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The Complete Perfect Series

Page 39

by Lindsey Powell

  I have finally been given the all clear, meaning that I can return to work. I am so pleased, and I don’t want to have to see the inside of a hospital again for a long time.

  I am currently stood outside Martin’s office block, waiting for him to start his lunch break. As I wait for Martin, I see Charles walking towards the entrance of the offices.

  Bollocks. I was hoping not to have to see his smug face.

  His gaze zeros in on me and he roams his eyes up and down my body. I cringe and suddenly feel self-conscious that I am flashing too much flesh. I am wearing my denim shorts, black vest top, black cardigan and black converse. The weather is warm, but all of a sudden, I feel a chill wash over me. Charles’ eyes linger on my legs and I feel icky.

  Whatever did I see in him? He’s wearing a tweed suit for fuck’s sake.

  “Well, well, well,” Charles says as he gets closer to me. “Look who it is. Good to see you, Stace.” God, even his voice repulses me. “Come to your senses, have you?”

  “What?” I say abruptly, having no idea what he means.

  “Well, waiting outside my offices, you must have ditched that idiot and come to beg me to take you back.” He comes to a stop in front of me. He is standing far too close and I inch myself back a few paces.

  “If by “idiot” you mean Jake, then no, I haven’t ditched him. We are still very much together. And as for begging you, in your dreams is the only place that that will ever happen.”

  “Shame. You will come to your senses in time, I’m sure.” His cocky expression makes me want to slap him. At that moment, Martin comes out of the building and stands beside me. He looks from me to Charles and a worried expression crosses his face.

  “Martin,” Charles greets him sternly. There is no friendliness to his tone.

  “Mr Montpellior,” Martin replies, clearly in employee mode around his dickhead boss.

  “Don’t be late back from lunch,” Charles states. What an asshole. As far as I am aware, Martin has never been anything other than an exceptional employee, and he has certainly never been late to work.

  “I won’t be, sir,” Martin responds.

  I know that Charles is Martin’s boss, but it makes me so angry that Charles speaks to him like that. I bite my tongue as I don’t want to give Charles any reason to harbour any animosity towards Martin by me saying anything.

  Charles goes to walk into the building but turns back around before he disappears. “When you change your mind, Stacey, you know where to find me.” He smirks and my face screws up in disgust. He walks off laughing to himself.

  “Do I even want to know?” Martin asks me.

  “No. It’s just Charles being his usual arrogant self.”

  “Ah. Say no more then.” Martin hold his arm out and I link my arm through his. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company for lunch?”

  “Well, firstly I wanted to see you seeing as we haven’t caught up since last week, and I still need to make it up to you for being a shitty friend.” Martin laughs, and I smile at him. “Secondly, I do actually need your help with something.”

  “And what could you possibly need my help with?”

  “Let’s go and get some lunch and then I will tell you. My treat.”

  We walk to a cute little deli at the end of the road and as we enter, we choose a table for two that is situated by the window, but private enough for us not to be overheard. A waitress comes over, takes our order, and returns in record time with our drinks. I moan as I take a sip of the full fat Frappuccino that I have sat in front of me.

  “Jeez, baby girl. People are going to start staring if you keep making those noises.” I swat at his arm and move the Frappuccino to one side. “So, come on then, don’t keep me in suspense any longer. What’s going on in that gorgeous mind of yours?”

  “Well, I want to do something nice for Jake. I figure that he deserves a surprise after the shit he has had to put up with over the last few weeks.”

  “Okay, but what exactly is it that I can help you with?”

  “How likely is it that you can get me exclusive access to the Great Ballroom at the Bowden Hall?”

  “That’s easy. I could probably arrange something for you for as early as next week.”

  “Um, that’s not quite what I had in mind.” Martin raises his eyebrow at me. “I was kind of hoping that you would be able to get it for me tonight.”

  “Tonight?” Martin screeches as he splutters his mouthful of milkshake at me. The waitress chooses this moment to bring our sandwiches over and I politely thank her whilst wiping remnants of milkshake off of me.

  “Sorry,” Martin says, looking apologetic and a little amused at the same time. I try to give him a stern look, but I fail miserably as we both burst out laughing. I pick up one of my sandwiches and take a bite.

  “I know that it’s a lot to ask.”

  “A lot to ask? Baby girl, the ballroom is usually booked up months in advance. I would only have been able to get it for you as early as next week because I have contacts.” I pout at him and give him my best puppy-dog-eyes look. “Don’t look at me like that. You know that I’m a sucker for those beautiful blues of yours.”

  “I don’t know anyone else who would be able to swing this for me. Please, Mart, I really just want to show Jake how much he means to me.”

  “Why don’t you tell me exactly what you have got planned, and then I will see what I can do.” I break into a grin, stand up, walk to Martin and throw my arms around him. “Steady on,” Martin says whilst laughing. “I haven’t done anything yet.”

  “If anyone can pull this off then it’s you,” I say.

  Martin’s ego is clearly boosted by my comment. He waves me off of him and I take my seat back at the table and take another bite of my sandwich. I excitedly fill Martin in on what I want to do as we finish our lunch. He thinks that my idea is fantastic, and he is soon on the phone to one of his contacts at the Bowden Hall.

