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The Family Next Door

Page 12

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Hey sweetie. What’s up?” Melanie asked happily.

  “None of my scrubs fit,” Katie whined as she rounded the corner of the family room and stepped into the kitchen.

  Melanie chuckled into the phone, “You’re pregnant. They’re not supposed to fit.”

  “Mom, you’re not helping. I have to work today. What am I going to do?” Katie rolled her eyes before she zeroed in on the Dunkin Donuts bag Patrick had left.

  “When do you have to be at work?” Melanie asked.

  “Eleven. I’m cutting back to half-time until the baby’s born,” Katie responded distractedly as she opened the donut bag, and peeked in. She grinned when she saw the jelly-filled donut. Patrick was being so sweet, she thought.

  “Are you listening to me?” her mom chirped through the phone.

  “Huh?” Katie mumbled as she sank her teeth into the donut.

  “I said…I have the day off. I’ll come over there, and bring you some of the scrubs I used when I was pregnant with Cora,” Melanie sighed. “What are you doing?”

  “Eating,” Katie’s voice was garbled as she chewed the donut. “Dr. Stevens says I’m not fat enough yet,” she groaned.

  “You’ll get there if you’re anything like me,” Melanie snickered. “I gained over forty pounds with Cora, and more than that with you and Joe. Just eat healthy, that’s what’s important.”

  “I know Mom,” Katie sighed exasperatedly.

  “Don’t get mad at me,” Melanie chastised. “Wait until you’re a little further along. You’ll be amazed at the things you want to eat. I had a thing for watermelon when I was pregnant with Joe.”

  “Mom, you were pregnant with Joe in the winter,” Katie huffed.

  “Yeah, I know,” Melanie laughed. “Your dad had quite a time finding me watermelon in the winter, and when he did…it cost a fortune.”

  “So you actually made him go out and look for it?” Katie stuffed the last bite of donut in her mouth and flopped down in a chair at the kitchen table.

  “Just wait,” Melanie predicted knowingly. “You think I’m making this up, but when a craving strikes…nothing’s going to get rid of it.”

  “Maybe I should send Patrick over to talk to Dad, that way he can be prepared,” Katie joked.

  “Your dad would laugh, and tell him he’s on his own. Dealing with a pregnant woman is something all husbands just have to figure out. We’re all different,” Melanie giggled. “I’ll be over in a little while. I gotta get the kids out to the bus.”

  “Alright. Thanks Mom,” Katie clicked the phone shut, and stood to go in search of more food. The donut had only taken the edge off of her hunger.


  Later that morning as she was sitting on the couch watching TV, there was a knock at the door. Katie opened it to find her mom standing there with an armload of bags.

  “I brought you some things to get started with,” Melanie stepped through the door and dropped the bags on the couch. “There are scrubs and crocs in here. You’re feet are going to swell, and shoes are not going to be comfortable for too much longer.”

  Katie’s shoulders slumped forward, “He’s not going to want to touch me. I’m going to be so fat and ugly.” A tear slowly trickled down her cheek as she glanced up at her mom, “I don’t want to get fat.”

  “Oh honey. Patrick is going to love you no matter what happens to your body. You’re carrying his child. He’s going to think you’re beautiful,” her mom stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. “We’ve all felt this way. Trust me. I know what you’re going through.”

  Katie nodded against her mother’s shoulder as a sigh escaped her lips. “I know…I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” She lifted her head to look into her mom’s eyes, “One minute I’m happy, and excited about this baby. Then the next…I’m a blubbering mess.”

  Melanie guided her daughter over to the couch to sit, “Did you sleep through this rotation in med school?”

  Katie’s forehead wrinkled, “What?”

  “This is normal,” she reached up and wiped the tears from her daughter’s cheeks. “You have all these feelings because of the hormones. You know this.” Melanie grinned. “You studied it when you did your OB rotation.”

  “It’s not the same,” Katie whined. “Reading something in a book, and going through it yourself is way different,” she rolled her eyes.

