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The Complete Perfect Series

Page 38

by Lindsey Powell

  “After you,” he says, motioning for me to get in the shower. I reluctantly turn away from him, switch the shower on, and step in, being instantly warmed by the hot water. I feel Jake step in behind me and his hands rest on my hips. Goose-bumps cover my entire body as he pushes his chest into my back, his cock resting at the bottom of my spine. Desire ripples through me and I lean back into him as his hands snake their way to my stomach, moving slowly upwards until he is kneading my breasts. I moan at his touch.



  “I want you inside me.” It seems like forever since we last had sex. He nibbles on my ear lobe and I arch my back so that my breasts push harder into his hands. He growls and turns me around, pushing me against the shower wall. I gasp as the cold wall makes contact with my skin. His mouth covers mine and I move my hands to his shoulders, my fingers digging into his skin.

  “Stop,” Jake says abruptly. I whimper at his words and at the loss of his lips on mine. His face is only inches away, but it feels too far. “We can’t. I don’t want to hurt you.” I see the worry in his eyes at the thought that he might do something to cause me any pain.

  “You won’t hurt me. I need to feel you,” I plead. I wrap my arms around his neck and I see him struggling with what he thinks is best for me, and with what I need from him. I place kisses along his jawline, enjoying the feel of his light stubble against my lips.

  “Oh Jesus,” he says as my tongue licks along his bottom lip.

  “Please, Jake.” He looks into my eyes, and just when I think that he isn’t going to give in, he moves his hands underneath my ass and lifts me, so that I slide up the wall. I give a squeal of delight as I feel his erection pressing against my opening.

  “If you get any pain in your side at all, then promise that you’ll tell me.”

  “I promise,” I answer, desperate for him to push inside of me. I cup his face in my hands and kiss him softly.

  As I feel Jake’s length enter me, I cry out in pleasure.

  “Fuck,” Jake says as he eases slowly back out of me, and then pushes back in even slower. I bite my bottom lip and close my eyes. Jake’s mouth closes over my nipple and I let my head fall back against the wall. As he sucks gently, I tighten my grip on him.

  “Oh God,” I say as I can already feel my orgasm building. Jake proceeds to give my other nipple the same treatment as the first. He continues to ease in and out of me at a torturously slow pace. As my orgasm gathers speed, my body starts to tremble. “Jake, I’m close.” I don’t know how much longer I can hold on for.

  “Look at me,” he says in that commanding tone of his, making the moment more intense than it was before. I open my eyes and stare deep into his caramel pools. I can see from the look in his eyes just how much he loves me. This thought, along with the sensations that I am experiencing are quickly bringing me to climax.

  “Jake,” I say breathlessly as my core tightens. I can sense that he is getting close too as I desperately try to hold onto my release.

  “You know that you’re mine, right?”

  “Yes.” I don’t hesitate to answer him.

  A silent understanding passes between us.

  I am his, and he is mine.

  “I love you, Stacey Paris.” Those words are my undoing. I cry out as my orgasm hits, my sex tightening around Jake’s length, and he follows me seconds later. As we both pant and try to catch our breath, I place my lips by Jake’s ear.

  “I love you too,” I whisper, needing to tell him. He moves back slightly, and I lower my shaky legs to the ground. He cups my face in his hands and places a light kiss on the end of my nose.

  “Good, because I’m never letting you go.” I smile at him and thank my lucky stars that he came into my life. Jake has opened my eyes to emotions that I never thought I would feel.

  He is my soul mate, my love, my perfect stranger.


  I love her.

  With every fibre of my being, I love her.

  It’s that simple.

  I don’t need to ask her about any other guys that she may have been with. I know that those guys don’t mean anything to her.

  I know that she loves me, and as long as we are together, then nothing else matters.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  A few days have passed since the Lydia fiasco. I’ve received a couple of text messages from Nick about how she is doing, but I haven’t heard from Lydia herself. Nick has informed me that Lydia is staying at his place for the time being. I’m so glad that her brother has stepped up and is helping her, but a part of me wishes that she had let me in. I also told Nick that I would see that The Den was okay whilst Lydia concentrates on getting better. I might not be able to actually return to the physical side of work yet, but I have been in contact with Susie each day to discuss the staffing issues. Unfortunately, agency staff are the only way to go at the moment. It’s already costing a fortune to hire them, but there is no other way. Understandably, Susie has asked questions about Lydia’s absence. I have just told her that Lydia has a flu-type bug. I don’t know if Susie believes me or not, but that is the least of my worries.

  Jake has been absolutely amazing through all of this. He took a few more days off of work, just so that he could spend some more time with me. I will forever be grateful for all of his support. Today is his first day back at the Waters Industries offices, and I am led alone, in his bed, thinking about how much I miss him already. He’s only been gone for an hour and I am already pining for him.

  Oh God, I’m like one of those sappy women you read about in a bad romance novel.

  With that thought in mind, I make myself get out of bed to go and have a shower. I look at the small bundle of clothes that I brought here with me nearly a week ago, and I sigh. I have none of my, what I would call, “nice” clothes here. All I brought with me was comfy attire as I thought that I would be back at the flat with Lydia by now. I could go and pick some clothes up, but I don’t feel like I can go to the flat just yet. It just wouldn’t feel right without Lydia being there.

