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Escaping Memories

Page 11

by Amanda Siegrist

  He let her go and nodded at Kat. "Lead the way, sis."

  He gave a delightful wink to Doni, who blushed even more, and a quick wave to Logan. They both retreated from the house, making Doni and Logan alone once more.

  "That's the second time you made Seth feel better. Those two are like oil and water. They fight so much, I have no idea how they made it two years together," Logan said, putting a cup away this time.

  Doni walked leisurely to the kitchen, trying to stop the rapid beating of her heart at the way Logan just glanced at her. "Why do they fight?"

  "I don't know. Seth never really says. He always avoids talking about it. When she's around they always seem happy, but occasionally they bicker even around us. Little things like who's driving and who's drinking that night. No reason to argue over something like that. I sometimes see jealousy in his eyes when another man looks at her. And when I glance at Stacy, she eyes the other guy I think just to piss off Seth. I honestly don't know what their problem is."

  "He said she didn't cheat." Doni grabbed a towel just lying on the edge of the counter and picked up a fork from the drip-dry.

  "And I believe him. I'm sure she does it just to piss him off. Like I said, I don't know why they fight like they do. It's his problem and if he doesn't want to talk about it, I'm not going to pry," Logan said, pulling open the silverware drawer for her to put the fork away.

  "Do you like her? For him, I mean."

  "I don't mind her. When they're happy, they're a decent couple. But they fight too much. Honestly, I think he just needs to grow up a bit. He's only twenty-five. There's no need to make each other jealous. He does it, too."

  "Why aren't you married, Logan?" Doni asked, picking up another fork, her attention focused on the pronged device as if it were buried treasure.

  "Never found a woman worth marrying." Logan grabbed the fork, brushing her fingers.

  "Have you had a serious relationship before?"

  Logan put the fork away, grabbing a spoon this time. "Once. When I lived in Minneapolis. We dated for about two years, and when I got the feeling I needed to leave the city, she wasn't willing to follow. I just couldn't take living in the big city anymore. I like my hometown. Not sure why I ever left. It was a good experience for me to leave, but I wouldn't leave again."

  "Well, she was dumb for not following you. Even after a week I can say that with certainty."

  "Is this part of you seducing me?" Logan said, shoving the silverware drawer closed with his hip.

  "No. Would you like it to be?" Doni glanced at the drip-dry, noticing all the dishes were put away.

  "Well, it sends a warm feeling through me to hear such words." Logan caressed her cheek, just as suddenly dropping it. "I wish I could ask you the same questions. What happens if you're married?"

  "I'm not. And no, I don't remember. Just a very, very, very strong feeling I have. At this point, the way you make me feel, if I am, I think I'd still follow you. I'm not dumb," Doni said, keeping eye contact even as she wanted to look away from his gaze.

  His hand went back to her cheek. "No, you aren't dumb, honey."

  "About tomorrow…when are we going to see Dr. Matthews? He's a persistent man. It would be good for you to see him again. Maybe it'll help those memories come back as well." He held his breath as he waited for her answer. He hated bringing things like this up. He needed to, though, especially after Kat mentioned it.

  "I'm fine. I don't need to see him again."

  "Just think about it. He can come to the house, remember. I'll stay with you the entire time."

  "Sure, Logan, I'll think about it." She lowered her eyes. She didn't want to think about that right now. She didn't want to worry about any of that. She had another fierce problem burning through her mind.

  "I said I was going to seduce you, Logan. I don't know how to do that. I guess I lost my memory on that sort of thing as well. I'm getting tired. Do you want to lay down with me?"

  "I think you have a fine understanding of how to seduce. You're breaking me as we stand here." Logan didn't wait for a response as he grabbed the other side of her face and pulled her in for a kiss. It was slow, deliberate, and sweet. He knew she didn't want to talk about Dr. Matthews. He suddenly didn't want to either. He wanted to whisk her away to the bedroom and explore the intensity sparking between them.

  When he pulled away from her succulent lips, her eyes opened unhurried as her body jolted closer to him. "I know we have a sort of pull towards each other...but...but I'd never make you do something you don't want to do. If you're really worried about me being married, I'll stop my silly talk."

