couldn’t break it off with her, though. She was his and no one else’s. Not like he had much to worry about. The only other guy she talked to was that pathetic loser Georgie. What a dweeb. Mark’s butthole was better looking than that dude. Heh, he thought. His butthole was better looking than that dude…that is good stuff, he’d have to remember that one. He should write a book on being cool.

  No, he didn’t have to worry about Georgie Peorgie, or any other guy for that matter. If she tried to get with another guy he would just beat the crap out of them, or kill them. Won’t matter though, she’d never leave him. Not as long as he can keep this arrangement going. He can be the perfect boyfriend part time, keep hitting that, and then continue to get all the play he wanted on the side. As long as her “daddy dearest” didn’t come between them.

  Mark couldn’t believe what a putz that guy was. He thought he was so tough because he’s a big dude and has a “real job” as he puts it. He owns a construction company, or something, Rose had told him once. Thought he could scare him by trying to give him the evil eyes….the pussy. If “father of the year” gets to be too annoying he will have his boys take care of him, or he will just do it himself. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. That’s what his dad always told him.

  Mark’s dad was doing 25 to life for shooting some clerk during a liquor store robbery. Mark had been writing and visiting his dad at the prison for a long time. He had only been 6 when his dad got locked up, but that would change eventually. Someday he would get out and Mark would bring him into what he had going. That was what else he couldn’t let Rose or her daddy find out about, his “business” and his “friends”.

  He was part of the New Age Brotherhood. It was a gang that had started in the last couple of years and was quickly taking over Detroit, Michigan and the surrounding areas. He had gotten started near the group’s beginning, recruited by his cousin and the group’s leader Blane. Mark had been made a lieutenant, and had guys twice his age working under him selling drugs and girls in this section of the gang’s turf. The money was great and all, as was being part of the gang. But if there was one thing that he’d check in the “Things I don’t like about my job” box, it would be working with his cousin. Mostly because his cousin Blane was a crazy nutjob.

  He was always twitching, not sure if it was all the drugs or if he had turret’s or what, but it had always made Mark uncomfortable as hell. What made it so dang creepy was that through the jerks and twitches, he maintained a calm demeanor, never taking his eyes off the person he was talking to…or killing. He had his head shaved and tattooed, and had a long beard shaped into four spikes. Messed up looking bastard, and he had the messed up personality to match. Mark had seen Blane torture, rape, and kill lots of people, and it was definitely not a pretty sight. His cousin was one psychotic, homicidal dude. Didn’t matter though, he got results.

  They had started off small, selling some drugs in uncontrolled areas, running some prostitutes out here and there, and then they started gaining members. Eventually they were able to take down area gangs one by one due to Blane’s sadistic personality and his knack for getting some heavy weapons. They would always get a couple members from a rival gang to join up with them. Blane called them Judas converts. Then Blane would use their betrayal and knowledge to take down each gang.

  He would take no prisoners, killing every single rival gang member. After a while, that helped them get future Judas converts. Hell, they had gotten so powerful that nowadays if they came after a gang, the members of the other gang just joined up out of fear without even fighting. Not that there were many other gangs out there that came anywhere near the New Age Brotherhood’s turf.

  Once they got rolling, things really took off. They got into high society drug dealings and prostitution rings, and due to the fact that some of their customers were members of the police force and city hall, they always had a get out of jail free card. Yeah, things were pretty good. They basically ran the city. But things got even better when Blane had an idea to start abducting young girls and selling them to the highest bidder all over the city, country, and world. It was really an oil mine. Mark wasn’t sure the risk was worth the reward at first, but man was he wrong. It’s amazing what old pervs all over the place would pay to get a piece of illegal tail.

  He’d actually had Rose in mind for that when he first met her, but she gave such good head and was so hot, he had to keep her for himself. Yeah, there is no way she could find out what he really did. The sound of Rose’s voice tore him from his thoughts.

  “Hey, baby boy, I got you one of those foot longs you love and a root beer. Maybe if I’m a good girl, you will let me have your foot long later,” she said as she leaned into Mark, her breasts touching his arm. He winked as he responded.

  “Well, maybe. If you’re really good.”


  Oh my gosh, he is so hot, Rose Hudson thought as she stared at her boyfriend. She just loved being his girlfriend. All her friends were so jealous of her and Mark. She always had so much fun with him, even after her big fight with Daddy tonight. Although she would love to move in with him, she wasn’t ready for that yet. She would have some alone time at his place with him after dinner, but make sure she was home by curfew. She knew Daddy loved her and was just trying to protect her, but why did he have to hate Mark so much? Her parents were so wrong about him. He was so sweet and understanding. Her perfect boyfriend had a job too and not an illegal one, no matter what Daddy says. That reminded her.

  “I forgot to ask earlier how your day was. How was work?” She asked.

  Mark grinned.

  “Oh you know, honey. The sales profession is a real b


  “So she went out with that douche bag again, huh, Randy?” Asked Bill Cutler, the Vice President of Hudson Construction and also Randy Hudson’s best friend.

  “Yeah, Billy. But thank God she came home by curfew. I was sitting on the porch waiting for her, keys in my hand ready to raise hell at his apartment if she wasn’t home. But sure enough, his little ‘stang rolled up at 10 o’clock on the dot,” Randy said.

  Randy and Bill were sitting in Randy’s office at Hudson Construction. They had been friends since the third grade and when Randy’s dad died a few years back and left Randy the family business, he’d been in way over his head. He’d worked for his dad his whole life and loved the work, but when it came to running the business he was definitely chasing his tail. So he brought in Bill to do the business side of things so Randy could just oversee and continue to do a lot of the physical work. Bill was always more into numbers than he was anyways.

  “Man, if I was you I would knock the teeth right out of that cheesy smile of his,” Bill said.

  Bill always loved to fight, even though he was only a shade under 6 foot compared to Randy’s 6 foot 5, Randy had seen firsthand what he was capable of.

  “Sure, Billy. That would look great in the paper. 34 year old local construction company owner charged with assault charges for beating a 19 year old boy. I can see the jobs just rolling in after that,” Randy said.

  Luckily, jobs rolling in were not a problem. They had not been hurt much by the economy like some other companies. His grandfather started Hudson Construction 50 years ago and he and Randy’s dad had built up trust and a great reputation in the city. Anyone needed a job done in the Detroit area, Hudson was the first name they thought of. The money the business brought in allowed Mallory to be a stay at home mom and for his family to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, living in a beautiful house in a very nice area in Royal Oak.


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