  With the first part of my plan in action, I decide to tackle the second part. I pull my phone out of my handbag and dial Eric’s number.

  “Miss Stacey. Do you need to be picked up?” Eric asks.

  “Not just yet, Eric. I actually need to ask you a favour.”

  “Okay. What might that be?”

  “Before I ask you, I need you to promise that you won’t tell Jake anything I am about to say to you.” There is a moment’s silence before Eric speaks.

  “Well, that depends on what it is that you need to ask me. I don’t like keeping things from Jake.”

  “I know that, but I wouldn’t ask you to keep quiet if it wasn’t important. Jake has been so good to me over the last few weeks and I want to surprise him, and I need you to help me do that. I promise that he will love what I have planned.” I don’t want to give Eric all the sordid details. He is like a father-figure to Jake and I just feel it would be a bit weird for me to tell him exactly what I had planned. There is silence as Eric processes my words.

  “Please, Eric? Jake deserves a night where he can relax and not have to plan every detail himself.” I hold my breath and cross my fingers as I wait for him to answer.

  “You make a good case, Miss Stacey. What is it that you need me to do?” I punch the air in triumph as I reel off instructions to him. “Okay,” he says when I finish telling him what I need him to do. “I will have him there after work.”

  “Thanks, Eric. I owe you one.” I hear Eric laugh on the other end of the line before I hang up.

  Martin signals that we need to leave the deli and I go to the counter to pay the bill. He is still deep in conversation on the phone, and I just hope that means that he is having progress.

  We leave the deli and I walk back to Martin’s work with him. He finishes up his phone call as we reach the entrance.

  “You owe me big time, baby girl. The ballroom is yours for the night.” I let out a squeal of delight and pull Martin into a hug as I thank him over and over again. “Okay, Stace, calm down.”

; “You really are a legend, you know?”

  “Oh, I know,” Martin replies, as modest as ever. “I better get going. Charles will no doubt be watching for my return like a hawk.”

  “It’s a shame that you work for a bastard like him. You’re much too good for his company.”

  “I know, but what can I do? It pays well, and I love my job. Now, enough about that, I want details about how it goes tonight as soon as, baby girl.”

  “Drinks tomorrow night?” I ask.

  “Sounds good. Oh, and if you want to bring that hunk of a man that you are lucky enough to be fucking with you, then please, feel free.” I roll my eyes and tell Martin that I will text him tomorrow to arrange a time to meet. I wave to him as he disappears into the building. If only he could work for someone who would appreciate his talent and good nature.

  I turn and walk in the direction of the high street. I need to do some retail therapy for tonight. My thoughts however keep straying back to Martin and how I wish that I could help him find another place to work…

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “What a shit day,” I say as I collapse into the back of the limo.

  “That bad, huh?” Eric says as he pulls away from the curb and starts to drive.

  “You would think that with all of the money that I pay out for employees, that they would be able to sort out the little problems, but it appears not.”

  I close my eyes and rub my temples as I feel the start of a dull headache approaching. I try to shut my mind off of work and instantly I am flooded by images of Stacey. I can’t wait to get home and bury myself in her. Just the thought of her being at home, waiting for me, has gotten me through the day.

  I picture her petite body with curves in all the right places. Her skin soft and her beautiful face make my cock twitch. I was so lost before she came into my life. It’s nice to have someone to look after and love, rather than just having a life that revolves around work and meaningless sex with women that I would never want to see again.

  I decide to ask Eric to stop at the florists on the way home, so that I can get Stacey some flowers. I open my eyes and am about to ask him, when I notice that we are not going in the direction of my house.

  “Eric, where the fuck are we going?” I ask in an abrupt manner. Eric doesn’t answer me, acting like he hasn’t heard me. I repeat my question, but I still get no response. “Eric, will you tell me what the hell is going on?” Still silence.

  Why the fuck isn’t he answering me?

  I quietly start to seethe with anger at the fact that I am being ignored, and at the fact that I have no idea where he is taking me. I just want to go home and relax.

  With every mile that we drive, I feel myself becoming more agitated. I try a couple more times to ask Eric where it is we are going, but he continues to ignore me, and I keep my eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead.

  I sit forward as Eric takes the turning for the Bowden Hall.

  What the hell are we doing here?

  “Eric, mate, either you tell me what we are doing here, or you’re fired.” I don’t mean it, but I am hoping that it will make him talk. It doesn’t. He still remains silent, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, and I throw my hands up in exasperation.

  We continue down the long driveway and eventually stop in front of the building. I jump out of the limo and wait for Eric to get out of the driver’s seat. He doesn’t. Instead, to my amazement, he starts to drive off.

  What the fuck?

  I am beyond pissed off now. I am going to be having some serious words with him when I next see him. I watch the limo disappear down the driveway and I whirl around to see a young man standing at the entrance to the building. I march up to him and he looks petrified.

  “Young man,” I say, making my tone as demanding as possible. “I need a taxi, and I need it now.” I am aware that I sound like a complete ass, but I don’t care. I’m too mad to care. I just wanted to go home, but instead I have been stranded here, for reasons I cannot fathom.