  “You’re right…it is, but I assure you…everything you’re going through is normal,” Melanie patted her on the knee. “You can always call me to talk, and I’ll try to help you in any way I can. I’m your mom…it’s my job.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” Katie leaned over and placed her head on Melanie’s shoulder. “I’m so glad you’re a doctor, too.”

  “Why’s that?” Melanie queried.

  “Because you understand that even though you might be a doctor, you don’t have all the answers,” Katie sighed.

  “No doctor does,” Melanie murmured. “But I’m not here as a doctor…I’m here as your mom.”

  “Well, you know what I mean,” Katie shrugged.

  “I do,” Melanie sighed before pushing herself to a standing position. “Well, I better head home. You need to get ready for work.”

  “Yeah…I guess you’re right,” Katie glanced at the bags again. “Thanks for all this.”

  “No problem, and can you say that first part again?” Melanie smiled.

  Katie bit her lip as she thought about what she had just said, “Huh?”

  “The part about me being right…I don’t hear that from you very often,” she stepped toward the door as she smiled at her daughter’s expression.

  “Yes Mom…you were right…this time,” Katie held up a finger and rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, what am I going to do with you?” Melanie tossed her head back. “Love you,” she laughed as she stepped out the door, leaving her daughter to get ready for work.

  Chapter 16

  6 weeks later…

  “Happy Birthday to you…happy birthday to…you,” Patrick’s soft voice wafted through the air as Katie snuggled further down into the covers.

  “Five more minutes,” she grumbled as she shifted away from her husband.

  “Nope…time to get up, sleepyhead,” he crooned as he nuzzled the back of her neck. “I’ve got the whole day planned.”

  “Paaaattrick,” Katie whined. “I didn’t get any sleep last night.”

  His brow furrowed in concern, “Why? Should we have gone to bed earlier? We didn’t have to stay up watching that movie if you were too tired…” he began to ramble.

  Katie rolled over, and pressed her lips to his, silencing him, “No, it wasn’t anything that we did. Well,” she blushed, “Maybe something we did…”

  Patrick grinned as he watched her cheeks redden in embarrassment, “And what might that have been?”

  Katie swatted him as she groaned and shifted in the bed, “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re insatiable at times.” She giggled as she watched his chest swell in pride, “I mean, the reason I’m tired is because this baby decided to try out for the gymnastics team last night.”

  “I’m sorry,” Patrick’s face softened as he reached over and caressed her belly. “It’s not too much longer.”

  “Are you kidding me?” she gasped. “Five more months are a long time when you’re pregnant,” she grumbled and shifted in the bed yet again. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take,” a tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

  “Oh baby, don’t cry,” Patrick leaned in and kissed her softly. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too,” she sighed as she rolled to face her husband. “So what’s on the agenda today?”

  “I was thinking we could spend the day on the beach. You know…like we used to do?” he grinned.

  “Patrick, I am not wearing a bathing suit while I look like this,” she scowled and waved her hand in front of herself.

  “Then don’t,” he shrugged
. “Just put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I don’t care. I just thought we could sit in the sun, and relax.”

  “Okay,” she released a breath as she rolled toward the edge of the bed, groaned, and fought with gravity to get to a sitting position.

  “You get dressed,” he walked around to her side of the bed and extended a hand to help her stand. “I’m going to go pack us a lunch to take, and I’ll meet you in the kitchen,” he kissed the top of her head lightly before heading out of their room.


  “So…is everything ready?” Patrick whispered into the phone.

  “Yep. Come by here around four. I hope you’re right about this being a good idea,” Matt warned.

  “It will be. She needs some cheering up,” Patrick grinned, and glanced around to make sure Katie hadn’t heard him. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Sure…later,” Matt hung up.


  “Who was that?” Katie called as she strode in from the living room.

  “Who was what?” Patrick scrunched his nose trying to play dumb.

  “Who was on the phone?” she rolled her eyes as she watched him fumble around the kitchen.

