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Homeless #1

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by Christopher Lee Cousino

  “Maybe you’re right, Randy. I do somewhat enjoy what we got going here. So, what did Rose give ya when she walked up to the house? A hug or the cold shoulder?” Bill asked.

  “Believe it or not she hugged me and apologized for earlier in the night, and then she gave me a smooch, said she loved me, and told me she knows I am just looking out for her but that I am wrong about Mark,” Randy replied.

  “Well you and me both know you aren’t. So what’d ya tell her, man?” Bill asked.

  “I told her we could agree to disagree for now,” Randy said. Then he chuckled.

  Billy arched an eyebrow.

  “What’s so funny?” Bill asked.

  “Oh nothing, Billy. I was just thinking of something Mallory said last night. She was right too. It would be so much easier if she could just be in love with good ol’ Georgie,” Randy said.

  Now it was Billy’s turn to chuckle.

  “Ya, ain’t that the truth. Sweet kid that Georgie. But, brother, that boy sure is a dweeb.”

  Chapter 4

  “Georgie, Georgie how many times we gotta tell you? Freaks like you need to pay guys like us to keep you from getting pounded,” Chett Thomas said.

  “But you guys are the ones who pound on me!” George Nall said.

  He was standing with his back to his locker, face to face with three bullies: Mitch, Pete, and their leader and spokesperson Chett. These guys avoided needing an after school job by doing what bullies do best, bullying those they saw as weak or scared out of money. George was their most popular target, and not because he always paid, but because he always refused.

  “You make a good point, loser. So, pay up and we’ll leave you bruise free and standing for once,” Chett said.

  George kept his eyes locked with Chett. He didn’t like getting beat up, but he ran his own computer repair and sales business from his parent’s house and worked too hard to give these jerks his money. Planting his feet, George glared as he answered the bullies.


  Chett’s eyes widened and his nostrils flared.

  “Screw you, you prissy little bitch! You think because you know about computers and are all sama Cuma latte or some bull that you’re better than us? That you are better than me?! Look at you! You look like a fat, white Steve Urkle!” Chett yelled angrily.

  He was nearly nose to nose with George, breathing a tad bit too heavily for anyone with sane, non-homicidal thoughts. A fat, white Steve Urkle…ouch, George thought.

  “I said no, Chett. And no, I don’t think I’m better than you. I know I am. And by the way, it’s Suma Cum Late. It’s a grade status, not a drink, you idiot. And by the way, can I be brutally honest with you for a minute? You should also use some of your bullying money to buy some mints because your breath smells like the men’s locker room,” George said.

  Probably not the smartest thing to say to an angry hormonal bully, George thought, but this guy really got his cortaroids in a bunch. George didn’t enjoy his comeback for long, as Chett gave him a knee to the gut and shoved him down hard to the floor. George covered his head and braced for the wave of kicks coming his way, but before one kick could rattle his ribs he heard the voice of an angel. His angel.

  “Hey, get away from him!” Rose Hudson called as she came running down the hall and that, along with her outburst, began to draw attention.

  Chett knelt down close to George and whispered in his ear.

  “This isn’t over, Georgie Peorgie.”

  Then he stood up and he and his cronies strutted away, but not before paying their respects to Rose with some howls, crotch grabbing and air humping.

  “Georgie, are you okay?” Rose asked.

  George felt her hand on his shoulder and looked up into the face of his future wife. Of course, she didn’t know that yet. He caught his breath and put on his best smile.

  “Shoot, Rosie, I was just looking for my contact. Chett and his shadows can’t hurt the G-meister,” he said.

  She helped him to his feet and shook her head, trying to hide a smile.

  “G-meister? You know I hate when you call yourself that. And by the way, tough guy, you wear glasses and have never had contacts!” She said, throwing her hands up in the air.

  “Darn, your right. I guess I just got my arse kicked again ma’lady,” George said in a horrible British accent with a wink.

