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Escaping Memories

Page 12

by Amanda Siegrist

  Logan lifted a brow, amused at her not-so-subtle tack. "You know, Mrs. Dunburry, I don't believe I have. This is Doni. And I'd explain who she is, but I think we all know that you know who she is." Logan's eyes crinkled with charm, as Mrs. Dunburry didn't even flinch at the outspoken words.

  "Your mother taught you better manners than to point that out, Sheriff. I shall pretend I heard nothing of the sort." Mrs. Dunburry pierced her lips in mock disgust, turning her eyes back to Doni. "You, my dear, are the talk of the town. In a good way, of course. I run the little lovely boutique just a few shops down from the Sheriff's department. Now, if you ever need a break from this wily man, you just mosey on down. We're not shy around these parts."

  Doni, despite her nerves running wild, smiled with earnest. "Thank you, Mrs. Dunburry, for the kind welcome. I would love to see your boutique at some point."

  "Oh, wonderful. I shall see you later then. I'm off now. I have to open the shop. I just happened to see you two just sitting there and had to introduce myself."

  "It's always a pleasure to see you, Mrs. Dunburry," Logan said, placing a hand on Doni's back without thought.

  Mrs. Dunburry's eyes zoomed to the tender touch, her smile widening to a degree that Logan had never seen before. He almost removed his hand, but knew it didn't matter now. And what did it matter if the whole town saw a simple public display of affection. Not that a simple hand on her back showed much affection, but nonetheless, it spoke volumes in this town. She was living under his roof, for goodness sakes. He imagined many rumors were already flying at that fact. Might as well let them get the facts straight right off the bat. Doni was important to him and he had no issues showing that fact. Not after last night. He knew once he fully consumed her body, he wouldn't be able to walk away. Now he couldn’t walk away.

  "Hmm...mmm...Sheriff, a pleasure, as always. Have a lovely day. I will see you later, Doni dear." Mrs. Dunburry abruptly turned around without waiting for a reply and headed towards her shop to the right.

  Logan guided Doni to the left, gliding his hand from her back to her hip, shifting her perfectly into his arms as they walked along. "You know, she didn't just happen to see us sitting there. She was lying in wait, I'm sure. It's going to be like this all day. Nosy busybodies. If it'll be too much, just say the word."

  "She was nice, Logan. Strangely, I was nervous until she spoke. She was refreshing. I can handle this. If I get to the point I can't, I will let you know."

  He almost stopped in his tracks, but his feet kept moving, albeit a bit slower. "So, you are going to visit her later? Is that what I'm hearing?"

  "Perhaps. Is that okay? I..." Doni hesitated, stopping right before they reached the door. "I don't know what it was, but...she reminded me of someone. It's right there on the tip of my brain, wanting to reach out and shout it to me. I think, maybe, talking to more people, seeing more of my surroundings, things will come back to me. That's what we want, right?"

  The eagerness in her eyes reached out and tugged at Logan's heart. "Right."

  "So you're not mad?"

  "I would never be mad about that. I just don't want you overwhelmed or anything, that's all."

  She placed a soft hand onto his chest, right over his heart, staring as if she could see right into his soul. "I'm not sure what I did to ever deserve such a man like you." She looked up into his eyes shining the same intense emotion as she heard pouring from his lips. "I swear you will be the first person I go to if it's all too much."

  Logan felt like saying more, but chose a simple response. "Then I hope you enjoy your time with Mrs. Dunburry. If you're dying for gossip about the town, she's your go-to gal. Do you like gossip?" His lips curled into a devilish smile, thinking as he asked, his sweet Doni didn't seem like the type to indulge in such nonsense.

  "I don't know." Her lips curled to mirror his features.

  He dropped his hand from her waist, pulling it up to her cheek in a smooth, natural custom that had become second nature to him. He loved feeling her skin, especially her cheeks that reminded him of porcelain. So delicate. So breakable. "You haven't said that in a while. I thought we got past 'I don't know'. But by that devious look in your eyes, I'd say you were doing it on purpose. Watch it, honey. I may just kiss you right here and really give the town something to talk about."