  Logan grabbed her around the waist without a thought or care, settling her into the immediate arousal she invoked in him anytime she offered a simple smile or tender eye his way.

  "I can't say I'm not worried. But I also said the moment you went into my arms it didn't matter. You've been in my arms how many nights now. Maybe just for sleeping, but as each day passes I find it harder to resist you. You don't have to touch me to seduce me. You do it simply with your sweet, innocent words, honey."

  He waved a hand over her hair and down her back. "I know you don't like feeling confined. And the dark...isn't your favorite. I want you comfortable. I want you to feel safe. Where do you want to sleep? My room...or the living room?"

  Her hand trembled that rested on his hip. "Your room is big. Not that big...and the dark...doesn't bother me."

  "Honesty. Remember? Don't go backtracking on me now, honey. I can keep the bedroom door open, or we can make a bed in the living room. And no matter where we sleep, I can keep a light on."

  "Kat says I should face my fears."

  "Kat ain't here. And I'm the one who holds you as you cry out those fears. And I sure in the hell don't want them to increase because you're feeling uncomfortable where you're sleeping."

  "How did I get so lucky to break into your cabin? I don't deserve you, Logan. I don't," Doni cried as she pressed her face into his chest.

  "You deserve the world. If you let me, I'll give you the world."

  "Oh, I'll let you. Quit resisting me, Sheriff." Doni pressed her face harder into his chest.

  "I'm done resisting, honey. You've done your seducing and I'm a full-on goner. Tell me where to set up camp. I'm ready for bed," Logan whispered as he leaned down towards her neck and pressed a light kiss.

  Doni trembled from the soft kiss, sinking further into his frame, wanting to melt into him. "Can we try a your room? I want to try."

  "Anything for you. We'll leave the door open."

  Doni leaned back, squeezing his shirt behind his back. "Then I'm ready for bed. I still don't think I do this seducing right. Can you show me what you would do?"

  Logan ran a flustered hand over his face, chuckling, as he saw her expression when he finished. "You're still seducing me with your words, honey. I don't think we're going to have one little problem when we hit those sheets.

  Chapter 8

  Logan turned on the bathroom light, closing the door halfway. "How's that? You want me to open the door a little more?"

  Doni shook her head. "That's fine. It's silly really. The dark shouldn't even bother me."

  Logan hopped in bed and pulled her close as he leaned on his elbow, half-leaning over her body. "It's not silly. We both know why it bothers you. It's understandable. Don't be ashamed of that. It's not your fault. Anything that happened to you is not your fault."

  "Are you su—"

  Logan pressed his lips over her mouth to stop the mad words from leaving. He didn't coax her to open, but managed to get his point across when he felt her relax a bit.

  "Don't ever think you did something to deserve what happened. I won't let you think like that. Nobody deserves that. Don't ever talk like that again, Doni." Logan brushed a hand over her hair to sweep a bit off her cheek.

  "Doni? I feel like a child being reprimanded by a parent. Call me honey," she said softly, running a hand down his arm.

  "You needed
a bit of reprimanding. Tomorrow might be tough," he said, brushing another hand down the same path over her hair.


  "I told you. People gossip. I have a strong feeling a lot of visitors will stroll through the sheriff's office tomorrow. They're curious about you. About us. I'm not really known around these parts to date women."

  " date men?" she asked with a curious smile.

  He chuckled as he stole another quick kiss. "No, not what I meant. I mean I haven't had a girlfriend or taken any women from town out on a date in a long time. If I do indulge with a woman, it's always from another town. I don't mind telling people to mind their business, but sometimes it's easier to avoid that by just making sure I give them nothing to mind about. I can say with complete certainty that people know I am quite taken with you. Everyone's curiosity is already peaked. They'll be swarming the sheriff's office like nobody's business tomorrow. Can you handle that? I don't want anything upsetting you."

  "Right now, being in your arms, I can say it won't upset me. Tomorrow might tell a different story. Why don't you date anyone from town?"