  Rose smiled a second longer before turning serious.

  “Seriously though, George Walter Nall, you are going to get hurt. Why won’t you just pay them so they’ll leave you alone?” She asked.

  George shook his head.

  “Rosie, those guys wouldn’t bug me any less if I paid them. Besides, it’s about principals. You wouldn’t understand. It’s a guy thing,” he said.

  Rose smiled and got a faraway look in her eyes.

  “You sound like Mark. He is always saying that to me about his job. Oh babe, it’s a guy thing,” she said, giggling after doing her Mark impression.

  As cute as George found her giggle to be it didn’t help the sinking feeling he felt at the mention of Mark.

  “Yeah, Rosie, I’m not sure Mark’s job can be referred to as a guy thing. I am pretty sure women can sell drugs and act like a jerk,” George said.

  He blamed the lack of oxygen to his brain following the knee to his gut, but whatever the reason, he instantly regretted his response. Rose’s face twisted angrily into a scowl.

  “Screw you, Georgie. You sound just like my dad. You don’t know Mark and have no right to judge him. You are supposed to be my friend,” she said, obviously hurt.

  George felt his stomach knot up and opened his mouth to apologize but Rose cut him off with a hand in his face.

  “Whatever, Georgie. See ya around.”

  Before George could get out an apology, she was stomping away with her arms folded.

  He shouldn’t have said what he’d said. He hated to see her upset and he was supposed to be her friend. But he wanted to be more. Much more. George had always loved her and wanted to try and tell her but Marky Mark was a big teenie-bopper-heart-throb of an obstacle. If he was a good guy, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Sure, George would still be bummed, but at least he’d know Rose was loved and safe. Not the case with Mark.

  The guy was a real piece of work and didn’t deserve Rose. Maybe Rose was right. Maybe Mark didn’t sell drugs, but it did seem to explain the nice car, expensive clothes, and nice apartment that belonged to a nineteen-year-old kid from a poor family with a dad in prison. None of that mattered right now though. Only Rose’s feelings mattered.

  George would give her some time to cool off, and then he’d try and patch things up. Being her BFF might not be what he wanted, but it was better than nothing.

  Chapter 5

  “Nice throw, Lou. That arm of yours is really getting to be something,” Randy said as he fired the baseball back to his son in their backyard.

  They played catch quite a bit, more so at this time of year when the school year was ending and summer brought Lou’s baseball league.

  “Thanks, Dad,” Lou said as he tossed it back. Then he rubbed the grass with his foot, looking down and seeming distracted.

  Randy knew his son, and he could tell there was something on his mind.

  “What’s up, little man? I can tell something’s eating at you. So, spit it out,” Randy said.

  Lou kept looking down and bit his lip before responding.

  “I just wanted to tell you that I think you are a great dad. Rose says mean things about you and I try to stick up for you, but then she yells at me too. It makes me mad because the things she says, they just aren’t true, Dad. I hope she really does move out so she won’t yell at all of us anymore,” Lou said.

  Poor little guy, Randy thought. He knew Lou loved his sister, but all the yelling and fighting was obviously getting to him. Randy took off his glove and motioned Lou over
to the patio and some deck chairs.

  “Have a seat, buddy. Let’s have a chat,” he said.

  Lou trudged over and plopped down, not looking up and folding his arms.

  “Now I know that Rose can be a handful and she uses words she shouldn’t, but we love her and definitely don’t want her to move out. She is too young to make it on her own and she needs us. This is all just a rough patch and she will get through it,” Randy said.

  Lou took in what Randy had said, rubbing his chin.

  “So, you mean it is kind of like when Verlander gets in a rough patch with the Tigers and eventually figures it out and gets back to pitching like an all-star?” Lou asked, hopeful.

  Randy slapped Lou on the thigh.

  “Exactly! Nice sports analogy, buddy. Now, you love your sister, right?” Randy asked.