  She took a step closer, breathing in his heavenly scent. A wonderful aroma of outdoor air, pine, and something minty. "I truly don't know. But perhaps I enjoy teasing you a bit."

  "Well, do the teasing inside, girly. I'll have you know, Sheriff, I've already gotten a suspect call coming from Mo-Mo's. And I know for damn sure it had nothing to do with his shipment of supplies that are late in its delivery this morning," Charlotte said with one hand on her hip and the other holding the door open."If you two are done with the not-so-subtle public display of affection, which I might add I've never seen you do, Logie, then perhaps we can start the day. I hear you like coffee, Doni. A dash of milk with a spoon full of sugar. It's getting cold. I'm Charlotte." With that, she stepped to the side still holding the door open.

  "The queen of all queens that I told you about, honey. Don't worry. Her bark doesn't turn into a bite. Right, Char-Char," Logan said, raising a brow as he walked by her with a tender smile, one hand guiding Doni in front of him.

  "Don't call me Char-Char, Sheriff," Charlotte said, following them inside, rounding the counter with quick precision.

  "Then don't call me Logie. Why was Mo calling exactly?"

  "Wanting the scoop on you...and her. But of course, he claimed it was about the deliveryman being late. Don't worry. I nipped it in the butt. Coffee's still getting cold, Doni," Charlotte said, piercing a long stare at Doni, who stood frozen in place. She started snapping her fingers in earnest. "Doni? Is she alright, Logan?"

  He turned towards Doni, noting the shocked expression on her face. It's as if her lips had halted in mid-speak, forming a circle that could catch fly's all day.

  "Honey, what's the matter?" Logan grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her gaze away from Charlotte, hating the pale-hue that was starting to cover her skin. "Shit, darling, you're really starting to scare me. What's going on? I knew this would be too much. Talk to me, don't scare me like this."

  His heart plummeted to the floor when she continued to stare at nothing in particular, her eyes glazed with shock. Silence reigned in the room, making him regret bringing her with. He knew this would be too much for her. He hated the expression still marring her face. He hated himself for letting it happen. He hoped he would be able to pull her back from wherever her mind had wandered. As he called her name again, no recognition in her eyes, he feared it might be impossible.

  Chapter 9

  "Charlie, the red princess," Doni finally blurted.

  Logan's face contorted into confusion, and relief. "What are you talking about? Who's Charlie?"

  "I remember we used to call her Char, the red princess. She loved the color red. She always wore red in her outfits. That's why we called her the red princess. She loved the title. It made her feel special, superior even, almost wanting you to bow down to her. I laughed in her face when she actually said it to me one time jokingly. Funny thing, I don't think she was really joking. I hated her. She was such a bitch." Doni said the last bit in a whisper as she turned her head towards Charlotte. "Not that I think you are. You're not. That's not what I meant."

  Charlotte waved a hand in the air with nonchalance. "Please, I can be when I really want to."

  "What else do you remember?" Logan asked, his heart beating a little faster at the first, true memory she finally had. He liked that she had a memory. He didn't like how it had pulled her away from him.

  "That's it. Just bits and pieces of her. Mostly nasty ones, but she had brief moments of pleasantry. I...I'm sorry for scaring you. It's said Char-Char and it suddenly assaulted my brain. Just this memory, zapping into me, that I...I didn't know what to do but absorb it."

  "Quit apologizing for things. You'
ve nothing to be sorry about. This is a good thing. Remembering things is a very good thing." Logan rubbed her shoulders, trying to ease a bit of her tension that had formed from the sudden onslaught. "What's Charlie's last name?"

  "I don't know." She smiled lightly, placing a hand over his heart as she had outside. "Before you say anything, I didn't say that in a teasing manner. I don't remember her last name, or anything else personal about her. Just fragments of interactions."

  "Well, get over here and drink your coffee before it gets spitting cold. The day's a-wasting. Moment's over. She's fine, Sheriff. You have a few phone calls to make, paperwork to complete, and you know, crap, just waiting for you on your desk, just how you like it. She'll be fine with me."

