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Escaping Memories

Page 17

by Amanda Siegrist

  "Nope, not today, Evan. Are you here alone?" Logan asked, making a quick cursory glance around the garage, not spotting anyone.

  "Yeah, slow morning. Working on a few cars, but nothing strenuous at the moment. Barry went two towns over for some parts we need. Is there a problem?" Evan asked, sniffing his nose as he wiped a hand underneath it.

  "Look, Evan, I'm just doing my job. Please, take no offense. I had a word with your dad today, and well, I didn't get very far."

  Evan laughed with disgust. "You honestly didn't expect to, I hope. He's my dad and I never get very far with him. Probably the reason I never go over there and try to avoid him at all costs. What did he do?"

  Logan started to raise his hand and dropped it. "Nothing, at least, nothing that I can prove, or…look, you heard about Doni, right?"

  "Yeah, of course. Seth told me about her. He had to leave yesterday in the middle of helping me with some tough brakes to hang with her. I get it. She's going through something. You're working the case and worried about her. That's the impression I got from Seth."

  "He came over last night so I could go check out a lead. We found where she was held. We found it on your dad's property." Logan figured he should quit fooling around and get straight to the point. "I'm not accusing your father of anything and I'm surely not accusing you of anything. But does anything about a cellar of sorts in the woods on your dad's property ring a bell to you? We had a hard time finding it, but we found it."

  Evan rocked on his feet like he wanted to take a step back, but thought better of it. "You think my dad…me…had something to do with Doni?"

  "I don't think anything right now. I'm just doing my job following leads and asking questions. If you think this is easy for me, it's not, Evan. I've known you a long time and I know you're a good guy. You're one of Seth's best friends. But I have to ask questions. Please don't make this harder than it should be."

  "I have no idea what you're talking about. My dad likes to hunt. I don't like the woods. You know I'm not the outdoorsman type. I don't know anything about this cellar you're talking about. And my dad surely wouldn't share with me. Wayne's his favorite. He always went hunting with him. I'm the no-good, piece of shit, worthless son, who can't do a damn thing right. I'm pretty sure that's word for word coming from his mouth."

  "Have you heard from Wayne? Last I knew, he hightailed it out of town ten years ago and hasn't been seen around these parts since."

  "Best thing he ever did was hightail it out of here. He wasn't any better than my dad with the way he treated me. He's probably sitting in some prison. Maybe running his name will tell you where he is," Evan said with a deep loathing.

  "Have you seen anything strange around the property? Seen anyone who doesn't belong? Anything helpful for me, Evan?" Logan asked, trying to keep the slight desperation out of his voice.

  "Like I said, Sheriff, I don't really go near my dad. If I see something, I'll let you know," Evan said, wiping his hands on his rag again.

  His voice told Logan he had nothing else to say, which for some reason, raised Logan's suspicions from none to high. Evan was hiding something. Logan knew it with every breath in his body. But trying to pry it out of him right now would never happen. He knew when to retreat and develop a better plan.

  "Thanks for your time, Evan. Like I said, I meant no offense. When is the last time you've seen your dad?"

  "Does it matter?"

  "I only ask because he mentioned your mom a few times, in the sense that she was still around. Just wondering for his health's sake," Logan said with a shrug, trying to get back on better ground with his brother's best friend.

  "Honestly, Sheriff, I'm not really sure I'd care if he was sick. But he's always talked to Mom like she's there since she passed away. I wouldn't doubt if she is hanging around haunting him. He was just as much of a bastard to her that he is to me. I have work to finish."

  Logan nodded once and headed back to his truck, pulling his phone out as he climbed in. He watched Evan turn around to the shop and wheel himself under a car as if Logan hadn't been asking difficult questions. He dialed Seth's number as he drove away, groaning in frustration when Seth still refused to answer his call.


  Logan entered his house with a smile on his face, the first one of the day to grace his features. Doni immediately dropped the rag she had been holding to wipe the dishes dry and flung herself into his arms. He embraced her with as much enthusiasm as she displayed, thinking as he did, that he could get used to this sort of routine. A long day at work just to come home to a beautiful, delightful woman who was excited to see him.