  Lou started fidgeting with his hands, still looking down.

  “Yeah,” he said.

  “And you know she loves you, right?” Randy asked.

  “Yeah, I guess,” Lou replied.

  Randy clapped his hands and stood up, putting his glove back on.

  “Well, then, there you go! That is all that matters. Things get tough sometimes, and I know it’s not fair, but we just gotta ride this out and Rose will be back to acting like an all-star in no time, little man. Now, let’s see if I can throw you some super high fly balls to catch,” Randy said with a wink.

  Lou jumped up with the smile Randy had come to love and started running back to his original catch spot. Before the fun could begin, however, Mallory stuck her head out the slider.

  “Hey, how are my two favorite fellas doing out here?” Mallory asked.

  “Great, babe. What’s up?” Randy asked his wife.

  Mallory looked back in behind her and then rolled her eyes before continuing.

  “Mark is here to pick up Rose for their supposed date we knew nothing about. Thought you might want to say hi since he came inside to pick her up for once.”

  Interesting, Randy thought. Mark generally liked to stay as far away from him as possible.

  “Thanks, hon. I will be right in,” Randy said.

  Mallory closed the door and Randy looked at Lou and smiled. Lou just shrugged his shoulders and the two headed back inside the house.

  Mark was sitting with Rose on the couch, leaning back with his arm around her, looking far too comfortable in Randy’s house. Daffodil was doing homework as always at the bar, and when Randy glanced at her she gave him a smirk.

  “Mark, how nice of you to grace us with your presence. To what do we owe this great honor?” Randy asked, not hiding his sarcasm one bit.

  Mark just stayed cool and calm, but Rose shot Randy some daggers. Mark flashed a slimy smirk before answering.

  “Look, Mr. H.-” Randy hated when he called him that, “-there is no reason to be hostile. Rose thought I could come in and say hi to the family, maybe try to smooth things over since you all seem to have some reservations with me dating Rose,” he said.

  You bet your ass I have reservations, Randy thought. But he decided to play it cool since Mark seemed to be doing the same.

  “Now, Mark, as long as you treat Rose with the respect, kindness, and dignity she deserves, then you have our blessing to date her,” Randy said.

  Mark did none of those things, at least not honestly. Suddenly, Mark stood up.

  “Well, thanks for the blessing, big guy. Although, I definitely don’t need it,” he said.

  You little son of a bitch, Randy thought.

  Mark reached down and took Rose’s hand, pulling her up next to him as he continued.

  “We are going to get going. Thanks as always for the hospitality, Mr. H. Mrs. H, still looking fine as always. I definitely know where Rose gets her rockin' body from. If I was older, or you were a lot younger…yum,” Mark said with a wink.

  Randy’s rage boiled over at the pass at his wife. The little weasel had gone too far.

  Randy walked up behind the exiting couple and grabbed Rose by the arm, pulling her back behind him. Mark spun around and looked straight ahead at Randy’s chest, then up to his face, and what he saw there put a crack in his cool, calm persona.

  “You will not disrespect my wife or anyone else in my family ever again. Get the hell out of my house and stay away from my daughter. You are no longer welcome here and if you try to see Rose, I will make you regret it,” Randy said through gritted teeth.

  Mark seemed lost for words and Randy thought he saw a glimmer of fear, but then the little weasel shook it off and his cocky attitude resurfaced as he took a step back and smiled.

  “You are all talk. You can threaten me all day, but you and me both know you ain’t nothing but a pussy. I will gladly stay away from this dump, but I will definitely be seeing Rose again, including tonight-” He looked around Randy and at Rose before continuing, “-Rose, I will be outside waiting, come out there and we can get on with our night.”

  He winked at Randy then on his way out the door took one more shot as he glanced at Mallory.

  “Hey, Mrs. H, if you ever want a real man, give me a call and I will take you for a ride to see my dad over at Mound Correctional. He is allowed one congenital visit per month,” he said as he shut the door behind him.