  “Oh, nobody,” he turned his back to her as he continued to place items in the cooler. “Just work. I told them not to bother me today,” he shook his head and prayed that she bought the excuse.

  “Oh, okay. Well, I’m ready when you are,” she smiled as she moved to sit on a chair at the kitchen table.

  “Let me grab a blanket, and then we’re all set. Grab your purse, or anything you might need, and meet me at the car,” he called as he jogged up the stairs toward the linen closet.

  As he rounded the top of the stairs, his phone chimed. Without even looking at the caller ID, he flipped it open, and placed it against his ear, “What Matt?”

  “Not Matt,” the sugary voice crooned from the other end.

  Patrick’s demeanor instantly went from relaxed and happy to high alert, “What do you want, Tinsley?”

  “I was just wondering what you were doing today? I know you’re not coming into the office. I thought you might like some company,” her voice dropped low to almost a whisper.

  “I’m celebrating Katie’s birthday with her. You know…my wife,” he ground out as he stood there in the hallway.

  “Maybe I could come over later, or meet you somewhere,” she giggled. “I bet you’d like that. I bet Miss Perfect hasn’t been doing a stellar job of taking care of things.”

  Patrick’s already tense body began to vibrate with anger. He grabbed the blanket he’d been looking for, turned, and began to stomp down the stairs. “What my wife and I do is none of your business. Do not call me again,” he seethed.

  “Oh Patrick,” she laughed haughtily. “Do you have any idea whom you’re talking to? One phone call from me to dear old daddy and you’re jobless. It would be a shame, too. I mean…how would you take care of your family?”

  As the color drained from his face, he stumbled through the kitchen making his way outside. “How I take care of my wife and child is none of your business. Besides…you wouldn’t do that.”

  “Oh but I would,” she chuckled. “You go enjoy your time with the ice princess, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Patrick growled as he slammed the back door shut and proceeded to lock it. “Please don’t do this,” he began to beg into the phone as he decided to try another tactic.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she chirped. “You came on to me…remember? You pushed me against the wall…you kissed me…sound familiar?” she clicked her tongue. “Have a nice day,” the call disconnected before he could respond.


  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Katie reached out tentatively toward his shoulder. “You seem really tense.”

  “I’m fine,” Patrick’s body was wound so tight he thought he might snap any minute. The conversation with Tinsley was fresh on his mind, and he couldn’t seem to relax. Anger was slowly building in him, and he wasn’t sure how to release it. He had promised Katie a day to remember as they celebrated her last birthday before they became parents. It was definitely going to be memorable. He was ready to snap.

  “You don’t seem fine,” she studied his profile and could almost feel the anger. Her brow furrowed as she watched a muscle in his jaw clench. “Did something happen at work? Do you need to go in? Is that it? Are you worried about cancelling on me?”

  “Stop! Ok? Just stop! Nothing is wrong. I’m okay. Just…don’t,” he ground his teeth together, trying with all his might not to bite her head off. She was not the problem. Tinsley was. His wife was only concerned. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled as he watched her slump in her seat. “I got some bad news from work, and I’m trying to not think about it right now. I want to be here with you, and only you. I don’t want to think, talk, or have any other dealings with my job today. Okay?”

  “Fine,” she whispered as she propped her elbow on the door, and leaned against it. “I won’t say anything else,” she mumbled defeatedly.

  “No…,” he sighed. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to take any of this out on you. Really…let’s forget about it. I want to spend the entire day with my wife, celebrating that she was born, and I’m lucky enough to be in her life,” he glanced in her direction as the hint of a smile played on his lips.

  “Deal,” she grinned back at him. “No more talk about anything except how awesome I am.”


  After arriving at the beach, Patrick rented an umbrella and placed all their items under it. It was fairly warm, even for May, and Katie had spent most of the day in the shade the umbrella had provided. She was currently lying on her back with her head in her husband’s lap as he ran his fingers through her soft blonde hair.

  “This is more like it,” Patrick mumbled as he sipped his water, and massaged his wife’s scalp.