  "How was your day, honey?" Logan asked, grabbing a kiss before he followed her into the kitchen.

  "Nice. Kat and I played some cards, did our nails, watched some TV, and you know, girl stuff," she said, picking her towel back up and continued the chore of putting the dishes away.

  Kat walked into the kitchen having come from the bathroom and went straight for the fridge. "Need something to drink, Logan?"

  "No, not yet." He leaned his long body against the counter, watching as Doni fluttered around the kitchen as if she belonged there.

  "How was your day, Logan? You look tired," Doni commented as she put several plates away.

  "A little, it was a long day. Not much headway either," Logan muttered, crossing his arms as the sudden urge to run his hand down his face came over him. He knew it was a quick giveaway on his emotions and he didn't need to fuel Doni or Kat with how he truly felt at the moment.

  "Do you want to talk about it? What have you found? Did you go back into the woods?" Doni asked with a tremble in each word.

  "Nothing for you to worry about. Why don't I grill some steaks? I'll go start up the grill." Logan pushed himself off the counter and headed for the sliding door adjacent to the kitchen table. Doni's eyes trailed him as he stepped outside, a worrying frown increasing with each step he took.

  Kat watched as her brother started the process of getting the grill prepared and didn't miss the rigidness of his motions. He normally enjoyed firing up the grill, cooking his meals with the robust flavor charcoals added to the food.

  "I think he had a bad day. You think he found something terrible out? Maybe something bad about me," Doni said between short breaths as the worry turned into panic.

  Kat gave her a quick hug for reassurance and guided her to the pantry. "You were dying to make some cookies earlier. I think now is a wonderful time to do that. Logan loves cookies and it just might cheer him up. I do think he had a slightly rough day, but I guarantee it had nothing to do with the fact something bad popped up about you. He wouldn't hold something like that from you. Trust me."

  Doni inhaled a deep breath to calm her nerves and opened the pantry. "You're right, Kat. I'm being silly."

  "I'm gonna have a quick chat with Logan. You get started on those cookies." Kat received a small smile in return and headed outside to the porch.

  She shut the glass door and stepped into Logan's face just as he grabbed for the charcoal bag. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

  The bag juggled in his fingers before he gathered a firm grip. "Can you not scare the hell out of me, geez, Kat! What are you talking about?"

  "Your attitude, that's what. You were all smiles and charm when you walked in the door and then just as suddenly you were abrupt and rude. You just shut her down and walked out. That is so unlike you. She thinks you know something and it's something bad about her."

  Kat's demeaning stare made Logan feel two inches tall. He knew he'd been rude to a portion of people, or if he was being honest, everyone, today. But the one person he should never treat that way is Doni.

  "Do you know something?"

  Logan set the bag of charcoal down as he moved the grill over a spot. Not that the grill needed to be moved. But damn if he didn't need to keep his hands active and away from his face.

  "No. I didn't lie. We made no headway whatsoever. I didn't mean to make her think otherwise."

  "Charlotte called today. She said you were a meanie. What's that about? You're not known for being a meanie, Logan. And Seth—"

  Logan held his hand up as he shifted the grill over another inch. "I don't want him mad at me. I'm just doing my job. He won't even answer my calls."

  "He's being dumb and when he realizes that, he'll apologize. Look, Logan, you're the sheriff, yes, but the whole weight of the world is not on your shoulders. You are one man. I know you didn't mean to act that way towards Doni, but maybe you need to take a step back and take a deep breath. Ask for help. Or let the help in when it's offered."

  Kat turned her head and saw Doni working busily at the counter. "I told her to make cookies. She tries really hard to be brave…for you, I imagine. This case is about her. She wants to be included. Try being a little more forthcoming with your answers next time."

  "I know the case is about her, but generally you don't share a case with a victim," Logan snapped.

  "Is that what she is to you? A victim? If you weren't my brother, I would slap you silly for saying such a thing," Kat retorted through clenched teeth.