  “Mr Waters?” the young man stammers in a shaky voice. I frown at him. How does he know who I am?


  “Um, could you please make your way to the Great Ballroom?” he asks me. I am sure that he was supposed to sound more confident than he actually does.

  “Why would I do that?” I am beyond confused.

  Why would I go to the ballroom? Have I forgotten about a meeting? Impossible. I would remember having to come here.

  “There is someone waiting for you, sir.”

  What? This has to be some kind of mistake. Either that or Valerie has fucked up and not told me that I am expected here.

  I let out a puff of air, run my hands through my hair, and I stomp through the entrance and up to the doors of the Great Ballroom. I can barely contain my anger at being here.

  I reach the doors to the ballroom and I push them open with more force than I meant to.

  As the doors swing open, I walk into the room and come to a stop at the sight before me. My mouth drops open as I see that Stacey is here.

  She is here, and she looks fucking edible.

  She is stood by a table that has been set for two, with a smile on her face. My eyes roam up and down her body. She is wearing a red, lace dress that is similar to the one she wore when we were last here. The dress hugs her tight little body and I feel jealous that it gets to do that.

  For fuck’s sake, Waters, it’s a dress. Get a bloody grip.

  She’s wearing come-fuck-me black stilettos and her hair hangs down in loose waves, framing her beautiful face. She looks exquisite.

  “Good evening, Mr Waters,” she purrs at me, making my already alert cock stand to attention. “Would you like to join me for dinner?”

  Would I? Fuck, yeah, I would.

  I make my way towards her, taking long strides, but as I try to reach out to her, she backs away and wags a finger at me.

  “Uh uh,” she says as she shakes her head. “Sit.” She points to one of the chairs at the table. I consider my options. I can ignore her request, grab her, and make her body melt against mine, or I can play along and see where she is going with this. I opt for the latter and I sit down. My anger has completely evaporated. It’s amazing how much this woman can control my emotions without even realising it.

  Stacey sits down opposite me and sips some wine from her glass. I notice that my glass is also full, so I take a few mouthfuls. In front of each of us is a plate that is covered. She gestures for me to uncover my plate and as I do, I start to laugh.

  There on the plate is a meal consisting of a burger and fries. I look to Stacey and she is grinning at me.

  Fuck me, she is stunning.

  Her eyes sparkle as our gazes connect, and desire fizzles through my body. I have to fight the urge to stand up, walk around to her, and kiss her. My cock is twitching and straining against my trousers.

  All in good time, Waters. All in good time.

  “How did you manage to arrange all of this?” I ask her. I’m intrigued to see how she pulled this off. I know that the Bowden Hall is not an easy place to book something unless you have it reserved months in advance. She takes a bite of her food and gives me the most arousing look that I have ever seen.

  “I have my ways, Waters.” She winks at me and then she stands up. I watch her ass sway from side to side as she walks over to a portable CD player that has been put on the front of the stage. She presses a button and the music that played on the night that we danced in here all those weeks ago starts to filter out of the speakers.

  “Would you like to dance?” she asks me. I smile at her and stand up, forgetting about the fact that I haven’t even taken a bite of my food yet.

  Food is the last thing on my mind right now.

  I walk over to her and take her in my arms.

  She feels so good.

  Her body moulds against mine.

  A perfect fit.

  Her hands rest on my biceps and she places her head
on my chest. We dance in silence and I am transported back to the very first time that I danced with her to this song. I smile at the image of her battling to keep her desire in check. She looked just as stunning that night as she does now, and I tighten my arms around her.

  Stacey moves her head off of my chest, stands on tip toes, and puts her lips by my ear. “I have a room booked for the night, and today the doctor gave me the all clear. Feel free to be as rough as you like.”

  Her words send a signal straight to my cock, and my sharp intake of breath makes it obvious that her words have affected me.

  I pull my head back so that I can look at her. “You had a doctor’s appointment today? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You had work to do, and you have done enough for me already.” I am about to respond when she puts her finger over my lips to silence me. “Question time is over, Waters. Now, how about we go and make use of that room that I have booked?” She raises one eyebrow at me in question.

  She doesn’t have to ask me twice.


  I tell Jake which room we are staying in and he leads me to the correct one. I unlock the door using a key card that I obtained earlier, and we walk into the magnificent suite. It’s just as breath-taking to me now as it was when I first saw it earlier today. The gold and cream décor makes it feel elegant and plush. The four-poster bed is huge, and the furnishings are exquisite. The lighting is dim, setting the tone for what is about to happen.

  “I just need to use the bathroom. Make yourself comfortable,” I say to Jake as I make my way to the ensuite. I shut the door behind me, wanting what I am wearing for Jake to be a complete surprise. I put the lingerie in here earlier so that I wouldn’t have to keep either of us waiting for too long.

  I carefully take off the lace dress and hang it on the back of the bathroom door. I then put on the expensive lingerie that I purchased earlier today. I smile as I assess my appearance in the mirror. Barely-there red lace covers my breasts and the thong is so small that it should come with a health warning. I know that Jake will appreciate it though.


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