  "Because it's a damn small town and I know everyone in it. Not one woman appeals to me. In my younger years I dated a few, but they were never the one." He ran a tender hand down her arm and back up, skimming the side of her breast. "I've known you about a week and the feelings I have for you are stronger than any woman I've ever dated. That's the only reason I keep forgetting I'm the sheriff and that you're in my bed."

  "That's how I feel. You make me feel safe, wanted, and...special. You're so attentive to my needs. That feels new. I don't think any other man ever treated me like you do. I want you, Logan. Most importantly, I just want to make sure you always hold me. Don't ever stop that."

  He pulled her closer, squeezing her into his embrace. "I'll never stop holding you. I like it too damn much."

  She squeezed him back, running a soft hand down his back. To her delicious surprise, for the first time, he came to bed with just boxers on. Perhaps she did a good job of seducing him, even though she didn't really try that hard. Was this his way of saying they would take it further than they normally did? Was he ready to stop resisting her? She loved the feel of his skin. Just like his hands, he was soft to the touch. She felt him shake under her hand.

  "Are you cold, Logan?"

  "I think you know I'm not. Are you sure, honey? Are you sure you don't want to wait?" he asked, cupping her cheek, rubbing his thumb over her smooth face. "Once I take a little piece of you, I may never let you go."

  "Take me, Logan. I don't want you to ever let me go." She pressed further into him, trailing a hand over to his arm and onto his chest.

  "Damn, honey, you're so beautiful." He pressed his lips to her mouth, her opening without resistance. As his tongue tangled with hers, he moved within her arms until he hovered over her delicate body. The kiss deepened like it had on the porch, making him press into her, begging for the clothing to disappear.

  He raised his body, pulling her shirt up and over her with ease. "Nasty barrier between us." He took his time looking over her beautiful body. Even though the bathroom provided light, the bedroom still had a hint of darkness, but he saw them without effort. Some bruises had yet to fade.

  "I don't want to hurt you." He pressed a tender kiss to a bruise just under her breast.

  "It doesn't hurt. Your touch soothes. When you walk away is when it flairs to pain," she whispered as she grabbed his hand and pressed it to the same bruise he kissed. "Soothe my pain away, Logan."

  "Damn, honey, you have no idea what you do to me." He lowered his head, peppering kisses all over her abdomen, and wherever a bruise or scratch still lingered.

  Having touched every injury he could see, he dove in where he'd been dying to explore for over a week. He took a nipple into his mouth, suckling with pleasure as he caressed her breast. Her delightful moan sent a rippling fire throughout his body. If his hesitations before he entered the bed were still there, they disappeared the moment she uttered that soft, beautiful moan. While he loved and doted on her breast, taking turns with each one, he brought his hand down to her waist, slipping a hand under her panties, pushing them down somewhat as he did.

  One of the first things to enter his mind was the slick wetness that hit his fingers. He groaned in delight as he rubbed a finger over her soft mound and dipped in. She arched her body with a soft cry of pleasure as he pulled his finger out and delving back in again. As she moved with his hand, after a few small strokes, he dove in with two fingers, bringing the pleasure out of her with a slow effort.

  He lifted his head, taking in her spirited face. Her eyes were closed, her hands clenching the bedsheets as he worked the magic with his fingers. "You're so beautiful. You feel so beautiful." Before she could utter a word, he kissed her lips, continuing the slow assault on her body. The more she moved beneath him, the harder he became. His hard erection pulsed with need, to consume her with a desired frenzy, but he waited. He wanted her completely sated with pleasure before he took for himself.

  Soon, he felt her moving under his body, the movements becoming faster, her breathing becoming more ragged. He grabbed another kiss, plunging his tongue deep as his fingers deepened inside her. Suddenly, she bit his lip lightly as the waves of desire exploded throughout her. He didn't remove his hand from below until her body relaxed underneath him.

  "Oh, Logan...I want more," she whispered as he bent his head, kissing her neck.

  "Let me help you with that," he said with a smile as he removed her panties.