  Logan watched as Charlotte's lips lifted into a gentle smile that told him she would look out for Doni. He knew she saw the worry plastered all over his face about letting Doni out of his eyesight. And he was worried. He wouldn't deny it if she asked. He didn't want to walk away. He didn't want to go to his office while she stayed up front for all the vultures to get to her before he had a chance to stop them. He would be too far away to stop anything, tucked away in his little office. He kept eye contact with Charlotte, seeing the affirmation in her eyes that she would keep Doni safe. He believed her. Charlotte could be ruthless when she wanted to be.

  "Right. You're right, Charlotte." Logan glanced back at Doni. "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine. I could use that coffee, and you heard Charlotte, you have things to do. Don't be late on my account. My first memory...a little shocking. I'm better now. The next memory should go better. See, meeting new people will help."

  "Just don't overdo it. Just...take it easy. You're still healing and whatnot," Logan said, rubbing a hand down his face in a quick fashion.

  She grabbed his hand before he could make another sweep, this time through his hair. "Quit worrying. I know I act fragile, but I'm not. I can handle this. Each day I feel myself getting stronger. Please, don't worry."

  He almost pulled her into his arms, but stopped short seeing Charlotte in his peripheral vision. "You know me so well already. I'm going to worry anyway." He squeezed her hand, glancing towards Charlotte. "Don't let it become a circus in here. No one's allowed in the door unless it's official business. Are we clear?"

  "Crystal. Now shoo. We have things to do." Charlotte motioned with her hands that he should venture away from their domain.

  Logan squeezed Doni's hand one more time before reluctantly releasing it. "My office is down this hallway, last door. Come visit me later."

  "Okay. Go on. I'll be fine." She gave him a sweet smile that spoke of bravery, yet he knew better. She was terrified, but putting on a good show for Charlotte. Her strength never failed to amaze him. So beautiful.

  He nodded, then walked away before he did something stupid. Like whisk her back to his truck, to his home, and right into his bed. That idea sounded more appealing than whatever waited for him in his office.

  Doni waited until he rounded the corner, and then made her way behind the counter by Charlotte. She grabbed the mug that Charlotte held out and took a sip. "Mmm...not too cold yet. Thank you. How did you know how I like my coffee?"

  "It's a small town. Not much stays a secret." Charlotte started whipping her fingers on the keyboard, then turned her head sharply at Doni with a small cunning smile. "Plus, I talked to Kat. She told me."

  Doni lightly laughed at that. "That makes sense. I like Kat. She's been great. Logan told me how much work you've been doing combing through missing persons. Thank you. You have no idea how much that means. I feel so lost."

  "I can imagine. I feel like I know you so well, your face is ingrained in my mind I've looked at it so much this past week trying to match it. I feel terrible I haven't found anything." Charlotte sighed deeply, then straightened her back into a tight posture. "We'll find who you are. Don't you worry. Logan's one of the best sheriff's we've ever had. Not to mention, he's fallen hard for you. Thought I'd never see the day. He's quite a catch around these parts. So many have tried to wrangle that man in. None have succeeded."

  "He's a wonderful, kind, generous man. I can see why he's a catch. Have you tried to nab him yourself?"

  Charlotte laughed a deep rich laugh. "Damn, girl, and here I thought you were a timid little thing. Coming right out and staking your claim. I like that. But to answer your question, no, I've never tried. He's a great boss, a great person, but never held my interest in a sexual way. Which is a pity. He's a damn fine looking man. Such a sweet guy. I tell him all the time he's a damn softie. I like a little hardness in my men. He'll treat you right. If not, I'll hang him from his balls."

  Doni smiled at Charlotte's candid words. "I have no worries about how he'll treat me. Thanks for your kindness in defending my honor."

  "Us girls have to stick together." Charlotte winked, turning back to her computer. "So, your eyes will gloss over after a while going from photo to photo, but I have a decent routine down. I set up another computer for you right next to me. I've already gone through the state of Minnesota and nada. Although, Kat mentioned to look outside based on her little game she played with you. I've also completed the Dakota's, nada as well. I just started on Wisconsin. You want Iowa or Illinois?"

  Doni took a seat next to her, scooting her chair closer to the desk. "So we're basically starting around Minnesota and working our way out?" Charlotte nodded once, Doni eyeing her with an expression she couldn't quite read. "I'll take Iowa."