  "Damn it, Kat! I can't see her like she was last night. When I opened that bathroom door, I…I thought she hurt herself. The blood…the silence…I just can't see that again. All that from a small memory that still gave us no clue to anything about her. Okay, a guy named Brent she may or may not be dating. Not much to go on. No damn evidence in the woods, Mr. Barten threatening me with buckshot, Seth pissed for supposedly accusing his best friend of being involved, and…and it's just all too damn much right now. I need to be a meanie, as Charlotte likes to put it, or I'm going to explode," Logan said, whipping around towards the yard, heaving heavy breaths.

  "I think this was you just exploding, Logan. Do you feel better? You need to let it out. You can't shut people out. Not me, and especially Doni. I get last night scared you. It scared Seth, or he wouldn't be so obtuse right now. But she needs to face her fears. I've said it before. I'm saying it again. Holding back from her is not the answer. Let us help. Just talk to us. Don't come rushing outside to get the grill going."

  "How are we going to eat if I don't get the grill going?" Logan asked, turning back towards her. He grabbed the charcoal bag and started to pour some charcoal into the grill.

  "This is why I hate having conversations with men. You get absolutely nowhere. You dumb men never listen. Clean your ears, Logan!" Kat retorted and stomped back inside the house.

  Logan continued to get the grill going while he pondered everything Kat said. He knew he acted like a jerk. The entire day, not just with Doni inside the house. He couldn't, nor wouldn't, apologize to anyone. He wasn't that sorry acting that way towards them. Nosy busybodies that needed to mind their business. People needed to cooperate when he tried to do his job. But he knew he needed to apologize to Doni. He should never act that way with her. She was fragile. Yet, so brave. Kat was right. He needed to trust she could handle it. One breakdown should not make him discredit her bravery altogether.

  He stepped inside the house, making his way to the fridge as Doni tossed in a pan of cookies in the oven. Kat sat at the kitchen table fiddling with her phone and an angry glare headed his way. He suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, knowing she was right and he was wrong. He grabbed the steaks, walking back outside without a word. He needed to formulate the correct words in his mind before he spoke to either of them. Mainly Doni.

  When he knew the steaks were good for a few minutes before they needed to be turned, he headed back in the house with his apology on his lips. Doni stood in front of the sink washing her recent dirtied dishes from the cookies. She didn't even glance his way when he opened the sliding door. He couldn't tell if that was indifference on her part or intentional. He didn't wait to find out. He slid behind her body, leaning close as he pressed a soft kiss on her neck.

  "Forgive me, Doni. I was a jerk before. I hated seeing you the way you were last night, and I guess, I'm afraid to share anything in fear of how you'll react. I don't ever want to see you hurt in any way, ever again. Physical or emotional. I just can't stand it. But I promise I won't do that again. Please forgive me."

  She bit her lip as his breath tickled her neck, sending shooting sensations of pleasure throughout her body. His words were meant for forgiveness, not yearning. But she couldn't help herself or the way her body reacted. She liked when he was near, and when he whispered, no matter the words, in her ear.

  "You're mad at me." He said it as a statement, yet it hung in the air like a question. A heavy burden between them.

  She rested her back against his chest, relishing in the tender way he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm not mad. I never was. More so, worried, than anything else. I know I scared you. I scared myself. I promise I never meant to hurt myself. I was staring at myself, the unknown swirling around me, and I just got so angry. I punched the mirror without thinking. I was just frustrated."

  "And I believe you."

  "So, did something happen today? Did you find something?" she asked, wanting to turn around and look him in the eye, but fear held her in place. What would she see in his eyes?

  "I swear, I found nothing. That's why I've been so cranky today. I need to find something, but not a damn piece of evidence is popping up. I'm sorry for that as well, honey."

  She finally grabbed his hands to loosen his grip and turned in his arms. His eyes held nothing but concern and caring. "Don't ever be sorry about that. You're doing everything you can. Try not to be so hard on yourself."

  "That's what I said," Kat piped in from behind.