  “Un huh,” Katie groaned as she relaxed further into his lap. “I could stay here all day like this.”

  As he absentmindedly played with the small hairs at her nape, he couldn’t help but stare out into the distance. It had been a long time since they’d been to the beach to just relax. There had always been something going on…a wedding, a party, babysitting their brothers and sister.

  Patrick watched the waves crash, leaving a sparkly sheen behind where they had soaked the sand. The sun shone brightly above them, reflecting on the water. Several boats and jet skis bobbed out in the distance. He smiled to himself as he thought about how many times they’d rented one in the past.

  Glancing down at Katie, he noticed she’d fallen asleep. His thoughts traveled back to what the future would hold for them, and how much things were about to change. Simple pleasures like riding a jet ski were going to be distant memories, and building sand castles with their child would become the new reality.

  A small child squealed in the distance, bringing Patrick’s attention back to the beach. A little boy was scampering down the beach with his hands high above him, golden locks blowing in the wind he was creating. A man, probably his father, chased after him laughing. Within moments, the father had caught up to him, and tossed him in the air, both smiling brightly. The pair made their way into the shallow surf, and splashing soon ensued as they erupted into a fit of giggles.

  Patrick couldn’t help but stare at them. The father looked so proud of his son, and the boy was still lost in the innocence of childhood. Neither one of the pair seemed to have a care in the world.

  Katie shifted slightly on his lap causing the hand he had resting on her hip to slip slightly. When it caressed her abdomen innocently, he felt it. He’d yet to get the baby to move much when he was touching her. It seemed in the past their child would only cooperate when he was at a slight distance. But today…today was his lucky day. At that moment, their baby had finally decided to give him a break. The slight nudging he felt continued for a moment before the baby got comfortable and settled.

smiled, and then glanced back to where the father and son were playing in the water. As he continued to stare, the two figures began to transform into his son, and himself. He began picturing all the things he’d teach their child. Swimming, fishing, hockey…he was finally able to see all the things Katie had seen long before this baby was created. Fatherhood didn’t seem so scary anymore, and the idea of being a dad made his heart leap.

  His phone began to vibrate on the blanket beside him, bringing him out of his thoughts. He frowned as he glanced at his watch. It wasn’t time to go over to Hannah and Matt’s, so he had no idea who would be calling. He glanced down at the caller ID, and his breath caught in his throat. 617-238-5113 flashed across the screen. What the hell did she want now? He hit ignore as a growl slid up his throat. Seconds later, it began vibrating again…617-238-5113. He picked it up, and held it in his hand glaring at it, wishing he could reach through it and strangle her. Again he hit ignore. He tossed his head back, careful to not wake his sleeping wife who was still resting her head in his lap. Just when he went to turn the phone off, it vibrated with a text.

  617-238-5113: Don’t ignore me or next time I’ll call your wife’s phone.

  IceKing: What do you want?

  617-238-5113: You need to come in early tomorrow. I want to talk to you…in private.

  Patrick pinched his eyes shut as he fought to control the bile rising in his throat. He had no idea how he was going to get away from her. Tinsley was slowly inserting herself into his life, and he was afraid. Afraid of losing everything he loved. Katie and this baby meant everything to him. What would she think if she ever found out about Tinsley? Would she be able to forgive him?

  Probably not.

  Chapter 17

  After packing up their things from the beach, Patrick began driving toward Hannah and Matt’s. He and Matt had planned everything. They were going to have the whole family over for a big birthday dinner.

  Patrick was excited for not only the get together, but also to see the house. Matt had found the colonial not long after he and Hannah had married. It was not far from the Montgomery’s home but had been in need of some serious repair. Matt had finally finished his night classes in architecture, and had been hoping to find a job, but found the house instead. Austin, the girls’ father, had helped Matt restore the home, in his free time. He’d claimed that he missed being in the field doing hands-on work. Austin had been in charge at his firm for so long, he had almost forgotten what it was like to be in the field doing the hands-on work. He had missed it.


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