  I pick out my “boring” clothes and am about to go into the ensuite when my phone starts to ring. I walk over to the bedside table and see that it is Martin calling me.

  Oh shit. I completely forgot to call him back the other day. Bollocks.

  I pick up my phone and brace myself for the ear bashing that I know I am going to get.

  After a deep breath, I answer the call. “Hi, Martin.”

  “Don’t you ‘hi Martin’ me. Where the hell have you been? And why haven’t you called me?” Martin is pissed off, and I can hardly blame him. With everything going on lately, I haven’t exactly been the most attentive friend.

  “I’m sorry, Mart. Things have just been so crazy. I meant to call you back, but then something happened with Lydia. I know that’s no excuse though, I should have called you.” I don’t want Martin to think that I am fobbing him off with some excuse.

  “Yes, you should have.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry.” I let the line go quiet, hoping that Martin will forgive my shitty behaviour towards him. “I don’t suppose that you’re free for a coffee today at all?”

  “Well, I am, actually.”

  “Great. Want to meet at Danish in the next hour?”

  “Well… I suppose so.” I smile at his acceptance of my coffee invitation. “It doesn’t mean that you’re forgiven though. I’m still pissed at you, baby girl.” I smile at his “baby girl” reference to me, which means that he is already on his way to forgiving me.

  “I know.” I am still smiling as I hang up the phone and place it back on the bedside table. I dash into the ensuite and get undressed to have a shower. As I place my clothes in the wash basket by the door to the ensuite, I hear my phone ringing again. I curse under my breath and stalk back into the bedroom. I am annoyed at being interrupted, but that annoyance soon melts away once I see that it is Jake calling me.

  “Hi, handsome,” I
say as I answer the phone and sit on the edge of the bed.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he replies. I literally swoon. Will I ever tire of hearing his voice?

  “Everything going okay?” I ask.

  I hear him sigh down the phone and I can imagine him running his hand through his hair. “It’s not too bad.”

  “You’re a shitty liar at times, Jake.” He can’t fool me.

  “Okay, it’s been fucking awful so far. All that’s getting me through is the thought of being with you later.” I hear the shift in his tone of voice and it’s like my whole body become alert. “I miss you,” he says, and I smile at his words.

  “You’ve only been gone an hour.” I feel pleased though that he has been feeling the same way as I have.

  “It feels like longer than an hour, and from the looks of things here, I’m going to be late finishing tonight.” He sounds just as disappointed as I suddenly feel.

  “Oh. Well, maybe I can cook us something nice for when you get back?” I ask, suddenly perking up as an idea forms in my head.

  “Sounds good. I will let you know roughly what time I will be home.”


  “So, what are you up to?”

  “Well, Mr Waters, right now, I am sat on the bed… Naked.” I hear the slight intake of his breath on the other end of the phone and I take delight in the way that I can make him react. “You called as I was about to get in the shower.”

  “I knew I should have stayed at home.” I laugh at his answer.

  “Well, just think about the fun we can have once you get back here.” I can’t help but tease him. He growls down the phone and I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach.

  “Oh, I will, but with the thought of you naked, it’s going to be pretty hard to concentrate for the rest of the day.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find a way to get through it. In the meantime, I need to be getting ready. I’m going to meet Martin for coffee.” I don’t want to end our conversation, but if I don’t hurry up, then I will only be late to meet Martin, and I have already been a crap friend to him lately without adding anything else to the mix.

  “Okay, babe. Make sure that you call Eric to come and pick you up.”

  “I don’t need to call Eric, I am perfectly capable of walking.” I hear him sigh at my answer and I know that it frustrates him that I don’t ask Eric unless I absolutely have to.

  “Please, just call him.” I decide not to make his day any shittier, so I refrain from arguing about it.

  “Okay. If it will make you happy then I will call him.”

  “Good. I’ll see you later.”

  “You will indeed.”

  “Bye, beautiful.”

  “Bye.” I hang up the phone and shake off the shiver going through me. Jake can literally make my body respond to him in any way he wants it to. I place the phone back on the bedside table and go to take a quick shower. I wash and dry myself, and then I put on my unflattering clothes. I call Eric and he says that he will be here in the next ten minutes. I have a funny feeling that Jake had probably alerted him to the fact that I would be needing a lift.

  I quickly dry my hair and put it up into a ponytail before applying minimal make-up and putting everything I need into my handbag. I walk down the stairs and put my shoes on and then pick up my set of keys to Jake’s house. I walk outside and lock the front door to see that Eric is standing beside the limo, waiting to open the door for me. As I approach he smiles.

  “Miss Stacey,” he says, his usual greeting for me.

  “Morning, Eric. How are you?”

  “I’m okay, thank you.” He opens the door and I ask him to take me to Danish before I thank him and get in the car. I nearly have a heart attack as he shuts the limo door and I see that Jake is sat opposite me.