  She saw the horrible picture of her taped to the wall in front of them and grimaced. "Can we at least take a new picture of me? I look frightening in that one."

  Charlotte chuckled as she grabbed the picture, crumbling it up with ease, and tossed it into the wastebasket without looking behind her. "Who needs a picture? I have the real thing right next to me. Let's get to work. I bet you're dying to know who you are."

  Doni smiled, shaking her head with vigor anticipation. The mystery surrounding her was a little overwhelming. She did want to know who she was, but then again, it scared her senseless. What happens if she didn't like the answer they found? The fear of finally knowing almost outweighed the want to know.

  The morning flew by, and before Doni knew it, Kat whisked through the front doors. "Okay, how bad has it been today?"

  Doni glanced up from the computer and gave her a small grimace. "Not too bad."

  "Then what was the nasty face for?"

  "Really, Kat. It wasn't too bad. A few people tried to butt their noses in, but I stopped them short. I take my job seriously," Charlotte said, leaning back in her chair, stretching her muscles a bit.

  Satisfied with that, yet noting Doni's tired frown, Kat shook her head once with relief. "Good. Ready for lunch? I actually think the clinic has been super busy today. People must think I'll dish out better than the real thing," Kat said with a shake of her head.

  "I'm sorry, Kat," Doni said, standing up with the frown more prominent.

  "Better me than you, Doni. Don't worry about a thing. Are you coming with, Charlotte?"

  Charlotte shook her head no, standing up as Doni walked by her. "No. I brought my lunch and I have to man the fort here. You two have fun."

  Doni smiled, hesitantly glancing towards the hallway that would lead her to Logan's office. He had ventured out quite a few times checking on her, making sure she was comfortable. Each time she gave him a warm smile and reassuring words. She didn’t want to tell him she was feeling a bit apprehensive, a bit claustrophobic by the few visitors that straggled in. She knew he needed to work. She didn't want to be a burden. She needed to be strong. For him. He liked it when she was strong. And she wanted more memories to flood her brain. They didn't, though. Not one. Only one lame memory of a woman she remembered as being callous and shallow. What a horrible first memory! What did that say about her life? Is that why she couldn't remember? She lived such a horrible life that it wasn't worth remembering.

  Kat saw her slow movements, grabbing her hand with quick
anticipation. "Let's go. I'm starving." She dragged Doni outside. They started down the sidewalk in a comfortable silence, even as Doni's mind and emotions tumbled in crashing waves. Kat held open the diner's door, making her way to a table before anyone could guide her there.

  "Seriously, how bad has it been?" Kat asked as she grabbed the menus from behind the stand holding the salt and pepper shakers, handing one to Doni.

  "Well, as Logan liked to call them, nosy busybodies, only a few ventured in. They made silly excuses why they walked in, but Charlotte didn't let any of them speak to me. And really, I kept silent the whole time. It was a bit unnerving. What's the big deal? Is it because I have no idea who I am? Or because I'm with Logan?"

  "Are you with Logan? Or just staying with him?" Kat asked, hating the terrified look that entered Doni's eyes, but she had to ask.

  "I..." Doni stopped before any more words could escape when a petite woman with light blond hair and pale blue eyes walked up to the table.

  "Hey, Callie, we need a few more minutes to look over the menus," Kat said, tapping the menu with a strum of fingers.

  "No problem. Can I get you something to drink?" Callie said, glancing between the two, but making no obvious effort to linger her gaze on Doni.

  "Ice tea for me. Doni?" Kat said, glancing at Doni.

  "Water's fine," Doni replied, avoiding eye contact with Callie, who nodded once and walked away without another word.

  "She's not a gossiper. She's been in the spotlight before here and would never do that to you," Kat said, noticing Doni's confused expression as she watched Callie walk away.

  "Well, I don't like the gossip either, I decided, since the annoying people who tried this morning. What's the point?"

  "Nothing better to do, I guess. Who knows? Some people just can't help themselves." Kat tucked her menu away, already knowing what she wanted. "Back to my question about Logan. You can answer now."


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