  Mark was down the sidewalk before Randy could even finish soaking in what the little prick had just said. Randy’s fists were clenched and he had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself before turning to Rose.

  “You are not, and I repeat, are not, going anywhere with that piece of trash tonight or any night ever again. Is that clear young lady?” Randy said.

  Rose had her hands on her hips and just shook her head angrily.

  “The only thing I understand is that you are so overprotective you make up crap in your mind about Mark and then push him until he gets mad and fights back. You are such a jerk, Dad, and consider this my last night in this hell hole. I am moving in with Mark, officially right now!” Rose said as she started past Randy.

  He grabbed her arm to stop her. As Randy did so, Rose spun around and slapped him across the face. Randy released her arm and stood stunned, tears filling his eyes as he watched his little girl walk out the door. Silence filled the room, until Daffodil cleared her throat.

  “Does this mean I get her room?”

  Chapter 6

  “I can’t believe she slapped me! I can’t believe my Rose slapped me and left with that piece of garbage. And him! I…I can’t believe the things that rat bastard said to you. I just want to go over to his apartment and rip his head off. He is such a little asshole!” Randy said angrily.

  He was pacing back and forth in their master bedroom, while Mallory sat on the bed. Lou and Daffodil were in bed and it was after ten…Rose’s curfew.

  “I know, baby, I know. He is a smug little cockroach and I didn’t like what he said either. But going over there and beating him up, although entertaining, will cause us more problems than solutions. I am just as shocked and disappointed in Rose’s behavior as you are, but I need you to calm down so that we can figure out what we are gonna do about all this,” Mallory said.

  Randy stopped pacing and put his hands on his head. He blew out a big breath and tried to push down the anger. Dropping his arms to his side, he sat down by Mallory on the bed, burying his face in her neck.

  “I don’t know, honey. I honestly don’t know what to do. She hasn’t been gone long enough to file a missing person’s report, and I don’t think a kidnapping charge would hold up since he is 19 and she is 17 and is at his apartment by choice. If I take her by force not only would she just go back, but he could call the cops on me for breaking and entering, which I am sure he would.

  “I don’t think there is anything we can do tonight. We will just have to try to get some sleep and hope she either comes home by herself, or we get a brilliant idea,” Randy said.

  Mallory nodded slowly. r />
  Randy raised his head and gave Mallory a half smile.

  “They sure never talked about any of this in all those child birth classes we took. Did they, babe?” He asked.

  With anger in still in her eyes, Mallory responded.

  “Those were just for dealing with cute, loveable little babies. Not rude, self-centered teenagers who would rather side with their jackass, sleazeball boyfriend than the parents that have sacrificed everything for them.”

  “Speak it, sister!” Randy said, still smiling.

  Mallory’s eyes softened. Then she smiled back at Randy and took his face in both her hands.

  “Like you always say, we will get through this. Right, baby?” She asked.

  “Yes, I promise,” he said.

  Randy leaned in and kissed Mallory, forgetting for a second all the rage and anxiety the night had created.

  He took his wife in his arms and guided her to the bed, hoping to spend some time in a world that only involved the love of his life and no clothes, where no thinking was necessary. Mallory wrapped her legs around him and kissed him back, harder and more passionate than he had anticipated. She must have had the same idea. The two pushed all the drama and frustration of the night aside and focused on each other as their bodies entangled more, becoming one.


  Randy woke to the sound of the phone ringing. He looked over at Mallory still sleeping, and gently rolled her off his chest and arm and onto her side. She always was a heavy sleeper. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. It was 12:30 in the morning.

  Randy grabbed the phone and mumbled a hello. He heard sniffling and someone started talking between sobs, it was Rose.

  “Daddy, please come get me. You were right about Mark. I am so sorry and I just want to come home. He…He…please just hurry Daddy, please!”

  Randy hopped up quickly and started getting dressed.


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