  “Oh my God, Jake. You scared me,” I say as my hand clutches my chest from the shock of seeing him sat there. “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought that I would come along for a ride. Is that a problem?” he says as he moves off of the seat and kneels between my legs. Arousal instantly flows through me. Before I can answer, he moves forwards and places his lips over mine. I close my eyes and moan as his tongue meets mine. My hands find their way into his hair and I tug gently.

  Jake pushes his body against mine, his cock brushing against my sex through our clothes, and I move my hands so that they find the zip on his trousers. I slowly pull the zip down, undo the button on his trousers and push them below his ass, along with his boxers. Jake moans into my mouth, which turns me on even more.

  My hand grips around his cock firmly, and I find that he is already hard for me. I smile against his lips and he pulls his head back, breaking our contact. I gently push him away, indicating that he should sit back on the seat behind him. He does and the fire in his eyes makes me want to straddle him right here, right now. Unfortunately, we don’t have time for that, so I lower my head and wrap my lips around his length.

  “Holy shit,” Jake cries as I start to move up and down, sucking gently. I keep a firm grip around the bottom and move my hand at the same pace as I move my mouth. I hear Jake’s breathing shift and I apply more pressure with my hand, whilst sucking him a little bit harder.

  I intend to give him a blow job that he will think about for the rest of the day.

  I move my other hand and cup his balls, massaging gently.

  “Stacey,” he says my name, his voice sounding hoarse and I know that he is close. I swirl my tongue around the tip before plunging him back into my mouth. I take him all the way in and as I feel his length hit the back of my throat, he groans in pleasure and his juices start to fill my mouth. I suck harder, until there is nothing left for him to give me.

  As I slow down my movements, I hear Jake trying to catch his breath. I give his balls a gentle squeeze as I release his cock from my mouth and look up to him. His eyes are sparkling, and a gorgeous grin graces his face.

  “Better?” I ask him, raising one eyebrow in question.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he answers as he grabs me by my arms and lifts me onto his lap. His hand comes around to the back of my head and he presses his lips against mine. It’s a hungry kiss, like he wants to devour me, and it isn’t until I feel the car pull to a stop that I pull my head back from him.

  “Enjoy the rest of your day at work,” I say, and before he can stop me, I pick up my handbag and quickly open the car door and get out. I hear him call my name as I shut the car door behind me. I know that I can’t see him, but he can see me, so I blow a kiss and walk towards Danish, smirking at how I left him. The limo stays parked there as I enter the coffee shop.

  I scan the room for Martin and see that he is sat in the far corner. I wave to him as I walk over, chuckling away to myself. I sit down and see that he has already got me a coffee waiting.

  “Why do you look so pleased with yourself?” he asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

  “Let’s just say that Jake won’t be thinking about much else but me at work for the rest of the day.” I pick up my coffee and take a sip.

  “Oooo, do tell.” Martin sits forward on his seat and I know that he is no longer pissed off with me.

  I am about to tell him, when I see his gaze shift to look behind me and his jaw drops open. I look around, curious to see what has gripped his attention. As I do, I see that Jake is coming in the front door. My heart starts to accelerate as he sees me and stalks over, looking all kinds of dominant in his posture. I gulp and feel a blush rise on my cheeks. His hair is slightly scruffy where my hands were tangled in it not so long ago.

  My God, he is just perfection.

  I stand up on shaky legs and as he reaches me, he grabs me and pulls me against his body. I don’t have time to do anything other than meet his ferocious kiss, which renders me speechless.

  When he has finished devouring me in front of everyone in the coffee shop, he puts his lips by my ear and whispers. “That’s just a taster of what I’m going to do to you later.”

I gasp and then Jake is retreating from the coffee shop. He doesn’t turn back around as he leaves Danish and gets into the limo, but I know that he is smiling away to himself at his little display. I stare through the window until I see the limo drive away.

  “Holy shit, baby girl. That was hot,” Martin says, breaking my dazed state.

  I do a quick look around the room and see that everyone is staring at me. I smile shyly and then sit back down.

  “That man is just…” Martin trails off, clearly going into a little daydream of his own.

  “Perfect.” I finish the sentence for him. No other words come to mind.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  It has now been a week since I last spoke to Lydia. I sent her a text yesterday, but I haven’t had a reply yet. I know that she is doing okay as Nick is still updating me, but it’s not the same as being able to ask her myself. She still isn’t back at the flat yet, and I have been at Jake’s since the night that I had to go back to the hospital.

  As much as I miss living with Lydia, in my heart, I feel like Jake’s place is my home. I love it here. I love being here when he gets home from work, I love going to sleep with him, and I love waking up to see his gorgeous face. We have become even closer, if that is possible, and I can’t imagine not staying here with him. He hasn’t mentioned me going back to the flat, and I haven’t brought the subject up either.

  We have been through so much in such a short amount of time, and I think that we are both just enjoying how uncomplicated our lives are at the moment.

  To make life even simpler, I have just had my last hospital appointment. I didn’t tell Jake about it as he has rearranged his life for me far too much in the last few weeks already. I know that he will be pissed off that I haven’t told him, but I am hoping that the plan that I have forming in my mind will be enough to make up for not telling him.


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