  Logan turned around to face Kat, bringing Doni within the crook of his arm. "Okay, okay, I hear you lovely ladies. I will try to snap out of this meanie funk I landed in. Because I hate seeing that sad look in your eyes." He kissed her cheek.

  "Now if only Seth would get his head out of his ass," Kat muttered as her fingers flew over her phone screen with quick precision. "He won't even answer my calls or texts."

  "I'm not upset the way he acted. I expected it, actually. Evan's his best friend." Logan glanced at the clock, noting he had another minute or two before he had to flip the steaks.

  "Did you find anything out about Wayne?" Kat asked, glad to see Logan was back to his normal self. She rolled her eyes just thinking about his asinine attitude from before, earning a smirk from Logan, who probably knew the exact reason she rolled her eyes in the first place.

  "Who's Wayne?" Doni asked.

  "He's Evan's brother. He hasn't been around town for ten years or so. He wasn't good news back then and still isn't. Evan didn't have much to say, telling me he knows nothing and saw nothing, but he did suggest I run Wayne's record to find his brother," Logan said with a hint of sarcasm.

  "Really? He had to cock an attitude. Like you don't know how to do your job," Kat said.

  "Don't worry about it, Kat. I already have Seth mad at me. Let's not make this bigger than it needs to be. Keep your loud mouth out of it. I can handle Evan."

  "Well, does he have a record?" Doni asked, her eyes switching between Kat and Logan as they bantered.

  Logan gave a chuckle that spoke volumes. "A mile long. He's been in and out of jail since the day he left. He's bad news. Tracked him all the way to Florida—"

  "Florida?" Doni interrupted, a strange look crossing her features.

  "Yeah. Does Florida ring a bell? Something feel familiar?" Logan asked with hope.

  "No. I don’t know why I interrupted you," Doni replied with a shrug.

  Logan knew better than to press. "Well, he was released from another stint in jail about two years ago down in Florida and I can't track him from then on. It's like he dropped off the face of the earth."

  "Or up to no good…" Kat offered, glimpsing at Doni so briefly only Logan saw it.

  "Well, I'll keep at it. Barten was no help. Although, he's an asshole, I don't get the feeling he's involved. Evan, well, probably not him either. But Wayne, I don't like just thinking of him. We tracked a few
reports of strangers roaming around town, according to the information given to Charlotte by concerned citizens, which panned out to be nothing. So, we really have no lead to go on from here. Doesn't mean I'm going to quit. I'll figure this out," Logan said, clasping Doni's face as he kissed her with a tenderness that spoke volumes. "I have to flip the steaks. The cookies smell delicious. I can't wait to taste one."

  Doni watched Logan walk back outside, thinking about his retreating words. She had a peculiar feeling he wasn't just talking about cookies. Her body tingled from the thought of what he truly had in mind.

  Chapter 13

  Lucky, Minnesota

  Sheriff's Office

  7:45 AM

  A knock sounded on Logan's door just as he sat down at his desk. He barely made it into the office with a moment of peace, or a chance to catch his breath, as every early riser in town felt the need to stop him offering a so-called tidbit of juicy information or questions pertaining to Doni. Most wanting to know why she hadn't been back into town since the first time she appeared. Logan really wanted to answer with—because of you. Instead, he smiled his friendly sheriff smile and replied with a nonplus answer that had them shaking their heads at his retreating back.

  "You busy, Logie?" Charlotte asked, walking in without an invite. Her hands were positioned behind her back, a thousand-watt smile on her face, and her posture suggesting she wouldn't be leaving until she had her say.

  "Apparently not." He leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of coffee he managed to grab from the break room before attempting to hide in his office.

  "Oh, so you're still in meanie mode," Charlotte stated, changing her hands from behind her back to her hips.

  "Char-Char, I just got in. Barely unscathed. I can't even sneak into my own office without everyone hounding me."

  "Well, you are the sheriff," she replied, raising a brow that dared him to argue with her. "But, let's move on, shall we? You need to talk to Bolt."


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