  She smiled back as she watched him shuck his boxers off and move over to his nightstand, pulling open a drawer. "Your need to help...yes, I like this need of yours to help right now."

  "Well, I am the sheriff. I aim to help," he said with a grin as he ripped open the condom package he grabbed.

  "I want to help, too." She grabbed the condom before he could protest and gently covered him, relishing in the slight groan he made as she touched his heat with a slow caress. "Did I help you properly, Logan?"

  "Oh, honey, you can help me anytime." He shifted over her body, positioning right where he wanted to be. Any lingering doubts he had, completely vanished. He wanted her. He had a strong feeling he would for the rest of his life.

  He kissed her hard on the lips as he pushed into her slowly. He felt her intake of breath as her body protested feeling his hard presence. "I won't hurt you. Slow and easy, sweetheart. I promise." He pulled out, pushing in again, a little further this time, still taking it slow.

  "I know you won't. It feels good, Logan. Don't stop, please," she said, running her hands down his back to his butt. She grabbed on, helping the slow process as he entered her inch by inch. When he pulled out and started slowly again, she decided she had enough and grabbed his butt harder, meeting his slow thrust.

  He groaned into her ear as he completely entered her deep inside. "Oh, honey, you feel so good. I may not last long. I need you now."

  "Need away, Logan."

  At first, he slowly moved within her, taking his time. But the more he moved, the more she moved with him, his movements became faster. He needed this. He needed this passion. She matched him every time he thrust deep into her. She felt so good beneath him. His mind went over every memory of her sweet smile, her soft laugh, and caring words. As he felt his body tingling with burning desire, he knew the next round he would cover every inch of her body with kisses. He needed to soothe the pain of every wound that littered her body. A sudden impulse that he knew he would accomplish before the night was over.

  As she held on tight to him, he felt her pleasure rising in tune to his as he pumped one more time before they came together in a glorious bliss. He fell onto her delicate body with heavy breaths. He kissed her neck twice before he lifted onto his elbows.

  "You should've seduced me a long time ago. I've never felt anything like that, honey."

  "Now you tell me," she said with a small laugh. "No regrets?"

  "No. And
as soon as I get rid of this condom, I'm going to soothe every little scratch and bruise on your beautiful body. You might not get any sleep tonight."

  "Soothe away, Logan."


  Logan parked the truck, switching the ignition off before turning towards her. "You ready? Promise me you'll let me know if you feel uncomfortable. I don't want you feeling overwhelmed."

  "I promise. Are...are you leaving me at the office while you go—"

  "No. No, honey, I won't leave. I have paperwork to go over, which I'm sure Derek left for me to handle. I will only leave if it's a dire emergency."

  Doni clasped her hands together, trying to wring them inconspicuously. Logan noticed, grabbing her hands. "There's nothing to worry about. You don't have to be here if you don't want to."

  She lightly squeezed his hands as she saw his concern filter out of his eyes. "I need to do this. I need to find some answers. I need...I need to quit relying on you. It's not right."

  "You can rely on me anytime. Not just because I'm the sheriff, but because I care about you. What happened last night...if I didn't care, that would have never happened. You can have the need to do anything you want, find answers, get over your fears, meet new people, but I draw the line at not needing me. Do you hear me, honey?"

  She nodded her head as she saw a bulky woman with gray hair and a sharp gait headed their way. Logan saw her eyes trailing away, glancing out his window, wincing at the already too-soon onslaught that would surely permit throughout the day. "Get ready, darling, it's about to start." He let her hand go, not before he gave her one last squeeze of strength, and exited the car without a trace of his apprehension for her.

  "Mrs. Dunburry, good morning." Logan gave a quick perusal to his right, noticing Doni had exited the car without a fuss, rounding the truck to meet the newcomer.

  "Sheriff, how are you this bright, sunny morning?" Mrs. Dunburry rushed out, fixing her attention quickly to Doni. "And you, my dear, to whom do I have the pleasure of meeting? I don't believe I've ever seen the sheriff arrive with such a beautiful woman on his way to work. Have you, Sheriff?"


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